The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1096 Private Island

"Actually, when I come back this time, apart from seeing my second uncle and you, I also want to do something very important to me."

"Sister, is it convenient for you to talk?" He Xiaofeng asked with a smile.

He Xiaoyu and Qin Xiangjun's eyes also fell on this cousin who has an excellent image and temperament, a little curious about what the so-called important thing is.

He Xiaoyue glanced at He Xiaofeng and said with a smile: "It's okay to tell you, but don't laugh at your sister... I want to find someone, or to say, to find the happiness that belongs to me!"

He Xiaofeng was taken aback: "Cousin, are you still married?" What a waste of resources, such a beautiful woman is still single? Are those islanders blind? Or is it that this cousin's vision is too high to look down on them?

He Xiaoyue smiled and nodded. In name, she is Zhang Hailong's woman, but in fact Zhang Hailong didn't give her a romantic wedding, and the two didn't get legal support, so they really can't be considered married.

"I am indeed single now, but when I was in the island country, I fell in love with a Chinese boy for no reason. He should be from Yanjing, so I want to go to Yanjing to find him." He Xiaoyue smiled happily and generously.

After going through so many ups and downs, and doing such disgusting bastard things, for He Xiaoyue now, there is really nothing to be shy about. She likes Hutch, so I will go back to Huaxia, thinking of waiting for him in the city where he lives, it is best to create a beautiful date, it's that simple.

He Xiaofeng, He Xiaoyu, and Qin Xiangjun looked at each other in blank dismay. They never thought that what this noble woman said was very important to her would be chasing a certain boy to Huaxia coming.

Oh my god, what an excellent man must be to make such a woman willingly chase after him across the ocean?

"He must be very good?" Qin Xiangjun asked.

He Xiaoyue said with a smile: "Xiang Jun, don't be angry if you tell me, that man is much better and handsome than my cousin, that kind of man is a deadly poison to us women , If you are not careful, you will be poisoned."

"..." He Xiaofeng had a knife in his chest, please, cousin, you can't demote your brother to death just to praise your lover!

Someone better than me... there is! He Xiaofeng had to admit that that bastard Li Zedao was much better than him, and he didn't know how that guy's head grew, how could he have such strong insight and reasoning ability? It was as if possessed by Sherlock Holmes.

and his skill,

It always made He Xiaofeng feel ashamed and want to die.

But handsomer than him... Are you kidding me? It's not a problem that his good looks can beat that narcissist Li Zedao ten streets! Not only is he better than him, he is even more handsome... He Xiaofeng thinks that this cousin she is talking about is his future son, right? He Xiaofeng thinks it's normal for his appearance and ability to be surpassed by his own son, isn't it true that blue is better than blue?

Although Qin Xiangjun has Xiaobao now, He Xiaofeng also treats that cute little kid as his own son to coax him, but the understanding Qin Xiangjun shyly expressed that he is willing to help He Xiaofeng give birth to a child who truly belongs to him. Their two children, the two of them are also working hard on this matter these days.

Qin Xiangjun looked at He Xiaofeng with a happy smile on his face and said, "In my heart, he is the most handsome and the best."

He Xiaofeng looked at Qin Xiangjun with a silly smile on his face, he couldn't be more satisfied with what she said.

He Xiaoyue smiled and looked at He Xiaoyu, her cousin. She was just born when she left, and now she has become a full-fledged beauty.

"What about you, Xiaoyu? Xiaofeng is about to get married, so you must already have a boyfriend?" He Xiaoyue asked, "Come out and see me and let my sister check it out for you?"

He Xiaoyu said with a shy smile, "He's not in Fenghuang City, he's out on errands, and when he comes back, he must be brought to see his cousin." Li Zedao's situation and identity are a bit special, so He Xiaoyu didn't say much.

"Okay." He Xiaoyue said with a smile, "A man who can make your eyes light up and be happy when you mention it must be excellent, right?"

"Well, much better than him, and much more handsome." He Xiaoyu pointed at He Xiaofeng and smiled.

"..." He Xiaofeng was stabbed in the chest again, and really wanted to cry in Qin Xiangjun's arms. How could that bastard Li Zedao be more handsome than him?


Katsuta Taro informed on the phone that the relevant documents related to the purchase of the private island had come, and as long as Li Zedao signed it, then he could have an island of his own.

So Li Zedao drove to Katsuta Taro's villa again.

