The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1180 The True Chef

Shabert Beckham has a rough appearance, especially his big beard, which is extremely eye-catching. When he doesn't open his mouth, you don't even know where his mouth is.

It's hard for you to imagine that such a rough person can make such exquisite and delicious food, and is extremely sought after by those royal families and nobles.

However, despite his rough appearance, his eating movements are so elegant and polite, one can tell that he has been influenced by noble etiquette.

"Oh, Uncle Chabert, this is really delicious." The man sitting opposite him exclaimed with a look of enjoyment. The man was wearing a black suit with a shirt as white as snow inside. He had blond hair and brown eyes, and his face was as handsome as a knife carved with an axe.

"I think there is no one in this world who can make something more delicious than what you make." The man said while looking at Shabert Beckham.

"Philip, you're amazing." Sabert Beckham looked at Philip, the son of God of Gamblers Stevenson who came to visit him on behalf of his father, and said politely.

Five days later, Philip's father, the God of Gamblers Stevenson, will be preparing for the engagement ceremony with a certain super Mingmot in his villa.

Old couples and young wives are popular these days, and the majestic God of Gamblers is naturally qualified to catch up with this trend!

Stevenson hoped that Shabert Beckham could go over and help cook the delicacies for the banquet. The God of Gamblers Stevenson had visited twice before, and this time it was the third time. Let his son Philip come instead of him.

"Actually, there is another person who makes things that are a hundred times more delicious than mine... Oh, no, it's not an exaggeration to say a thousand times." Saubert Beckham looked amazed.

Philip was taken aback, then smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Shabert, you are so humble. You are a person who enjoys a high international reputation and is known as the God of Cooking. You stand at the top of the chef. How could anyone make it?" Are the things you make more delicious than what you make?"

In Philip's view, Saubert Beckham is trying to shirk, even though he and his father have already paid enough face by visiting his father three times, and even his relationship with his father has always been good, but he may still not be very happy. Willing to serve as the cook for my father's birthday party five days later.

Sabert Beckham heard the meaning of Philip's words, and said sincerely: "Philip, I would like to be the cook at your father's banquet. You know, my relationship with your father has always been good. .”

"Oh, that's very nice, Uncle Chabert, I'd like to offer you a toast," said Philip, delighted.

Then he raised the glass of expensive red wine he brought over in front of him.

Shabert Beckham also raised his glass, and the two clinked glasses and drank it down. The servant at the side immediately stepped forward to help them pour the wine.

Shabert Beckham looked at Beckham with a sincere expression and said, "Philip, I was really not humble just now. There is indeed someone who makes food that is a hundred times better than mine."

Philip was taken aback and said, "Oh, Uncle Chabert, I still think you're speaking modestly. I really can't believe it's true."

In Philip's opinion, the food made by Saubert Beckham is so delicious that people will linger on it. What kind of taste is something a hundred times or even a thousand times better than this? Perhaps, it no longer belongs to the taste of the world.

"Oh, no, Philip, it's true. I've never told anyone about this. Are you willing to be that listener?" Chabert Beckham asked.

"Oh, of course." Philip became interested.

"I once thought of conquering the world with my cooking skills, won many competitions, and won three consecutive championships, which made my heart extremely proud. I used to think that in this world, without me There is no place that I can't conquer, there is no dish that I can't cook, no one in any place can cook more delicious dishes than mine, until one day a few years ago, when I arrived in China..."

Shabert Beckham's eyes were lost, and he was already lost in memories.

"Did you meet the person in Huaxia who made food a hundred times or even a thousand times better than yours?" Philip asked.

"Yes, I had a culinary competition with him, and I was defeated by him. I was defeated by a real chef from China, and I didn't lose my temper at all." Saubert Beckham said.

"Oh, what kind of a man is he?" asked Philip, his eyes widening.

"That was a young man, very young, very sunny and handsome." Shabert Beckham said, "I met him in a place in China called Fenghuang City, and I lived in Fenghuang City at that time. In a big hotel in the shape of a luxury ship by the sea, when I was eating at the hotel, I complained that the dishes made by the hotel tasted like shit, and then that young man appeared."

Shabert Beckham said: "Oh, that young man is so handsome that it makes people jealous. He is the best-looking oriental man I have ever seen..."

