"Yes, master!" Michiko nodded.

This woman is unrestrained, ruthless and ungrateful, and she has no so-called national plot and national righteousness. When Li Zedao asked her to burn the Yasukuni Shrine, she said it was inappropriate, not because of the importance of the Jingguo Shrine to the island country, but because she was afraid that the incident would be revealed and be tortured to death by the angry Japanese people!

But when I think about it, when this place is burned and Ito Junichi is killed, the master will take her to wander the world, living a life like a fairy couple, who would know that this place was burned?

Therefore, she now feels that burning this place is not a big deal, and even finds it exciting and interesting. If the matter is not too important, she would like to take a selfie and post it on Moments, it will definitely become popular!

At that moment, she simply picked up the candlestick full of lamp oil, blew out the candle flame, and then sprinkled all the lamp oil inside on the easy-to-burn wooden utensils and cloth cotton tent, and then picked up another Candelabra, still up.

In an instant, the flames ignited!

"Ito Junichi, you actually watched your son Ito Shinichi and your grandson Ito Yoshitake unite to rape me, and you turned the Jinguo Shrine into your prostitute, I hate you!" Her voice Said viciously.

This is what the master asked her to say, and to make her a little emotional. Michiko Katsuta complied very well. Although she didn't know why the master asked herself to say these words, it seemed to be quite fun.

There was a fire inside, and there was no one outside. The insider Li Zedao, Nanji and Michiko Katsuta would not go to the police stupidly, so no one knew.

Therefore, when the people outside saw the thick smoke coming from here and learned that the Zhenling Club was on fire, the fire had already gotten out of control, and it must be too late to fight the fire.

"Burn you sons of the Baga turtle!" Li Zedao looked at the blazing fire that was crazily devouring the photo of the god, with a neurotic and cruel expression on his face!

"Master, let's go out quickly." Michiko nodded and said.

"You don't have to go out, stay here with your 'ancestor'." Li Zedao turned around and said coldly.

Michiko Katsuta was taken aback, not understanding what the other party meant, then her face changed wildly, and her eyes were full of horror, because she found that her body seemed to be frozen in ice, and her mouth was kept closed. In the slightly open state, it can't be closed or opened, and it can't say anything.

Li Zedao turned around, and then, Michiko Katsuta's eyes widened even wider,

From the jumping corners of her eyes and the twitching muscles on her face, it can be seen how much her emotions fluctuate now, and from her eyes, it can be seen how terrified she is in her heart.

Because, before Li Zedao turned around, he had already taken off the mask on his face, revealing his original handsome face.

Li Zedao has a bright smile on his face, and he is a handsome and sunny boy next door: "Miss Michiko, let me introduce myself. I am Li Zedao, a Chinese, and a...well, soldier... oh, thank you for your cooperation ..."

Michiko Katsuta's eyes were so wide that their eyeballs were about to fall off, and her face was distorted due to the twitching so much.

why? why?

She wants to roar, she wants to go crazy, she wants to kill... But, she can't do anything! She could only stare at this damn Chinese man who had fooled herself around with vicious and horrified eyes!

"Then...see you again!" Li Zedao said with a smile, raising his hand, holding a dagger that was shining with cold light.

Then, the knife flashed! There is a bloodstain on Katsuda Michiko's throat!

After all, it was too painful to be burned alive. She did him such a big favor, and Li Zedao felt that he should do something for her, so he saved her from the pain of the burning fire that she was about to suffer.


Those foolish people who were still gathering in the southeast corner to search for Mori Kogoro, finally found that there seemed to be thick smoke rising from the direction of the Zhenlingshe, and rushed over immediately, and then...they were dumbfounded.

I saw that the entire Zhenling Society had been engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. The fire burned down the roof of the hall, and part of the roof of the main hall was burnt down, and the fire burst into the sky!


"Baga, how could this be..."

"Quick, put out the fire..."


The almost horrifying voice sounded everywhere, you know, this is their belief, who would have thought that this place would be burned by such a bizarre fire one day.


Junichi Ito, who was drinking tea with a calm face, trembled when he heard that Zhenlingshe was on fire. The face that has always been calm and calm is now full of horror, and immediately jumped up from the ground, not caring about putting on the wooden clogs, and just ran towards the Zhenling Society in white socks past.

