After entering the room, Shadow looked at He Xiaoyue and pointed to the sofa and said, "You... sit down, tea or coffee... Sister Nanji likes coffee, so I only have coffee here."

"... just coffee, thank you." He Xiaoyue smiled softly, and then sat down on the sofa.

"Little sister Zhou Qian, you sit too." Shadow looked at Zhou Qian and said, then glared at Li Zedao, and kicked over again, "Damn, you idiot, what are you looking at? Why don't you hurry up and cook? I'm a genius Pretty girls are hungry."

"The meal will be ready in about an hour." Li Zedao said with an apologetic smile, and then entered the kitchen with the two bags of ingredients, and started to work. He didn't expect anyone to help him.

It is already a miracle that this little witch can burn water. This witch is very evil in some aspects. For example, she can easily hack a server and hack into those cameras. For those who shoot passionate movies in island countries I'm so familiar with how many hairs there are under them... Li Zedao was thinking that if she wasn't bragging, she must be so busy, so she stared at the screen and counted one by one...

But in some respects, she is an idiot, such as stuffing rice, which is very difficult for her.

Zhou Qian does know how to cook, but if she stays in the kitchen, with her admiration and obsession with herself, maybe she will be fascinated by it and then add a few spoonfuls of salt or the eggs are not beaten directly Throw the whole one down and cook...

It is even more impossible for He Xiaoyue, who has the most experience in cooking, to come in. After all, this is the place of the shadow, and the visitor is a guest. Besides, her relationship with the shadow and the situation are a bit complicated, and she has not seen her for ten years. There is something to be said.


Shadow brought over steaming coffee, and He Xiaoyue quickly stood up and took it, both in expression and in action, one can imagine how restless she is now.

Shadow sat down on the sofa, cross-legged, then stared at He Xiaoyue with big eyes and murmured: "This talented and beautiful girl once hated the wrong person, and she hated the wrong person for ten years, I'm sorry."

"..." He Xiaoyue opened her mouth and realized that she didn't know how to answer, so she said it's okay? At the moment, he could only smile softly, saying that it was okay.

"Although when I was young, a beautiful girl called you mother today, but now...well, you can no longer be my mother anyway, and you don't want to continue to be my mother, right?" Shadow said, " If you still treat me as my mother, that fool will be struck to death by lightning. If he dies, this genius and beautiful girl will be very sad, and my little sister Zhou Qian will be very sad too... isn't it, little sister Zhou Qian?"

"..." The muscles on He Xiaoyue's face full of awkward smiles were twitching.

Zhou Qian lowered her head and nodded embarrassingly.

"So, from now on, you will be the talented and beautiful girl Xiaoyue sister, how about you?"

"...Okay." He Xiaoyue really didn't know whether she should cry or laugh... Should she laugh? Because that's the best outcome, isn't it? Good to her, good to Nanji, good to Li Zedao... He can accept himself without worrying about being struck by lightning!

Once, when He Xiaoyue was hugging little Zhang Ying, she thought that it would be great if this pink girl was born by herself, but now He Xiaoyue is very glad that this little girl has no blood relationship with her.

The doorbell rang.

"Sister Nanji is here, the beautiful girl opened the door today..." After finishing speaking, she jumped off the sofa and ran towards the door with her bare feet.

"This girl." He Xiaoyue said dotingly.


Just as Li Zedao was cutting cucumbers quickly, footsteps came over. Looking back, Nanji, who was wearing a standard leather jacket and leather pants, came over. She didn't walk in, but leaned on the door frame with her shoulders , holding a cup of fragrant coffee in his hand.

Li Zedao had heard the doorbell ringing vaguely before, and Li Zedao knew that Antarctica had arrived, but he knew that Antarctica would definitely come to the kitchen, and he had to prepare the meal quickly, so he didn't go out to have a look.

Li Zedao smiled, continued to cut cucumbers and showed off his skills with a "crack..." and said with a smile: "You definitely didn't come here to help."

"If you want to be poisoned." Nanji said coldly, "I can help."

"..." Li Zedao felt that this woman was getting cuter and cuter, and now she would say such cold words. After all, she is not a master of telling cold jokes, and throwing a knife at people is her strong point.

"I'm not afraid of being poisoned." Li Zedao smiled and said affectionately, "I'll eat whatever you cook."