Philip couldn't help touching his smooth and handsome chin, thinking that he was also handsome, and he was the most handsome Westerner.

"He smiled and said to me, I know you, you are Uncle Shabert Beckham, the world-renowned chef, right? I am very sorry, but the food in our hotel did not meet your appetite, please wait a moment, I'm going to help you prepare new dishes, which must meet your appetite."

"At that time, I glanced at him arrogantly and indifferently, and let out a cold snort. I couldn't believe that the young man in chef's uniform standing in front of me could cook any food that suited my taste, so I was very disappointed. Tell him politely, it’s not necessary, I don’t want to eat shit again, I can borrow your kitchen, and I can do it myself.”

Shabert Beckham looked at Philip and laughed at himself: "Oh, I was so ignorant at that time, half an hour later, that young Chef God appeared with a plate on which there was only a white steamed bun ..."

Philip was taken aback: "White steamed buns?"

"Oh, yes, it's white steamed buns," said Chabert Beckham. "At that time, I was really pissed off. I felt like I was being played. The young chef just handed the steamed buns to me. Let me taste it. I sneered at him and tore off a small piece and stuffed it in my mouth... oh god, I can't get that taste out of my head."

Philip stared wide-eyed at Sabert Beckham, who was intoxicated and even had tears in the corners of his eyes. He couldn't help swallowing and said, "What's that smell?"

"I can't describe it, I just know that at that moment, I shed tears, just like now, because that piece of white steamed bun seemed to be mixed with various hormones, and a series of chemical reactions were produced in my heart. Reaction, those emotions from the past emerged in front of my eyes one by one, my first love, my childhood, my gray-haired parents, at that moment I made those things that I thought were the most delicious in the world, completely worshiped in this white space. on the steamed buns," said Chabert Beckham.

Philip swallowed again, he had an urge to eat white steamed buns.

"At that moment, I understood that there is no absolute best food in this world, and there is no absolute top cooking skill. If we talk about the top cooking skill, it is to let the person who eats the food feel the unique taste. Happiness!" Shabert Beckham sighed infinitely, with infinite emotion, "Since then, I have faded out of the stage and tried my best to improve my cooking skills, because I know that my cooking skills are far from reaching that level. It's still too far away, but after all, talent is limited, so until now, there is still no way to make the kind of dish that makes people cry after eating... At least Philip, after eating the steak and dessert I made, you didn't Tears."

"..." Philip had no choice but to think that I am also the son of the God of Gamblers, what would it look like to cry when I ate something?

Of course, it is undeniable that although he thinks this is the best steak and dessert he has ever eaten, he does not feel like crying without being moved.

"I believe that Uncle Shabert's culinary skills will reach that level one day." Philip Wang Zi said.

"Oh, thank you, Philip." Chabert Beckham smiled, but felt a sense of melancholy in his heart. He had no chance in this life, because his time was actually numbered.


After sending Philip away, Chabert Beckham asked his servant to bring him a cup of coffee.

When the genuine product was hiding the coffee, the servant came up and said respectfully: "Mr. Beckham, there is a young man outside who wants to see you, and he hopes he can learn from you how to make the most delicious cake in the world. "

Shabert Beckham frowned. How did this young man who came to study know that he lived here? He looked at the servant and said, "Bertrand, ask him to leave. I'm not interested in teaching people how to make cakes, and I don't have the time."

"Okay, Mr. Beckham." The servant nodded respectfully, turned and left.

Less than five minutes later, the servant Bertrand returned, holding an envelope in his hand, looking at Chabert Beckham with a embarrassed expression, and said: "Dear Mr. Beckham, that young man He didn’t want to leave, and asked me to hand the envelope to you, he told me to tell you that as long as you see what’s inside the envelope, you will definitely want to see him and teach him how to make the most delicious cake in the world.”

Shabert Beckham looked at the envelope in the servant's hand, frowned and said, "Give it to me."

The servant hurriedly handed over the envelope, and then stood there respectfully.

Shabert Beckham tore open the envelope, glanced inside, saw something like a photo lying quietly inside, and immediately took out the photo.

When he saw the content in the photo, his face changed wildly, and he was dumbfounded.

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