The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1139 The Reason Why Women Betray Men

Then, she threw herself into Li Zedao's arms, her fists were like beating drums, and she kept hitting Li Zedao's chest: "Damn it, you idiot, you hate it, hate it, hate it, you say that, this girl won't cry all night ? This pair of beautiful big eyes of the talented girl must not become peach eyes? I hate it..."

Li Zedao stretched out his arms and hugged the trembling body, silent for a long time.

He couldn't help but believe what the master said, because the master didn't need to make such a joke, and he himself didn't have a man and a half woman. Moreover, Li Zedao seriously recalled the previous things. Li Mengchen, Nintendo, and He Xiaoyu had actually expressed their willingness to help him. Those who gave birth to a baby did not take any measures at all, and sometimes they were still in danger, but they failed to conceive in the end.

Now, Antarctica is pregnant...

Perhaps this is really a coincidence, but Li Zedao thinks the possibility is not too great. Furthermore, a traitor appeared in the Shenlong organization, and the big head and the iron hand were killed in the end... Could it be that Nanji and the big head iron hand are actually the same group?

Even, the death of the big head and the iron hand was caused by Antarctica? Because she has plenty of time to commit crimes...

The heart is in a mess, and the head is as big as a fight!

After a while he asked: "Shadow, you are a woman..."

"Damn, nonsense, haven't you already experienced the product? You have inspected it several times." Shadow said angrily, "I hate it, I hate it..." She began to beat Li Zedao's chest again.

"I mean, under what circumstances do you think a woman would betray her man?" Li Zedao asked.

Shadow was silent for a while, and said: "Big fool, you are a man, under what circumstances do you think a man would betray his woman?"


"Oh, you don't need to use your brain cells to think about this question. This genius girl will give you the answer directly." Shadow said, "It's nothing more than two words, sex and coquettish."

"...You're off topic." Li Zedao reminded helplessly, "What we're discussing now is the issue of women betraying men, not the issue of men betraying women..."

"Big fool, although Sister Nanji gave you a cuckold, but you are not qualified to say that Sister Nanji betrayed you, do you know that?" Shadow said, "Because you have so many women while you have this talented girl, Sister Nanji can naturally have other men while having you..."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently,

I feel that there is really no way to continue talking about this topic, so I'd better go back and wash up early to sleep.

After thinking about it, Ying felt that her idea was wrong, because she already had a big fool, and it was impossible for her to sleep with other men, so she added: "Big fool, don't worry, there is only one girl in this genius, you can just marry me." That's enough, I won't give you a cuckold... You only have one head, and a cuckold is enough."

"...Let's go back." Li Zedao was in a mess in the wind, only feeling that his heart was being trampled crazily by hundreds of mud horses at the same time.

"Big idiot, even the talented and beautiful girl hasn't answered your question yet."

"..." Li Zedao wanted to cry, you know that too?

Shadow thought for a while, and said in an expert tone: "This genius girl thinks that a woman will betray her man, and there are nothing more than the following situations... First, that man has no money and cannot give her the things she wants. Life; second, that man has impotence and premature ejaculation, and that woman is a widow every day; third, that man is a violent maniac, and it is natural for the woman to be a doormat every day; fourth, the man is too rigid As a result, the days are so dull, so women want to find some excitement; fifth... think about this genius girl..."

Li Zedao thought about it, and there is no such thing as the four situations mentioned by the shadow between himself and Antarctica. Although he is not the richest man in the world, he is enough to satisfy Antarctica's material life, not to mention, Antarctica is still the kind that even catches a mouse and roasts it. A tough woman who can eat deliciously once she bakes it.

With his own fighting power, it's no need to think about tossing Antarctica to death... As for domestic violence, it's just the other way around, and he is always beaten by her.

And the days are too plain as water... This is even more non-existent.

"Fifth..." Shadow looked at Li Zedao, as if he was afraid of hitting him and hurting him, and his tone became softer, "Fifth is that Sister Nanji has never liked you at all, the reason why she is close to you It's not because I'm attracted to you, but because of some ulterior motive."

Li Zedao smiled wryly, this was the only possibility he could think of.

Shadow comforted softly: "Big fool, you are not money, so it is impossible for all women to like you, but you are already very good, because even a genius like this beautiful girl likes you..."

"..." Li Zedao felt that this woman was not trying to comfort him, but she was praising herself in a disguised form.

"And big fool, you sometimes look silly and lecherous, so it's normal for someone to want to take advantage of your weakness..." Shadow continued to comfort him softly.

