The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1098 Almost Crashed

He Xiaoyang's drinking capacity is indeed astonishing. After more than a dozen bottles of beer, there is no sign of drinking too much. Once a person drinks too much, he basically talks too much. He Xiaoyang is no exception. He put his arm around Li Zedao's shoulder and continued drinking Then he poured a bottle into his stomach, and started whimpering in his ear.

He said that he came to the island country with his father when he was young, and he was always bullied by the island people at that time. Later, when he met Zhang Hailong, he hung out with him, and then his elder sister also fell in love with Zhang Hailong, even Later, he blocked Zhang Hailong's knife, so that he lost his fertility.

He said he vomited in a place where there was no one after the first beheading, until even the bile came out.

He said, Hatch, my brother-in-law, my dear brother-in-law, you must take good care of my elder sister... In fact, my elder sister's request is very simple, as long as you accompany her for a few hours a week, she I was so happy... She is the kind of woman, once you fall in love, you can't extricate yourself...

Li Zedao glanced at He Xiaoyang, he knew that He Xiaoyang must not know what her sister did to save him from the Yamaguchi group, and Li Zedao didn't want to tell him about it too much. Saying such a thing would be a huge harm to He Xiaoyang.

After drinking another bottle of beer, He Xiaoyang continued to write. He said that he actually wanted to go back to China, but he couldn't. What should he do with the brothers in the island country? In China, he is a humble person, and even those who see injustice will be taken away by the cops, but in the island country, his existence is valuable and meaningful. He really wants to help those Huaxia who are bullied in the island country man.

He Xiaoyang also said that his hometown is Fenghuang City, which is a very beautiful and beautiful seaside city. He asked Li Zedao if he had been there, and Li Zedao's eyes lit up slightly, indicating that I am from Fenghuang City. Ah, yes, but at this time He Xiaoyang was completely drunk, the half-bottle of beer slipped from his hand, and then he leaned back and poured it directly on the cold ground, whirring Fell asleep.

Li Zedao glanced at him, smiled, threw the empty wine bottle in his hand aside, then stood up, patted his buttocks, and walked towards the stairs.

As for He Xiaoyang, Li Zedao knew that someone would come and carry him to the room after a while.

Going downstairs, when he came to a certain room, Li Zedao opened the door and walked in. At this time, Nan Ji in pajamas was blowing his hair over there. This woman who was cold and unusual before became more and more feminine now.

"Shadow is asleep, so maybe Zhou Qian is sleeping with her." Nan Ji looked up at Li Zedao and said, "Shadow dragged her to watch that kind of movie, so the little girl might suffer from insomnia?"

"Okay." Li Zedao was speechless for a while,

Then he looked at Nanji and smiled ambiguously, "Why do I think you are implying something?"

"Get out!" Nanji cursed, a blush appeared on his face, and he continued to blow his hair.

Li Zedao walked over and was about to take the hair dryer in her hand and said, "I'll help you..." Then his face changed slightly and he said, "Well, before you help me, I'd better pee first, drink too much beer, suffocate gone."

"...Get out!" Nanji scolded again, and then one couldn't help but laughed.

"The bath water has been put away for you," she said.

Li Zedao smacked her cheek with a smile, then walked into the bathroom, first urinated comfortably, then stripped himself naked, and went into the bathtub to take a bath.

When he came out, Nanji was already lying down. This girl sleeps like a child, she likes to bury her head with a quilt, her body is bent, and her whole body is bowed into a shrimp shape... At least now she likes to sleep like this.

Li Zedao walked over, got into the bed, and put his arms around the fiery body from behind.

"Huaxia will be available tomorrow." Li Zedao buried his head between her hair and took a deep breath.

"Yeah." Nanji snorted softly, grabbed Li Zedao's big hand, and prevented him from messing around.

"Why do you feel unhappy?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

Nanji denied: "It's either unhappy, or..." She didn't continue talking, she knew that Li Zedao must understand what she meant.

In the island country, she and him could be together every day, but after returning to China, Li Zedao's love would be divided among his other women.

Li Zedao really understood, and instantly came up with a solution that he thought was very clever: "After you go back, don't lock the door. I will sneak into your room in the middle of the night every day."

"...Get out!" Nanji almost kicked her off the bed without holding back.

Li Zedao laughed, and then asked with a serious expression: "You must be able to fly a plane, right?"

"Fly a plane? Why do you ask that?" Nanji was taken aback.

"This one, answer me first."

