The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1190 too smooth

Seeing that Li Zedao simply dragged the two corpses into the bathroom next to him, the engineer was taken aback. Isn't Young Master Li afraid that there are people in the bathroom now? Or even if he has someone, he intends to snap off the neck of the other party with another click, just like breaking the necks of the two bodyguards?

Killing the two guards was justifiable, but killing innocent people who just came to take a pee...the sapper felt he had to stop that from happening.

In fact, the engineers worried too much, because there is no one in the restroom. There are many restrooms in this hotel, and there will be no shortage of supply. In addition, there are two bodyguards guarding here, which is considered a private territory or a restricted area. , so no one would pee here with nothing to do.

After the engineer looked around to make sure no one was there, he trotted into the bathroom, only to see that Li Zedao had already thrown the two corpses on the ground, and even squatted down to pick up the clothes of one of the corpses.

The engineer's face suddenly changed drastically, and his eyeballs were rounded. Could it be that Li Shao has a necrophilia? And it's still a male corpse?

He looked up at the engineer and saw that this guy started to stare at him with that kind of extremely weird eyes again. Li Zedao regretted that he didn't do a fake show just now, and said angrily: "Look at the fart, why don't you hurry up?" Take off that guy's clothes?"

Uh... Li Shao not only has necrophilia, but also wants to lead himself into a ditch? He shook his head resolutely at that moment, and said coldly: "Well... I can't do it, you can enjoy...enjoy it, enjoy it, I will give it to you, and I will help you..."

"Your sister, are you thinking wrong?" Li Zedao gritted his teeth and wanted to punch someone, "I told you to change his clothes quickly so that we can take the elevator up."


In less than two minutes, the two had already changed into the clothes of the two corpses and put on their sunglasses. Li Zedao took out a paper clip and opened the door inside the locker in the bathroom, and then stuffed the two dead bodies into it , then close and lock the door.

Only then did the two stride out of the bathroom, and then walked to the elevator entrance.

The engineer held a black card found in the pocket of the dead man's clothes he was wearing, and swiped it on the electronic display board on the side, only to hear a soft "beep...", the elevator door Slowly opened to both sides.

"Let's go." Li Zedao said, and then stepped in.

The engineer said quickly.

"Which floor?" Li Zedao asked.

"This elevator can only go to that floor.

"The engineer said, "The elevator will automatically go up when people come in. "


The elevator began to rise slowly. The engineer was a little nervous, and more excited. He had performed many tasks before, but he would have a very detailed plan before performing the tasks, such as how to sneak in, how to act after sneaking in, and how to respond afterwards. How to evacuate.

But when performing missions with Li Shao, the plan is not so detailed at all, and there is even no so-called plan at all, it counts wherever you go. For example, after sneaking in, the engineer didn't know what to do at all, and he even knew that Li Zedao himself might not know what to do next.

What Li Zedao pays attention to is... Let's talk about it later!

These four words hurt the engineers and soldiers, but they are helpless, and at the same time they feel exciting, because "we will talk about it later" means that you will face more unknowns.

"There's only one room on that floor." Said the engineer. "There are four good men guarding the door of the room. After you go out, catch them by surprise?"

"We'll talk about it when we get there..." Li Ze said with a deep expression.

The engineer was helpless, and really wanted to say, do you know that I feel really tired seeing you pretend like this?

"Here we are," said the engineer.

As soon as the words fell, the elevator shook slightly and stopped continuing to rise. Immediately afterwards, the elevator doors slowly opened to both sides.

Li Zedao strode out, and the engineers quickly followed.

The moment he walked out, Li Zedao sensitively realized that he was locked on by a few unkind eyes. When he looked up, he saw four men dressed like himself staring at his engineering soldier. Also, they didn't wear sunglasses.

Also, the reason why those who guard the elevator entrance downstairs wear sunglasses is because wearing sunglasses will give people a colder feeling, and the deterrent effect they will bring will be greater. In this way, those idlers will see two people wearing sunglasses The fierce man is guarding the elevator entrance over there, so naturally he won't pass easily.

But it's different here, they don't need to deter anyone.

"Oh, what's going on, why did you come up here? Did you get Mr. Bobile's permission?" One of the men pointed at Li Zedao and said to the engineer.

Without Keller Bobile's permission, no one is allowed to come to this floor without authorization, even if the two people who come up now are wearing the same clothes as them.

