The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1117 Beauty and the Beast

"What are you looking at? Did you hear what my mother said? I'm repeating, your Yingying's father is a veterinarian. If you dare to continue to pester our Yingying, be careful that he treats you like a cow." I'll castrate you too! Do you hear that?" The shrew said viciously, the big fat on her face trembling.

Li Zedao quickly tilted his head back to avoid the other party's saliva spraying on his face, and then said helplessly, "Auntie, I don't..."

"What aunt? Who is your aunt? Do you think I look like an aunt?" Li Zedao's words only had time to utter a few words, which immediately hurt the shrew. She looked like the one whose tail was stepped on. A rabbit trampled by a cat, a lone wolf wounded by a bullet... She felt insulted.

Why does this little bastard have the nerve to call himself aunt? Mom, am I that old?

"Also, you bastard, how dare you say 'no'?" The shrew was so angry that she rolled up her sleeves and cursed, "If you have the guts, try saying it again? See if I don't slap you... ..."

Li Zedao didn't try, he turned back to the room, and closed the door casually, he needed this door to block the other party's spittle spewing out of his mouth constantly.

Seeing that this little bastard was so rude, the woman blushed with anger, and her big face was twisted into a ball and turned into a big meat bun.

She slammed on the door a few times and scolded: "Little bastard, you'd better be a coward for the rest of your life and don't come out, don't let my old lady see you, let alone see you hooking up with our family Ying Ying, otherwise my mother will tear down the door of your house!"

Hearing the angry scolding, Li Zedao didn't want to continue to respond. Dealing with this kind of old woman who has entered menopause, Li Zedao felt that it was much more difficult than dealing with Junichi Ito. Besides, she was not scolding herself at all, but Zhou Yan... You are quite right.

"Brother Ze Dao, she..." Zhou Qian pointed to the door. She is usually not confused, so she heard a lot of information.

"It should be the mother of your future sister-in-law. I guess she came here because her daughter thought that your brother is not good enough for her daughter?" Li Zedao smiled bitterly, "In the end, he regarded me as your brother. He cursed and threatened, and I wanted to explain that I was the boyfriend of Zhou Yan's younger sister, so I had no chance."

Zhou Qian's face turned red all of a sudden, she smiled shyly at Li Zedao, and then said: "Brother Zedao, I also think that my brother is not good enough for sister Sun Ying. When the two of them are together, I always It reminds me of Beauty and the Beast..."

"..." Li Zedao thought for a while, and felt that the word "beast" was better than "beast", and it could more accurately highlight Zhou Yan's characteristics.

Zhou Qian continued embarrassedly: "My mother thinks so too,

She thinks that if my brother can find a girlfriend like Sister Sun Ying, he must have stepped on dog shit every day in his previous life..."

"..." Li Zedao felt that Zhou Yan was probably not born in this family.

Hearing the movement outside, it was already quiet, the shrew must have left after being tired of scolding, then Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian and said, "Let's go, let's go cook, as for that woman... wait for your brother to come back Talk to him later, as for how to deal with it, it depends on him, this kind of thing to please the future mother-in-law can only be done by himself."

"Yeah." Zhou Qian nodded obediently and said.


The grandma spat at the gate very disdainfully, her eyes were so cold: "A family like yours still wants to be with our Yingying? Dreaming!" After finishing speaking, she turned and left people.

Walked into the elevator, went down the stairs and left the unit. When she saw a handsome and elegant young man waiting not far away, grandma's face, which was full of disdain and indignation, suddenly appeared. Picked a dog's tail flower, and then walked towards him with a smile from ear to ear.

"Xiao Sun, have you been waiting for a long time?" Sun's mother said with a smile.

"Auntie, you just said something. Isn't it natural to wait for Auntie?" The young man greeted him with a smile, keeping his posture very low.

The smile on grandma's face is even bigger, her heart is full of joy, look at it, what is a rich man, this is what he is, rich, handsome and polite, much better than that oily-faced sissy .

Immediately said: "I called Yingying before I knocked on the door, don't worry, she is not at that little bastard's house, she is not with that little bastard, and she lied to me that she is working overtime in the hospital. I quarreled and went shopping, and my aunt scolded that little bastard severely, but I warned him, if he dares to continue pestering Yingying, then I'm really welcome Yes, I tore down the door of his house!"

The man smiled and said, "Auntie is mighty." Then he opened the door of the BMW parked there and made an inviting gesture, "Please, Auntie."

