The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1097 He Xiaoyang's Request

Knowing that it was his sister who burned the Jinguo Shrine with a torch and was even recorded, and the video was in the hands of Li Zedao, Taro Katsuta was frightened decisively, and completely turned himself into Li Zedao of a dog.

Afterwards, when Li Zedao left, Katsuta Taro cried decisively and helplessly.

Although he is the young master of Shengtian's family, it doesn't mean that he has settled the matters related to Li Zedao's private island before night, it's just that he was too scared to make such a statement.

Compared with whether he can help Li Zedao buy a private island before night, what makes Katsuta Taro more restless is the video, which is equivalent to the Katsuta family, hanging over his head Katsuta Taro The sword of Damoris will be cut off at any time to cut off their heads, and they will be annihilated in ashes, beyond redemption.

So, in the end, there was really no other way. He thought of his father... Isn't cheating popular recently? So Katsuta Taro decisively tricked his father.

Anyway, the matter is already like this, it’s not about me kicking out the Katsuta family, or even killing me, so you can figure it out, besides, in the "passion" video, there is also you, my father , you are not a good bird, you even fucked your own woman, beast!

Katsuta Taro contacted his father Katsuta Akio and confessed everything to him with the mentality that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Although he asked his son Katsuda Taro to visit the Jinguo Shrine with His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister, it was out of political needs. Akio Katsuta himself really hates militarism, Jinguo Shrine and other things , he is a businessman, and what he pursues most is profit.

China's huge market is undoubtedly very important to Nisso, so Akio Katsuta attaches great importance to it, so naturally he doesn't like the Yasukuni Shrine, which will destroy the relationship between the two countries.

However, this kind of dislike is just a matter of thinking in the heart, and it cannot be expressed. On the surface, one still has to express one's respect for those ancestors, otherwise, they will be national sinners, and the Katsuta family will be unable to move an inch in the island country.

Therefore, Akio Katsuta worked hard to maintain the relationship with the Ito family, and even his daughter Michiko Katsuta became the wife of Junichi Ito, the mistress. His son Taro Katsuta also had a good relationship with Yoshitake Ito of the Ito family. relation.

In the morning, when he found out that the Yasukuni Shrine was actually set on fire, Akio Katsuta naturally didn't poke his chest out like those radicals did, as if his father was dead. Instead, he found a place where no one was around. Laughed, that kind of baga ghost place should have been burned by a fire a long time ago.

After that, he got the news of the tragic death of his daughter Michiko Katsuta,

To be honest, I don't feel much grief in my heart. In his heart, Michiko Katsuta is a member of the Ito family and an outsider. Of course, I still feel a little pity. , he and Michiko Katsuta have been husband and wife for more than a day.

But when he received a call from his son Katsuta Taro, who confessed to him what happened during this period of time, Katsuta Akio was decisively dumbfounded.

If the video of the "sexual intercourse" is leaked, it will undoubtedly be a huge scandal. It will do great harm to the Katsuta family and Nisuo, but it will not cause the Katsuta family and Nisuo to fall into doom.

But once the video of Michiko Katsuta burning down the Zhenling Shrine with a torch is leaked...even Akio Katsuta, who is extremely tough, can't imagine the consequences.

An hour after the phone call, Akio Katsuta appeared in the luxurious private villa of Taro Katsuta. After meeting him, his face was ashen, and his hands were raised violently, but in the end, his slap did not slap on his son's face.

"Baga, I didn't hit you, not because you are my son, but because I was afraid that that damned China pig would see the clue." Akio Katsuta said with a livid face.

Hearing what his father said, Taro Katsuta breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Father, do you have a plan?"

"He... must die, and the video must be destroyed!" Akio Katsuta said, his squinted eyes filled with murderous intent.

"..." Katsuta Taro felt that his father was just talking nonsense. Who didn't know that the Bagachina pig had to die, and the video had to be destroyed?

"He wants a private island? I'll give him my private island! He wants to leave the island country? I'll take him away with a private plane!" Akio Katsuta's voice was full of murderous intent, "However, if the private plane crashes Falling into the vast sea, we can only express our regrets, can't we?"

Katsuta Taro's eyes widened instantly.


Knowing that she will leave the island country and return to China the next day, Antarctica, Shadow and Zhou Qian are all a little excited, especially Zhou Qian. This experience is a nightmare for her, and she also misses her family very much, so she is thinking Already at home.

When Li Zedao left Qingyun Building to go to Katsuta Taro's villa, Zhou Qian also contacted her mother. When she heard Zhou's mother's voice, she couldn't help but choked up.

