Li Zedao looked at Zhou Yan, then at Sun Ying, and sighed softly in his heart. It really wasn't that the whole family didn't enter the same family. The two were almost big from the outside, but from the inside ... To put it nicely, it is called simplicity, but to put it bluntly, it is pure lack of muscle.

Even if he could really beat that Sun Yizhou up and let out his anger for a while, so what? Not only can't change the result, but it will only make things worse. The mother of Sun Ying's power will only look down on Zhou Yan even more, thinking that Zhou Yan brainwashed her daughter to make her become so violent, the most abominable What's more, she even beat her rich husband... In this way, it is even more impossible for grandma to agree to the two of them being together.

"Can you listen to me?" Li Zedao said angrily, looking at Sun Ying, "Do you know where Sun Yizhou is? Besides, even if you find him, you can't do anything, because now you My mother must be with that Sun Yizhou, and it's time for dinner, so there is a high probability that I will eat at some luxurious restaurant."

Sun Ying was slightly taken aback.

Zhou Yan widened his eyes and asked, "Boss, how did you know?" He didn't doubt the authenticity of this sentence, but he was really curious about how Li Zedao knew it. He saw a man with his grandma?

Li Zedao glanced at him, pointed to his own brain and said angrily, "Because I have this."

Zhou Yan was a little confused, he didn't understand which one Li Zedao was talking about, the boss is sick, what's the matter with knocking on his head?

Seeing that Zhou Yan still had a silly look on his face, not realizing that he was saying he had no brains at all, Li Zedao had the urge to punch his big soldier in the face several times.

You said that your head is so big. Is it because your face is big, so your head has to be bigger, otherwise it will look uncoordinated? As for the straw inside?

Li Zedao blamed himself very much. If he took him more, let him stay behind his ass for a while, and let him cultivate his wisdom and ability to deal with things, then he would not be fooled by his future mother-in-law now. I hate it so much, those who haven't met before are scolding to death.

Li Zedao decided that he wanted to teach him how to be a man who is both smart and handsome... Of course, being handsome is something he is born with, and he can't learn it even if he wants to, so he just needs to learn how to use his brain.

"I'll call my mother and ask." Sun Ying decided to verify it.

"Yes, make a call." Zhou Yan hurriedly moved over, and then listened with pricked ears.

Li Zedao glanced at the two,

She shook her head helplessly, then picked up a piece of meat and put it into Zhou Qian's bowl with a smile, "Ignore them, let's eat... eat more meat, you look skinny."

Zhou Qian smiled shyly and whispered, "Thank you brother Zedao." Then she picked up the piece of meat and put it in her mouth.

Seeing her like this, Li Zedao felt bad taste in his heart, thinking what would happen if he called such a simple and weak girl a dirty joke...? It's funny just thinking about it.

So Li Zedao said: "Qianqian, let me tell you a joke."

"A joke?" Zhou Qian looked up at Li Zedao shyly and nodded, looking forward to it.

"There is a girl whose breasts are too small..." Li Zedao glanced at Zhou Qian's chest subconsciously as he said, um, there is still room for development, "So many blind dates failed, and once I went on a blind date It was winter, and the girl was wearing thick clothes, but she said frankly that you don’t mind my small breasts, right? The boy hesitated and asked cautiously, are there any big buns? The girl thought about it and said, yes... ...Later, they coughed and coughed...they went to open the room, and then the man looked up to the sky with a mournful face and shouted, "Damn it, you are talking about Wangzai's little steamed bun..."

"..." Zhou Qian didn't smile, she lowered her head blushing, and didn't know what she was thinking.

"No... funny?" Li Zedao asked.

Zhou Qian blushed as if she had drunk too much and shook her head lightly, expressing that she was amused, then said in a stammering voice like a mosquito, "I... am not Wangzai Xiaomantou..."

"...Smaller than Wangzai's steamed buns? Rice grains?"

"...Brother Zedao..."

When Li Zedao teased Zhou Qian so badly, Sun Ying also got on the phone with his mother. Sun Ying's voice was very excited and even crying. It is conceivable that she was on the phone with her mother. There was a big fight.

"Mom, why are you so unreasonable? I am looking for a boyfriend, not you. Why should you follow your standards?" Sun Ying said excitedly, "Yes, Zhou Yan's family Not as rich as Sun Yizhou's family, and Zhou Yan is not as handsome as Sun Yizhou..."

"..." Zhou Yan on the side only felt that his chest had been stabbed fiercely by a knife. You said I am not as handsome as Sun Yizhou's handsome boy? You are looking, you are taking a good look, I am not handsome, can you choose me?

