Now that my mother is calling, there must be a result, but I don't know if it is a good result or a bad result.

"Mother..." Katsuta Taro said after taking a deep breath.

"Taro, your father has relaxed a bit. He wants to talk to you. Come here now." A woman's gentle and doting voice came.

"Yes, mother, I'll go right away." Katsuta Taro was overjoyed, "Mother, I love you."

"Taro, I love you too, you know it." The woman said softly, "Then come quickly, your father is waiting for you."

"I'm leaving now," Katsuta Taro said.

After hanging up the phone, Katsuta Taro washed his face and changed his clothes to make himself look more energetic. Then he greeted the driver and bodyguards, and then left the villa to go to the quiet courtyard where his father Akio Katsuta lived... Oh, Katsuta Taro did not forget to greet his soft secretary, because the courtyard where his father lived is a bit far away, on a certain mountain with a beautiful scenery, and it takes nearly an hour to drive there. The long road is bound to be boring. Have some fun, don't you?

Besides, although it can be regarded as a turning point now, Taro Katsuta still has some anger in his heart, and he has to vent his anger.

Spacious luxury cars, soft leather sofas, are really good for doing things.

At this moment, Taro Katsuta was sitting there paralyzed, eyes closed, with a look of extreme enjoyment on his face, and his secretary was kneeling there, busy with his expression and skillful movements, she had a lot of experience in doing this kind of thing Yes, she knew that her tongue should move like this to please Katsuta Taro.

One was overwhelmed, and one was completely invested, so they didn't realize that the Audi car that the two bodyguards were riding in had disappeared.

The driver is a dull middle-aged man, looking at the car very steadily, never sneaking a glance through the rearview mirror to see the sexy scene that is happening at this time, but there is a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth .

At this moment, the driver's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he slammed the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator. The luxury car bumped suddenly, drifted towards the mountain road, and then broke through the railing and headed towards the steep mountain stream. Crash past.

Taro Katsuta, who was enjoying the rush to the top with his eyes closed, was startled by the sudden bump of the car. At the same time, the secretary almost accidentally bit the thing in his mouth up.

Katsuta Taro opened his eyes at that moment,

Frightened by the scene in front of him for a moment, he hissed, "Baga... Liangta, what are you doing... ah..."

"Ah..." The terrified secretary also let out a scream with a pale face, and even grabbed the thing under Katsuta Taro's crotch, so that Katsuta Taro screamed... It hurts, not scares!

Seeing that the car was about to rush down the mountain stream, at this moment, there was only a loud "Boom!" The car disintegrated instantly, and the burning scrap iron, tires, and maybe even arms and thighs flew around... …It exploded before it rolled down the mountain stream!

At the same time, the villa where Taro Katsuta lived was also caught in a sea of ​​flames after several explosions of "Boom!"


On the luxury private jet flying steadily in mid-air, Li Zedao glanced at the wrist watch on his wrist, and there was a faint but cruel expression on the corner of his mouth, and said in a voice that only he could hear: " I'll give you a few pills, thank you!"

Katsuta Taro was the mastermind behind the tragic death of Lao Wang and his nephew, how could Li Zedao just let him go? So he secretly found the opportunity to put * in Katsuta Taro's car and that luxurious villa. This time, it is not the button that can be controlled by the remote control, but the one that can set the explosion time. Once the set time is up, it will explode immediately.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't think that this bomb would definitely kill Katsuta Taro, after all, who knows if Katsuta Taro was in the car or at home when the bomb exploded?

But it’s okay to scare him to the point of pissing his ass, besides, these three videos that he secretly shot will be presented in front of the people of most of the world, so even if the bomb fails to kill him when it explodes, he will I can't live for a few days, even if I survived by luck in the end, I have to be careful to be a grandson in the future.

Li Zedao looked back from the watch and landed on the shadow. At this moment, the little girl's tender white fingers like onions were tapping on the shoulder of the laptop computer, and her eyes were fixed on the screen. From time to time, a bubble was spit out from the mouth.

"Damn it, you're so black..." Her expression was very proud, and her tone was very arrogant.

Li Zedao grinned, looking forward to it even more in his heart, and then walked towards the bathroom... Isn't this little girl Zhou Qian falling asleep in it?


