"Oh, damn, damn, how did this happen?"

Shabert Beckham stared fixedly at this photo, feeling in a trance for a while, really feeling like he was dreaming, and it was a nightmare, the scariest nightmare he had ever had since he was a child.

"Dear Mr. Beckham, are you alright?" Seeing that Shabert Beckham's eyeballs were about to fall out, he was staring at the photo in his hand, his face flushed red and he seemed extremely angry, his body Still shaking slightly, the faithful servant Bertrand hurriedly asked.

He was also really curious about what kind of photo it was that could make Saubert Beckham, who was in such a happy mood, into what he is now, but he didn't dare to get close to take a look, otherwise Beckham would What if Mr. Mu copied him?

"Oh, God, damn it, damn it..." Chabert Beckham stood up and roared in a low voice.

His hands just grabbed the photo, as if to tear it to pieces, he kept wandering back and forth in place, his face constantly changing.

Seeing this, the servant Bertrand didn't dare to say anything anymore, and nodded his head and lowered his hands, looking extremely cautious.

"Oh, damn it, damn it..." Shabert Beckham snarled at Bertrand, "God, how did this happen? How did this happen?"

Then, as if his strength had been exhausted, he sat back heavily on the sofa, looked at the photo in his hand again, crumpled it into a ball, and then stared at Bertrand.

Bertrand turned pale with fright, and became even more cautious. Although he had no idea what kind of photo it was, he brought the envelope in. If Shabert Beckham had this If he angered him, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

At that moment, Shabert Beckham took a deep breath, and then asked in a low voice: "What else did the young man say when he asked you to give me this envelope?"

"Mr. Beckham, he only said that as long as you see the contents of this envelope, you will definitely want to see him and teach him how to make the most delicious cake in the world." Bertrand said quickly.

Shabert Beckham's eyes were cold, thinking that not only do I want to see him, but I also want to kill him.

"Go, that young man, please come in. You invite him to come to my study and don't come to disturb us. During this period, if someone comes to visit, just say that I am dealing with some personal issues."

"Okay, Mr. Beckham." The servant nodded and said.

The servant Bertrand turned and left,

Returning to the garden in front of the small villa, he walked towards the young man who was standing at the big iron gate with his hands in his pockets, looking around and looking a little carelessly.

"Open the door," Bertrand said to the guard.

The guard understood and opened the iron gate, then Bertrand looked at Li Zedao and said, "Sir, Mr. Beckham invites you in."

"Oh, thank you." Li Zedao, who had already put on the mask and turned himself into a mixed race with European blood, said with a smile.

At that moment, Bertrand made an invitation gesture, and then led the way. Li Zedao followed behind him and walked into the small manor slowly.

Walking along a cobblestone road, passing through the fragrant garden with many flowers and plants, they finally came to the small blue villa, and the two walked in one after the other.

Looking at the pure European-style luxury decoration inside, the soft and expensive carpet, the incomprehensible oil paintings on the wall, and the precious glassware, Li Zedao suddenly felt that being a chef is also very good ah.

"Sir, Mr. Beckham is waiting for you in his study, please come with me." Bertrand took an invitation gesture, and then led Li Zedao to the wooden stairs, went up the second floor and finally came to Chabert. In front of Beckham's study, Bertrand knocked on the door at that moment.

"Come in." The voice of Sabert Beckham sounded from inside.

Bertrand pushed open the door carefully, then turned sideways, and made an invitation gesture to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao strode in with a smile, and then Bertrand carefully closed the door of the study, turned and left.

As soon as Li Zedao walked in, he felt that he was enveloped by a pair of sharp eyes. At the moment, his eyes were shy but calmly looking at Sabert Beckham sitting there, and then walked over slowly. Waiting for the other party to greet him, he sat down directly on the chair opposite him.

Li Zedao saw the photo of Shabert Beckham for the first time less than two hours ago, and now after seeing him in person, he feels a little disappointed because he is not as good-looking as in the photo... His complexion is very ugly now.

After Li Zedao walked in and sat down as if returning to his own home, Shabert Beckham has been looking at this young man who is very strange to him but seems to have a familiar feeling for some reason look.

