After some passion, Alice limply lay on Li Zedao's body and was unwilling to get up.

"Honey, what are you going to do next?" Alice asked, drawing circles on Li Zedao's chest with her slender fingers mischievously.

Li Zedao stared at the energy-saving lamp on the ceiling and said, "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Alice looked up at Li Zedao's face that looked a little confused at the moment.

Li Zedao gently slid his hand on Alice's smooth back, and said with a wry smile: "I really don't know, I only know that the snake's head is in the hands of a little old man named Keller Bobile." ..."

Alice nodded: "Keller Bobile... Well, the steward next to Master God's Hand comes from the Bobile family of the upper class in Paris, France."

The Luciano family has never been very good with Master God's Hand, so the Luciano family naturally investigated a lot of information about the God's Hand.

It's just that Alice didn't know that something happened to the Hand of God in all likelihood. She thought that the Hand of God stole the snake's head first and joined the royal family of the island country, and now it came to Las Vegas again, and took the snake's head away. The first one was given to Keller Bobile, and he didn't know where he went to have a good time.

"It's him." Li Zedao said, "The snake head is in his hands. Now he is in a hotel in Las Vegas. The engineers and soldiers will know which hotel. I don't bother to ask... what should I do next? Only then can he return the snake head, I haven’t figured it out yet, so I don’t know.”

"Honey, is there really no way to contact Master and have a good talk with his old man?" Alice said, she thought that Li Zedao was having a headache on how to face his Master's hand of God.

Also, the actions of the Hand of God are too unimaginable and really incomprehensible.

How could he steal the snake's head? How could he give the snake head to Emperor Hirohito of the island country and even join the royal family of the island country to become the teacher of Duke Wang Zi Kojiro and the prince, thus blatantly standing on the opposite side of Huaxia and Li Zedao?

Li Zedao's heart twitched suddenly, then he took a deep breath, shook his head, and said with a hint of bitterness in his voice, "There is no way to contact me."

Alice clearly caught the pain between Li Zedao's brows, and put her arms around Li Zedao's head, letting his face be buried on her soft chest.

At this time, any words of comfort seemed a little feeble, so Alice chose to comfort him in this way.

"Actually... the master may be dead." Li Zedao looked up at Alice and said, there was too much meat and too deep, he buried his chest there, and he was going to be suffocated by Alice's clutches.

Alice's face changed drastically, and she said, "Oh, honey, do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know, the master may be dead." Li Zedao said, there was a trace of indescribable violence between his brows.

"..." Alice's eyes widened and her mouth widened, with an extremely unacceptable expression.

"It is precisely because something happened to Master that the Luciano family dared to let Bat bring other killers to Phoenix City to try to kill you." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, my dear, what's going on?" Alice said with difficulty, "Master, didn't her old man stay in the island country a few days ago? She also became the Duke of the island country's royal family, the prince's teacher... Could it be that she is in the island country?" Did something happen to him in the island country?"

Li Zedao shook his head with an ugly expression, and then told Alice one by one the information and guesses he had so far.

After Li Zedao finished speaking, Alice was already in a state of extreme shock, and it took a long time to react and said: "Honey, too crazy, too unbelievable, he is the hand of God , the Hand of God, who claims to be the most powerful at that level, even if, as you said, several forces including Ito Junichi from the island country, Rothschild's Black Hawk, and Luciano jointly killed him, even if he Those who are invincible will not be killed..."

Alice didn't want to believe anything, because with the strength of the hand of God, even if he couldn't resist the joint attack of everyone, it shouldn't be too difficult to escape, right?

Li Zedao shook his head and said: "I don't know exactly what happened, but the current God's Hand is undoubtedly fake, he is Black Hawk's diamond bodyguard Tom pretending to be, and this time, it is also him and the one behind him. The forces sneaked into the villa and took away the Antarctic."

Alice nodded with an ugly face. She also asked Li Zedao about which force kidnapped the South Pole before. Li Zedao just shook his head with an ugly expression and didn't say much. Later, Alice was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable, so she didn't Dare to mention anything about Antarctica.

Unexpectedly, the person who sneaked into the villa that night was the Black Eagle. She thought it was the Luciano family who did it.

"Afterwards Tom contacted me, and he asked me to sneak into Deacon Manor and get something from Mos Luciano, then Antarctica will be safe." Li Zedao said.

