The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1118 Thick-skinned

Li Zedao looked left and right, wanting to see if he could find something convenient to kill this stinky shameless guy, damn it, just say it if you want to coax a simple girl into bed, but you are so shameless looking for it Such a flimsy excuse!

And why did you drag me into it? What do you mean I am different from that bastard Li Zedao? I am not an animal that only relies on the lower body to think?

Being called a beast by a beast, Li Zedao felt that he had been insulted hundreds of times to death.

"What do you about my method?" Zhou Yan asked in a low voice.

"I... think... not bad..." Sun Ying did not dare to meet Zhou Yan's eyes.

Li Zedao felt that it would be possible to shoot this brainless woman to death together. The big bad wolf showed its fangs and said that I wanted to eat you, but you even said thank you for eating me...

"Then... let's... um... go to my room? My father and mother went to her classmate's son's wedding and came back at night, so..." Zhou Yan's voice became softer, but his eyes were Gleaming like a beast.

"Ahem..." There was a coughing sound from behind.

"Oh my god..." Zhou Yan and Sun Ying jumped up like frightened rabbits resolutely, and then looked back, only to see that Li Zedao appeared there at some point, and even had a strange expression on his face. Staring at them with a smile.

"Boss...boss?" Zhou Yan's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw. After all, the boss should be in Yanjing with Zhou Qian at this time, right? Why is it in Phoenix? Even at home.

Sun Ying's expression was also very embarrassing, she wanted to kick Zhou Yan a few times, you bastard, didn't you say that there is no one at home? What happened to him then?

"Ahem, don't worry, I didn't see you biting each other's mouths, and I didn't hear you talking nonsense." Li Zedao coughed lightly and said.

"..." Zhou Yan and Sun Ying looked at each other in blank dismay, and both had the urge to cry. He saw and heard everything.

"Boss, you..." Zhou Yan blushed once in a while, and he clearly remembered that he was joking and bad-mouthing the boss just now. What if the boss wanted to beat him up in a bad mood?

"Not long after getting off the plane, I sent Zhou Qian back directly." Li Zedao explained simply.

"Brother, sister Sun Ying." Zhou Qian came out of the kitchen and greeted the two shyly.

Then he lowered his head and explained in a low voice, "I... didn't see or hear anything."

"..." Zhou Yan wanted to find a gap to get in, while Sun Ying had the urge to run away.

"I... went to cook." Zhou Qian whispered, she realized that what she said just now seemed redundant, which would only make people more embarrassing, and she was full of embarrassment and apology at the moment.

"" Sun Ying said quickly, and then rushed into the kitchen.

After the two women entered the kitchen, Zhou Yan looked at Li Zedao who was looking at him with a smile that was not a smile, and immediately accompanied a smiling face and wanted to give Li Zedao a big hug: "Boss, I haven't seen you for a few days, I want to... ..."

"Get out!" Li Zedao kicked him away, but he didn't forget how this animal slandered him just now.

"Sit down, let me tell you something." Li Zedao pointed to the sofa and said.

Zhou Yan quickly sat down on the sofa, then looked at Li Zedao seriously and said, "Boss, tell me, I'm already mentally prepared... You not only helped me bring back Nisuo's listening device, You brought back other gifts, right?"

"Your sister!" Li Ze said with black lines on his face.

"My sister is in the kitchen." Zhou Yanbei smiled and pointed to the kitchen.

"Get out!" Li Zedao said angrily, "Just before you came in, a very tough aunt came over."


"Sun Ying's mother." Li Zedao glanced in the direction of the kitchen and said in a low voice.

"..." Zhou Yan's face changed slightly. Sun Ying's mother came to the door? But how did she know that her family lived here? Besides, according to Sun Ying, she never told her mother that she was dating a boyfriend, let alone told her that her boyfriend was Zhou Yan and lived there, but her mother actually Knowing this, who told her?

"What did she... say?" Zhou Yan swallowed and said.

"She said, Zhou Yan, you little bastard, can you show some shame? You don't take a pee and take a good look at yourself. You look like a woman with oily hair and noodles, and you look like an idiot. Living in such a place It can be imagined that your family background is just like that, not the kind of rich and powerful... Even with your conditions, you have the courage to chase after my woman? I can tell you, my mother does not agree..."

Li Zedao looked at Zhou Yan's flushed face and said, "You know, my memory is not bad, and I don't bother to add more details, so it's basically what she said."

Zhou Yan wanted to cry, he seemed to be cheated by the boss's face, and he muttered: "I don't have oily noodles, so I look like a man instead of a woman..."