"Okay, okay..." Grandma was so happy that all the muscles in her body were trembling. This is a BMW. She will sit in the BMW and laugh, which means that she is now a respectable person!


Before the two walked into the kitchen and had no time to open the refrigerator to see what ingredients were there to decide what to cook, the sound of the door of the room being opened came over.

"My parents are back?" Zhou Qian was about to go out with a happy face when she heard the door opening.

Li Zedao grabbed her little hand and whispered in her ear: "It's not your parents, it's your brother and your future sister-in-law...don't say anything, they seem to be doing something unsuitable for children."

He was familiar with the footsteps of Zhou Yan and Sun Ying, so he immediately judged that it was the two of them who came in. At the same time, he heard some strange sounds.

"..." Zhou Qian's face flushed red all of a sudden.

It was indeed Zhou Yan and Sun Ying who came in, and after the two came in, as soon as the door was closed, Zhou Yan pressed Sun Ying's body against the door heavily, and then pressed his mouth domineeringly on the other's soft skin. on the lips.

This long kiss directly made the two of them not know the heights of the sky and the height of the earth, and what time it is... Li Zedao was standing there staring at them helplessly.

"Zhou Yan, a beast, why are you so impatient? You want to kiss the girl's mouth... Of course it's no problem, but before you kiss, can you check to see if there is anyone around? Will it be too spicy? Other people's eyes!

Isn't the scene of a beast kissing a beautiful woman eye-catching?

It wasn't until the faces of the two of them were flushed that they could hardly breathe, that they reluctantly let go of their lips. At this time, Sun Ying's face was a little shy, and her eyes were embarrassed to look at Zhou Yan's flickering smile. A face with a beastly smile.

"Yingying, I love you, I really love you..." Zhou Yan said affectionately, "You have to believe me, I will not allow anyone, any resistance to destroy the pure love between us. "

Li Zedao got goosebumps all over his body, and quickly covered his face, you beast, when you talk about pure love, what's the matter with you sticking those big claws into other girls' clothes?

"I believe in you, you know, I have always believed in you." Sun Ying said, holding Zhou Yan's big paw to prevent him from invading it, with a sad expression on her face, "But, My mother doesn't seem to agree with us being together..."

Sun Ying's hometown is not in Fenghuang City, but out of town. This time her mother specially came to Fenghuang City from her hometown to see her. Sun Ying was naturally very happy when her mother came, but when she told her mother shyly that she When talking about a boyfriend, my mother asked, is it a boy named Zhou Yan?

Sun Ying froze for a moment and said how did you know? Her mother said with a straight face, woman, don't worry about how I know, you just need to know, no matter what mother says, she won't agree with you being with this shit Zhou Yan, he is a college student who is unemployed right after graduation? It's not a big deal for parents to open a small supermarket. How could such goods be worthy of her daughter?

Sun Ying was a little dumbfounded immediately, she had never told her mother about Zhou Yan at all, how could she know such details?

Grandma said that you don't care how I know this information, you just need to know that I don't agree with you being with him!

Sun Ying was so depressed that she was about to cry, she quarreled with her mother and then went to work. In fact, she was off duty today, so she didn't have to go to work.

Afterwards, she gave Zhou Yan a call and asked Zhou Yan to go shopping with her to relieve boredom. Just now her mother called her again and asked her where she was. She was very depressed and said where else to go when she was working in the hospital, and then hung up the phone.

"That's because she hasn't seen me yet." Zhou Yan comforted, "As long as her old man sees me, sees me as such an outstanding and handsome person, she will definitely agree to us being together."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, he hadn't seen him for a while, why did this guy become even more shameless?

What made the muscles on his face twitch even more was that Sun Ying said affectionately, "Well, you are really handsome and excellent."

Zhou Yan's expression became shy, and he whispered in embarrassment, "I have another way to make your mother accept me."

Sun Ying's eyes lit up instantly: "What way?"

"Create a child..." Zhou Yan's eyes were a bit hesitant to meet Sun Ying's, as if he was a little virgin in love, "Yingying, I... have a relationship with other people, especially Li Zedao. The bastard is different, I am not an animal that only thinks with the lower body, I pay attention to the communication of the soul... I mean... If your mother, the old man, knows that she is going to become a grandmother, will she be so happy? At that time, we will naturally not disagree with our matter..."

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