The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1109 I Have a Fire Extinguisher

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the box.

Li Zedao went to open the door of the room, looked at the well-dressed man standing at the door, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for that lady." The man said with a smile. He had already seen He Xiaoyue sitting inside through Li Zedao.

Li Zedao looked back at He Xiaoyue, a little puzzled. After all, He Xiaoyue had left Huaxia for more than 20 years, and her hometown was in Fenghuang City. This was the first time she came to Yanjing in her life. Jing should have no friends.

He Xiaoyue was also a little baffled, she had never seen this man before.

"What's the matter?" He Xiaoyue stood up, walked to the front and asked.

"Oh, that's how it is. Our President Qin is in another box. He wants to invite you over there for a reunion." The man said politely.

"Boss Qin? What Boss Qin?" He Xiaoyue was even more confused, she didn't think she knew any Boss Qin. She did know a lot of bosses, but most of them were islanders.

The man obviously expected He Xiaoyue to have such a reaction, and added: "Our President Qin said that just now he accidentally saw you and your friends in this box, so he took the liberty to ask me to come over and invite you to meet up there. one time."

"...I'm sorry, I'm not free, you can go." He Xiaoyue said with a speechless face, waving her hands. What kind of shit is Mr. Qin not Mr. Qin, who is it? Really sick! What do you think you are? Just because he saw himself and was astonishing, so he had to go to eat with him? Damn, you are sick!

Then after seeing this little man now, he is also astonished as a heavenly man, so should he come over quickly to have a relationship with him or even have sex?

Thinking about it, He Xiaoyue glanced at Li Zedao who was on the side, with a little resentment in her eyes.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, avoiding her eyes. The other party is obviously He Xiaoyue's admirer, and it can even be regarded as the kind of love at first sight, otherwise he wouldn't let someone come over and invite him immediately.

But on the other hand, Mr. Qin probably doesn't have much sincerity, does he? Or pretending to be self-identified? Otherwise why not come and invite yourself?

But no matter what, this kind of matter has to be handled by He Xiaoyue herself.

The man looked embarrassed and insisted: "Miss, our President Qin said that if we can't invite you over, I can pack up and leave, so..."

He Xiaoyue rolled her eyes,

Damn it, you were fired by your boss and ran away, so it's none of your mother's business to leave? If she had been in the island country, she would have passed by with a big slap in the face, and still ink with him?

At the moment, he said lightly: "That's your business, please leave, we still have to eat."

"Miss, I'm really embarrassed by your behavior. Besides, Boss Qin doesn't like others to reject him, so if you delay, miss, Boss Qin may be angry at that time. His anger may not be something you can bear, miss." The man Very kindly reminded.

"Are you a threat?" He Xiaoyue's eyes turned cold. After what happened to He Xiaoyang, the thing she hates now is being threatened.

"Miss, please." The man made an inviting gesture.

"Okay, you can get out!" He Xiaoyue said with a vicious face.

"Miss..." the man said, his hand suddenly stretched out, and he was about to grab He Xiaoyue's wrist.

Then, his expression changed slightly, because before his hand grabbed the woman's wrist, he found that his wrist was tightly grasped.

"I'm very curious and really want to see how scary it is for your President Qin to get angry." Li Zedao looked at the man with a smile and said, "So I trouble you to go back and tell you President Qin to get angry with me. have a look."

When Li Zedao was speaking, the hand holding the man was also exerting force.

"Let...hand..." the man said with great difficulty, his forehead began to sweat hotly, his face was distorted, and his eyes were a little frightened, because he clearly felt that his bones were about to be pinched and deformed.

"Crack!" There was a sound of broken bones, and his wrist was cut off abruptly by Li Zedao.

The man gritted his teeth tightly, not letting himself scream out, and his face was completely distorted, like a bun, completely gone from the well-dressed one before.

Li Zedao let go of his broken arm and said with a smile: "Go, tell you Mr. Qin that he can get angry, oh, don't forget to tell him that I have prepared the fire extinguisher, you let him weigh it himself The fire is more powerful than my fire extinguisher."

The man's eyes were horrified, and he took a deep look at Li Zedao, as if he wanted to engrave this face deeply in his heart, then grabbed the broken arm, gritted his teeth, turned and left.

After Li Zedao closed the door of the box casually, he looked back, and He Xiaoyue was looking at him with a dull expression, as if he had done something earth-shattering, and smiled bitterly in his heart, please, do you know you This expression is fake? You are Qingyun's eldest sister, and you usually feel shocked when you break someone's arm just for fun?

