"You idiot, don't bang me." Zhao Danian gasped in pain, and yelled directly, wishing he could slap this woman to death, this big-chested and brainless idiot, even slammed on his broken leg.

Li Wenwen was startled, and quickly took her hands away from him, looking at a loss.

"Don't you bring me the phone for me? It's in the car." Zhao Danian roared.

"Oh... oh..." Li Wenwen quickly took the mobile phone from the Land Rover and handed it to Zhao Danian.

While panting heavily, Zhao Danian found a phone number and dialed it. After a while, the phone was answered.

"Sun Shao... I'm Da Nian..."

"Teach him a lesson?" A man's voice came from the microphone.

Zhao Danian wanted to yell, bullshit to teach the other party a lesson, was he taught by the other party severely, okay?

The thing is like this, he received a call from Young Master Sun, on the phone, Young Master Sun asked him to do him a favor by asking him to find a few brothers to find a reason to teach a person a lesson, that person is driving around the parking lot in Chinatown to find What about the parking space?

Zhao Danian is a reasonable person, if he wants to trouble someone, he must at least have a reasonable reason, right? Li Wenwen, the plane model who happened to be taken care of by him, also drove to the parking lot in Chinatown to find a parking space, so Zhao Danian let Li Wenwen drive over directly... Anyway, it will be Sun Shao's job to repair the car, and then he will take People come to kill.

But unexpectedly, the result was that he was severely repaired, his face was swollen, his stomach was kicked so that he felt that his internal organs were displaced, otherwise why did it hurt so much? Still vomiting blood? To make matters worse, his foot was broken. Will he have to walk with a cane in the future?

"Young Master Sun, you've made me miserable." Zhao Danian wept bitterly, "He broke all five of my brothers' hands and feet, and my thigh was broken too... Who the hell is he? Special forces? How to fight?" It's so cruel to stand up?"

After a while of silence, Young Master Sun said, "Danny, you are more unfortunate than me..."


"But don't worry, I will contact the hospital and let the ambulance pick you up and your brother. I will definitely treat you well. This time I feel sorry for you, and I owe you a big favor. As for that kid... ...In an hour, my cousin will arrive in Fenghuang City, and he will be there to see." Sun Shao said darkly.


Although disturbed by two flies,

But it still does not affect the deliciousness of a bowl of soup. Nintendo is still very interested in shopping. After all, there are not many opportunities to pull a little man out for shopping alone. Most of the time, he belongs to twenty women, not just her Nintendo. alone.

Sometimes, Nintendo also complains in his heart, why can't this man belong to her alone? She doesn't think it's wrong for her to complain, but she thinks it's fun, because she never thought that she, who had long been determined to be a "little three", would have such an idea.

Li Zedao also knew what Nintendo was thinking, so he also devoted himself to this trip and let her toss.

She said she was going to a lingerie store, so he ignored the astonished and weird eyes of other women in the store and accompanied her in and helped her choose lingerie. It may be the nature of a man that the underwear he helped to pick out is linked to the word "fun"...

She said she wanted to buy shoes, Li Zedao squatted there and helped her wear one pair after another on her little feet that were as white as snow and tender as fresh lotus root, which made the waiter in the store look bubbly and said Miss, you are really happy 20% off if you want both pairs...

She opened her sexy little mouth and asked Li Zedao to feed her dessert, so Li Zedao put spoonful after spoonful into her mouth.

"Little man, I feel like a blessing, and I don't want to go back." Nintendo wrapped his arms around Li Zedao's arm tightly, and leaned his head on his arm.

"Then don't go back." Li Zedao said with a smile, but his heart was full of apologies. He now felt that he owed the same to every woman.

He can't be like other couples who spend every day alone with Nintendo, or Li Mengchen, or He Xiaoyu, or other women to go shopping... Otherwise, other women will fall into the jealous jar?

Nintendo raised his head, glanced at Li Zedao playfully, and said with a smile, "Little man, do you really think so?"

"..." Li Zedao was ashamed and helpless. They are all smart people. Is it necessary to speak so bluntly? How embarrassing.

