The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1114 Conspiracy

"Master has also reported your 'suggestion' verbatim." Nanji looked at Li Zedao's not-so-strong but very secure back, just like looking at an idiot.

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Proposal? What proposal?" He didn't remember what proposal he gave Yanhuang at all.

"Didn't you tell my master? You want to give me your share of the credit?" Nanji said, "You also said, you are a big man, what do you want so much credit for? I am a woman and I have to do it." There are so many things, it can always bring me some help..."

Nanji is really angry and funny, the funny thing is, the words themselves are very least when the master repeated it to her like this, she couldn't help but laughed.

What's so annoying is, how can you, a man, say such... so feminine words? Isn't it more reasonable for a woman to say this?

I am a girl, what do I need so much credit for? He is a man, he has many things to do, these credits can always bring him some help...

Look, has the mood changed?

When a man says this, it will make people feel that this man is really cheap to grandma's house, but when a woman says this, it makes people feel the woman's deep love for her man .

Li Zedao laughed one by one, and said embarrassingly: "My own, don't need to say thank you."


The smile on Li Zedao's face froze and he said: "Your master really reported it verbatim?" Isn't this old guy stupid? IQ and EQ are really low to such a degree that I can't tell that I actually have something wrong in my heart. complain? Didn't know I was actually protesting?

After all, the matter about the snake head and the series of events that happened next had nothing to do with Master at all, and Li Zedao didn't believe that the higher-ups didn't find anything too strange, but they still asked Master to take the blame, which made Li Zedao very upset.

"Reported up." Nanji took a sip of coffee and nodded with certainty, "Of course, your other 'suggestion' master has also reported up. What did you say? Oh, it can't be exchanged." Cash money is fine too, as you know, my family has a lot of great women, and they are very poor... It doesn't need to be too much, 100 million is enough... No? Then 70 to 80 million is also okay, I won't think too little... ..."

Nan Ji looked at Li Zedao and frowned and said, "How can you do this? How can you ask for 100 million?"

"What... what's wrong? I'm just joking..." Li Zedao was a little worried that this upright female soldier would directly show her knife and throw it at herself in the next second.

"If you want 100 million, the chief can't cut it in half and give you 50 million at most? But if you want 200 million, the chief should give you at least 100 million?" Nanji looked at Li Zedao like an idiot and said, "Now it's okay. Yes, the chief has agreed, and I have really turned your credit into cash, and I plan to give you a bonus of 50 million."

"..." Li Zedao looked at Nanji blankly, he didn't expect this woman to say such cheap, unpatriotic, unblooded, and philistine words, she should just throw the knife, right?

Li Zedao sighed, those who were close to vermilion were red and those who were close to ink were black, the shadow ruined him, a young man whose mind was full of positive energy, and now a pure, kind and silly girl.

"Am I not right?" Nan Ji asked, hesitating for a while and said, "I just... feel sorry for you, because you were dragged into it, and you didn't have to take such a risk."


"Come on, give me a hug." Li Zedao was very moved, "It's a very pure hug."

Looking at his greasy hands, Nanji said with disgust, "Get lost!"


Li Zedao's cooking skills are excellent, so the dinner is naturally very rich, and the shadow will not give Li Zedao a chance to be embarrassed, so while eating, he said in his heart that it was really delicious, and he hummed to express that's it. Damn fool, the last piece is the genius of this beautiful girl, you give it to you and I will return it...

He Xiaoyue looked at Li Zedao's eyes and changed again. She thought she knew how good this boy was, but after eating the food he cooked, she realized that she really didn't know him enough. Even better than I imagined.

After dinner, Li Zedao pitifully picked up the leftovers and started washing the dishes. As for the fourth daughter, she wanted to go shopping at Ying Ying's suggestion.

Zhou Qian wouldn't refuse at all, she basically belonged to the kind of "submissive", and the shadow did what it said.

Antarctica is too lazy to refuse... Anyway, there is nothing to do, just go shopping.

He Xiaoyue didn't want to and couldn't refuse, besides, she also wanted to stay with Shadow for a while.

So as soon as Shadow proposed, none of them objected.

"You idiot, don't go, just wait at home obediently." Shadow said looking at Li Zedao who was packing up the dishes.

