The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1110 Awesome brother-in-law

Qin Shaofeng waved his hand, and said with a gloomy face, "Go and deal with the injury yourself. Besides, let Aaron and the others go over and bring them all to me here."

"Yes, President Qin." The man said, turned and left the box.

Zhao Yadong, whose mind is clearer now, really wants to slap himself. Why did he mention that woman to Qin Shaofeng? He even showed him the photo of the woman that he secretly took, and now it's all right, Qin Shaofeng was slapped in the face, and he seemed to want to make things worse in order to save face.

At the moment, he asked cautiously: "Boss Qin, I'm afraid it's not good to make things too big. After all, we are in Yanjing now..."

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who is afraid of big troubles?" Qin Shaofeng said in a gloomy and awesome tone, "Besides, what about Yanjing? Do you know who my brother-in-law is? Li Zedao, that's a A character who can walk sideways in Yanjing! Gao Shenghan from the Gao family is great, right? Wei Xiaobao from the Wei family is amazing? All of them were slapped in the face by my brother-in-law, and even some time ago, the so-called wealthy Wei family tried to appease my brother-in-law’s anger , gave my brother-in-law the Huangcheng teahouse that the Wei family has run for a hundred years...Have you heard of the Huangcheng teahouse? .”

Zhao Yadong was stunned for a moment, then swallowed, his heart was already in a turmoil.

His identity is there, so naturally he can't get in touch with people at the level of the Gao family and the Wei family, but no matter what, Qin Shaofeng's brother-in-law is really awesome, otherwise Qin Shaofeng is such a proud and proud son Why is it not only worship but also worship when mentioning him?

In short, just hug this big tree tightly!

So Zhao Yadong was not worried about making things worse, and immediately raised his cup to apologize and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Qin, thank you, Mr. Qin, then I'm looking forward to it."


The atmosphere in the box became a little weird.

Zhou Qian was not the master of chatting, she lowered her head and looked so shy while eating in small bites.

He Xiaoyue, who can chat, stopped talking now, and looked at Li Zedao with hot and unscrupulous eyes, so that Li Zedao felt extremely uncomfortable all over his body.

Just when he was about to say that he could escape temporarily, there was a burst of noisy footsteps, and in the next second, a dozen or so sturdy men walked in one after another. The compartment door was closed.

Fortunately, the box in Judequan is big enough.

Even with the addition of these ten or so people, it is not necessarily too crowded.

Li Zedao looked at the dozen or so men who broke in, and was almost moved to tears. Thank you very much for coming, so that I won't be so embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Li Zedao asked.

"Come with us, our President Qin wants to see you." The leader, a bald man in a standard black suit and a very formal bodyguard, looked back at Li Zedao with some reluctance and said.

As soon as he came in just now, he was deeply attracted by the scenery in front of him, beauties, rare beauties, and two of them appeared at once... If the other party hadn't spoken out, he would have continued to remain silent like this , because he knows that such a woman does not belong to him at all, and it is good to take a second look.

"You President Qin lost your temper?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"..." The bald man wanted to scold his mother, isn't this nonsense? Why don't we come here if we don't lose our temper?

"Then take that fire extinguisher back to him and let him spray it himself." Li Zedao pointed to the fire extinguisher that was placed on a chair and suggested, he was really too lazy to knock down these people It's really meaningless.

"You made me angry too!" The bald man didn't think it was a joke, so he said with a gloomy face, "Do it!" He knew that this kid was a bit weird, at least he was very strong, and he would be killed if he made a move. His brother's hand was cut off, so he didn't dare to push him too hard, and let people surround him and beat him up.

As soon as the words fell, the bald man only felt a flash in front of his eyes. The figure of the other party who was still sitting there suddenly appeared in front of him, and then the other party made a move. He didn't know when he was holding the fire extinguisher in his hand. He hit his crotch heavily.

Then, the bald head seemed to hear the sound of the egg breaking, and a touch of sadness suddenly surged in his heart.

"Aw..." The bald man let out a sharp scream, his face was purple, and he covered his crotch with his hand and fell down slowly.

After Li Zedao knocked down the opponent with a fire extinguisher, he said with a smile: "Is the fire out now?"

"..." No one answered him, the bald man was too painful to speak, and the others stared at the bald man lying there with petrified expressions.

"Bang!" He Xiaoyue stared at Li Zedao in a daze or obsessively, so much so that she ignored the piece of duck meat that fell from her mouth.

"This man is so handsome!" She wailed in her heart, she never thought that there would be a time when she would be so nympho.

