The engineer looked at Li Zedao with weird eyes, and even involuntarily, his eyes still fell on Li Zedao's ass.

If it wasn't for this, why else would Li Shao rush to beat him up so impatiently?

"Is there a problem?" Li Zedao asked. The way this guy looks at himself makes people want to punch him.

"Uh... yes..." The engineer whispered with infinite sympathy for Li Zedao, "I don't think it's a good way to rush over like this... It's not enough to die, there are so many rich people, big stars and so on. It can serve as our meat shield hostage, so there is a great chance of escaping, but our main task this time is to take away the snake head..."

The engineer feels that the priority of the matter is clear.

Li Zedao had black lines on his face, wishing he could slap this self-righteous guy to death: "Did I say that I would rush over?" He felt that the engineer was so lucky that he had performed so many dangerous missions with such an IQ, and he was still alive.

"You said you were ready to act..."

Li Zedao resisted the urge to beat up this guy: "And then?" Damn it, did someone stick a piece of paper with a turtle on it? Otherwise, why is this guy staring at him so sneakily with such weird and wretched eyes?

"Then..." The engineer sneered and shut up.

"Alice, please pay attention to the actions of Caleb Bobile and the Count of Monte Cristo, but they should not leave so soon, and you must also pay attention to the snake head... If the snake head appears here to be auctioned If you don’t want to, you can ask Shabert to help take pictures, and you can just say what I meant.” Li Zedao thought for a while and said.

"Oh dear, I see, what about you?" Alice asked.

"I'll try with the engineer to see if we can sneak into Keller Bobile's room." Li Zedao said.

The engineer was surprised: "I have already told you about the situation there. There is zero possibility of getting close without being discovered, and it is even more difficult to enter."

Li Zedao glanced at him, and said angrily, "How can I use simple words? You have already brought the snake head back."

"..." The engineer had a feeling of being insulted to death.

At the moment Alice was staring here, while Li Zedao and the engineering soldier were walking outside and pretending to communicate in English in a low voice.

For the dignitaries inside,

Celebrities and popular stars, Li Zedao and Gong Bing are two very young and unfamiliar people. Such insignificant people can't fall into their eyes at all, let alone come and have a toast with them and have a chat. So they naturally left this magnificent hall very easily.

The engineer looked back at the hall, and felt a little sour for no reason. Why didn't there be a lady with a vacuum inside and a half leak outside to come and chat with him? Not to mention that foreign women are open and nympho, and when they meet a good-looking boy, they will go over and strike up a conversation... Sigh, I secretly grouped those bastards, the mask I made was really a failure, completely covering up my coquettishness Gone.


Behind Keller Bobile, a man with a cold face glanced at the gate of the banquet hall with cold eyes and a sneer at the corners of his mouth, then leaned over to Keller Bobbil, bent down and whispered in his ear A few words.

Keller Bobile still had a faint smile on his face after listening, and then smiled at the Count of Monte Cristo: "Dear Mr. Count of Monte Cristo, you have to make more contributions to the disaster area tonight."

The Count of Monte Cristo smiled and said with a gloomy feeling: "Oh, Keller, you know that if it wasn't for your sake, I wouldn't attend such a boring and hypocritical banquet. The men here are all gentle beasts in my opinion, and the women are hypocritical money-worshiping whores. Where did they come to donate money? They are here to get rich and flirt. I feel disgusted when I am with these people .”

"Haha, Earl, don't let others hear that." Keller Bobile laughed.

The Count of Monte Cristo smiled grimly: "They can't hear it."

That's right, let's not say that their voices are not loud. Even if the Count of Monte Cristo picked up the microphone and said what he just said loudly, everyone would be deaf in an instant. Who made him the Count of Monte Cristo and the CEO of Black Hawk? , is it a member of the Rothschild family?

"However, don't worry, this is a charity dinner initiated by you, so I won't tear down your platform, and even, I will take some pictures later... Oh, Keller, this is my first charity event. said Monte Cristo, laughing.

"Oh, dear Earl, I'm really flattered by this." Keller Bobile said with a smile, "I'll give you a prey after the banquet is over."

"The prey..." The Count of Monte Cristo's eyes lit up slightly, "It seems that the prey has already entered the cage."

"Oh, no, to be precise, he is walking into the cage we set up little by little." Keller Bobile's mouth curled up with a hint of gloom.