"Oh, of course, buddy." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said as he walked towards them slowly, "Mr. Bobile asked me to send you something."

"Something? What?"

"West." Li Zedao said with a harmless smile on his face.

"West?" The expressions of these four people were a little dazed. What did this guy mean by saying this?

"Dude, what's that?" the man asked.

The engineer soldiers standing behind Li Zedao were also extremely puzzled, Xi? What is that? Wait... West... Send West... Send West Heaven? Damn, Li Shao is planning to kill again? Is this really good? After all, they are here to steal the snake's head, not kill people.

Then only a muffled sound of "bang!" was heard, and the bodies of these four people crashed to the bottom, their eyes were all wide open, and there was still horror and disbelief in their eyes...the death will not rest in peace!

There was a blood hole on their foreheads, and the blood kept pouring out like a fountain... They were all shot in the head.

At the same time, there was an extra pistol in Li Zedao's hand, and wisps of smoke were still wafting from the muzzle.

The engineer stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes and mouth, and he didn't know what words to use to describe his current mood. He knew that Li Zedao was very strong, unbelievably strong.

But what the engineer didn't expect was that it didn't matter that Li Zedao was strong, his marksmanship was so abnormal. He thought he had excellent hearing, but he only heard a gunshot just now.

Only one gunshot sounded, but four bullets were fired... How is this possible? So the only explanation is that Li Zedao fired so fast that he only heard one shot.

Forget it soon, but it's still so accurate, abnormally accurate!

This pervert, the engineer felt that his ten years of hard training had been fed to the dogs, and his hard work was in vain.

"I know I'm handsome, but I really don't mind a man looking at me with such admiring eyes." Li Zedao looked back at the engineer and said angrily.

"..." The engineer wanted to say that the look in my eyes was not admiration, but fright.

"It's work, you are responsible for cracking the code." Li Zedao looked at the engineer and said, "I am responsible for disposing of the corpses and letting them out."

Time was running out, so the engineers stopped talking nonsense, trotted to the front, and then took out the tools they had prepared earlier, and got busy.

Compared with engineers, Li Zedao's work is much easier and easier. There is an escape staircase ahead, but the door at the staircase is locked. The difficulty of opening this lock is comparable to opening the door of Keller Bobile's room. Much easier to lock, a paper clip is enough.

Li Zedao opened the door at the exit of the escape stairs, threw the corpses inside, and then closed the door. The escape stairs probably won't be used a few times a year, so these corpses probably will stay there for a long time.

As for the blood they bleed, it was simply absorbed by the carpet on the ground. The carpet was dark red, so even if it was stained with blood, it would not look so obvious.

Seeing the engineer busy with a small palmtop computer in his hand and sweating profusely, Li Zedao didn't say a word to disturb him.

"Just let the cracking program run by itself. It will probably take ten minutes to crack all the passwords." The engineer looked back at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao nodded, then frowned slightly: "Do you think... we seem to be going too smoothly?"

"Uh...isn't it too smooth?" The engineer was speechless, can you stop pretending like this? Besides, your methods are so cruel, you can break your neck if you say it, and your marksmanship is so perverted, you can shoot your head if you say it, no wonder it doesn't go well.

"It's not bad." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I just feel a little puzzled. You said that there are people guarding here 24 hours a day, and those people's skills are not inferior to yours, but when I shot just now I found out, whether it's the two people downstairs or the four people just now, they are quite different from you... although you are not very good."

"..." The engineer wanted to roll up his sleeves and fight Li Zedao.

"Maybe that Keller Bobile was too afraid of death, so when he went downstairs to attend the charity banquet, he took away those good hands?" Said the engineer.

Li Zedao thought about it, yes, and stopped thinking about it.


In the magnificent banquet hall, Alice, acting as an assistant to Saubert Beckham, followed behind him in a low-key manner, while secretly paying attention to every move of Caleb Bobile and the Count of Monte Cristo. Then, he saw Caleb Bobile and the Count of Monte Cristo walked over to meet Shabert Beckham.

"Oh, dear Mr. Chef, it's a pleasure to meet you. It's a great honor for you to come here." Keller Bobile looked at Shabert Beckham and said with a smile, then stretched out his hand .

Shabert Beckham reached out and shook his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Bobile."

"Hello, Mr. God of Cooking, since I ate the cake you baked and made by yourself at the patriarch's birthday banquet last time, I have never forgotten the taste." The Count of Monte Cristo said with a smile.

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