The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1103 Hospitality

If the first two videos made them feel like they were in heaven with infinite stimulation, then the third video simply sent them into hell.

The background of the video is the Zhenling Shrine of Jinguo Shrine, the Zhenling Shrine before it was burned down! And the heroine of the video is Michiko Katsuta, and the male protagonist is Junichi Ito, Miyashi-sama... Although he doesn't have half a shot at all, and even, unfortunately, no half a line!

The script is... Michiko Katsuta picked up the candlestick full of kerosene with a determined face, blew out the candle, and then sprinkled all the kerosene inside on the flammable wooden utensils and Bubo cotton tent, then picked up another candlestick and threw it on top.

In an instant, the fire started!

"Ito Junichi, you actually watched your son Ito Shinichi and your grandson Ito Yoshitake unite to rape me, and you turned Jinguo Shrine into your prostitution den, I hate you!" She looked To that big fire, the voice said viciously.

Then these websites who watched the video only felt that their eyes were scarlet, and their breathing was basically stagnant!

It turns out that this is how the Zhenling Shrine was set on fire. It turned out that there were no terrorists who broke in, stole the snake's head and killed people, and even set fire to the Zhenling Shrine. It turns out that Jingguo Shrine has become Jun Ito One's kinky nest, it turns out that Prime Minister Koizumi Ichiro is lying...

When Akio Katsuta saw these three videos, his face flushed instantly, and then he clutched his heart, and slowly collapsed to the ground with an expression of extreme pain.

After a while, he stood up, walked to the desk, grabbed the martial arts knife on the knife rack with trembling hands, then pulled it out, knelt down, took a deep breath, and stabbed at the knife. own belly.

seppuku! He chose seppuku suicide!

When Prime Minister Ichiro Koizumi saw these three videos, he had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital.

At the same time, a very popular portal in the United States, a very popular portal in Eagle Country, a very popular portal in France...a certain very popular website in many countries Was maliciously attacked by a mysterious hacker at the same time, and then forced to hang up these three videos!

Then, basically the people of most of the world knew that the family of Akio Katsuta, the helm of Nisso, had committed a crime. They also knew that Taro Katsuta, the future helm of Nisso, and his sister, Michiko Katsuta, had killed people. , one of them is their favorite Ozawa teacher.

They also know that the Jingguo Shrine is actually the prostitute's lair of the palace secretary.

I also know that the fire at the Jingguo Shrine was set on fire by the islanders themselves, and it has nothing to do with terrorist attacks. Therefore, the Prime Minister of the island country, Ichiro Koizumi, lied. It was a shameless lie. I am trying to discredit the peace-loving countries around me...

They knew even more that this time, even greater turmoil would break out in the island country.

And because the content of the video is too shocking and the consequences are too serious, few people care about who hacked these video sites and who put these three videos on it.


He Xiaoyu helped He Xiaoyue book a first-class ticket, and after boarding the plane, she put earplugs in her ears and listened to the dynamic melody and ethereal singing.

This is a song called "Encounter". On the way back to China from the island country, He Xiaoyue heard it by accident. Encounter?

Moreover, there is a touch of ambiguity in the lyrics and tone of this song, which is very suitable for those who are in love or have just had a vague first love. For example, He Xiaoyue now, she feels that the relationship between her and Hatch There was an ambiguity like first love, so she downloaded it and saved it in an mp3, and played it on a loop non-stop for the past two days.

It is said that this song was sung by a big star named Zhou Xiaolu who is now popular in Asia, but He Xiaoyue is not a star chaser, and is an idiot in the entertainment industry, so I don’t know who this Zhou Xiaolu is and how popular she is Yes, it sounds good anyway.

In fact, He Xiaoyue seldom listens to music, and even listens to some older songs, such as Teresa Teng's songs, but now, since she fell in love with Hatch for no reason, she subconsciously feels that she should be younger in order to leave him. A little closer, so not only in terms of dressing, but also a younger mentality, and I intend to get in touch with some things that young people are in contact with now.

Looking out of the window, looking at the blue sky and white clouds that are the same as the island country but completely different, He Xiaoyue felt longing.

Worried that her ears couldn't bear it, so not long after the plane took off, He Xiaoyue took off her earphones, picked up the fashion trifles sent by the stewardess, and started flipping through them absent-mindedly.

