As Zhou Yan said, the school will start in two days. In other words, Li Zedao spent the entire holiday period in the island country, and last semester, Li Zedao was basically absent from class for half of the time... No, It is a state of asking for leave, and Li Zedao feels deeply guilty about it.

He is a student, what is the student's first priority? It is to study hard and make progress every day! But what have you done? Li Zedao decided that he must stay in class this semester and listen carefully to the teacher's lectures.

On the first day of the new semester, Li Zedao showed up on campus with Lin Susu and Miffy. After receiving the brand new books, Susan gave Li Zedao a call.

"Student Li Zedao? Come to my office." Susan's serious but abnormal voice sounded to Li Zedao, so Li Zedao understood that her colleague was also in the office at this time inside.

So Li Zedao suddenly had a bad taste in his heart, and said very embarrassedly: "Mr. Su, you are asking people to go to your office at this time, is it because of that?"

"Student Li, what do you think?" Susan smiled.

"...Haha, Teacher Su, I'll go right away." Li Zedao broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. He knew that Susan was a threat, and he would feel better if he continued to tease her.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao told Lin Susu and Miffy that Mr. Su had something to look for him.

Miffy's expression was full of ambiguity: "Sister Lin, why do you think our dear Mr. Su is looking for the Frog Prince? Could it be because the Frog Prince was in a bad state last night and couldn't satisfy her?"

"Miffy..." Lin Susu said angrily, with a hint of shyness on her small face.

Li Zedao looked at Miffy dumbfounded and said, "Dear junior sister, can you stop thinking about unhealthy things all day long? Besides, don't you know if I was in good condition last night?"

Miffy's small face was also a little red, and she looked at Li Zedao with watery eyes, and said coquettishly, "Who knows how is your situation behind you? I didn't eavesdrop... Shadow eavesdropped, I'll ask when I go back she."

"..." Li Zedao had black lines on his face.

A few minutes later, Li Zedao came to Susan's office and knocked on the door. After hearing "Come in" from inside, he pushed open the door and walked in, but saw that the office was not too spacious. Only Susan was here, and her two colleagues were not there. They must have left during the short time he was here.

"Dear Teacher Su..." Li Zedao smiled and closed the door casually.

"Dear student Li, you still closed the door after such embarrassing things have happened twice? And the lock has been 'broken' several times and now you have replaced it with a new one. You have no excuses anymore." Susan threw him a flirtatious Said delicately, then stood up and greeted her.

Li Zedao touched his nose and said, "Who stipulates that new locks cannot be broken?"

"That's right, then you can lock it." Susan narrowed her eyes and smiled.

Li Zedao was very obedient and turned around to lock the lock, the lock will be locked, who is afraid of whom?

When he turned around, Susan had already thrown herself into his arms, her sexy red lips pressed heavily on his lips, and then she looked like a cat in heat: "Dear classmate Li, yesterday At night... people haven't had enough fun..."

"..." Li Zedao felt that his breathing was not smooth, this female hooligan!

"It's really useless, I have no resistance at all!" Susan chuckled, and patted Li Zedao's crotch.

Li Zedao had a bitter face: "Who made you so attractive?"

"That's right, for the sake of praising me so much, I'll give you a little favor." Susan smiled ambiguously, pushed Li Zedao to sit on the chair, then pulled off Li Zedao's pants in a very rogue manner, bowed her head and went to work Woke up.

No one would have thought that Susan, known as one of the three most popular and worshiped goddesses by students at the University of Phoenix, would be willing to serve the man she loved so much with such an attitude...

Oh, the other two goddess teachers who are most popular and admired by students, one is Alice, and the other is He Xiaoyu.

"Dear classmate Li, congratulations, you passed two of the final exams last semester, exactly 60 points..." Susan raised her head between work, looked at Li Zedao with winking eyes and smiled, "Your test scores are abnormal, close to full marks, but you have asked for too much leave, and even the teacher in charge of the class has basically no impression of a man named 'Li Zedao', so you got 60 points..."

"..." Li Zedao wanted to cry. As a top student, as the champion of the college entrance examination, such a score made him feel ashamed, but remembering that earlier, he had occupied the last place in the year for many years, and Li Zedao felt that he was in the sixth place in the exam. Very much seems to have been a lot.

Then he asked cautiously, "What about the remaining six subjects?"

At the end of last semester, Li Zedao took the two exams on the first day of the four-day exam, and then rushed to Yanjing because he found the snake head, so he missed the remaining six subjects exam.

