Li Wenwen felt heartbroken and was so wronged that she was about to cry, how can I take revenge when you are so capable of beating me? Even looking back, with Brother Zhao's unreasonable character, why can't he vent all his anger on himself?

Brother Zhao couldn't believe the scene in front of him. Why did the people he brought lay there and were wiped out in the blink of an eye? He didn't wake up until the butt of the cigarette dangling from his mouth burned his lips and burned his lips.

But he has been mixed up before anyway, and now he is drifting between half black and half white, he can be regarded as a character on the scene, he still has that bit of vision and courage, and he calmed down very quickly.

He knew that this time it was a fall, and he knew that if he refused to give in, the iron rod in the opponent's hand would probably fall on him.

So he pushed away the woman who was originally in his arms, hugged Li Zedao and made a bow, and said with a smile: "Then... just listen to you, little brother, I will prepare 200,000 yuan to repair the car later." Send over the money, and set up a table on the Angel, and get to know you, little brother."

"Angel? Are you talking about the seven-star hotel Angel at the ferry terminal? Can you go there?" Li Zedao asked with a smile. He didn't think such a person was qualified to be a member of the Angel.

The unhappiness in Brother Zhao's eyes flashed, what the hell do you mean? That's not a great place, why can't I go there?

Brother Zhao felt a little sad, because he really couldn't get in, but he still has the ability to borrow a membership card.

Immediately said with a smile: "That's natural. Is it possible that I can still lie to you, little brother? Then this is the way it is?"

Li Zedao pointed to his handsome face and said, "Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"No." Brother Zhao shook his head, even if you are a fool, I have to say right now without conscience?

"In this case, why do you play me for a fool?" Li Zedao said with a smile, "I have a driving recorder, you can see it by looking at it. When I was about to park the car, your bastard's The Audi crashed into it as if it was rushing to reincarnate... I wonder if she bumped into it on purpose? Pengci?"

Li Zedao looked at Li Wenwen, who lowered his head and did not dare to look at Li Zedao, as if he would be seen through by the other's sharp and playful eyes.

"After that, your horse got out of the car aggressively and kicked the headlights of my car..."

Li Zedao pointed to the front of the car: "And then, within five minutes,

You brought someone here with a murderous look... Did you see the footprints? You stepped on it, and you said to let me roll down in three seconds, and you wanted someone to smash my car, and finally you wanted someone to cripple me, and your people were crippled by me in turn. You are in a bad situation. So hurry up and apologize... Do you know how embarrassing you are? "

"..." Brother Zhao's face froze. He didn't feel ashamed. Isn't it like this for everyone who comes out? The other party is a soft persimmon, just pinch it, kick it to the iron plate, ah, sorry, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding... Everyone is like this, this society is like this, why do you feel ashamed?

"When we reason with you, you play a hooligan, but when we make you a hooligan, you start to reason again...Being a man needs to have some backbone, since you choose to be a hooligan at the beginning, you should be a hooligan to the end , What do you think?" Li Zedao said with a smile.

After being sarcastically and sarcastically said by such a kid who was several years younger than him with an immature face, Brother Zhao even wanted to kill himself.

"I also want to talk about my integrity, and I also want to be a hooligan to the end... This kind of thing is not uncommon in the past, but you are so vicious, you are still allowed to live!" Brother Zhao didn't mention it. How depressed.

"My name is Zhao Danian. I have some energy in this three-acre land in Fenghuang City. I have met many high-ranking officials. If you need my help in the future, little brother, you only need to call me, and the matter will be settled. ..." Zhao Danian said with a smile.

Superficially conciliatory and secretly threatening, it means that I am very powerful in Phoenix City, you'd better weigh it before you beat me to death.

Li Zedao shook his head with a smile, shook the iron rod in his hand and said: "I don't think you can help me... How about it, two ways, two hundred thousand repair money, cover the car Erase those footprints, and then slap yourself ten slaps to show that I was wrong...Of course, I don’t need 200,000, I don’t need your footprints to be wiped off, and you don’t need to slap yourself to apologize, but I'll break one of your legs, choose yourself."

"..." Zhao Danian's complexion turned gloomy in an instant, and he said word by word: "Young man, if you don't know what's good, just accept it, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot."

Li Zedao sneered: "Are you a threat?"

"Advice." Zhao Danian said with a gloomy face, "In Phoenix City, I know a lot of high-ranking officials and dignitaries. I'm afraid there will be no place for you in Phoenix City."

