Although the engineer is still the captain of the first team in name, and his position is higher than that of Li Zedao and Penguin, but he dare not instruct Li Zedao and Penguin to pick up the luggage, so he consciously went to pick up the luggage after the flight.

When the engineer was picking up the luggage, a tall, 1.8 meter tall girl in a delicate suit, who looked a little scary among the girls, finally plucked up the courage to walk towards the penguin standing there. , Looking up at the handsome face of the penguin, he said: "Hello, sir, I am the passenger sitting on your left. Excuse me, can I leave your phone number? We will come to Las Vegas together Las Vegas travel, I think it is very fate, if we have the opportunity, we can go out together to enjoy the night view of Las Vegas."

Faced with such a strike-up, Penguin was slightly stunned. Although he was indeed handsome and was responsible for his appearance in the Shenlong organization, due to his occupation, such strike-ups were rare.

Of course, he didn't know if the girl was really sitting on his left side. He closed his eyes most of the time, either sleeping or silently greeting Li Zedao in his heart. others?

Li Zedao on the side said with a smile: "Hurry up and agree to the girl, don't hurt the girl's heart, I will take care of the things that need to be dealt with later."

The girl glanced at Li Zedao and nodded gratefully. This boy is more energetic and handsome, but unfortunately his height doesn't match. If I wear high heels, I'm afraid I will scare him away, right? What's even more pity is that his arm is still around a beautiful foreign girl at this time, so he can only retreat and strike up a conversation with this man who is two meters tall by visual inspection.

The girl could tell that this person was either rich or expensive, and he felt very safe. If he could strike up a conversation successfully, then this trip to Las Vegas would be even more beautiful.

Penguin glanced at Li Zedao, thinking that you have a good idea! At that moment, he looked back at the girl and said coldly, "Sorry, I don't have a phone."

"Uh..." The girl was a little embarrassed, the look in her eyes dimmed, and she said, "Then... I'm sorry to bother you."

Penguin snorted coldly and didn't say anything. The girl with long legs was even more embarrassed, and left in a hurry as if fleeing for her life.

"I really allow you not to participate in this operation, but to find a beautiful woman, and even give you some money to gamble in the casino." Li Zedao said with a smile, "You just treat it as a tourist." It's time for vacation."

Penguin snorted coldly and turned around, too lazy to continue the nonsense with Li Zedao, he knew that if he continued to ink, he would basically be so stimulated that he wanted to vomit blood again.


The engineer came back with the surname Li, and then the four of them walked towards the exit together. When they came outside, the engineer came to a black Chevrolet parked there with ease, opened the trunk, and put the surname Li inside.

So Li Zedao understood that, just like in DJ City in the island country, this car was parked here by the relevant personnel of the Shenlong organization hidden in Las Vegas, so that they can use it after they arrive.

After getting in the car, the engineer briefly introduced the situation here to Li Zedao.

Like Amsterdam and the dj city of the island country, the Shenlong organization also has its own stronghold in Las Vegas, but the difference is that the strongholds of Amsterdam and the dj city of the island country all exist in the form of small hotels, but in The Las Vegas stronghold is hidden in a restaurant.

Not far from the west side of the Treasure Island Hotel on the Las Vegas Boulevard, there is a two-story building complex with glazed tile roofs. In front of its central square, stands a statue called "Journey to the West": Tang Monk straddles his horse with a benevolent eyebrow, the wise and courageous Monkey King looks forward to explore the way, and Zhu Bajie and Drifting Monk follow the master.

This is the "China City" that Las Vegas, the casino city, has risen in recent years and marked by highway road signs.

This "China City" covers an area of ​​7.5 acres, with a street length of 3 miles. It is far smaller than the Chinatowns in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Huaxia Supermarket has Chinese medicine stores, teahouses, bars, clinics and beauty salons. In short, Chinese people come here, hear the local accent, and see Chinese signs, as if they are in a small town in China.

And the stronghold of the Shenlong organization is located in a small Chinese restaurant that is not so conspicuous in Huaxia City.

When the engineers drove to the door of this unremarkable restaurant, although it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, the restaurant was not closed yet, and there were still a few people dining there, including Chinese faces and foreigners. People, it is conceivable that Chinese food is quite popular here.

