The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1100 Antarctic Captain

"Shut up!" Nanji's face was not only dark, but even the muscles on his face were still trembling, and he had an urge to pick up this poor girl and throw him off the plane.

Li Zedao also choked to death, thinking how did this poor girl have such long ears? Yesterday Antarctica clearly suppressed its own voice very well.

Zhou Qian looked at Li Zedao, then at Nanji, then lowered her head as if she was guilty of guilt, her little face was already flushed.

Immediately, Li Zedao gave Nanji a look, stood up and walked towards the direction of the cockpit.

Nanji also stood up, but walked towards Mitsui Yan and Sonoko who were sitting there.

Both Shadow and Antarctic's eyes widened slightly, why do they feel... as if they were joking?

Seeing this beautiful woman with extraordinary background walking towards them, Mitsui Yan and Sonoko looked at each other. Although he didn't know what she was going to do, he stood up quickly, and then tried his best to squeeze more smiles on his face After coming out, even Mitsui Yan was still flirting in his heart. Could it be that this cold and eye-catching beauty wanted to come and talk to him because she saw that she was handsome?

Before they had time to think about it, they realized that a fist was hitting their face quickly and hard, and it was too late to dodge it.

"Bang!" They were smashed to the ground by the fist, and their bodies were simply limp and fell down, just like noodles.

At the same time, Li Zedao also walked up to Noriko Kijima, who saw Li Zedao approaching, quickly stood up and nodded, "Dear guest..."

"Go to sleep for a while." Li Zedao interrupted her words with a smile.

"Sleep?" Noriko Kijima was slightly stunned, and then only felt her head suddenly dizzy, and she had already collapsed on the seat, completely losing consciousness.

"It's your turn next." Li Zedao looked at the cockpit door, the corners of his mouth slightly raised in a strange way, and then he stretched over and pulled it open.

At this time, the two pilots sitting inside who were preparing to take off heard the abnormal noise and looked back subconsciously. Then, a powerful fist suddenly appeared in front of them and hit their handsome faces. , very simply knocked them out of their wits, and immediately lost consciousness and collapsed there.

"The next thing is your flight time, Captain Antarctic." Li Zedao turned around and looked at Nanji who appeared there with a smile.

"Get out!" Nanji scolded with a smile.

"Need help?" Li Zedao asked.

"Just throw these two guys out," Nanji said.

"...That's it?" Li Zedao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I mean, don't there have to be two people flying the plane? One is the captain and the other is the co-pilot..."

Nan Ji looked at Li Zedao's face seriously and said: "There is no rule that there must be two people, I can handle it, but I will be distracted if you are around... I want to laugh when I see your face."

"..." Li Zedao touched his face, a little aggrieved, what's wrong with his face? What's wrong? Do you really want to laugh when you look so funny?

"Don't let the shadows come in to make trouble." The corners of Nanji's mouth slightly curled up in a very beautiful way.

Li Zedao smiled, really shouldn't let the shadow come in, if let the little witch in the shadow come in, who knows if the plane will directly plunge into the sea after flying halfway?

"You should smile more, you really look good when you smile." Li Zedao looked at this very handsome face, his heart fluttered.

The smile on Nanji's face was restrained, and he looked cold and heartless, and said coldly: "I don't look good if I don't smile?" As he said, there was an extra dagger in his hand.

"...better looking." Li Zedao swallowed and surrendered decisively.

"Idiot!" Nanji couldn't help being happy again, looking at Li Zedao with tenderness in his eyes.

At that moment, Li Zedao quickly took off the headsets from the heads of the two fainted guys, and then dragged them out, leaving the entire cockpit to Antarctica. He knew that the next thing would include flight scheduling and routes in Antarctica. Everything will be done. In this regard, she has absolute authority.

Dragging these two guys out, Li Zedao threw them on the ground casually, and then walked towards the two girls who were staring at him with disbelief.

Oh! my god! The two girls didn't know what words to use to describe their current mood.

Because of his personality, Shadow's expression was even more exaggerated than Zhou Qian's, and his eyes stared as if they were about to roll down in the next second.

When Li Zedao said, "Your Antarctic sister wants to fly a plane, so we are discussing whether we should knock the pilot unconscious?" Although she said, "Okay, okay, this genius girl is here to drive... "

However, she really felt that Li Zedao was just joking, a huge joke.