"Master." Katsuta Taro bowed his waist and welcomed Li Zedao into the villa, just like a most loyal housekeeper.

Li Zedao nodded and walked into the villa, and then sat down on the spacious, comfortable and soft leather sofa as if returning to his own home, and then Katsuta Taro quickly asked him to bring a cup of fragrant of hot tea.

Except for the strong aphrodisiac, Li Zedao's body is immune to almost all poisons, so he is not afraid of Katsuta Taro putting medicine in it, so he took a few sips calmly, um, the taste is just like that.

Ever since he drank the tea that master brewed at Grandpa Wang's place, no matter what kind of tea he drinks now, it's the same for Li Zedao.

"Tell me about the island." Li Zedao looked at the bowed Katsuta Taro and said.

"Yes, master." Taro Katsuta quickly opened the document at hand and introduced, "The name of this island is Safira Island, which is located in San Miguel Bay, Spain, close to the north coast of Ibiza Island. The whole The island covers an area of ​​14 acres and has been built into a resort with complete functions and facilities. There are as many as 300 days of sunshine every year, and you can also enjoy the blue Mediterranean Sea from an excellent perspective...Master, how about this? ?”

"Very good." Li Zedao nodded. Anyway, it sounds pretty good, at least there is no need to spend money on construction. What Li Zedao likes most is to move in with his bags.

Katsuta Taro hurriedly handed over the document in his hand and said, "Master, as long as you are satisfied, as long as you sign this document, then you are the master of this island."

Li Zedao took it, glanced at it, took a pen from Katsuta Taro, signed his name on it, and then fell into a trance involuntarily. Be the owner of the island.

"Thank you." Li Zedao looked at Katsuta Taro and said.

Katsuta Taro quickly nodded and said, "Master, this is what I should do."

"In the past two days, I want to leave the island country and return to China." Li Zedao said. It is a trivial matter to go to see what the island that already belongs to him looks like, and bring the snake head back to China safely as soon as possible is the most important thing.

"Master, this matter has been arranged." Katsuta Taro said quickly, "I told my father that several of my good friends from Huaxia are eager to go back to Huaxia and want to borrow his private jet. My father agrees. Yes. My father also said that two Nisso executives happened to be going to Huaxia. As you know, Huaxia has a branch of Nisso. The situation between the two countries is a bit tense, so they have to deal with the branch. For some things, they will be on the same plane as the master. Of course, if you mind, master, I can talk to my father and let them take another flight to Huaxia by themselves."

"Of course I don't mind." Li Zedao looked at Taro Katsuta with a strange expression and said, "It's just that your father would agree? Why didn't you ask more thanks? You didn't tell him about the video, did you?"

Katsuta Taro shook his head with a wry smile and said: "I said, my father must not kill me? My father usually spoils me very much, and he won't bother me to do some things. Besides, the private jet will be in a few days." On my twenty-seventh birthday, he also wanted to transfer it to my name as a birthday gift to me, so now the plane is also mine, and I have the right to control it."

"Well, you can say whatever you want, as long as you can return to Huaxia as soon as possible." Li Zedao nodded and said, "Then tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll pick up the master tomorrow." Katsuta Taro nodded and said.

Li Zedao waved his hand and said, "I'll just come here by myself." He didn't want people to know that he was hiding in Qingyun headquarters now.

Speaking of which, Li Zedao stood up and said, "Then I'll go back and clean up, and I'll come and find you tomorrow."

"Okay, master." Katsuta Taro nodded and said, and then sent Li Zedao away.

When the off-road vehicle driven by Li Zedao disappeared from sight, Katsuta Taro's face darkened instantly, and the vicious resentment on his face made his face almost twisted into a ball, a little scary .

Footsteps came from behind.

Katsuta Taro turned his head, looked at the middle-aged man who had already bald and had a majestic face who came over, took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Father."

"You're doing well." The middle-aged man said, "It's no different from that obedient Akita dog."

"..." Taro Katsuta blushed.

"After this incident is over, you will still be my son Akio Katsuta, but you will not be the future helm of Nisso!" said the middle-aged man, "Taro, I have given you many chances, but you It still disappoints me.”

Katsuta Taro's expression became even more ugly: "...Father..."

The middle-aged man turned gloomy and said nothing, then turned and left.

He is Akio Katsuta, the helm of Nisso, a world-renowned large-scale comprehensive multinational enterprise group, and the father of Taro Katsuta.

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