"To which direction?" Li Zedao asked. This hotel is really too big, and the lights inside are too bright, Li Zedao turned a little bit.

"Turn right ahead, and we can see an exclusive elevator, but someone is holding it there, and you have to swipe your card to enter the elevator." The engineer said in a low voice, "I think we have to pretend to be cleaning staff first. Last time I That’s what you did, that’s how you got into it.”

While talking, the two had already turned right, and the exclusive elevator appeared in front of Li Zedao.

Glancing at the ruthless bodyguards standing around the elevator like two door gods and wearing sunglasses, Li Zedao said in a low voice, "Where do we have so much time to pretend to be cleaning staff?"

"Then what are we going to do?" the engineer asked in a daze.

"Let me beat you up." Li Zedao said.

"What?" The engineer didn't understand at once.

Li Zedao grabbed him by the collar all of a sudden, and growled in a low voice, "Oh, fuck, Kobe, Alan broke up with you a long time ago, and now he is my girlfriend, please Don't pester him anymore, otherwise I won't release you..."

Li Zedao's effort in speaking pushed the engineer forward who hadn't had time to react.

The engineer staggered, his body retreated rapidly, and he almost sat down on the ground like this. Then, he also understood what kind of trick Li Shao was planning to play, so he immediately entered that state, pointed at Li Zedao with a murderous look on his face and said : "Oh, John, you are too much, don't you know how I broke up with Ellen? You even slept with her when you knew he was my girlfriend, you are a beast, don't you Face, you are shameless, Allen is a bitch, God will punish you guys and girls..."

The engineer feels so happy, this scolding is really enjoyable.

Pointing at Li Zedao and cursing, he stepped back and approached the exclusive elevator bit by bit.

Li Zedao's face was full of anger: "Oh, Kobe, I don't allow you to say that about my... Allen..."

"You're an idiot, and Allen is a bitch... a bitch!" The engineer raised his middle finger at Li Zedao.

Damn, how dare you be so arrogant? Li Zedao twisted his neck, and walked towards him aggressively, as if he was about to beat him to death.

"You're an idiot, Alan is a whore..." The engineer had wary eyes, backed away again and again, and kept his mouth open, and then the two of them got closer and closer to the exclusive elevator.

"Sir, please don't make trouble here." One of the bodyguards warned with a frown when he saw these two people coming.

"Oh, fuck, who is causing trouble? Shut your mouth." The engineer turned his head angrily, pointed at Li Zedao and growled in a low voice, "Do you know what this bastard did? Allen is a bitch- son……"

"****, you are not allowed to insult Alan..." Li Zedao rushed over angrily, threw the engineer to the ground in one fell swoop, then raised his fist and smashed it on his chest.

Li Zedao didn't dare to slap his face. After all, the engineer soldier wore a mask that was carefully crafted by the group.

"Oh, ****... you dare to hit me? John, I will definitely kill you, I will..." the engineer murmured, struggling to resist, feeling wronged in his heart, damn it, you It's a real hit, although the strength is not strong, but it still hurts, okay?

Li Zedao punched it down again... You bastard, motherfucker, dare to stare at my ass with sneaky eyes, don't think I don't know...

Li Zedao was even more disgusted when he remembered that his ass was missed by the engineer just now, and the anger in his heart arose, and then he punched him again...

The two bodyguards looked at each other, then sneered, and strided towards the two who were wrestling and swearing together, planning to beat them up and throw them out... Even if you are a guest here, you are here to make trouble Well, sorry about that.

At this moment, Li Zedao, who was originally sitting on the engineer soldier and pressing down on him, then greeted the engineer soldier with punches and punches, suddenly burst into flames, swung his hands together, and immediately buckled the two bodyguards who came over. neck, and then exerted force without hesitation.

"Crack!" A scalp-numbing voice sounded suddenly, and the necks of the two bodyguards were simply broken by Li Zedao. With a sneering smile, one can imagine how fast Li Zedao was, and how fast they were dead.

The engineer jumped up from the ground after rolling around like a carp, opened his eyes wide and said, "You... really killed them?" He never thought that Li Zedao would hit such a heavy hand all at once.

"What? Distressed?" Li Zedao asked back.

The engineer was speechless, thinking that it hurts you.

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