But who would have thought that he and Sister Antarctic knocked out the other passengers and the stewardess, and now they even dragged the two guys who flew the plane out of the cockpit... Really because Sister Antarctic wanted to fly Airplane so they did it!

How can you be so unreasonable? How can you be so arrogant? How can you be so overbearing? How can you be so capricious? How can you be so... handsome?

Li Zedao walked up to him, and said with a shy expression, "Although I'm handsome, I won't be embarrassed if you look at me like this..."

"Die..." Shadow simply kicked over.

Zhou Qian lowered her head, a little embarrassed, of course, in her opinion, Brother Ze Dao is indeed the most handsome person in the world.

"Damn, big fool, tell me the truth, what the hell are you and Sister Nanji doing?" Shadow rolled his big eyes, and after spitting out a few bubbles, he felt more and more that something was wrong, because the Li Zedao she was familiar with And Antarctica will not want to fly a plane because of itchy hands, and then directly do such a shocking thing.

Hmph, there must be some reason? Don't think that this talented and beautiful girl is easy to fool!

"Sit down first, fasten your seat belt, the plane is about to take off," Li Zedao said.

After the second daughter sat down, Li Zedao briefly explained the reason of the matter, and then Zhou Qian's expression was a little frightened, while Ying Ying's eyes widened, her small face was full of murderous looks, she stood up abruptly and said Go over and step on the two guys lying there motionless.

"This genius beautiful girl trampled you to death!"

Damn, if you want to hang yourself on a rope, buy a bottle of rat poison, or jump into the sea and touch the high-voltage electric track, this genius girl won't stop you at all, right? Why let the plane plunge into the sea? Don't you feel that your conscience will be greatly condemned for turning such a beautiful, lively, and intelligent girl into a delicacy for fish? Wouldn't you be ashamed to die?

Li Zedao was a little dumbfounded, and quickly pushed her back on the table and chair: "Wait until the plane is flying smoothly before kicking her."

At the same time, the plane began to roar, and then began to taxi forward, and then the taxiing speed became faster and faster, and the roar became louder, and then... took off!

At the same time, quietly parked in a luxurious Rolls-Royce at a certain corner of the airport, Taro Katsuta looked through the car window at the plane that had already left the ground and was flying higher and higher, his face was full of ferocity. !

"Go to hell! Go to hell, everyone!" He roared viciously, his handsome face was twisted into a ball, looking terrifying.

Then he looked away, took out the phone, and dialed it. After a while, the phone was picked up. Taro Katsuta let out a deep breath and said, "Father, the plane has already taken off."

On the other end of the phone, Katsuta Akio said in a gloomy tone, "Got it."

"Father, I..." Katsuta Taro still wanted to insist. He didn't want to be abandoned by his father and the Katsuta family just like that. Nisuo's future is his, right? Besides, now that Li Zedao is dead, the video on his phone will go to hell with him, won't it?

That being the case, why can't this chapter be uncovered? Isn't it great that he continues to appear in public as Nisso's future helm, and continues to be his excellent son and successor? He has other brothers, but they are not as good as him, aren't they?

"Taro, I'm in a meeting now." Akio Katsuta interrupted him coldly.

"Father, I want to talk to you face to face..."

The phone is hung up!

Katsuta Taro slammed the phone at the driver and shouted, "Baga, Baga..."


At Phoenix International Airport, among the bustling crowd, there is a small group that is particularly eye-catching.

A very handsome looking uncle in well-fitting casual clothes was holding a little boy carved in pink and jade, and there were three stunning beauties accompanying him respectively.

Yes, three!

Such three women with different appearances and different dresses, but no doubt they are all eye-catching standing together, undoubtedly give people a very strong sense of visual impact, which makes many passing men feel excited. Hormone secretion speed also accelerated a lot.

"Why do you think that man smiled so obscenely?"

"That's right, his grandma is so wretched...Which woman do you think was born to that little kid in his arms who smiles as wretchedly as him? Bet a dollar..."

"I guess it's the woman in the white dress on the left, haven't you seen it? That little kid is smirking at that woman from time to time..."

"I guess it's the woman in the blue dress on the right. Don't you think that girly little kid looks a bit like her...Mother and daughter Hua...No, no, it's mother and son Hua..."

"You are all wrong. It must be the noble woman in the black cashmere coat in front. You can see her big breasts and big buttocks, so you know she must have given birth..."

"It's none of my business who gave birth... How much do you think three top-quality women like this will cost in one night?"


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