If you look at little sister Zhou Qian, the credibility of showing such an expression is much higher than yours.

Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian, who looked like a frightened little rabbit, and quickly lowered her head, her face flushed a little.

Well, in fact, He Xiaoyue looks more like a nympho, but Li Zedao doesn't want to think about that.

"It's so handsome..." He Xiaoyue murmured to herself. Especially the sentence "Let him decide for himself whether his fire is better or my fire extinguisher is better", which makes people's blood boil, far better than what she often hears and has long been tired of hearing, "Baga, you want to die. Believe it or not, I can call hundreds of brothers to hack you to death with just one phone call, you idiot." This kind of statement is much more forceful.

Really worthy of being the number one in the college entrance examination!

"...Well, let's continue to eat, but there are always some self-righteous idiots. If you see too much, you won't be surprised. Don't worry about it." Li Zedao said.

He Xiaoyue slightly restrained her eyes that seemed to be about to take off the opponent's clothes and said: "You broke his hand, is it okay? What if the opponent's background is really big..."

Li Zedao smiled, walked to the corner, and picked up the fire extinguisher placed on the iron shelf. If the other party really dared to come, he really didn't mind helping them put out the fire!

"It's okay, look, I really have a fire extinguisher."

"..." He Xiaoyue couldn't hold back, and laughed. No wonder there are so many women who like him. He is handsome, rich, intelligent, and rich, and he also understands romance, and his words are funny, and he can bring people a very strong sense of security. This almost perfect Man, who doesn't like it?

Zhou Qian looked at Li Zedao admiringly, then lowered her head and smiled shyly.


Zhao Yadong is a manager of Qinshi Investment Co., Ltd. in Fenghuang City. He came to Yanjing this time to accompany the company's president, Qin Shaofeng, to invest in a certain project. However, Qin Shaofeng arrived in Yanjing a few days earlier than him, and today he He only arrived in the morning. As for why Qin Shaofeng came a few days earlier, that's beyond the manager's ability to ask.

Because of his strong personal ability, he can be regarded as the mainstay of this investment company, so Zhao Yadong is highly valued by Qin Shaofeng. No, after Zhao Yadong got off the plane, Qin Shaofeng immediately took him here to eat roast duck.

Before walking into the box with a happy face, Zhao Yadong accidentally saw the crazy woman she met on the plane enter another box, her eyes lit up slightly, and she hurried in without thinking. In that box, because Qin Shaofeng was already waiting for him inside.

Zhao Yadong's drinking capacity was just like that, so after drinking a few glasses of wine with Qin Shaofeng, his tongue began to curl up and his brain became a little hot. In addition, the most inseparable topic between men is basically women, so Zhao Yadong talked about it. He met a very good-looking woman on the plane. She was really good-looking. Just by looking at her figure and her face, you would have the urge to masturbate. It's a pity that she was mentally abnormal. She even said she was a gangster. I have chopped people down more than once, the sharp machete goes on like this, and then...the hand is broken, and the kick passes, and then, that thing is useless...

Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up, and he became interested. Such a woman really has a lot of personality.

Zhao Yadong quickly took out his mobile phone, found the photo secretly taken at the airport, and showed it to Qin Shaofeng. When Qin Shaofeng saw it, he was astonished. Compared with his elder sister, Qin Shaomei, the maturity level of this theory is simply not as good as it is. , if you can sleep with this kind of top quality * for one night, why not *?

Zhao Yadong smiled and said that he had just entered another box when he saw this.

So Qin Shaofeng immediately asked his bodyguard to go over, and politely invited the woman over, so in the box where He Xiaoyue was, the scene where the bodyguard's hand was snapped off by Li Zedao happened.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't even know that the person he feared the most was in that box right now, otherwise, let alone let the bodyguards pass by, he might not dare to eat the roast duck, so he patted his ass and left quickly.

Just because he didn't know, when the bodyguard with a broken wrist came back with a painful expression, he got angry, very angry!

He really didn't expect this woman to be so ignorant of flattery, it's fine if she doesn't show face, and even broke his bodyguard's hand, it's really disgusting!

Zhao Yadong's mind cleared up a bit, and he whispered secretly. He never expected that madwoman to be so violent. She even broke the hands of Young Master Qin's bodyguard. Will his hand be broken too?

"Boss Qin," the bodyguard said with shame, "that woman's friend is extremely dangerous. I am not his opponent. I failed to complete what you told me. Please punish me."

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