The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1138 Sleep Here

"It turned out to be you." Li Zedao glanced at the other party sideways, and nodded slightly, "Why is the car racing here at night? Are you impatient? Are you afraid that your sister will beat you if she finds out?"

"" Yang Chengming looked a little embarrassed and panicked. He really didn't expect that he just wanted to get out of the car to seek excitement, and in the end he followed the ass of the person he least wanted to see so far. One lap, isn't this a rush to die?

Brother-in-law? He is Young Master Yang'

The others were really shocked by Yang Chengming's "brother-in-law". They almost lost their minds for a long time and couldn't recover. They were even more horrified that Young Master Yang's brother-in-law would drive such a cheap car... ...I really despise this kind of naked-naked pretentious behavior.

Or is this the real version of the story of the toad and the swan? But it's not right, if this is really a toad, how could the Yang family marry the little princess to him? How could Yang Chengming be so afraid of him?

"They're all your friends?" Li Zedao glanced at the inch-headed man, who was inexplicably sweating on his forehead after being looked at by his indifferent and emotionless eyes, and felt his body was chilly.

"It's my friends... They all like to play with cars, and they come out to play together at night..." Yang Chengming explained cautiously and awkwardly, "The main reason is that brother-in-law, your driving skills are too good, so I couldn't help but follow me to have a look ..."

"Okay, let's go back." Li Zedao interrupted him and said, if in the past, what he said would hurt this kid, but now, he is not in the mood, just want them to get out of here, don't bother him.

"Okay, brother-in-law, I'll go back now, I'll go back now..." Yang Chengming hurriedly said as if he had been pardoned, and then drove away from the scene with his group of cronies.


"Young Master Yang... is he really... your brother-in-law?" Lai Xiaofeng finally couldn't hold back and asked into the walkie-talkie. He was really curious about this guy who drove so well.

Naturally, other people also had the same question, so they all listened to what Yang Chengming had to say.

"Lai Xiaofeng, what do you mean? Do you think my eyes are sick and I have admitted the wrong person?" Yang Chengming said angrily, you idiot, do you know that if I were not here, I am afraid that you would be carried away, and even the arrogant and domineering before That mad dog Wei Xiaobao has turned into a dead dog, you are a fart.

"Young Master Yang, that's not what I mean. What I mean is... yes, your brother-in-law has a personality. What does he do at home? Why is he so unfamiliar? He's a professional racing driver?" Lai Xiaofeng quickly explained.

How could it be possible that Yang Chengming didn't know what Lai Xiaofeng wanted to know? He just wanted to say that your brother-in-law looks so stupid and drives such a stupid car. How did you agree? Also, why are you so afraid of him?

He sneered at the moment: "You feel strange because you haven't reached that level yet. Do you know who he is? Li Zedao... If you still think this name is a little strange, then his mother must be very familiar to you. Xiao Qiangwei is his mother."

"..." Everyone's eyes widened, and they gasped.

"Couldn't he be the same Li Zedao who beat up Wei Xiaobao violently and took away Su Xuan from the Su family in front of everyone at the Yanjing Hotel and slapped Gao Shenghan in the face?" Someone exclaimed.

"What do you think?" Yang Chengming said lightly.

"..." Everyone continued to gasp.

Then they began to reflect. They used to think that driving a sports car with a price of one million or even tens of millions was a very high-end thing, but it seems that driving a Volkswagen is even more expensive.

Well, I will buy a Volkswagen when I go back, and it must be a red polo, and I will drive that car when I go out in the future!

Lai Xiaofeng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, he felt as if he had walked before the gate of hell.


"Big fool, shall we drink here?" Yang Xue'er got out of the car, looked at the dark surroundings where she could barely see her fingers and asked.

My heart was full of distress, the fool wouldn't be afraid of seeing him cry and shed tears, so he chose such a ghostly place where he couldn't see his fingers, right? But this genius girl has already said it, don't laugh at him.

Li Zedao shook his head, if he really drank here, wouldn't he freeze this little girl? Immediately said: "Of course not, the main purpose of coming here is to come and see someone."

Shadow's eyes widened slightly, and he asked extremely curiously, "Who is it?"

"My dad." Li Zedao said.

"..." Shadow's eyes widened, his face full of incredulity. She actually doesn't know much about Li Zedao's father. I heard that he died before the big fool was he still alive? Just live in this ghost place that is enough to scare the faint of heart to death?