"...Let's go and find a place to drink." Li Zedao said, feeling a little cold.

"Shadow, nothing happened." Li Zedao squatted down and carried Shadow on his back.

"Well, before you, you idiot, drove her out of the house, she was still the Nanji elder sister of this talented and beautiful girl." Shadow said with his arms tightly around Li Zedao's neck.

Li Zedao smiled and strode forward.

"Big fool, are you still upset?" Shadow whispered in his ear.

"A little bit." Li Zedao said truthfully.

"Then... the big deal is that this girl is wronged and let you bully me, okay? You whip me like I whipped your ass before..." Shadow said.

"This... I'm afraid it will be difficult." Li Zedao said.

"Why? I feel sorry for this talented and beautiful girl..."

"No, because the whip wasn't brought out." Li Zedao said, "Is it okay to just use your hands?"

"...Big idiot, bastard, go to hell, this genius girl will bite you to death..." Shadow was so depressed that he stretched out his mouth, but he didn't bite it after all. Take a sip.


Leaving Fengming Mountain with the shadow, the two found a not-so-regular hotel at random, planning to open a room and have a good drink, but what Li Zedao never expected was that he walked into the hotel with the box of beer in his arms. When I was in the hotel, I met Bai Xiaoxiao. To be precise, I saw Bai Xiaoxiao's back, or more precisely, I met Bai Xiaoxiao who was hugged tightly by a strange man who seemed to be too drunk to stand still. .

At this time, the strange man walked into the elevator with Bai Xiaoxiao in his arms.

Li Zedao's expression darkened all of a sudden, he didn't think that Bai Xiaoxiao was in a bar in the middle of the night, and then she had a room with the handsome guy after she finished her madness.

"Big fool, what's the matter?" Seeing that Li Zedao's expression was suddenly wrong, his eyes fell on the couple who were embracing each other and saw that they came to open a room. He rolled his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Do you know that woman?" ?”

Li Zedao nodded and said: "Yes, your sister Bing'er's sister is also my sister-in-law... The situation is wrong, she is not the kind of girl who will come out to have a room with other boys."

Shadow immediately grasped the key point, with a face of sudden realization: "Other boys? This genius girl understands, big fool, you mean she is the kind of girl who will only come out to have a room with you, right? Damn, big fool, this genius girl knows that your favorite is the sister file, look at Sister Susan and Sister Su Xuan, and Sister Binger and Sister Xueer, Sister Xiaoyu and Sister Xiaoyue... Damn it ,abnormal!"

"...Don't make trouble, what I said is true." Li Ze said helplessly, is it my fault that my sister-in-law likes me?

"Ten chances are that they were given too much water and then brought to the hotel."

After all, Li Zedao was very angry, what kind of wine did he go out to drink at night? Even if you drink, you drink too much? Is it nice to be hugged like this to take advantage? Even getting crossed at the end and then waking up in the morning and not knowing who was crossed is so cool?

"Damn, are you playing fan-rame?" Shadow opened his eyes wide and muttered viciously, "Kick his balls."

While speaking, the strange man had already entered the elevator with his arms around Bai Xiaoxiao. The elevator door closed quickly and then went up.

"Sir, do you still want to check in?" The listless man at the front desk looked at Li Zedao and said, "Please show your ID card."

Li Zedao came back to his senses and handed over his ID card, and asked, "Excuse me, which room did the man and woman live in just now?"

The man took the ID card and looked up at him while handling it, and said lightly: "Sorry, sir, this is the client's **..."

Li Zedao took out 500 yuan from his wallet and put it in front of him: "Excuse me, which room did the man and woman live in just now?"

The man's eyes lit up instantly, he picked up the mouse pad and put it on the banknote, then handed back the room card and ID card to Li Zedao and said, "Mr. Please forgive me for disclosing it to others... Oh, you are in room 503, take the elevator to the fifth floor and turn left and you will see it... Oh, it is next to room 502."

"Okay, thank you." Li Zedao took the room card and ID card and said, then walked into the elevator with the shadow, went up to the fifth floor, turned left, and sure enough, he saw room 503 at once, but Li Zedao's attention But it all fell on the door of room 502 next door.

Immediately strode forward, put the box of beer at the door, and knocked on the door.

Not long after, the door was opened with a gap, and a pair of vigilant and gloomy eyes appeared in the gap.

"Knock it off? Are you looking for death?" The man asked impatiently.

"Open the door." Li Zedao said.

"...Get lost... ah..."

The man screamed out, because Li Zedao's hand had already reached into the gap, and immediately grabbed his hair tightly.

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