When I came to the front, I was even more dumbfounded when I saw the flames soaring into the sky! As the spiritual belief and sustenance of the entire island country, the Zhenling Society, does it really mean that during his tenure as a palace secretary, he will become a pair of ruins?

Let alone being sprayed to death by countless islanders, even if the Chinese don't say a word, Ito Junichi will feel so guilty that he wants to commit seppuku! Because, he himself is a fanatical right-winger, a fanatical militarist, or in other words, members of the entire Ito family are!

Otherwise, how could the Ito family guard the Jinguo Shrine for generations?

But now... Junyi Ito felt that his heart had been stabbed so hard that he was almost suffocating in pain.

"Baga...who did it? Who did it? Put out the fire...put out the fire..." he roared loudly, his voice was exhausted.

The entire Jingguo Shrine was completely messed up, whether it was a man or a woman, whether it was a security guard, a cook, a toilet cleaner, or someone who simply slept with Junichi Ito, everyone flocked here. Quickly activated the fire emergency plan. In the panic, people came and went, and no one noticed that behind a big tree not far away, two pairs of cold eyes were staring at the fire.

"True relief." Nanji clenched his fists, his little face covered with a black cloth was full of cruelty.

"Yeah, it's really refreshing." Li Zedao, who had already put on the mask of Mori Kogoro, agreed, and the face under the mask was equally ruthless.

"Wait for me at that place." Li Zedao looked back at Nanji and said.

The so-called place is the wall where Li Zedao threw the snake's head out before. Now that the fire is burning, the people here have to do more than fight the fire. Naturally, no one will go to that place.

Antarctic nodded slightly: "Okay, be careful."

"Don't worry." Li Zedao nodded.

After watching Nanji leave, Li Zedao turned around, and his eyes fell on Junichi Ito who was standing there roaring like crazy. His eyes were cold, and then he waved his hand, and there was already an extra pistol in his hand.

At the moment, his gun was aimed at Junichi Ito's right shoulder.

Yes, shoulders, not heads! Because Junichi Ito can't die now, Li Zedao still has to get the blue safety button from him, and he still wants to dig out information about Master from him, so he can't die yet, but it doesn't matter It means that he can't live like dead, and can't be half dead!

Li Zedao resolutely pulled the trigger hard.

"Bang!" The pistol equipped with a silencer made a small muffled sound.

Then, Ito Junichi's body trembled violently, and there was already a blood hole on his right shoulder.

If in normal times, when being pointed at with a gun at such a close range, even if the murderous aura on the opponent's body has not restrained at all, Jun Ito found out early in the morning and directly pulled out his soft sword to chop off the opponent's head.

But now, because the Zhenling Society was engulfed in flames, he seemed to be in a state of heartbreak and distraction, so he was simply recruited.

Even, the scene was already in chaos at this time, and everyone was desperately trying to put out the fire, so no one noticed that their master, their respected and beloved Lord Palace Secretary, had already been plotted against.

Ito Junichi didn't exclaim in surprise, nor did he quickly reach out to cover the wound like the others, as if the bullet hadn't hit his body, his small eyes narrowed, and then he turned around abruptly.

When he saw the man standing over there relentlessly blowing the wisps of smoke from the muzzle of his gun, he narrowed his eyes again, and then slowly walked towards this arrogant guy step by step , and said in an extremely cold voice: "You... set the fire?"

"No." Li Zedao said with a smile, "However, I know who released it... I won't tell you!"

"You, go to hell!" Junichi Ito said. I didn't see any movement of his body, but his body disappeared in an instant.

Without saying a word, Li Zedao turned his head and ran away! The speed is like an arrow from the string! This old immortal guy has too many helpers, let's lure him away from this place first.

Li Zedao fought with Ito Yoshitake, so now he clearly knows the method of the sword demon Ito Junichi who trained Ito Yoshitake.

In the next second, Junichi Ito appeared behind Li Zedao like a gangrene. At the same time, his left hand pulled out the software from his waist, and then slammed towards Li Zedao's back. Back rowed over.

"Hiss..." This was the dull sound made by the soft sword in Ito Junichi's hand piercing the air.

"Bang!" This was the sound of Li Zedao shooting backwards while fleeing quickly. Damn, do you think it's great to have a soft sword? This handsome guy is a man with a gun!

"Hiss..." Ito Junichi's sword missed, because the opponent's escape speed was too fast, and he had to dodge the bullet from the opponent's pistol first!

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