Very young, very energetic, with a calm temperament, with the vitality of a young man and the stability of a middle-aged man.

This is a conflicted person, but such a person is usually very difficult to deal with!

And Shabert Beckham couldn't believe that this guy came to him to learn from him how to make the most delicious cakes in the world... At least, this young man doesn't look like a chef...how could a chef be How to do such a dirty thing? He must have another purpose, he wants money? Or something else?

If the other party wanted money, it would be easy for Chabert Beckham, because the worst thing he wanted was money.

"Mr. God of Cooking, hello, let me introduce myself, my name is John Lee." After all, it's not a big deal for two big men to look at each other, so Li Zedao took the lead to break this weird silence.

"You are my idol, so I take the liberty to come to visit you. I hope you can accept me as your student and teach me how to make the most delicious cake and various delicacies in the world."

His expression is serious, and his tone is so sincere, if it wasn't for that photo, Chabert Beckham would have almost believed it.

But because of that photo, Li Zedao's behavior seemed so hypocritical to Saubert Beckham, he couldn't help but want someone to come in and drag this bastard down to feed the dogs.

"Young man, I don't like to beat around the bush. You understand what I mean, so state your conditions or goals." Shabert Beckham said with a serious face, "I can do it, I will help You do well, I can't do it, then I'm sorry, then you can choose to post that damn photo you don't know where you got it..."

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly. He never thought that this Mr. Chef God would be so aggressive, and he didn't seem to be joking when he saw him like this.

"Actually, I don't mind letting others know that I'm gay." Chabert Beckham said, "This situation is becoming more and more accepted by more and more people, and even some areas have introduced laws to support this kind of Love, besides, I am not a person who cares so much about my so-called reputation..."

Shabert Beckham looked at Li Zedao with burning eyes and said, "It's just that I'm very angry, because I don't like being threatened, and I don't like others peeping at my nipple...Young man, don't tell me, You like when people post pictures of you having sex with your girlfriend."


"Oh, what a despicable and shameful act, God will never forgive the existence of this act." Chabert Beckham said.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he thought a little fieryly, even if God didn't forgive, he wouldn't forgive the shadow, right?

In my heart, I also began to admire the magnanimity of this Mr. Chef God, and said apologetically, "Oh, Mr. Beckham, I'm still sorry that my actions have caused you so much trouble..."

Chabert Beckham waved his hand: "It's not trouble, it's anger."

"...Well, I'm very sorry that my actions have caused you so much anger, but I know that if I don't do this, you will definitely not want to see me, right?" Li Zedao said.

"Actually, you can directly state your conditions." Chabert Beckham said, he didn't really want to hear anything from this young man.

"I want to be by your side and become your student to learn how to make delicious cakes and various delicacies." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, God, you're lying, you're not telling me the truth." Chabert Beckham directly exposed Li Zedao's lie without mercy. He really didn't believe the punctuation marks of the other party's words.

"Oh, no, Mr. Cooking God, I swear in the name of God, I really didn't lie, I really wanted to learn from you before I made such a move." Li Zedao said sincerely, even I swear on God... Anyway, he is not a devout Christian, and he doesn't believe in God.

"Since I was a child, I have been motivated to become a top chef, and Mr. Chef God is my goal. I want to be like you, proficient in making all kinds of delicacies in the world, and conquer the taste buds of people in the world. I even want to pursue cooking The ultimate is to make the person who eats the food feel happy!"

Shabert Beckham was dumbfounded and didn't speak for a while.

To be honest, Shabert Beckham has no way of judging whether what this person is saying is true or not. Listening to his words, it makes people feel that what he wants to do is not to be a chef, but to lead people away from dark corners To the sunshine and blessed God.

You said he was a fake, but his expression was so serious that it even resonated with me, because what he said was right, the ultimate in cooking is to make the person who eats feel happy.

But now, I am still at the stage of conquering the taste buds of the world.

It's just that what he said is true... For some reason, Chabert Beckham couldn't help but want to doubt his own IQ.

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