"Sometimes people are stupid, just like a stupid bear..."

"..." Zhou Yan was stabbed in the chest again, thinking it's better to break up.

"But I just like him, I like that he has no money, I like that he is not handsome, and I like that he is stupid, can't I?" Sun Ying roared, "And Zhou Yan is much more honest and bright than someone."

Zhou Yan's already dark heart instantly loved you, filled with sunshine and vigor, and his chest stood up all of a sudden. He felt that Sun Ying was so handsome at this time, and she represented absolute justice and integrity. , Dare to fight against evil forces for a better tomorrow!

When Li Zedao, who was eating, heard this, he spit out Li, she said... Zhou Yan is upright?

"I will be very happy with Zhou Yan!"

"Yeah." Zhou Yan nodded vigorously, being moved by Sun Ying so much that tears filled his eyes, he just felt that he had to repay him with a promise of his body... Ask the boss to borrow some money to find a higher-end hotel in the evening?

"Stinky girl, are you trying to piss your mother off?" Grandma's growling voice came over, and even Zhou Yan, who was standing aside, could feel the terrifying energy contained in this voice.

"Happiness? You talk to me about happiness? Do you know what happiness is?"

"I know! Zhou Yan and I are happy to watch together!" Sun Ying categorically confronted each other.

"'re trying to piss your mother can't be done...Xiao Sun, help me quickly...ah..."

Sun Ying was stunned for a while and asked anxiously: "Mom, what's wrong with you? Mom... you talk... Mom..."

Sun Yizhou's anxious voice came through the phone: "Yingying, does Auntie have a history of high blood pressure? I'll take her to the hospital right away... You should hurry up too."

There was a loud voice, and then the phone was hung up.

Sun Ying was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and her voice was full of self-blame: "What to do... My mother was so angry that her blood pressure soared and became confused...I...Zhou Yan, I have to go to the hospital quickly..."

Zhou Yan grabbed her hand and asked: "Um... your mother is not cooperating with that Sun Yizhou to lie to you, is it?" Doesn't this kind of plot often appear in TV movies? The mother pretended to have high blood pressure and heart disease to force her children to go on a blind date. Zhou Yan firmly believed that Zhou's mother was playing this trick now.

"What do you mean?" Sun Ying glared at him, with anger and self-blame in her voice, her eyes were already red, "My mother really has high blood pressure, and her blood pressure goes up when she gets excited... It's all my fault... I shouldn't Yelling at her made her angry...I..."

"But..." Zhou Yan is still insisting, thinking that his guess is correct, this is acting, this conspiracy, a huge conspiracy, if Sun Ying passes by at this time, she will definitely fall into the trap, maybe there will be She was put under house arrest by her mother.

"Let go!" Sun Ying yelled at Zhou Yan angrily.


"I said, let go!" Sun Ying slammed Zhou Yan's hand away, then turned around and picked up the bag on the shoe cabinet, opened the door and walked out.

Zhou Yan stared blankly at the door, feeling as if something important was leaving him little by little, feeling a little empty in his heart.

Li Zedao walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Boss..." Zhou Yan looked at Li Zedao, feeling aggrieved and at a loss. Could it be that he was wrong?

"Be prepared to be broken in love." Li Zedao said with a sigh, "Anyway, if I were Sun Ying, I definitely don't want to be in love with you, an idiot with basically zero EQ."

"..." Zhou Yan's expression was sad, even aggrieved. He still didn't understand where he was wrong. He was afraid that Sun Ying would be cheated, that she would be put under house arrest by her mother after a while, and that she would never see her favorite Zhou Yan again. Is this wrong? Why did she have such a big fire?

"You still don't understand?" Li Zedao asked.

Zhou Yan shook his head.

"Qianqian, you are a girl, come and explain to your brother why Sun Ying is angry." Li Zedao looked back at Zhou Qian and said, he was really too lazy to talk nonsense with this idiot, he was afraid that if he couldn't help it, he would punch him .

Zhou Qian looked at her brother and whispered: "Sister Sun Ying is angry because you are selfish and self-centered. When this kind of thing happens, no matter it is true or not, the first thing you need to do The matter should go to the hospital with Sister Sun Ying as soon as possible instead of doubting whether it is fake...Brother Ze Dao, am I right?"

"That's the reason." Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian and smiled slightly, and then looked at Zhou Yan whose face had become stiff, "If you still don't understand, I can only ask my aunt to cook some pig brains for you."

Zhou Yan gave Li Zedao a dull look, turned around and rushed out the door.

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