Li Zedao squatted down slightly, patted himself on the back and said, "Come on, I'll carry you, we have to walk a short distance to see him."

Shadow didn't ask any more questions, but lay on Li Zedao's back, his cool little hands hugged his neck tightly, his small face pressed against his back, and softly called: "Big fool... "


"This genius beautiful girl doesn't want to have a baby, she really doesn't want are not allowed to abandon me because of guilt..." Shadow said softly, hugging her little hands even tighter.

"..." Li Zedao didn't say anything, he supported her little butt, and then strode forward.

Fengming Mountain in the daytime makes people feel desolate and terrifying, let alone Fengming Mountain at night in winter, the surroundings are abnormally cold, but you can't feel the wind at all, and you can't even hear any wind at all. The insects were chirping and the birds were singing, as if there were no living things here at all.

Moreover, occasionally will-o'-the-wisps will suddenly appear in the dark place, and those who are timid may faint directly.

Li Zedao is very courageous. He has seen real ghosts, so he is naturally not afraid of the so-called ghosts that people imagined in the depths of their hearts. As for people, he is even less afraid.

Shadow is not afraid either, because with Li Zedao around, if Li Zedao leaves her here alone, Shadow feels that the next thing he has to do is nothing more than two things.

First, to scream; second, to lose consciousness with one eye closed.

Because of the special training, even for ordinary people, the surrounding area is completely invisible, but for Li Zedao, he can clearly see everything around him.

At that moment, Li Zedao walked up with big strides, turned onto the familiar small mountain road, climbed up, and finally came to the same familiar steep hillside.

"Here we are." Li Zedao said, looking at the big rock in front of him, and then put his shadow down.

For Shadow, the surroundings were pitch black, and even though she tried her best to open her eyes to the maximum, she still couldn't see Li Zedao's face, so after getting down, she still hugged Li Zedao's waist tightly, and then I don't want to let go.

Li Zedao also followed her, took out the light stick that he bought by the way when buying wine from his pocket, folded it, and the light stick instantly emitted a soft green light, not bright, but the light was enough for the shadow to see Li Zedao's face clearly and those things around it too.

Of course, there is nothing around, nothing more than some weeds and a few big rocks.

"Here." Li Zedao said.

Shadow let go of Li Zedao's waist, took the fluorescent stick, and then used the gleam of light from the fluorescent stick to look around. Then she saw the big fool walking towards the big rock in front, and immediately grabbed his waist. Follow up.

"Big fool, does your father live here?" Shadow asked curiously, and he was even more imaginative. Aren't there such plots in movies? There are always some mysterious caves hidden on that barren mountain, either natural or deliberately built by someone, but the entrance of the cave is very secret...

Shadow opened his eyes wide and looked at the big rock in front of him, wondering if the hole was just under the big rock? It was really secretive enough.

Li Zedao nodded, and said lightly: "Well, he lives in this place, under that big rock..."

Shadow couldn't help but silently gave himself a few likes in his heart. This talented and beautiful girl is really a genius, and she immediately found that there was something tricky hidden under the big rock.

"I will sleep in that place forever." Li Zedao said.

"..." Shadow's complexion changed drastically.

Li Zedao didn't say much, but stood in front of the big rock, stretched out his hand, and gently touched the cold big rock. You couldn't see any emotion from his face, as if it was Like a mask without any temperature, only Li Zedao could clearly feel that his restless heart was calming down bit by bit, and his chaotic mind was returning to its original state bit by bit. The ability to think.

I don't know how long it took, Li Zedao left the stone with his hand, looked back at the shadow staring at him quietly and said, "I was very upset just now."

Shadow nodded, stretched out his hand and gently stroked his now cold face, feeling very distressed: "Big fool, I know..."

Anyone who suddenly knows this kind of thing will be unbearable. From the shadow's point of view, Li Zedao's performance is already very good, at least he didn't lose his mind, he didn't slap himself and yell at himself that you are talking nonsense. Didn't immediately call Antarctica and say why did you cuckold me why why...

He chose to try to calm himself down in various ways, including stopping halfway and buying a large box of bottles and throwing them in the car to express that he wanted to drink... In fact, he didn't want to drink at all, including the desperate hurricane all the way, including him appear here.

Li Zedao took the other person's hand that was stroking his face, and said: "In the past, my father and master also gave the same choice. In the end, I chose to believe in master... This time, I also believe in him..."

Shadow froze for a moment, and Dou Da's tears fell down all of a sudden, the big fool chose to believe her! Is there anything more important than this trust?

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