The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1160 Traditional Man

"Boss..." Zhou Yan sighed softly with a sad expression on his face, with infinite sorrow in his tone, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, don't say anything."

"Really? Then don't talk about it." Li Zedao laughed, just as he really didn't want to hear it. Besides, Zhou Yan's tone and expression made Li Zedao terrified. Let him continue like this, Li Zedao was worried that his right side would also swell up...he couldn't help but slap him!

"Boss..." Zhou Yan's expression became even more resentful, "It's a long story..."

"Damn, didn't you stop talking?" Li Zedao was speechless.

"Boss, listen to me telling you slowly."

"...Damn it!" Li Zedao was conquered by Zhou Yan's shamelessness.

Zhou Yan touched his face, smiled wryly and said, "Actually, this slap is thanks to my mother..."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Your mother? Why did she hit you? The attack was very cruel. You must not be your mother's biological child... Oh, no, Zhou Qian was not your mother's biological child."

From the genetic point of view, Zhou Yan is definitely Zhou's mother's biological son, but Zhou all likelihood, she got the wrong hug when she was in the hospital, otherwise why are there such big differences in personality and appearance?

"Boss, you can't insult your mother-in-law." Zhou Yan said angrily, "You can't even insult me!"

Li Zedao took a look at this big pie face that made people feel really unappetizing, curled his lips, didn't bother to pay attention, and asked, "Why did your mother beat you? Because you told her that Sun Ying kicked you?"

"Boss, how can it be said that she kicked me?" Zhou Yan said weakly, "It should be said that we could not stand the test of time and broke up peacefully..."

"Get to the point." Li Zedao was speechless.

"Oh, okay...the point is, before I could tell my mother about this, Sun Ying's mother came to make a fuss." Zhou Yan rubbed his nose and said helplessly, "Early in the morning, Sun Ying Ying's mother actually came to my house. My mother opened the door. She heard that the other party was Sun Ying's mother. She was so enthusiastic and grabbed her hand. The mother-in-law's mother's name is..."

"But grandma was pulling a donkey face. She glanced at me like an old witch who wanted to eat people and asked us that you don't know? My mother was surprised and asked what she knew Grandmother pointed at my mother and said, this little bastard of yours made my daughter's belly bigger but he doesn't want to admit that he kicked her away now..."

"Pregnant?" Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly,

Well, you Zhou Yan, you beast, how old are you, you can’t even take care of yourself, you just made the belly of other girls bigger, are you still human? If you say you are a beast, I’m afraid you will jump out Protest.

Zhou Yan looked at Li Zedao with a bitter expression on his face: "Boss, do you know? When I heard that Sun Ying was pregnant, I was completely dumbfounded."

"Why? Not ready to be a father yet?" Li Zedao asked. There was a twitch in his heart, he remembered that Nanji was here, and Nanji was also pregnant, but the child's father was not himself.

Li Zedao actually doesn't hate Antarctica, he really doesn't, because, he can't hate him, he is passionate, but he is annoyed by ruthlessness!

"No..." Zhou Yan lowered his head and said with shame on his face, "It's because I'm still a..."

"..." Li Zedao's heart was already running wildly with hundreds of muddy horses. He really couldn't understand how Zhou Yan said such shameless words.

"Boss, really, I'm actually still a virgin." Zhou Yan lowered his head embarrassedly and said in a low voice, "I told you before that I had already fucked Sun Ying, but I was bragging... I did have sex with her Yes, but you know that I'm too simple, I don't know what to do next, and I'm very traditional, in fact, I want to leave my virgin body on the night of the bridal chamber, so... In the end, nothing was done."

"...I really didn't know you were innocent, let alone your tradition." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth continued to twitch. I didn't know that your computer is full of blockbuster movies starring Mr. Ozawa."

Zhou Yan used his father to block Li Zedao's knife in a very beastly way: "Those...are actually my father's...I've never seen them before."


"I'm still a virgin. At most, Sun Ying and I just hug each other without clothes on. How can we be pregnant? So that child is not mine at all, so there is an extra green crown on my head." hat, so I'm stupid..."

Zhou Yan's face was full of bitterness, and he cried: "But my mother really thought I did it, that I was such an animal to make Sun Ying's belly bigger, but she wanted to kick her away, so she Without further ado, he gave me a slap in the face, and then Chunfeng took grandma's hand with a full face and said that my mother-in-law, our old Zhou family will definitely be responsible to the end, and I will never wrong Yingying, that child...Zhou Yan, you If you little bastard dares to do something that I'm sorry to Yingying, I'll take your skin off..."

