The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1161 Miss Mitty

Now Li Zedao asked for a seat by the window where he could see the sea. As for the dishes, let Zhou Yan watch over them.

Zhou Yan looked at the menu brought by the waiter, looked at the prices of the vegetables inside, was stunned, swallowed and asked, "Boss, what do you order...?"

"Whatever." Li Zedao said casually looking at the scenery outside the window, he was not picky about food, besides, this restaurant is his... although the beautiful waiter who sent them in didn't know his identity at all.

So Zhou Yan really got up casually, picking expensive ones casually, and finally took a cautious look at Li Zedao, and then accidentally asked for a bottle of red wine with a price tag of more than 3,000 with a trembling hand...

After the red wine and good food were delivered, the two chatted without saying a word while eating. Of course, Zhou Yan basically wiped out all the dishes on the table, and Li Zedao didn't eat a few mouthfuls at all... Zhou Yan's kind of Gobbled it up and even hugged the plate in his arms, making Li Zedao lose his appetite all of a sudden.

Zhou Yan shyly said, Boss, you have so many women, why don’t you have kidney deficiency, your waist is not sore, your legs don’t hurt, you walk without shaking... Oh, you don’t need to answer, I understand, you and sister-in-law are both platonic love right? Pursuing spiritual communication and repelling **** is no wonder, my sister's juicy Chinese cabbage hasn't been favored by you yet.

"..." Li Zedao wanted to pick up the dish on the table and put it on the bastard's head.

Zhou Yan was very curious and said, Boss, you were so stupid back then, why are you so awesome now? Boss, why do so many women like you? Boss, why... Zhou Yan has become a million whys, and keeps croaking in Li Zedao's ear, like a croaking crow.

In the end, Li Zedao couldn't take it anymore, so he pointed to the corner and said, "Look what it is."

Zhou Yan looked back and saw a trash can there, he was startled, turned around, smiled apologetically, and continued to destroy the bottle of red wine worth 3,000.

In the end, Zhou Yan burped heavily, leaned lazily on the chair, gently rubbed his swollen belly, and said with an intoxicated expression: "The taste is just like that, such as the foie gras , too old, that red wine is like vinegar..."

"..." Li Zedao was so angry that the muscles on his face were twitching non-stop. He picked up the plate on the table that had been licked clean by this guy, and was about to greet his big pancake face, but Seeing Zhou Yan's eyes and mouth wide open, looking outside with a silly expression, even that face was already flushed red

"" Zhou Yan's voice trembled.

"Look at your useless ass.

" Li Zedao was speechless, but followed his gaze and looked out the window. He was also a little curious, what kind of girl passed by there, so that Zhou Yan became a complete fool, even There is still a trace of transparent liquid in the corner of the mouth.

Then, Li Zedao saw a young and beautiful girl, to be precise, a young and beautiful foreign woman with brown curly hair.

Then the girl looked back as if it was an unintentional action, and Li Zedao saw her green eyes under the light of her gaze.

Li Zedao's pupils swelled, and he was thinking anxiously whether he had forgotten something important.

Oh, it was a heartbeat that missed a beat.

Li Zedao has seen many beautiful women, so the appearance of this foreign girl is the same to him, but the eyes of the other party, Li Zedao has to admit that they are the most beautiful pair of eyes he has ever seen, so charming, Intoxicating.

The passing foreign girl had already gone far away and disappeared from sight, but Zhou Yan hadn't reacted yet, and was still drooling and staring out dully.

Seeing his wretched appearance, Li Zedao really felt extremely ashamed, so he picked up the napkin on the table, crumpled it up, and threw it at his face.

Only then did Zhou Yan wake up, staring at Li Zedao with wide eyes, he wiped his saliva with his sleeve and said, "Beauty, boss, beauty..."

"That's it." Li Zedao said.

But Zhou Yan acted as if he didn't hear Li Zedao's words, and sang a one-man show by himself: "Oh, my god, that foreign woman is so beautiful, I can't find any words to describe her." That kind of beauty that doesn't seem to belong to the world..."

Li Zedao sneered: "Nonsense, I don't even think about how much you scored in the composition of the college entrance examination?"

Zhou Yan's Chinese score in the college entrance examination was lower than Li Zedao's composition score...

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, he felt that his sarcastic words were for nothing, because this idiot was not listening at all, he was already intoxicated in his dirty and wretched fantasy.

"When she turned her head inadvertently just now, our eyes looked at each other affectionately... Oh, I feel that my soul is out of my body, I don't have a penis anymore, I only have a spiritual world, surrounded by flowers, everywhere They are all dog tail flowers, we are running hand in hand among the dog tail flowers..."