Some careless mothers of Zhou didn't hear anything wrong in her daughter's voice, but asked if you had eaten well, dressed and slept well, did you miss Mom, and did you help Ze as she taught that day? Dao, that brat, you brat who put on a condom, why don’t you say you’re already pregnant?

Zhou Qian blushed and whispered that she and Brother Zedao just hugged each other and nothing else... Oh, Brother Zedao even kissed her, but how could she say such embarrassing words.

Then Zhou’s mother’s stunned voice came over, is it okay for Xiao Li? Otherwise, why is it not as good as a beast? No, no, no, no, I must take him to see the old Chinese doctor who posted the advertisement on the telephone pole. It is said that the effect is very good. .

Zhou Qian was exhausted, and suddenly regretted making this call.

Zhou Yan took Zhou's mother's call and said, dear good sister, tell me if you have done the thing of robbing the rich and helping the poor, have you bought the music listening equipment I want?

Zhou's father snatched Zhou Yan's phone call, and said with a smile that his injury was all healed now, and when she came back, he would help her make a bowl of her favorite rice noodles.

Zhou Qian's nose was sore, indicating that she would be able to return to Huaxia soon.


Shadow dragged Li Zedao to Zhang Hailong's study. He was leaving the island country to return to China tomorrow, so Shadow wanted to see Zhang Hailong for the last time.

But when he came to the front, the shadow did not open the door and walked in, but stood at the door with a dazed expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Not going in?" Li Zedao asked.

"Damn it, it's none of your business whether you can get in or not?" Shadow cast a dissatisfied glance at Li Zedao, but there was a strong sadness in his eyes, "Damn it, if you're a genius girl, don't go in, don't go in..."

Shadow kicked the door twice resentfully, then turned around and kicked Li Zedao's calf again, then threw himself into his arms and said, "Don't go in."

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "Then don't go in."

"But, this talented and beautiful girl is in a bad mood right now, you idiot, take off your pants and let me whip a few times to vent your anger, okay?"

"Okay..." After blurting out without thinking, Li Zedao suddenly came to his senses, and added very depressedly, "Fuck your sister..."

"Oh, my sister is Zhou Qian's little sister, we can discuss whether we smoke her, who made this talented and beautiful girl so understanding?" Shadow's expression was a little embarrassed, "I just don't know if she agrees or not. .”

"..." Li Zedao spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, thinking that it would be hell if she agreed.


Knowing that Li Zedao was leaving the next day, He Xiaoyang naturally felt a lot of reluctance, so he came to Li Zedao with a case of beer, expressing that he wanted to have a drink with him.

Li Zedao readily agreed, and followed him to the top floor of Qingyun Building. The two of them didn't pay much attention to anything. They sat cross-legged on the icy cold floor, bathed in the cold wind from a foreign country, and looked at the city that was very important to them. Talk about the feasting and feasting of a familiar but unfamiliar city.

"Do it!" He Xiaoyang said proudly, drinking a bottle of beer in twos and threes.

Li Zedao smiled, and poured a bottle as if pouring water.

"Except for myself, you are the best drinker I have ever met." He Xiaoyang looked at Li Zedao and smiled.

"It's okay." Li Zedao smiled. In fact, to him, drinking is like drinking water. He can't get drunk, but he was afraid that He Xiaoyang would ask someone to bring a few boxes of beer up, so he added modestly, "It's just like drinking water." The amount of seven or eight bottles."

"You are very good." He Xiaoyang smiled, and said frankly, "I thought that your ability and identity are based on your ability and your kindness to us, so you will be superior and look down on us people, but this After a period of contact, I found that you and us are in the same world."

Li Zedao smiled: "I'm from the same world, I'm not an alien."

"Haha..." He Xiaoyang laughed, then looked at Li Zedao seriously and said, "Hatch, I want to ask you something."

"Let's listen to it." Li Zedao nodded, but didn't say anything dead, otherwise, if he saw his own and came up with something unreasonable, such as wanting to sleep with him for a night, would he agree or just put it away? He dropped it from here?

"If possible, take good care of my sister." He Xiaoyang said.


"I told you that day that my sister went to find her true love. In fact, she has returned to Huaxia. She wants to wait for you in Huaxia, and then meet you and have a vigorous talk... Oh, it may also be sneaky. Love." He Xiaoyang said.


"Okay, now you are my brother-in-law, do it!"

"..." Li Zedao wanted to kick him down.

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