Antarctic took a sip of coffee, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a strange way: "Two years ago, I was on a mission in Africa. The place was so dry that there was almost no grass growing, so naturally, there was nothing to eat. , then I caught a big rat, as long as that cucumber you were cutting, and it was huge, and I built a fire..."

"That...cough cough..." Li Zedao's complexion changed drastically and he interrupted Nanji's words to prevent her from continuing. Now his stomach twisted for a while, and he had an urge to pick up the trash can and throw up.

The angle at the corner of Antarctic's mouth became even worse, and he smiled.

"Idiot," she said, "I caught that mouse because I was bored and caught it for fun, to have fun, not to eat it, I have a lot of super compressed biscuits, why should I eat it?"

"...Then you light a fire..." Li Zedao was speechless, who made you say that? Can it not make people think about it? And why is this woman so unsympathetic? She has such a bad taste. If you are bored, you can play other things, such as playing mobile games, browsing Weibo, browsing Moments, shopping on Taobao, and reading online novels, such as "Ultimate" "Students in the City" is not bad, you actually catch mice to play? The mouse is so cute... so cute... Li Zedao's body trembled, feeling disgusted.

There are two kinds of things he doesn't want to see the most, one is a snake, and the other is a mouse. The former made his hair stand on end, and the latter made him extremely sick.

"It's cold at night, so naturally I have to make a fire to warm my body. Is there a problem?" Nanji looked at Li Zedao like an idiot.

" problem, no problem..." Li Zedao remained speechless.

"Of course, it's not that I haven't eaten rat meat before." Nanji said after taking a sip of coffee, as if talking about a very inconspicuous little thing, just like I ate rice at noon, making people feel so uncomfortable conspicuous.

"Ouch..." Li Zedao vomited, he kissed Nanji's little mouth more than once, isn't that...

"Since you like everything I cook, I'll bake one for you sometime when I'm free."

"...vomit..." Li Zedao vomited even more.

Nanji ignored Li Zedao's extremely resentful expression, and continued to taste the coffee in his hand.

Li Zedao felt that this woman was really a super girl, and her inner quality was so strong that it was outrageous. Under such circumstances, it is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people to be able to enjoy drinking coffee like this.

"The snake's head is fake." Nan Ji said, his eyes had become sharp. It is really hard to accept that the snake head that was finally brought back at the risk of risking his life was a fake like the previous one.

Li Zedao said with a wry smile: "It's fake. Yanhuang also said that the workmanship of the snake head is basically the same as that of the previous snake head, so it can basically be determined that it was copied by the same person, and we don't know. A few... This also explains why Tom gave the snake head to Emperor Hirohito because of his generosity, and also explained why he didn't move* to take the snake head when he found you later, after all, he spent a lot of money on the snake head Don't worry about it, this is the way to go."

"What do you think is the purpose of the fake Hand of God, who deliberately planned to get the head of the snake? Just to discredit the Hand of God?" Nanji asked.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly and said: "I only know that the reason for stealing the snake's head in the name of my master is not only to discredit my master, but also because my master's name is really useful. What is the real purpose of the chief, I don't know... Maybe, he is a fanatical collector of cultural relics, maybe, who knows? Or maybe..."

"Maybe what?" Seeing Li Zedao's brows furrowed, Nanji asked.

Li Zedao looked at her and shook his head: "It's just a guess... But what is certain is that something happened to my master when the snake's head was stolen."

As he said that, his expression darkened, he took a deep breath, and then continued to cut the shredded meat.

"The results of the discussion above have come out." Nanji changed the subject, and his eyes suddenly became a little sad, "The Ming team of the Shenlong Organization will be officially disbanded for a while, and the members of the original first team and second team will be reorganized. Assessment and distribution, how to distribute, the result has not yet come out.”

Li Zedao nodded and said, "It's fine to disband and reassess the assignment."

In just a few months, three traitors appeared in the team of the Ming Group, which is the sword of the country, and what they did was all things that harmed the interests of the country and seriously shamed the country, so It is indeed necessary to rectify it. Who knows if there are any traitors hiding among the remaining people?

For Antarctica, they have deep feelings for this organization, so it is only normal to have such a reaction. For Li Zedao, although he is also a member of the Shenlong organization, he has joined for a short time. He is a half-way monk and suspected of being forced. Except for Antarctica and engineers, he does not get along well with other members... The main reason is that they are all jealous that they are more handsome than them, so after hearing the news, Li Zedao didn't feel too much fluctuation in his heart.

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