The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1099 Want to Fly a Plane

"Master drives just such a plane... Oh, Master also said that Lao Wang and other women all have their own private jets." Shadow said, his face darkened.

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened and he was stunned. How dare Master and Mistress have enough money to drive a private jet as a car? Those so-called rich people who own a private jet compared with Master, must be so ashamed that they want to die?

Looking at the sad little face of the shadow, Li Zedao's heart suddenly became heavy, filled with a faint murderous aura.

The car stopped, Katsuta Taro hurriedly got out of the car, rushed to him, helped open the car door, looked at Li Zedao very humbly and said: "Master, this is the plane, and it will take off in about half an hour. In addition, the two high-level executives of Nisuo have arrived and are on the plane. I have already explained to them, Master, that you are a distinguished guest, and you must be more respectful when facing you than when facing me, so they will Be very humble and will never disturb the master."

Li Zedao got out of the car with the box, nodded, and said simply, "Okay."

Then he patted Taro Katsuta on the shoulder: "Thank you."

"This is what I should do, Master." Katsuta Taro nodded quickly, and then asked cautiously, "Master, that video..."

"Don't worry, as long as you do what you're supposed to do, there won't be anyone else who will see that video except me." Li Zedao said with a slightly weird smile on his lips.

"I will always be your most loyal servant." Katsuta Taro quickly nodded his head.

Li Zedao smiled, nodded in satisfaction, looked back at Antarctica, Ying Ying and Zhou Qian smiled and said, "Let's go home." He said and walked towards the plane.

Antarctic, Shadow and Zhou Qian followed closely.

Katsuta Taro looked at their backs, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up with a trace of cruelty, his eyes were extremely ferocious, and then his expression quickly returned to normal as if he was afraid of being discovered, and asked people to quickly put the trunk The surname Li was taken out, sent to the plane, and then boarded the plane behind.

The stewardess of this private jet had been waiting at the airport gate for a long time. After seeing Li Zedao and his party coming over, she bowed deeply with a typical smile on her face and said, "Dear guest, I am Noriko Kijima, Welcome aboard, it's a pleasure to serve you."

The flight attendant's dress is very different from those flight attendants I usually see. She is wearing a traditional island country kimono, white socks and clogs on her feet. She looks very obedient and gentle, very seductive.

at the same time,

Nisuo's top executives, Mitsui Yan and Sonoko, were already on the luxurious private plane. Seeing someone boarding the plane, they naturally understood that they were the respected guests that Mr. Katsuta said, so they quickly stood up and greeted them with a respectful expression.

"Master, he is Mr. Mitsui, and this is Ms. Sonoko." Katsuta Taro gave a brief introduction.

Hearing that the dignified Nisuo's future helm actually called this young and outrageous Chinese man his master, Mitsui Yan and Yuanzi were in a daze, and then their expressions became more humble and respectful. Dare to aim casually, dare not let out the atmosphere casually, and feel that my hands are really redundant, and I don't know where to put them.

Li Zedao glanced at Katsuta Taro, the corners of his mouth slightly raised in a strange way, then looked at Mitsui Yan and Sonoko, smiled and nodded.

Seeing this great man being so kind, both Mitsui Yan and Sonoko felt flattered, and their expressions became even more respectful.

"Master, then I'll get off the plane first." Katsuta Taro nodded.

Li Zedao waved his hands and said, "Go and do your work."

Katsuta Taro nodded again, then turned and left.

Looking at Katsuta Taro's leaving back, Li Zedao's eyes flickered with an inexplicable glint, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After Taro Katsuta got off the plane, the airport gate was quickly closed. At the same time, Noriko Kijima took Li Zedao, Nanji, Yingying and Zhou Qian to the spacious and comfortable leather sofa and sat down.

As for Mitsui Yan and Sonoko, knowing that these people have great backgrounds, they naturally dare not make do with them, so they found a corner and stayed there honestly.

Noriko Kijima nodded, and briefly introduced the equipment of this plane.

All the fittings in this plane are carefully custom-made, and every detail is so exquisite that when you sit here, you will feel that this is more like a luxury home than a means of transportation.

Here, there is a small kitchen that can make exquisite meals, a spacious and comfortable bathroom, and a theater with eighteen IMAX-level speakers.

What a wicked capitalist! Li Zedao sighed in his heart.

Watching blockbuster movies must be fun, right? Shadow stared at the theater equipment with bright eyes.