"What do you think?" Susan began to hum, "Usually performance only counts for forty points, besides your usual performance... um, those teachers gave a symbolic score of one point and two points, the highest Teacher Yang gave five points..."

"..." Li Zedao decided to ignore those sad things, and decided to enjoy them first.

"It's better to be alone than to be happy together..." Susan said such a sentence very literaryly, then stood up, looked at Li Zedao with big eyes like water, and then blew like blue in his ear, "Dear Classmate Li, when I called you just now, I actually took off my panties..."

"... Teacher Su, I think you are stealing food." Li Zedao said.

"I was discovered by you." Susan looked shy, "There are so many sisters at home, it's embarrassing."


Because of the failure of six subjects, Li Zedao had to go to a classroom arranged by the school to take the make-up exam every afternoon during the first week of school. Of course, the test papers for the make-up exam were exactly the same as those for the final exam last semester. Well, if he didn't go to Yanjing at the end of the last semester and delay the exam, Li Zedao's score close to full marks would not be too difficult, and now is no exception.

In the meantime, Zhou Yan, who had no class in the afternoon, asked Li Zedao to accompany him to accept the inhuman devil training that his master imposed on him. Li Zedao said that he was not free, and he had to take the make-up exam in the afternoon.

Zhou Yan seemed to have discovered a new continent, and asked incredulously, "Boss, you... take the make-up exam? How many subjects?"

"Six subjects." Li Zedao replied, what's so strange about this, who stipulated that the top scorer in the college entrance examination cannot fail a subject? Besides, why did I fail the exam? Is it for the sake of the country, so that the country's cultural relics will not be lost, so it's okay to fail? Li Zedao thinks this subject is really worth it!

Zhou Yan laughed very proudly: "Haha, boss, I just failed two subjects..."



Susan opened the co-driver's door of a white BMW parked on the side of the road, got in, then looked at Alice and said with a smile, "Let's go home, the two of us are in charge of cooking dinner today."

Breakfast is simple, basically a cup of milk or coffee soy milk, plus a slice of bread. As for lunch, since the girls basically have their own things to do during the day, each has their own small circle, so they are all outside Eat, it's only at dinner that everyone gets together.

So during the period when Li Zedao went to the island country and was not in Phoenix City, in order to let everyone live together more harmoniously, the girls gathered together to discuss, and finally decided that two of them would cook dinner every day.

Of course, at least half of these dozen or so people are usually the kind of spoiled young ladies who usually live a life of opening their mouths to eat and reaching out their hands. They have never cooked at all, so the basic arrangement is a pair who can cook and a Can't cook.

Alice is a killer carefully cultivated by the Luciano family. She is not only good at assassination, but also has other skills. Cooking is a trivial matter. Of course, she can only cook Western food.

At that moment, Alice said with a smile: "Oh, Susan, to be precise, it should be me who cooks. The most you can do is help me wash the tomatoes."

"Isn't that enough?" Susan winked at Alice.

Alice suppressed her nose, then looked at Susan with big eyes and said, "Oh, Susan, you must have made out with my dear, right? You have that taste in your mouth..."

"Oh, dear Miss Alice, can you stop being so explicit? People will be embarrassed." Susan bit her lips lightly, and responded shyly, "Come on, beauty, let the old man smell it."

"Go away!" Alice scolded with a smile.

At the red light ahead, Alice stopped the car slowly, then she looked at Alice, licked her sexy red lips, and said with a very ambiguous expression: "Miss Susan, it is very delicious right?"

"..." Susan was completely defeated. In terms of openness and blatantness, she and Nintendo together are not as good as Alice.

At this moment, her head was suddenly pushed down by Alice.

This wild woman wouldn't blame herself for not calling her when she was eating, so she was angry and wanted to give herself a little color, right?

When this idea just came up in her mind, she only heard a 'bang', the glass of the car window was shattered by something, and the glass shards fell down with a clatter, hitting Alice and Su on Shan's head.

Susan immediately understood what was going on. Although she was panicked, she remained calm and her body did not move. She asked in a deep voice, "Alice, what's wrong?"

"Someone shot." Alice's small face was already full of gloom.

When Alice was about to tease her, a very dangerous feeling suddenly surged in her heart, murderous! Then without even thinking about it, she directly pushed down Susan's head and at the same time shrank her body, and the car window was broken by the bullet afterwards.

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