"I can drive a fighter jet and do all kinds of difficult flips." Nanji said, "And then?"

"Then there is no problem, no problem at all." Li Zedao said.

"Huh?" Nanji looked puzzled, wondering what kind of mystery this guy was showing off, "Hmm..."

Li Zedao's head moved closer, imprinting domineeringly on her lips.


On the second day, after rejecting He Xiaoyang's offer to send them, Li Zedao drove Nanji, Yingying and Zhou Qian alone to the villa where Katsuta Taro lived.

Shadow belongs to the kind of heartless and careless, and she basically never suffers from insomnia. At this time, she was chewing gum, blowing bubbles, and handing the gum to Zhou Qian, asking her if she would eat or not, and yawning. Zhou Qian expressed her thanks in a low voice, then picked one up and put it in her mouth, and Shadow said yesterday's movie was good, is there anything else, do you want to watch it?

Zhou Qian's little face turned red instantly, and she almost swallowed the chewing gum she hadn't had time to chew without noticing. She actually didn't want to watch it, but she didn't want to reject Sister Ying's kindness, so... Sister Zhou Qian really didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Nanji was there, so she glared at Ying Ying and told her to shut up, then looked at Zhou Qian with a friendly smile, saying that she didn't need to talk to that poor girl.

Shadow didn't shut up, he hummed the tune-deficient song in a sour mood.


When the car arrived at the villa where Katsuta Taro lived, Katsuta Taro was already waiting there. Seeing the car approaching, he hurried up to greet him, and then opened the door like a most loyal housekeeper.

"Master!" He glanced at Li Zedao in the car, nodded, and greeted in a humble tone.

It is not surprising that Anji, who understands the situation best, reacted to Katsuta Taro at this time. She didn't quite understand the situation, but the eyes of the shadow who knew who this guy was was slightly rounded. Unexpectedly, Master Katsuta, the future helm of the majestic Nisuo, has turned into a dog of a fool.

Or, find a whip and slap his face a few times?

After thinking about it, Shadow felt that it was better to forget it. Before smoking, he had to go through the packed suitcase to find the leather whip, and he had to wash his hands after smoking, which was troublesome.

Zhou Qian was pure-minded, and she didn't think too much about it. She only thought that this person was really a servant of Li Zedao. After all, she knew that her brother Zedao had an extraordinary background, and it was normal to be treated like this. I looked at this luxurious villa with great interest.

Li Zedao got out of the car with a safe, glanced at Katsuta Taro, nodded and said, "Let's go directly."

"Yes, master." Katsuta Taro nodded again, and then made an invitation gesture, "The car is ready."

At this time, two luxurious Rolls-Royces were already waiting there.

At that moment, Taro Katsuta extended his hand even more, wanting to help Li Zedao get the safe in his hand who didn't know what it contained.

"I can just take this thing myself." Li Zedao refused, "Help the three of them remove the surname Li, it's all in the trunk."

"Yes, master." Katsuta Taro nodded, hurried over to open the trunk, took out the three suitcases in the trunk one by one, and then asked the bodyguards to help him in order to express his loyalty. Pushing the three boxes with difficulty, he finally put them one by one into the trunk of the Rolls-Royce.

"Master, please." Katsuta Taro opened the car door for him, and then made an invitation gesture to Nanji and the three girls. Except for Zhou Qian who said "thank you" very politely, Li Zedao, Nanji and the shadow are not at all. I don't know what being polite is, so I got into the car directly.

Katsuta Taro helped close the door again, and then got into another car, and then the luxury convoy consisting of two Audis at the front and two Rolls Royces in the middle slowly drove towards the dj airport.

Akio Katsuta's private jet was parked at the dj airport, and the final landing place of the plane was Yanjing International Airport, the capital of Huaxia.

In less than half an hour, the car had already arrived at DJ Airport, and even drove directly into the runway to the private jet that was parked there waiting to take off.

"Bombardier Global 7000, one of the most popular private jets in the world." Shadow looked at the plane through the car window and muttered, "The price is about 400 million Chinese's not too expensive."

"You know?" Li Zedao, who was in the co-pilot's seat, looked back at the shadow and asked. He didn't expect that the shadow with such evil thoughts would be so familiar with this aspect, and the last sentence she said, "It's not It’s too expensive.” Sounds pretentious and awesome, doesn’t it?

"What do you think?" Shadow glanced at Li Zedao with a noble and glamorous look, and said, "This genius beautiful girl often sits on it, not only that, I even drove it... Oh, it almost crashed..."


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