The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1112 Do you mind?

He Xiaoyue said: "I didn't expect to meet him so soon, so until now, I wonder if I'm dreaming."

"Haha, I just pinched myself, it hurts, so I'm not dreaming... Oh, by the way, find a chance to take a photo and send a photo for me to see, I'm really curious, what is it like The man is so obsessed with my sister that he came across the ocean to look for it." He Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"..." He Xiaoyue looked at the face with a wry smile in the mirror, and thought to herself, let alone what he looks like, I'm afraid you already know exactly how many hairs he has under his armpit, right?

He Xiaoyue pondered for a while, and then said with some difficulty: "Xiao Yu, actually, I just found out that he is also from Fenghuang City, and he usually lives in Fenghuang City."

He Xiaoyu's voice was full of surprises: "Really? Or a fellow?"

"Well, I just found out, and I just learned some basic information about him... He is a college student, only 20 years old, and I am almost 40 years old. I can almost be her mother just by my age... Xiao Yu, do you think there is too much difference in our age?"

He Xiaoyu was slightly stunned and then smiled and said: "I think, age is not a problem, height is not a distance, weight is not a pressure... Gender is still related, hehe, besides, cousin, you are not old at all. When Lao Zhaiqian saw you, he thought you were under thirty."

In He Xiaoyu's opinion, an old wife and young husband are perfect, isn't she just five or six years older than Li Zedao? Qin Shaomei is almost ten years older than him. Of course, there is a premise that you can't look old, otherwise when the two of you go out, others will mistake you for a mother and son shopping, wouldn't that be embarrassing?

The cousin has inherited the fine traditions of the family very well. She is naturally beautiful and has the conditions to take care of her, so she looks so beautiful and youthful, so there is no need to worry about this at all.

"It's not as good as you, it's really old." He Xiaoyue was a little emotional, hesitated and continued, "Let's not talk about the age gap, it's just..."

"Just what?" He Xiaoyu asked.

"He... already has other women, and there are several..." He Xiaoyue said.

He Xiaoyu was taken aback, why did the man my cousin liked look a bit like Li Zedao? He was about the same age, he was very good, and had several women.

"Cousin, in this case, you have to think about it." He Xiaoyu thought for a while and said, "The first thing you have to consider is whether you mind her having other women. The other women who think about him don't mind if you enter their circle.


In He Xiaoyu's view, all of them are different. In other words, there are very few women like them, even fewer than rare animals.

Most women will not intervene in other people's emotional life. Most women will never allow their other half to betray them in love. They all hope that their other half has only themselves in their hearts!

He Xiaoyue smiled wryly: "How could I mind? If I mind, I won't chase him across the ocean. Even the lowest hope is that it is enough to see him from a distance every day! As for her Do women mind..."

He Xiaoyue took a deep breath and said, "Xiaoyu..."


"do you mind?"

"...What do you mean?" He Xiaoyu couldn't react for a moment.

"I didn't know his real name until just now. His name is Li Zedao... I also know that one of his women is you, Xiaoyu." He Xiaoyue said softly.



"Have you been waiting for a long time?" He Xiaoyue looked at Li Zedao and Zhou Qian who were waiting there, a little apologetic, and even more embarrassed. They would not think that they had been there for twenty minutes. Constipation or diarrhea?

"No, it's just that Xiaoqian is a little worried." Li Zedao laughed. He almost let Zhou Qian in to see if the woman had fainted in the bathroom, but now that she looked rosy and walked lightly, he knew that there was nothing wrong with her body.

Zhou Qian looked at He Xiaoyue who smiled shyly, then looked away.

He Xiaoyue took Zhou Qian's little hand, smiled, then looked at Li Zedao even more embarrassed, and explained: "I just made a phone call and forgot the time."

"...It's fine." Li Zedao said.

"I... called Xiaoyu." He Xiaoyue met Li Zedao's eyes, and there was a hint of shyness in those shining eyes.

"..." Li Zedao touched his nose, a little embarrassed.

He Xiaoyue lowered her head: "I told her about my relationship with you..."

Li Zedao was a little helpless, thinking that I have nothing to do with you, right? Well, although I slapped you twice, it was you who wanted to bite me first and then I slapped you.

He Xiaoyue raised her head, looked at Li Zedao with a serious but shy expression, and said, "She...let me cling to you, and I can't let you go, don't mind, do you?" ?”