Sitting next to He Xiaoyue, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and well-dressed, saw that the woman next to him with a good face and a hot figure finally took off the earphones, so he took the initiative to strike up a conversation with He Xiaoyue , he looked polite, and said with a smile: "Miss, are you going to Yanjing?"

"En." He Xiaoyue glanced at the other party and said simply.

To be honest, she finds it interesting and fresh to be approached by men. You know, when she was in the island country, she was Zhang Hailong's woman and Qingyun's eldest sister. In a blink of an eye, those men saw her like a tiger seeing a cat. Sometimes they couldn't speak well, how could they have the courage to strike up a conversation with her? Don't want to live anymore?

"People from Yanjing?" The beauty responded, and there was no disgust in her eyes, it was funny! So the man tried his best, and continued to search for topics, "I don't think so, seeing Miss like this, she should be a real Phoenix person, right? Besides, there should be a back of a returnee, right?"

He Xiaoyue smiled and nodded: "I am indeed from Fenghuang City, but I can't be considered a returnee. I have lived abroad for a few years."

Returnees refer to those who have studied abroad and returned to China to start a business. He Xiaoyue did not study abroad in the island country at all, but fought with the islanders with a knife. It's not really a returnee in the true sense.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I knew it. You must be a businessman, right? At least you are an executive of a Fortune 500 company."

"You guessed it wrong." He Xiaoyue said, Qingyun is not a Fortune 500 company, "I am a... a gangster, a female gangster, but now I have washed my hands."

"Hahaha." The middle-aged man laughed and said, "Miss, you are so humorous. It's so interesting to chat with you. How could you be a bastard? I can tell that the clothes you wear, your hands The bag you are carrying, the boots you are wearing are all luxury brands, all of which are no less than six figures, and the watch on your wrist is worth more than half a million, right?"

"I don't think these things are affordable for a female gangster. Besides, I don't think a female gangster has such a taste. The most important thing is your temperament, miss. Your temperament is really a dragon and a phoenix among people. There is no one. How can a person with such a temperament be a gangster? If you say that you are an executive of a luxury brand, I am more willing to believe some..."

He Xiaoyue blinked, and said word by word with a serious face: "I am really a female gangster, and I have hacked people more than once, the sharp machete continues like this, and then... my hand is broken , one kick over, and then, that thing is useless..."

"..." The smile on the middle-aged man's face froze, and he didn't know how to answer.

He Xiaoyue smiled nervously at him, and the middle-aged man's face changed slightly, thinking that he had met a crazy woman? Otherwise, why would you show such a terrible smile? Now he smiled awkwardly and didn't dare to strike up a conversation casually.


The luxurious private jet landed slowly at Yanjing International Airport, and after taxiing for a certain distance, it came to a steady stop.

After the plane came to a complete stop, Li Zedao already had a very solid feeling in his heart. It’s better to be at home. When he was in the island country, he didn’t dare to use too much force when walking. He was afraid that if he exerted force, it would be like a bug. Will the small place sink directly?

But in Huaxia, there is no such worry. If he wants to walk as hard as he wants, he will use as much force as he wants.

Hospitality has been a traditional custom in China since ancient times. Confucius once said that it is a joy to have friends from afar. Hospitality also embodies the virtues and customs of the Chinese nation.

The so-called hospitality is not only to treat guests with courtesy, but also to feel at home. Therefore, enthusiasm, frankness, friendliness, and harmony have become a kind of civilized behavior of hospitality, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

Li Zedao did a good job at this point. For example, although the prime minister of the island country was still talking nonsense in a serious manner the day before, implying that Huaxia sent terrorists to attack the Jingying Shrine, killing Lord Gongsi and several samurai, and also stole snakes. In the end, the leader burned the Zhenlingshe with a frenzied torch, so that the rejection and even hatred of the islanders towards China were infinitely increased, and even the shop opened by the Chinese people was smashed...

But Li Zedao doesn't hold any grudges. Although you are from the island country, you have come to Huaxia, so you are my guest.

So he woke up the high-level executive Mitsui Yan from Niso, Sonoko, the flight attendant Noriko Kijima, and the two pilots who didn't know their names, who were knocked out by him and Nanji's fist, and then he was very enthusiastic It is a frank expression to welcome international friends to Huaxia! I only welcome you on behalf of the people of Huaxia...

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