"If the two of us don't go back and have a fling outside, don't tell other women, Susan and Alice will definitely come out to catch rape, and the shadow of that weird little girl, don't hurt me behind saying that my mother will destroy unity Eat alone?" Nintendo said with a smile, "We are indeed living together in harmony, but which woman doesn't have a small heart? Everyone wants to take you as their own, but they don't have the ability to do that."


"However... it's okay to find a place to feed my old lady before going back." Nintendo winked at him charmingly, and said coquettishly.

"...What do you think...the place is good?" Li Zedao asked shyly in a low voice, "The bathroom? The changing room? I think it would be safer to find a hotel..."

"Bitch, get out!" Nintendo pinched Li Zedao, and cursed with a smile, his face full of spring.


In a BMW in the parking lot of Chinatown, a man looked helplessly at Sun Yizhou who was sitting in the driver's seat, his eyes kept looking out, and said, "Yizhou, I've already told you that I can't The one who helped you beat people, you know, I am a soldier, if it is found out that the soldiers beat the common people, I will be punished, not to mention, I have a mission when I return to Phoenix City this time, I will meet you and uncle Those who say hello have to leave."

Sun Yizhou looked away from the SUV that was still parked there with the flattened front, looked at his cousin and said, "Cousin, he is not an ordinary person, he is a villain, a big villain, you beat him up!" Getting him is equivalent to killing harm for the people. You don't even know how arrogant that stupid rich second generation is, relying on his own skills to moleste at the hospital entrance... My girlfriend, I alone I was so angry that I shot, but I am not his opponent, I was slapped twice by him..."

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded and said: "With your skill, you are very strong in an ordinary army. The opponent can still slap you twice?"

"That's not it." Sun Yizhou was angry and depressed again, "Although the grandson's character is bad, but his skills are really there. Of course, for the king of soldiers like you, your cousin, the grandson will really change. A real grandson..."

The man thought for a while and said, "It's still hard for me to do it. After all, I'm a soldier..." What is the duty of a soldier? It's defending the country! But now it's about beating ordinary people. No matter what the man thinks, he thinks it's inappropriate.

"Cousin, we left right after you beat me up with a thunderbolt. No one will know that you did it, right?" Sun Yizhou said, "Besides, that's a scumbag. You are killing harm for the people, do you have the heart to see your younger brother and sister molested by that idiot? Do you have the heart to see your cousin get slapped twice? Do you have the heart to see him continue molesting and threatening other girls? Children bully those honest people but continue to get away with it?"

Speaking of which, Sun Yizhou's eyes were a little red, and he looked like he had a blood feud with the other party: "And, cousin, do you know what that grandson said after he slapped me in the face? He pointed at your nurse who works in the hospital The younger brother and sister said to let her wait for him for nothing, and your younger brother and sister are still afraid to go to work in the hospital because they have shadows in their hearts."

The man frowned: "Why didn't you call the police?"

"This... the grandson's father is the deputy director of the city bureau, is it useful to call the police?" Sun Yizhou complained with a mournful face. Anyway, lying doesn't cost money, so why not tell it?

"Damn, you're too arrogant." The man clenched his black fist like a sledgehammer, and said with a fierce face, isn't he the son of a little deputy director of the city bureau? How dare you be so lawless.

"That's right, it's too arrogant." Sun Yizhou agreed angrily, "That cousin..."

"He came over in a while, and I'll beat him up." The man waved his hand and said viciously.

Sun Yizhou was overjoyed: "Thank you, cousin." He was really proud of this, for his cousin's shot, where would that damned bastard lie like a dead dog? How excited he was, Sun Yizhou was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

"However, the impact is not good after all, so I have to cover my face." The man added.

Half an hour later, when Li Zedao appeared there holding a woman's hand, Sun Yizhou's pupils dilated slightly, and then he had the urge to swallow his saliva. Her looks and temperament are enough to kill Sun Ying instantly, so how could she be overwhelmed by this guy?

While being envious and jealous, he shook his cousin's shoulder and whispered, "Cousin, he has appeared."

The man who covered his face with a hood and only those eyes were exposed opened his eyes and looked out: "Which one?" Then his eyes widened slightly, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

"It's him." Sun Yizhou pointed to Li Zedao, and stared at the superb woman next to him with bright eyes, feeling really upset.

Then, the corners of the man's eyes twitched even more: "Are you sure?"

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