"...What did you say?" Li Zedao's face was full of anger, and he wanted to throw the animal downstairs.

"Uh... I mean, what else did she say later?" Zhou Yan asked quickly.

"She also said that Sun Ying's father is a veterinarian and often ligates pigs. If you dare to pester Sun Ying, be careful that he castrates you like a cow!" Li Zedao said angrily.

"..." Zhou Yan only felt that his crotch was cold, and he almost peed in fear.


During the meal, Zhou Yan told Sun Ying that Zhou's mother had come to her door and threatened her. Sun Ying's face changed, and the tasteless food tasted even more tasteless now.

"How does she know that your family lives here? I didn't tell her..." Zhou Ying's expression was a little messy, a little apologetic, and her heart was full of dissatisfaction and grievances. She didn't expect her mother to be so unreasonable. Those who didn't see Zhou Yan and had a good contact with Zhou Yan completely denied her relationship with Zhou Yan, and even went to other people's houses to make trouble.

Fortunately, Zhou Yan was not there at that time, and even more fortunately, Zhou Yan's parents were not there, otherwise, God knows what would have happened? With Zhou's mother's toughness not losing to his own mother, I'm afraid the two will scuffle in the end, right?

"You didn't tell your mother about Zhou Yan?" Li Zedao asked.

Sun Ying glanced at him and shook her head: "No... She just arrived in Fenghuang City yesterday, and I just happened to be off work in the morning, so I mentioned Zhou Yan to her, and I wanted to ask Zhou Yan out to meet him Seeing my mother, who knew she would deny it all at once..."

Sun Ying glanced at Zhou Yan, a little wronged: "Does she know how good Zhou Yan is?"

"Pfft..." Li Zedao couldn't hold back, and sprayed the rice out of his mouth.

"Boss..." Zhou Yan had a resentment on his face. If he couldn't beat this violent man, he would have beaten him up long ago.

"Ahem... I'm choking... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Li Zedao coughed, took the paper towel handed over by Zhou Qian, wiped his mouth and said, "Your mother proposed to come to Phoenix City, right? ?”

Sun Ying nodded.

Li Zedao looked at Sun Ying and said: "Then there is only one explanation. Your mother already knew that you were in love with a poor boy named Zhou Yan. The main purpose of coming back to Phoenix City is to separate you and Zhou Yan." .”

Zhou Yan thought for a while, he didn't seem to have anything to do with the word "poor boy", did he? All the assets of his family add up to several million, okay? All discounted into banknotes can kill people.

But compared with the boss... Zhou Yan feels that he is really poor.

Sun Ying's expression was messed up: "But... I didn't..."

"I know you didn't tell her these things, but she did." Li Zedao said, "So, the only possibility is that someone other than you contacted your mother and told her about it, so who is it?" Tell her? Do I need to say this? Whoever doesn’t want you to be with Zhou Yan is naturally who?”

Zhou Yan thought for a while and said, "Boss, you other crushes?"

"..." Li Zedao looked at Zhou Yan with a feeling of weakness all over his body.

He thought that being so shameless now has grasped the true meaning and essence of Zhou Yan's shamelessness, but now Zhou Yan's performance has once again refreshed his worldview.

This shameless guy has been running all the way on the shameless road, when will he reach the end!

Li Zedao was too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhou Yan at the moment, looked at Sun Ying and said, "I think, when you were working in the No. 1 Hospital, someone must be chasing you, right? And that person should be rich, right?"

Sun Ying glanced at Zhou Yan and nodded lightly: "Our dean's son, Sun Yizhou, just went to work in the First Hospital some time ago. He wanted to pursue me and gave me flowers and other gifts several times. want."

"Oh, it's that damn kid who was driving a white BMW that stopped you at the entrance of the hospital and was almost beaten by me." Zhou Yan looked at Li Zedao with a look of anger, and then added, "Boss, I Didn't say you deserve to die."

"..." Li Zedao felt that his temper had improved, otherwise why would Zhou Yan still be alive and kicking there instead of slapping him to death.

"It's him." Sun Ying said.

"That's him." Li Zedao said very simply, "He managed to get Zhou Yan's information and your mother's phone number, and then coaxed your mother to come to Fenghuang City. He wanted to use your mother to send you and Zhou Yan It was broken up, and then he could take advantage of it..."

"That shameless guy actually used such a despicable method...I'll go find him." Zhou Yan stood up suddenly, cursing with a murderous look on his face.

"I'm with you." Sun Ying stood up, clenched her fists tightly, like an angry little leopard, "Damn it, I won't let you become a panda!"

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