The engineer and the penguin walked in front, and Li Zedao took Alice's hand and followed him into this restaurant that sells mutton and, of course, dog meat. A tall middle-aged man in a chef's uniform smiled. Hehe greeted him, but his steps seemed to be unsteady, one foot was high and the other was low. It is conceivable that his legs are somewhat inconvenient.

Just from the appearance, this is a little down-and-out little chef, but the aura that occasionally emanates from his body cannot be ignored.

The middle-aged man looked at the penguin and the engineer and said with a smile: "Several, welcome, welcome, please come inside."

Then lead the way in front, and finally, the four of them went up to the second floor under the leadership of the middle-aged man and came to a small box. The middle-aged man closed the door of the box, and then turned around laughing and punched the penguin and the engineer respectively in the chest. .

This kind of action gives people a deep feeling.

Indeed, the penguin and the engineer who had been punched by him both had sincere smiles on their faces. They punched the middle-aged man in the chest respectively, and then hugged each other.

"Captain, engineer, long time no see." The middle-aged man said with a smile, the excitement on his face was beyond words.

"Ant, long time no see, you have grown a lot of meat." The engineer smiled.

"Eating a big meal every day, can you not gain weight? Let alone how nourishing it is." The ant laughed, and the loneliness in his eyes flashed away.

The penguin patted the ant's shoulder, and said with emotion: "It's fine if you think you're living well."

How could he catch the trace of loneliness that flashed in the ant's eyes? He used to be a fierce tiger galloping on the battlefield, running through the hail of bullets with a gun in his hand, fighting bravely to kill the enemy, but now, he can only sit in the kitchen with a spoon. The huge gap is indeed not something ordinary people can bear.

"Ant, he is Li Shao, the person in charge of this operation, this is Miss Alice, Li Shao's girlfriend, a participant in this operation." The engineer helped Li Zedao and Ant introduce, "Li Shao, Ai Li Miss Si, he is the ant I introduced to you when I was in the car."

Li Zedao smiled, stretched out his hand and said, "Nice meeting, hello."

While in the car, the engineer briefed Li Zedao about the ant.

In fact, the ant is not as old as you see now, he is only one year older than the engineer, but he looks old and his mentality has changed, so he looks much older than his actual age.

He used to be a member of the first team of the Shenlong Organization, a subordinate of Penguin. He was seriously injured when performing a certain task a few years ago, and one leg was still disabled, so he couldn't perform the task anymore. After coming out, he was sent to Las Vegas as a chef.

"Hello Li Shao." Ant said with a smile, a little cautious, and wiped the greasy clothes hanging on his body with his big hand, and then reached out to shake Li Zedao.

The engineer had actually greeted him a long time ago, so now the ants also know Li Zedao's identity, and even more so, the strength of this little kid who is called "little fresh meat" in a popular word now, and beat the penguins, even directly Force Yanhuang.

As for this foreign girl, although the ant can't figure out why the foreign girl can participate in the mission of the Shenlong organization, but the engineer revealed that this foreign girl's skills are not inferior to his, so facing these two people, especially Li Zedao, ant They didn't dare to make too much of a big deal.

"The next few things, I have to trouble you." Li Zedao smiled.

"Should be, should be." The ant said quickly with a smile, "Are you hungry? The food is ready, so let someone bring it. Let's eat and chat while we have something to talk about tomorrow. Don't get drunk tonight." Not return."

"Hurry up, I've been on a plane for more than ten hours, and I've been eating all those messy things. I'm almost starving to death." The engineer urged with a smile.

Soon, a series of extremely authentic Chinese dishes were brought to the table, and there was also a box of Red Star Erguotou.

Li Zedao didn't stay with Alice for too long. He knew that Penguin Engineer and Ant hadn't seen each other for so long, so they must have a lot to talk about. It's not a big deal for him to stay with Alice, is he?

So after eating a few mouthfuls, I randomly found a reason of "I'm tired, I want to rest, you guys talk...", and then led by a waiter to a room on the third floor of the restaurant that the ants had packed up a long time ago. .

The engineer and the ant understood Li Zedao's intentions, so they didn't hold back any more, while Penguin wanted Li Zedao to leave quickly. If he didn't leave this eyesore, he wouldn't be happy when he drank.

At the same time, the surname of the two, Li, had already been moved into this small room by the waiter. Alice opened the surname Li and took out the pajamas inside, while she winked at Li Zedao and said, "Oh! , honey, can you rub my back for me?"

Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly and said, "My dear Miss Alice, your request is too reasonable.

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