Nanji looked out the window, looked at the four cars that brought them here and was about to disappear from his sight, with an inexplicable glint in his cold eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhou Qian was still yawning. She didn't understand Japanese, so she didn't know what this beautiful Japanese woman was talking about. As soon as she closed her eyes last night, the two figures that appeared on the screen involuntarily appeared in her mind. Bai Huahua's **, even involuntarily, she felt that the woman was herself, and the man was brother Ze Dao... Zhou Qian secretly glanced at Li Ze Dao, then quickly lowered her head, her face was full of seductive blush .


In the Rolls-Royce, Taro Katsuta sat in the spacious back seat with a nervous smile on his face.

"Baga Baga, go to hell, go to death!" He roared viciously, and then let out that extremely ferocious laugh.

half an hour? Or maybe an hour? Or maybe two hours? Katsuta Taro doesn't know exactly when, he only knows that this private jet belonging to his father will plunge into the white sea during the flight, and then Li Zedao, that bastard and those whores - all will be the best meal for the fish in the sea.

This method was thought up by Akio Katsuta. The pilot is a member of the Katsuta family, a dead man trained by the Katsuta family. If Akio Katsuta asked the pilot to do that, the pilot will naturally perform this task very well.

As for Nisuo's high-level executive Mitsui Yan and Sonoko, Akio Katsuta was worried that the damn Chinese would be too smart to see something, so he deliberately arranged it so that the drama of the private plane crash could also be done. Get enough.

But what Katsuta Akio and Katsuta Taro never expected was that Li Zedao secretly planted a miniature bug on Katsuta Taro's body for safety reasons, and also installed a miniature camera in his villa. Therefore, Li Zedao heard everything verbatim about the conspiracy of murder, destruction of corpses and traces planned by Katsuta Taro and Katsuta Akio.

Li Zedao naturally broke out in a cold sweat from fright, secretly rejoicing that he was careful, otherwise he might not know how he died in the end, right?


"Dear guests, the plane will take off in ten minutes. For safety, please put on your seat belts temporarily. After the plane takes off smoothly, you can do things you are interested in, such as watching a movie, or Take a comfortable bath." Noriko Kijima nodded and said, "Now, do you need any drinks or food from Noriko?"

Li Zedao waved his hands and said with a smile: "I don't need it for the time being, if I am busy with you, I will call you if I have something to do."

"Yes." Noriko Kijima bowed deeply, then turned and left, returned to the seat next to the cockpit door, and sat down.

"Do it now?" Nanji asked, looking back at Li Zedao.

"Let's do it now, who knows if they will crash the plane before it even takes off?" Li Zedao's mouth curled up slightly, "We can't take such a risk."

"Indeed... what about them?" Nanji glanced at the flight attendant Noriko Kijima, and then looked back at Yan Mitsui and Sonoko who were sitting there very reservedly. The latter, a beautiful girl, looked at them and tried her best to put more smiles on her face, nodding in response.

"Knock them out and let them sleep until Huaxia." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Sister Nanji, you idiot, what are you mumbling about?" Shadow asked curiously.

"Oh, your Antarctic sister wants to fly a plane, so we are discussing whether to knock the pilot unconscious?" Li Zedao said casually.

Zhou Qian's eyes widened in an instant, and she looked at Li Zedao in disbelief, thinking that brother Zedao was joking with sister Ying, right?

Shadow's eyes lit up instantly and he shouted: "Okay, okay, a beautiful girl is here today..."

"..." Li Zedao and Nanji looked at each other, and they could see the twitching face of the other party. What's the difference between asking you to drive and asking the current driver to drive?

They heard very clearly what Shadow said before. She said that she had flown a plane and almost crashed it.

"Don't make trouble!" Nanji glanced at the shadow and said.

The shadow hummed aggrievedly: "How can there be trouble? This genius and beautiful girl really knows how to fly a plane. The last time it almost crashed it was because of inexperience. This time it won't..."

"Stay honest!" Nanji's face darkened even more.

Zhou Qian also glanced at this very sturdy shadow sister with a slightly nervous expression, and felt that it was not a particularly good choice for her to fly the plane.

"Both of you sit down for a while, fasten your seat belts, and I'll do something with your Nanji sister first." Li Zedao looked at the shadow and smiled at Zhou Qian.

"Going to have sex in the bathroom?" Shadow asked with wide-eyed eyes, "So hungry? But you and the big fool had sex in the middle of the night yesterday, and I heard that sound when I got up to pee... ..."


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