"The dog's tail flower..." Li Zedao silently turned around and found a trash can to vomit.

Zhou Yan's small face was raised forty-five degrees, his eyes were slightly narrowed, his face was full of intoxication, and he said with a flat face: "At that moment, I was surprised that I felt ashamed. She is so beautiful. , so elegant, so holy... And I, except for being handsome and a little smart, I can't find any advantages that can be compared with her... She is the most beautiful flower in the world, and I just A thick green leaf... Boss..."

Zhou Yan opened his eyes, and was slightly stunned, because Li Zedao who was sitting opposite him had disappeared. When he looked back, he found that Li Zedao had gone away.

"Boss, wait for me...boss...boss..." Zhou Yan quickly stood up and chased after him. The boss is too insidious, he wants to leave me here alone to pay, hum, no way!


By the sea, a beautiful foreign girl with long brown hair stepped on the soft sand with her bare feet, looked at the turbulent sea in front of her and said, "Mr. Pete, he is here, I saw him .”

"Yes, Miss Mitty." Teacher Pete, who stood behind her and looked at her quietly, said softly, "He's in the dining room behind us."

"It's really fate. I actually didn't want to meet him." Mitty Luciano said with a smile, "However, he is more sunny and handsome than in the photo, so it doesn't make people feel annoying."

Teacher Pete showed a faint smile on his face, but did not answer.

"Mr. Pete, what do you think of him?" Mitty Luciano asked.

Mr. Pete looked at the back and bent slightly, and said respectfully: "Miss Mitty, he is not suitable to be your husband."

"Mr. Pete, I don't like what you said. At this time, you should obey me and praise him as an outstanding boy." Mitty Luciano smiled, "And, is he suitable for me? Husband, only I have the final say, what you say doesn’t count, what my father says doesn’t count, and what anyone else says doesn’t count, only me.”

Teacher Pete smiled and said nothing.

Mitty Luciano didn't say anything, stepped on the soft and delicate sand, and walked towards the sea step by step.


Because the business of the Emerald Restaurant is booming, and many of the employees who work here have cars, the small parking lot at the entrance has long since had no parking spaces. Li Zedao had to park his car when he came here. Park on the side of the road.

When walking towards the car parked by the side of the road, Zhou Yan was still intoxicated, muttering something to himself like a psychopath, but Li Zedao didn't bother to pay attention.

After returning to the car, Li Zedao opened the door and got in.

When Zhou Yan opened the door of the back seat and was about to enter, his eyes glanced so casually, and then he had a happy expression on his face, and then said in a soft but trembling voice: "Boss, there is another beautiful woman, This time it's not a big ocean horse... Ah, but she has a hot body. In the cold weather, she actually showed her long white legs. Boss, she actually came here... Her eyes met mine... Oh, I think my spring has definitely come..."

"..." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly, he could only close the car door, and then buried his head deeply on the steering wheel, acting like I don't know you, is it too embarrassing?

Zhou Yan rolled his eyes, then looked around as if he had a guilty conscience to make sure there was no one else around, and then rushed to the white BMW sports car parked in front of Li Zedao's red polo at the fastest speed. Then he gently leaned his butt on the front of the car, inserted his hands into his trouser pockets freely, and then squinted his face at a 4-5 degree angle, with a hint of sadness already showing in his eyes.

When Li Zedao saw him coming out, the muscles on his face twitched extremely violently, and he felt like he had hundreds of strange poisons in his body. Right now, he was considering whether to start the car quickly so as not to be in the car. Accompanied by embarrassment here.

The one who walked over from a distance was indeed a beautiful woman, she was dressed in a very sexy and fashionable dress, had a strong fragrance on her body, and also wore a pair of sunglasses.

Although Zhou Yan was pretending to be calm with poetic sentimentality in his eyes, his face was still slightly red. The other party's white leg exposed to the air and the leopard print on her feet The high heels really made him blush.

Li Zedao glanced at the woman walking by through the rearview mirror, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He couldn't help feeling that Fenghuang City is too small, and he met a familiar person again.

If this woman is not Qin Shaofeng's horse, who is it? The name seems to be... Deng Xiaomin? Li Zedao was not too sure, of course, he didn't know if she had already been kicked aside by Qin Shaofeng, but looking at her like this, life is quite nourishing.

Then, as if thinking of something, Li Zedao couldn't hold back his joy, and then turned his eyes back to Zhou Yan who was still pretending to be over there, and watched the joke with great interest.

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