"..." Li Zedao was in a state of embarrassment, wanting to say that I mind, but that's not my style and isn't it a bit too cruel? I want to say I don't mind... I don't seem to be such a casual person, do I?

Today is He Xiaoyue, who knows if Ruhua will come over tomorrow... Li Zedao couldn't help but see Ruhua's undeveloped face in his mind, and then his stomach twisted slightly.

He thought that if she really dared to come over and do what He Xiaoyue was doing to him, I would promise not to beat her to death!

In the final analysis, this is still a world that depends on faces, and Li Zedao is no exception! So being chased by such a woman all over the world, and now expressing her love for him so sincerely like a surging river, Li Zedao was embarrassed, but he was still in a good mood, really happy Cool.

"Don't talk? Then I'll pretend you don't mind." He Xiaoyue smiled.

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly, and continued to feel good.

"In addition, she asked me to tell you that you are buying a larger villa, and there are not enough rooms in the villa." He Xiaoyue pursed her lips and smiled and said, Li Zedao's expression now made her feel very funny.

"..." Li Zedao felt that he had been slapped several times by a pair of invisible big hands, otherwise why would his face be so hot and painful?

He Xiaoyue lowered her head slightly, and said with some embarrassment: "But... don't rush to buy it, Xiao Yu asked me to squeeze with her temporarily."



Li Zedao called Yingying and briefly told her about He Xiaoyue, saying that He Xiaoyue was in Yanjing now and wanted to see her, and asked her if she would see her or not.

Of course, Li Zedao felt that it would be better to meet him. After all, that incident was a misunderstanding. When Shadow was young, she still loved her very much.

Besides, maybe everyone will live under the same roof in the future...Of course, Li Zedao just thought about this in his heart and didn't dare to say it.

"Damn it, you idiot, such a super-sexy stunner is delivered to your door from across the ocean, aren't you so proud that your tail is going up to the sky?" Shadow snorted very displeased. road.

"'re thinking too much." Li Zedao was speechless.

"Hmph, anyway, this genius girl knows that you will not let go of such a mature and sexy stunner, as if you won't let a century-old girl like this genius... No, it is a rare encounter in ten thousand years Like a top-notch little lolita!"

"..." Li Zedao felt that this little witch is really shameless. She is indeed a top-notch little lolita, but she can't reach the level of a rare encounter in ten thousand years, right?

"She sent it to the door by herself, how could you be willing to push it away? You are no worse than a beast, it's almost as good as stripping her clothes and throwing them on the bed... Oh, I'm afraid she has already stripped her own clothes Is it all gone?"


The shadow was still chattering: "Damn, it's a good thing she's not my real mother, otherwise what's the difference between you and the animals of the Shengtian family? You're about to be struck by lightning, do you know that?"


"Big idiot, you can bring her to the apartment of the talented girl at night." After rambling for a long time, Shadow finally said in a low tone.

Li Zedao knew that this little witch actually cared about He Xiaoyue very much. After all, she was also brought up by He Xiaoyue. She used to think that she had two mothers.

"Okay, I'll buy some food and cook a table of delicious food for you tonight." Li Zedao said with a smile.


In the evening, Li Zedao, who was carrying two bags full of things, brought Zhou Qian and Yingying to appear in Yingying's luxurious apartment not far from Longteng Medicine, the dark group's research and development base.

He Xiaoyue rang the doorbell with a slightly uneasy mood, and soon the door was opened, and a figure in a large white T-shirt appeared at the door, and then, her big eyes scrutinized He Xiaoyue Here it comes, blowing a bubble while looking at it.

He Xiaoyue looked at this quirky little girl who had turned into a quirky big girl now, with a smile on her face, but an inexplicable soreness on her nose.

"Do you still recognize me?" He Xiaoyue said.

It was rare for Shadow to be quiet for a while. He nodded, stepped aside and said, "Come in."

Li Zedao was the last one to go in. When passing by Shadow, Shadow's foot suddenly lifted up and kicked heavily on Li Zedao's ass.

"I don't seem to have provoked you?" Li Zedao looked back at the shadow with some grievances and whispered, "You want to see yourself..."

"Damn, you idiot, I hate you. I have already left me without a father, and now you have left me without a mother." Shadow snorted coldly.

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he found himself speechless.

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