"Really? Anyone, let's hear it." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders, his tone full of sarcasm, "Maybe I'm so scared that my knees will go limp when you say it."

"...Young Master Qin of the Qin Group... the son of the district chief of Lihu District..." Zhao Danian brought out these two statues that he looked like gods and needed him to look up to with some guilt.

Li Zedao waved his hand and interrupted Zhao Danian's words impatiently: "Okay, you don't need to say anything, I am not familiar with what you said, and if I am not familiar with it, it will not scare me, so it is still the two I said. Road, you choose."

Zhao Danian's expression darkened again, and he said coldly: "Why don't I choose?"

"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped the opponent's big face.

"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped Zhao Danian's other face again.

"Bang!" Zhao Danian's body was kicked flying by Li Zedao, and finally his whole body fell heavily on the road he drove over, which looked extremely domineering. came out.

Li Wenwen's eyes widened, and she looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief. There was a "click" in her heart, and she felt that something was broken, and even such an idea appeared in her mind... that * is not lying, This violent madman really has the ability to control the seven girls at night!

Li Zedao walked forward slowly with a stick in his hand, looked down at Zhao Danian and said: "As a hooligan, you are usually arrogant and domineering and bullying ordinary people to get some gray benefits... When I can't see it, I naturally won't." I'm going to trouble you, but how can you bully me? You still want me to slap my face? The worst thing is, you still want to slap my woman's face? Your mother Yes, do you know how much I love them?"

Li Zedao stepped on Zhao Danian's knee.

"Crack!" Li Zedao stepped on the bone of his right leg and broke it.

"Ah..." Zhao Danian screamed, his face was twisted into a ball because of the pain, and the cold sweat on Dadongdong's forehead kept breaking out.

Li Wenwen was so frightened that her body trembled, and then her legs went limp and she sat down on the ground.

Li Zedao looked at Zhao Danian and howled in pain on the ground, and said, "I made a choice for you, I hope you like it."


Li Zedao looked back at Li Wenwen, who was sitting there with weak legs because of fear, and said lightly, "Get up."

Li Wenwen didn't get up, her legs were so weak that she couldn't get up, she didn't dare to look at Li Zedao at all, her eyes were full of panic.

"If you don't get up and remove that broken car of yours, I'll beat you with this stick." Li Zedao shook the iron stick in his hand, threateningly.

Li Wenwen frightened a smart person, and hurried back to her Adidas TT, and moved the car away, but she didn't dare to leave, because Zhao Danian was still wailing there, after a while, after the devil left, she I have to take him to the hospital... at least call an ambulance, right?

As for calling the police, the woman didn't even dare to think about it. When did Brother Zhao trouble the police uncle when something happened?

Nintendo's peach blossom eyes looked at Li Zedao who got into the car like water and asked, "Is there something tricky?"

Li Zedao nodded and said with a smile: "That woman obviously bumped into her on purpose. There are two reasons for bumping into her on purpose. First, she wanted to touch porcelain, and second, she was instructed to make trouble. Besides, don't you think The speed at which that man appeared was simply divine, as if he had been waiting around beforehand."

"Oh, he also moved out your brother."

"Brother? Qin Shaofeng?"

"What do you think?" Li Zedao was a little helpless, he felt that he and Qin Shaofeng were so destined, why did he always step on his dog's legs?

"He said that he knew Young Master Qin of the Qin Group, and the son of the district chief of Lihu District. I hope I don't overdo it, or I won't be able to get along in Fenghuang City." Park the car in that parking spot.

Nintendo smiled charmingly, parted her red lips lightly, and said, "You idiot."

"Did Qin Shaofeng ask him to do this?"

Li Zedao shook his head: "He's not that stupid, let alone that courageous."

Nintendo said with a smile: "That's right, now he sees you like a mouse seeing a cat, besides, the entire Qin Group will fall into your hands in the future, and that kid has to keep his tail between his legs." Be a man."

The moment the two got out of the car, Nintendo took Li Zedao's hand and walked towards China City like a sweet couple in love. As for those people who were wailing on the ground, including Zhao Danian, they were simply rejected. They ignored it.

It wasn't until the two violent men walked away that Li Wenwen came to Zhao Danian trembling all over, and asked cautiously: "Brother Zhao, I... help you up..."

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