Li Zedao felt secretly refreshed, thinking that it would be better if he didn't go, because if he didn't go, he wouldn't have to follow you pitifully to carry things, and he would have to accept those murderous eyes floating around, and there was Nanji following him, so he didn't have to worry about their safety. But he said calmly, "Why?"

"Because you have to wash the dishes." Shadow said as a matter of course, "After washing the dishes, you also wipe the toilet and mop the floor...the glass has not been wiped for several days, and if we come back, we find that you haven't cleaned it. You are dead."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he had the urge to slap this poor girl's ass, what should he be?

Shadow stood on tiptoe and patted Li Zedao's head as if he were patting a pug: "Hey, I'll buy you candy."


After Shadow changed his clothes, the four girls went out quickly. Li Zedao, who thought he had no tendency to be masochistic but actually had a tendency to be masochistic, was talking to Li Mengchen, He Xiaoyu, Nintendo and the girls one by one with Bluetooth in their ears. He said that when he returned to Fenghuang City in the past two days, he was in a sour mood while cleaning the bowls and chopsticks, cleaning the toilet brush, and then cleaning the glass and mopping the floor.

Most of these women are in the villa named "You Yue" in the Baili Real Estate Community at this time, so Li Zedao doesn't have to bother to call one after another.

After talking to them one by one, it was already two hours later. At this time, Li Zedao also mopped the floor, and after tidying up, he found a pen and paper from the TV cabinet, and then Back to the sofa, frowning slightly, he started to write.

Since he was tricked by the old man Guan Le on the overpass to the present, many things have happened. Li Zedao sorted it out a little to see if he could find any clues.

Li Zedao always feels that there is a big conspiracy or a big black net covering him. Even before he was born, this conspiracy has been opened, and the fate and life of many people are shrouded in it. The net has been opened.

It should be the father who first learned about the cause of his grandfather's death. He learned that he had been poisoned by Gu poisoning, which led to his death from a heart attack. He also knew that his grandfather's death had something to do with his master.

The father knew that the consequence of this incident was that he was born prematurely before he was full term and was carried away, and then the god-making plan was officially launched!

The father's plan is to use the method left by his great-grandfather to refine Shenwan, and eventually turn his son into a god, and he is worried that God may not be Wang Zi's opponent, because Wang Zi is also a god. , So on the one hand, he refined Shenwan, and on the other hand, he began to study ghost pills, the kind of ghost pills without any sequelae, so that his son could eat ghost pills, and finally defeated Wang Zi. something?

Looking at the few lines he wrote on it, Li Zedao's thoughts surged, what happened next?

More than ten years later, Shenwan was finally successfully refined, and it was a coincidence that he was accidentally deceived by Guan Le, who did not know that he was the son of a judge, as an experimental subject, and his father secretly guarded him. Le forced the medicine he took to be replaced by Shenwan, and then his body and IQ were completely transformed by Shenwan, and then, he completely started a journey that was enough to be flamboyant, coquettish, and ambiguous... …

Then, the mother appeared, and the mother's appearance made the master also appear. Out of concern for his good brother's son, he began to teach himself skills and various skills.

Then, his father appeared, and at the same time, his master had lost his trace, completely lost, and the abyss of death awaited his father's complete appearance.

Afterwards, the Yan Luo Temple created by the father, Dongfang Buqun and Dongfang Bubai revealed their real bodies. The father and son Dongfang Buqun and Dongfang Bubai appeared on the stage. Regarding the ancient tomb, I also gave myself the method of refining the god pill left by my great-grandfather and the tomb of Duanmu Weizhuang, which was also left by my great-grandfather. It is said that there is a cure for cancer in the tomb...

Li Zedao felt that the tomb in Chen Tuan's legend should be the tomb of Duanmu Weizhuang, and this point should not be wrong.

After pondering for a while, Li Zedao took a pen and drew a circle on the two names "Oriental Undefeated" and "Oriental Buqun". It seems that the cause of this incident and its subsequent development are all related to this pair of father and son with very strange names. It's related, it's because of them that my father knew the real cause of his grandfather's death, and it's also because of them that he has the plan to create gods later, and it's also because of them that he learned the secrets about the year that his father didn't have time to tell him.

Are they actually the initiators of this conspiracy? Or are they just online people too?

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