"Old Dragon, are you alright?" One of the men finally came to his senses, and quickly squatted down and asked with concern.

" it..." The bald man was so painful that he was almost speechless, and he said each word at a time. He felt that his egg was broken, and he felt that his "sexual blessing" in this life was also lost. That's it.

So the man stood up angrily, gave several other people a look, then raised his fist, and rushed towards Li Zedao.


He was sent flying with a slap, and smashed hard against the wall beside him. Before he could utter a scream, he passed out like this.

He's a devil... The other ten or so bodyguards who hadn't fallen were petrified again, and there was only one thought left in their minds. They didn't expect that in just a few seconds on their side, two people had already fallen down.

"Do you still want to fight?" Li Zedao looked at the remaining ten or so people with uncertain faces, and sneered.

Do not hit! We just blocked the door, prevented you from going out, and trapped you for half a year. I will starve you to death... the bodyguards thought to themselves.

Seeing that no one answered, Li Zedao didn't bother to dawdle with them anymore, so he raised the fire extinguisher and took the initiative to attack... So he only heard the endless sound of "bang, bang..." and then within three seconds, the ten The rest of the people were exactly the same as the previous one who was blown away by Li Zedao, before he could scream, he just passed out.

He Xiaoyue and Zhou Qian looked at each other, their eyes were already full of stars, especially He Xiaoyue, the shock in her heart could not be described in words, that is to say, if this man is willing, He can single-handedly challenge the entire Qingyun!

No wonder, he was sent to an island country to carry out missions at a young age. Sure enough, there is no dragon or phoenix in the sky. My vision is really good. No matter what, I must work hard to pursue it...

A woman who is strong and has a lot of experience is still a woman in essence, and she is basically emotional, so at this moment, He Xiaoyue has completely fallen.

Li Zedao walked up to the bald man with a fire extinguisher and squatted down: "I think you will honestly tell me which box Mr. Qin is in, right? As an admirer of Uncle Lei Feng, I really can't bear to see He was angry so I wanted to help him put out the fire."

"..." The bald man's face trembled in horror, thinking that if he smashed his bones like President Qin, he wouldn't be beaten to death alive?

"I don't know?" Li Zedao stood up and raised the fire extinguisher in his hand.

The bald man hurriedly said frightenedly, "In... the emperor's box..."

Li Zedao thought for a while, um, where is the imperial box? Immediately said: "Forget it, you take me there."

Then he looked at He Xiaoyue and Zhou Qian and said, "Are you also together?" Who knows that no one will break in? Leaving the second daughter here, Li Zedao was really worried. Although He Xiaoyue hacked people, but these bodyguards had to be hacked to death.

"It's interesting to see you stepping on people, of course I went." He Xiaoyue said with a nympho look on her face.

"Brother Zedao...I...I'll go too..." Zhou Qian said with a slightly blushing face, as if her going would bring too much trouble to Li Zedao.


"Mr. Qin, there must be a very exciting show going on in that box right now?" Zhao Yadong chuckled, "Mr. Qin, all your bodyguards go over there, don't you scare them so much that they pee their pants?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled sadly, isn't this nonsense?

"Come on, President Qin, I'll do it first as a respect..." The moment Zhao Yadong raised his cup, there was a loud "bang!", and the thick box door was kicked open, followed by an unknown person. Objects fell from the sky and hit the table heavily, smashing the plates of roast duck, sweet noodle sauce, and duck skeleton soup into a mess in an instant, and a lot of soup and wine splashed all over the table. Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yadong, who had no time to dodge, were all together.

Qin Shaofeng's face has turned into a pig's liver, who is he? He is Qin Shaofeng! His father is Qin Yiping, and his brother-in-law is even more awesome, it's Li Zedao! It's Li Zedao, you know? If he knew, there would still be people who would dare to challenge his authority so crazily. Do you want to learn how to write the word "death"?

But when he saw that the unknown object turned out to be a person, and it was one of his bodyguards named Laolong, the anger on his face froze a bit. Didn't he take someone to beat him? How did you fly here?

After being dazed for a moment, he looked towards the door, and when he saw who was coming, his face jumped, and he twitched violently, and his heart froze, why did he come? Could it be... Qin Shaofeng had the urge to strangle Zhao Yadong to death.

Zhao Yadong's eyelids twitched violently. He didn't know who Li Zedao was, but he saw that little brat entered the box with that crazy woman just now, and now this brat gave him away. Throwing it could they be so violent?

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