I haven't seen Li Zedao for more than 20 days, Li Mengchen really thinks that he can't do it anymore, so after seeing him in the afternoon, she wants to bite Li Zedao hard to relieve her pain of lovesickness, and now she has paid for it. Action, but not by biting.

Right now, Li Mengchen's body is clinging to Li Zedao's body, his head is clinging to Li Zedao's head, and his tongue is also clinging to Li Zedao's tongue...

She has completely lost herself, and Li Zedao also lost herself... In fact, it is not only these two people who are lost, but also the thousands of sentient beings. We all lose ourselves from time to time.

In the early morning, the bright sunlight poured down and shot into the bedroom through the gaps in the curtains, adding a ray of light to the originally dark room.

On the bed, Li Zedao was lying on the big bed like a mummy, staring at the ceiling with a trace of a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In his arms, Li Mengchen curled up there like a kitten, with one thigh disheveledly pressing on Li Zedao, his tender white hands lightly wrapped around Li Zedao's chest, there was an indelible happiness but a shy smile at the corner of his mouth, his expression was very It's timidity.

Rao Li Zedao's memory is amazing, and he also forgot how many times he was tortured last night. .

I just remember that in the bathroom, at the end, the two of them seemed to be red-eyed, tearing each other's clothes, and finally, as if it was a matter of course, the two of them started the most primitive movement of human beings. The whitish ** was lingering in the bathroom.

Standing...sitting...lying down...and I don't know when, the shower was turned on, and the hot water sprayed out, and the two of them took a bath several times indirectly... asking again and again, Giving again and again, I don't know how many times I went crazy in the end, the two finally lay silently in the bathtub, letting the water spray...

Then Li Zedao turned off the shower, gently dried Li Mengchen's body, and then helped her dry her hair while talking about love, and the two embraced each other and fell asleep...Of course, Li Mengchen fell asleep soon, Li Zedao Then he quietly got up and slipped to Baili Bing's room next door, then He Xiaoyu's room, and then... Time seems to be not allowed. The soft body took a nap for a while.

He has one thing that he wants to give to Li Mengchen, the big wife recognized by all the girls.

"Hmm..." Li Mengchen in his arms suddenly moved, and let out a meowing sound like that of a cat basking in the sun, full of laziness and temptation. Immediately, his beautiful eyes opened slightly, and he looked around Finally, he finally met Li Zedao's eyes.

"Sister Mengchen, are you awake?" Li Zedao smiled.

"Hmph, don't laugh, you stinky-thief, don't think I don't know you sneaked out yesterday." Li Mengchen yawned and sniffed.

"...How do you know? You are clearly asleep, and when I came back, you were still sound asleep, and there was no sign of waking up." Li Zedao was a little embarrassed.

"Idiot, you have the scent that belongs to Bing'er and Miss Xiaoyu. We are together almost every day. Do you think I can't smell it?" Li Mengchen looked at Li Zedao with a bit of resentment in his eyes.


"It would be great if you only belonged to me." Li Mengchen sighed.

"..." Li Zedao smiled wryly. Last night, Baili Bing and He Xiaoyu also said the same thing as Li Mengchen. When they were in the island country, Anji also said similar things.

"They must also think so." Li Mengchen stretched out his hand bitterly, and pinched Li Zedao's waist fiercely.

"Hiss..." Li Zedao gasped, and said pitifully, "Sister Mengchen, it hurts..."

"It's good to hurt you to death, lest you, a whore-thief, harm other girls." Li Mengchen said angrily, "These twenty rooms are already full. Let her sleep on the sofa."

Li Zedao touched his nose, and explained with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Ying Ying and I have known each other since we were in Amsterdam. As for He Xiaoyue..."

Li Zedao thought about it, but he couldn't figure out why He Xiaoyue became his woman by accident?

"Your sex accounts for 80%, and the other 20% is fate." Li Mengchen said, she already knew about He Xiaoyue, and to be honest, she admired this woman very much.

Li Zedao really couldn't laugh or cry. He felt that the ratio Li Mengchen said should be reversed, and even had to be revised. It should be that he is lewd...he is not lewd at all, okay? This matter is 100% fate, it can only be said that it is already predestined in the dark.

The island country is not big, and it is a small country, but it is not small, and according to statistics, there are at least a million Chinese people staying in the island country. How did you meet He Xiaoyue? Afterwards, there was cooperation and entanglement, and then, this woman who dared to love and hate and decided on one thing, so that nine cows could not be pulled back, returned to Huaxia.

