The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1126 The Gunner

At this moment, the car shook violently, and Alice knew that the tires of the car had been pierced by bullets, so they couldn't use this car to escape.

From Alice's experience, someone is hiding in the high places of the surrounding buildings with guns on them, and she or Susan is the target person in the killer's scope.

Just as Alice expected, on the roof of a certain tall building, there was indeed a man in black holding a gun, his eagle-like eyes fixed on the scope in front of him. , the corners of the mouth curled up slightly in a strange way.

"As expected of a goddess in my mind." He muttered to himself.

Then he looked away from the scope and said to the headset in his ear: "Our goddess is a coward, oh, damn it, I have to withdraw, someone came upstairs to fix the air conditioner? Fake! Take it!" I'll leave it to you when I get down."

Then, the door of the face-faced van on the side of the road was pushed open, and two men in black quickly got out of the car and rushed towards the "paralyzed" BMW there.

At the same time, the horn blared loudly, and the vehicles following Alice's BMW car had no idea that the car had been shot three times in a row, and two of the shots even pierced the tires. , thinking that the person in the car in front was on the phone or rushing about something inappropriate, so he honked his horn wildly.

The male driver in a Buick following Alice's BMW saw that the BMW in front was still motionless after he had been honking for a long time, so he had no intention of going forward at all, he was depressed and cursed .

"You're dead, right? It's amazing to drive a BMW?" He cursed, then slammed open the door and jumped out of the car, about to kick the door of the BMW in front of him.

However, before his foot had time to kick the car door, a bullet shot over again.

Then, with the powerful impact of the bullet, his body fell heavily on the BMW.

It's like a game that children in the countryside like to play. Insert firecrackers into the cows to separate them, and then ignite them. After an explosion, cow dung is splashed everywhere!

At this moment, the man's head exploded like that cow dung, blood and blood splashed.

Buick, the man's friend screamed after witnessing such a horrible scene, opened the car door and rushed out. Other car owners who were stopped in the middle of the road also noticed the shooting incident here, and then covered their heads , exclaiming and fleeing from their own or someone else's car.


Don't move around. Alice, who was tense all the time and kept paying attention to the movement around her, whispered to Susan, then touched a piece of broken window glass that was even stained with blood and pinched it in her hand... The blood was the owner of the Buick who was about to kick the door Yes, his head was exploded, and the blood splashed in from the hole of the gun very simply.

This period of time was so comfortable and peaceful that Alice, who never left her body with weapons, didn't even carry any weapons at this time, so she could only take a piece of glass.

She knew that apart from the gunman holding a pistol hiding in a high place, there were other people rushing towards the car, because when the man was headshot, she heard the gunshot very clearly, that is to say, he Not killed by *.

She also knew that the gunman must not be allowed to approach, otherwise, she and Susan would be finished, so she had to get out of the car, at least to distract or entangle these people, so as to create a chance for Susan to escape.

At that moment, Alice's feet in sexy high-heeled leather boots slammed on the car door, kicked the car door open very simply, then shrank her body and jumped out of the car.

"Bang! Bang!" The gun rang, and two bullets were shot on the asphalt ground next to her body in a thrilling manner. It is conceivable that the other party's reaction speed was not slow.

While Alice's body rolled on the spot again, she didn't have time to see what the other party looked like. Instead, she slammed the glass in her hand towards the two men in black who had already rushed forward. Throw it over.

Of course, the glass thrown by an expert like Alice has a huge lethality. At that moment, the blood-stained glass roared and spun, like a sharp knife, cutting towards the target's face.

However, before Alice had time to check whether her "hidden weapon" had hurt anyone, her body nimbly hid in the gap between the two cars, and then her body was tense, her eyes were sharp, and her expression was gloomy, as if she had been preparing to pounce Leopard-like prey.

Her fists are clenched, she only has fists now, and she can only rely on them! Fighting bullets with fists feels pretty ridiculous.

However, Alice didn't have any choice, she could only pray that the other party's marksmanship was worse and his skill was worse.