"..." Li Zedao was speechless and at the same time understood a little.

When he was in the hospital, he told Sun Yizhou that this kind of mother-in-law should not be taken, otherwise the hospital would become a den of bandits, so Sun Yizhou would not dare to pursue Sun Ying anymore. , let alone let grandma continue to be arrogant in the hospital and treat that place as her home.

Afterwards, with her grandma's temper, she found out that Zhou Yan had such an awesome buddy who would definitely make her daughter turn her head back.

With Sun Ying's temperament, she belongs to the kind who doesn't bend her nerves. Even if she still misses Zhou Yan and regrets being too hasty, she probably didn't want to come back to find Zhou Yan, and she wouldn't say anything.

So the emperor is not in a hurry to kill the eunuch, Sun's mother came directly to the door to be so ruthless, she just wanted to test the reaction of Zhou Yan and Zhou Yan's parents. Pregnant.

But grandma never imagined that Zhou Yan and her daughter would be so "innocent". It's too embarrassing for a man.

"Boss, what do you think I should do?" Zhou Yan asked bitterly.

"What should I do?" Li Zedao asked back.

"Should I make it clear that the child is not mine at all, or should I accept Sun Ying again and help others raise the child?"

Li Zedao looked at Zhou Yan's face that looked so idiotic, and almost couldn't hold back a slap, and said angrily, "Get out, Sun Ying is not pregnant at all, okay?"

Zhou Yan's eyes widened, and he asked involuntarily, "Boss, how do you know?"

"Because I'm not an idiot." Li Zedao said angrily, and then strode forward. He felt that he was sick, and he talked so much with a mentally handicapped person.

"...Ah, boss, wait for me..." Seeing Li Zedao walking faster and faster, Zhou Yan quickly followed up.

Li Zedao looked back at him, pointed to his chest and said, "Do you feel like you're dying of chest tightness these days?"

Zhou Yan touched his chest and thought for a while: "No."

Li Zedao said that I knew it was like this, and said: "No, it means that you have not fallen in love with Sun Ying in the true sense. At most, it is a sullen heart that is causing trouble. I am lonely and empty, so I want to find a girl to talk about life. Talk about the ideal to spend the long night in loneliness."

"Sun Ying is a stickler. Now she can indiscriminately think that your idiot actions are right, and she can break up with you indiscriminately. In the future, she will definitely be able to. After all, you two You two are like two little kids who haven’t grown up playing house over there, there is a lack of understanding and true love between you, and you also have responsibilities, so..."

Li Zedao patted Zhou Yan's shoulder and said, "I suggest you don't eat back grass, it doesn't belong to you."

"..." Zhou Yan felt that he seemed to be humiliated by Li Zedao.

"There is another reason. You can't afford to provoke Sun Ying's extremely snobbish mother, and neither can your family! One day she finds out that you are not as rich and powerful as she thought, then, just It means that your sad day is coming." Li Zedao said and patted him on the shoulder.

It is impossible for him to cover Zhou Yan for the rest of his life, and even this trip to Las Vegas might just die like this. When the grandma finds out that there is a better one, she will naturally encourage her daughter to pursue something else.

"That's my suggestion." Li Zedao said, "Think about it for yourself."

Zhou Yan nodded, and followed Li Zedao silently until he came to the red polo parked by Li Zedao in the parking lot, then he looked up at Li Zedao and said, "Boss, I know, I won't turn back , and won’t let Sun Ying’s horse turn around and nibble on my grass, which is thriving against the sun.”

"..." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched. He looked at this big pie face and wanted to reassure this heartless and shameless bastard, because Sun Ying would not come back to nibble on him no matter what.

Zhou Yan chuckled and said, "Boss, where should we go for dinner? Really, you don't need to go to expensive places, a three-star hotel is enough."

"Get out!" Li Zedao scolded with a smile, then opened the car door and got in, saying, "Let's go, please go to a high-end restaurant for a big meal."

Zhou Yan was so happy that his big face was like a dog's tail, so he quickly opened the car door and got in.

Li Zedao took him to the Emerald Restaurant by the sea. The business of the Emerald Restaurant was booming, but compared to the evening, there were still fewer people at noon, and there were still vacant seats.

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