In the luxurious and quiet courtyard on the top of the mountain, Akio Katsuta was soaking in the hot spring with his eyes closed and a calm expression on his face. Beside the hot spring pool, a young and beautiful woman wearing a traditional island country kimono was cooking fragrant tea.

The sound of footsteps came, and a black figure quickly came to the front, nodding his head and reporting: "Master, Madam suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and passed away..."

Akio Katsuta's eyes slowly opened, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he said in a low tone: "Unfortunate things happen in the sky, people have bad luck, so let's make an announcement."

"Yes!" Heiying nodded and said again, "Also, the car the young master was riding in had an accident."

"Accident..." Akio Katsuta narrowed his eyes, but his expression remained unchanged, because he had arranged for these two things to be done!

It is said that tiger poison does not eat its children, but in Akio Katsuta's world view, everyone's sacrifice is worthwhile except himself.

Katsuta Akio was very disappointed with Katsuta Taro, not because he messed with his mother and his sister, because although this kind of thing was spread so shockingly, it seemed normal to him... ...The premise is, don't let outsiders know!

But because of his weakness, his slavishness! And that stupid way of handling things! How could the future of the Katsuta family and the future of Nisuo be entrusted to such a person?

At this time, his wife, Katsuta Taro's mother, Qianxia Kyoko came to him. This is a very beautiful and beautiful woman, who was once elected as one of the top ten beauties in the island country.

Qianxia Kyoko threatened him that she must not give up their son Katsuta Taro, otherwise, she would spread out the fact that he, a father, raped his own daughter.

At that moment, Akio Fukada was filled with murderous intent! This damn bitch, how dare she threaten herself?

So, he had someone murder Qianxia Kyoko and pretended to have a cerebral hemorrhage, and someone murdered his son Katsuta Taro and pretended that the car lost control and rolled off the cliff...

"The car the young master was riding in had a violent explosion." Hei Ying said.

"..." Akio Katsuta's eyes widened suddenly, he glanced at the black shadow and asked, "It's not that the car lost control and rolled off the cliff, but... an explosion?"

"Yes, it was an explosion!" There was also a trace of incomprehension in the voice of the black shadow, how could it be an explosion that should have rolled off the cliff? What the hell is Ryota that Baga doing? Didn't he know that the car lost control and fell off the cliff, which could be treated as an accident, but if there was an explosion, it might turn into a murder, and it would be much more troublesome to deal with later.

"In addition, almost at the same time, a violent explosion occurred in the villa where the young master lived." Hei Ying added.

A very bad feeling suddenly surged in Katsuta Akio's heart, he suddenly thought of a possibility, then looked at the black shadow and said, "Go check it out right now, my private jet is driving Where have you been?"

"Yes." Soi Ying said, and quickly made a few phone calls, and soon, news about the plane was passed on.

"Master, that plane will land at Yanjing International Airport in less than half an hour." Hei Ying truthfully reported.

Akio Katsuta's expression froze instantly, and he couldn't be so calm and calm when he heard his wife died and his son had an accident like before.

"Baga, how could this be? Baga..." He roared angrily, like a mad dog that had been bitten.


Shadow's little hands crackled and knocked on the keyboard a few times, then raised his head, looked at Li Zedao very proudly and said, "Idiot, get it done... Damn, do such a simple thing by yourself in the future, don't bother me again." The beautiful girl is so annoying, she has no technical content at all..."

Li Zedao ignored the shadow boasting over there, and looked out the window, looking at the pristine white clouds with a strange smile on his face.


When many netizens in the island country opened the portal website with the most views in the island country, they were shocked to find that all the familiar content had disappeared. On the entire page, there were only three lonely videos hanging there, and these three The video doesn't describe anything.

Then, they opened the first video with some curiosity, and then... their eyes widened little by little. This scuffle scene is too exciting and exciting, is it right? And their lines are far more blood-boiling than their actions, isn't it?

After opening the second video, my eyes widened even more, as if I had seen a ghost. It turned out that after the video that made a lot of noise a few days ago came out, men including Ryoko Ito of the Ito family and the national goddess Ozawa-sensei The main character isn't hiding somewhere no one else can find it, but was... murdered! Murdered by Taro Katsuta and Michiko Katsuta of the Katsuta family!

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