Then Alice made up her mind that she would carry a pistol no matter what when she went out in the future. Even if she didn't bring a pistol and a knife, she couldn't be as frustrated as she is now, right?

She could actually run farther, but she didn't dare, because Susan was still in the car, and she couldn't just leave this sister who was as bold, beautiful and sexy as her but had no ability to resist.

Of course, if the target of these people is me, then as long as I escape, I can successfully attract these people away, but what if it's not? What if their target is Susan? Therefore, she dare not gamble.

"Bang! Bang..." The gun rang, and the bullets were shot at the body of the car that Alice was avoiding. Another unpleasant sound, like a lullaby.

Alice felt the sense of oppression brought by the other party. She knew that they were getting close, and she also knew that even if the glass she threw just now didn't hurt them, it made them feel jealous, otherwise the two would have bullied them a long time ago. Come up, instead of looking so vigilant like now.

At the moment, Alice secretly took a deep breath, planning to rush out unexpectedly.

In close combat, the pistol in the opponent's hand is the same as her fist, there is no difference, unless the opponent is like my dear, and the speed of shooting the gun is so fast that it is outrageous, but it is obvious that it can shoot like Li Zedao. There may be guns, but I don't think it's these two guys, otherwise when I just jumped out of the car, I might have been shot.

At this moment, "Kang Dang!" There was a sound of broken glass, and at the same time, her body was tense and her attention was kept high. Alice felt that the oppressive feeling that the other party had brought her was less in an instant, and she was cautious now. He peeked out his head, and the muscles on his face twitched instantly.

I saw that Susan had gotten out of the car at some point, she was still holding a handful of broken glass in her hand, and was throwing it towards the two men. He turned around and ran into the crowd, shouting at the top of his voice while running: "Bastard, kill people in the street...Alice, run."

Her expression was so worried, the original nobility and calmness on her face had long since disappeared without a trace.

When she saw two gunmen rushing towards Alice's hidden direction through the car window, Susan became angry. What's the matter with two big men bullying a girl? So she simply grabbed two handfuls of broken glass and got out of the car. She threw the broken glass at the two gunmen in order to share the pressure for Alice.

But Susan also knew that she couldn't be a burden to Alice, so she simply ran towards the crowd after throwing it away. At this time, those panicked people are the best cover, aren't they?

At this time, the two gunmen were obviously enraged by Susan's actions, and the next gunpoint was aimed at Susan who was running towards the panicked crowd, and they chased after them, while the other gunpoint continued to be aimed at Ellie. The direction where Silk hid.

"Oh, Susan, you're an idiot..." While Alice's heart was filled with a strange emotion, she rushed out like an angry leopard, towards the gunman Suddenly rushed over.

Then Alice's eyes narrowed, because she finally saw what the shooter looked like this time, just like her, with blond hair and white skin... This is a Caucasian man, and he exudes the kind of The breath was very familiar to Alice.

In a blink of an eye, Alice understood that it was the Luciano family, and he was a killer trained by the Luciano family, just like herself!

In other words, their target this time is actually themselves!

People who betray the family have always had a bad end, but because of the majesty of the hand of God, the Luciano family did not take any major actions against her, but now... Luciano is no longer afraid of the hand of God up?

The gunman was obviously very familiar with Alice, knowing that she would seize such an opportunity to pounce, so when Alice appeared, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

In fact, his companion could have ignored the ridiculous woman who tried to smash them with broken glass, but he still chased after her with a gun. He didn't have to kill her, and it would be better if he could capture her alive . Because they knew how powerful Alice was, even if the two of them entered into a partnership, they might have to pay a considerable price, so they planned to create psychological pressure on Alice, make her impatient, and make her have some scruples!

"Bang!" The gun rang.

Alice's extremely soft body turned sideways and avoided it.

The gunman narrowed his eyes slightly, not daring to be careless in his heart, and continued to pull the trigger without hesitation.

But he still underestimated Alice's speed!

When the gunshot rang out again, Alice's long legs kicked over suddenly, and the heel of the long and pointed high-heeled shoes stabbed the gunman's back like a sharp knife. that arm.

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