And when he returned to Yanjing, he met her by accident, and then, she turned out to be He Xiaoyu's cousin.

In this way, if you want to push her away, it is really hypocritical, or it is cruel, or you look down on this woman, or worse, you despise her for being old or even for being dirty. It will seriously hurt He Xiaoyue's heart, it is impossible for Li Zedao to make such a low-level mistake.

"Prostitution-thief, is there any more?" Li Mengchen's eyes were somewhat resentful. When it was only her and Nintendo and He Xiaoyu, she counted on her fingers, every two days, she could ravish the prostitute-thief once, but now...Your sister, my fingers are long gone.

"It's gone." Li Zedao touched his nose, feeling very embarrassed, this time it's really gone, even if someone provokes, he has to bear to reject the other party and stop being overwhelmed with love.

"Impossible." Li Mengchen said.

"..." Li Zedao was very sad, why did he lose this most basic trust?

Li Mengchen drew circles on Li Zedao's chest with her little finger and said: "I know there is only one more, Bing'er's god-sister Bai Xiaoxiao, Bing'er told me quietly, that girl has been thinking about you, she thought there was only one left There is one of hers in the next two rooms, but I didn't expect you to bring back two at once, now it's all right, there is no place for her.

Li Zeda smiled wryly again. Last night, Baili Bing also mentioned the name "Bai Xiaoxiao" lying in his arms like Li Mengchen now. Seriously, if Bai Li Bing hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten this quiet character. Senior sister.

"What should I do?" Li Mengchen asked.

"What do you mean?"

"There's no room for her."

"...Senior Bai and I are very innocent." Li Zedao was very helpless.

"I know, but she doesn't want to be innocent with you." Li Mengchen said, "We're both women, and we're both women of good looks. Why can other women live in this villa but she can't?"

Li Zedao looked at Li Mengchen in surprise.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a beautiful woman?" Li Mengchen gave Li Zedao an angry look, and said, "Do you think I shouldn't say such things? After all, I was complaining just now, complaining that why didn't you It only belongs to me, but I have to say, who made me have a natural kindness in my bones? I can't see that poor girl who can't put herself in the arms of the man she likes."

"..." Li Zedao was so moved by Li Mengchen's broad mind, he hugged this delicate body tightly, and said emotionally, "Come again?"

"Get out... I have no strength." Li Mengchen looked shy, and his eyes did not dare to meet Li Zedao, "I want to go to Nintendo, Alice and Susan, don't think I don't know that the three of them fooled around with you many times ..."

Li Zedao looked embarrassed: "Do you also want to join?"

"Go away... hate... hate..."

"Sister Mengchen, I have a gift for you." Li Zedao said, then stood up and got out of bed, picked up the clothes scattered on the floor, took out a document from there, climbed on the bed again and handed it to Li Mengchen.

"What?" Li Mengchen picked it up curiously, and her head grew bigger in an instant, because from the beginning to the end, except for the three words "Li Zedao" in the lower right corner, he knew everything else was in English. can't read.

"Smelly prostitution-thief, are you bullying my poor English level?" Li Mengchen was a little depressed.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "Do you know what this is? Buy a private island contract."

Li Mengchen's eyes widened slightly: "Purchase a private island contract? You signed it, isn't that..."

Li Zedao nodded and said, "I now have my own island..."

Before Li Zedao entered the Devil's Cave Forest, he once told Nanji that he still had a lot of things to do, and a lot of delicious food that he hadn't eaten yet, and he still wanted to take them around... Well, it's best to have one in the end He is the owner of the private island, they are all her concubines, three or four are arranged to sleep in a day, oh, five or six are also possible, and it is not a big problem to take seven or eight...

Katsuta Taro, thank you! You helped me realize this dream! Li Zedao said silently in his heart.

Li Zedao briefly introduced to Li Mengchen: "The name of this island is Safira Island. It is located in San Miguel Bay, Spain, close to the north coast of Ibiza Island. The entire island covers an area of ​​14 acres and was built as a functional A well-equipped resort with complete facilities. There are 300 days of sunshine every year, and you can also enjoy the blue Mediterranean Sea from an excellent perspective... In short, you are the owner of this island now, just like this Youyue building. The owner of the villa is just like you."

Li Mengchen was stunned for a moment, and then resentfully said: "Oh, it seems that twenty-one is far from the end."

"..." Li Zedao had a feeling of being choked to death.

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