With a horrified expression on her face, Alice lost her voice and said, "Oh, dear, this is crazy, this is really crazy..." You know, sneaking into Deakin Manor is no less difficult than the White House.

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "I also thought it was crazy, so when you said you would come to Las Vegas with me, I agreed, because you must be familiar with Deakin Manor, so I wonder if you have a way Let me sneak in."

"..." Alice stared fixedly at Li Zedao with already big eyes, unable to speak for a long time.


Because of the presence of Li Zedao and Alice, the two big killers, the pressure on the penguin, engineer, and ant is not so great. In addition, the brothers are inevitably happy to meet each other, so they all drink as much as they want. The more you drink, the bigger your tongue becomes.

Afterwards, the engineering soldier with the least capacity for alcohol tilted his head, collapsed on the chair and fell asleep.

The penguin and the ant pointed at the engineer and laughed, expressing that the boy was too embarrassing and embarrassing, and then the two continued. In the end, the two also got down one after the other, so drunk that they didn't know the world.

I don't know how long it took before the ant woke up. He was awakened by thirst, and his mouth was so dry, it seemed that the internal organs in his body were about to burn.

When he opened his extremely heavy eyes, the ant saw the engineer snoring drunkenly, but the penguin was not there.

The captain was as thirsty as himself, so he went looking for water?

At this moment, he heard the voice of someone talking in the dark bathroom in the box, the voice was very small, and the snoring of engineers was interfering there, which made it even more blurred, but although the ant's legs were crippled But some abilities did not disappear, for example, his hearing was extremely strong, and it was the dead of night, so the voice still clearly entered his ears.

"...Damn Yanhuang actually let me get the snake head and then left, so I'm afraid I can't monitor Li Zedao's subsequent actions... Seriously, if he wasn't still useful to us, I really want to kill him... ...Don't worry, I will find a way to stay..."

At that moment, the ant was stunned and felt chills all over his body.

Penguin said... Damn Yanhuang? Penguin is monitoring Li Zedao's actions? Which force is he referring to? Who is he sneaking on the phone with now?

During this period of time, traitors appeared repeatedly in the Shenlong organization. Could it be that Penguin did too?

My heart is in a mess!

Then, because the ant's mind fluctuated too much, one careless, with a sway of its foot, it already kicked down a wine bottle placed beside its foot.

"Bang Dang!" The wine bottle fell to the ground, the sound was not very loud, but it caused a lot of movement in this quiet middle of the night.

At the same time, the voice of the penguin in the bathroom disappeared instantly, and then his tall one appeared at the door of the bathroom.

"It's a good thing I finished peeing, otherwise I'd be scared to pee." The penguin looked at the ant and smiled, "You also put water?"

The ant didn't speak, just stared at the penguin with burning eyes.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me with such strange eyes?" Penguin asked with a smile.

"I regard you as a brother, and I am even more willing to stick a knife for you and block the bullets flying behind you." The ant said.

Penguin nodded and said, "Me too, you are all my brothers who share life and death."

"So, you must tell me anything, let's face it together, and find a way to face it together." The ant said, "No matter what it is."

The penguin walked up to him, stood still in front of him, looked at the ant seriously with a condescending expression, and said, "Of course."

The ant raised its head and stared at the penguin for a while and asked, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Yes... I drank too much, my mouth is dry, my head hurts, where is the room prepared for me? I think I have to sleep for a few hours before I can talk about it." Penguin rubbed his aching temple, and then He glanced back at the snoring engineer and said, "Of course, this guy has to be dragged away. It's not good to let him lie here."

The ant was full of disappointment, and said: "Okay, you carry the engineer, and I will take you to the room."

Then he stood up, the alcohol temporarily paralyzed his nerves and movements, and one leg was inconvenient, so when he stood up, his body was still shaking and he was a little unstable.

"I'm sorry, brother."

The sound of a penguin like a mosquito and a fly came from my ear.

Then the ant's body tensed all of a sudden, and its eyeballs were instantly rounded, with an expression of extreme disbelief.

The ant's body stopped shaking, because a powerful big hand was tightly clasped around his neck, and then the big hand exerted a sudden force.

"Crack!" The ant's head was simply tilted to the side, and the eyeballs were still round, and he couldn't rest in peace!

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