"What should I do?" The engineer quickly gave Li Zedao a gesture, asking him what he meant, whether he wanted to rush out and kill the opponent by surprise, or to take time to lurk in the study.

Li Zedao looked at the engineer and frowned and shook his head, saying that he was looking at the situation. Hearing the slight movement from outside, the people who came in seemed to be sitting down on the sofa.

In fact, because things seemed to be going too smoothly, Li Zedao always felt unsteady in his heart.

At the elevator entrance downstairs, he easily killed two not-so-powerful bodyguards, then changed into their clothes, obtained the cards on their bodies, and arrived at the floor of the room where Keller Bobile was.

Immediately afterwards, they successfully killed the four bodyguards who were also not very powerful. After that, the engineers spent about ten minutes cracking the code of the lock on the door. They sneaked in smoothly, and now they can easily Got the snake head on the table in this room...

From leaving the magnificent banquet hall to getting the snake head at this time, it took less than half an hour in total. During this period, there was basically no resistance or obstacle... Will this go too smoothly?

Where are those difficult masters that the engineers said? They are all below to protect the safety of Keller Bobbil?

And now someone has come in, this is the private territory of Keller Bobile. In other words, apart from the two sneaky infiltrators, he and the engineer, only Keller Bobbil can come in or bring people. Come in, so the one who is coming in now is Keller Bobbil?

Li Zedao frowned slightly, and the bad feeling in his heart was even worse, because he had already asked Alice to keep an eye on Keller Bobile, and once he left the banquet hall, he would contact himself immediately, But Alice didn't contact herself, which means...Alice is in trouble?

In addition, there is no one guarding the elevator, and the bodyguards outside the room are gone, plus the bloody smell in the corridor must still be there, and the lock on the door of this room has been cracked...

Li Zedao couldn't believe it anymore. Those masters around Keller Bobile would be so stupid that they didn't know that someone had already sneaked in.

Seeing Li Zedao's serious expression, the engineer hugged the bag with the snake's head tightly in his arms, and at the same time took out the pistol he found from the bodyguard with the other hand. The enemy's posture.

With a gun in hand, the world has me! The engineer thought that he did not have such perverted skills as Li Zedao, so he needed a pistol to exert some deterrent force on the opponent.

At this moment, his face changed drastically.

next second,

As soon as he let go, the bag with the snake's head and the pistol in his hand fell to the ground covered with thick carpet.

Fortunately, the carpet was soft, so it didn't make too harsh a sound.

Seeing this, Li Zedao lowered his voice and looked at the terrified engineer and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I... I seem to be poisoned... Suddenly I lost all strength..." The engineer looked at Li Zedao with horror in his eyes, his voice was extremely weak and ethereal, and then he fell limply on the ground and couldn't get up anymore.

"Poisoned?" Li Zedao's expression changed drastically. Could it be that his thinking is right, that he and the engineer really fell into a hole that others dug long ago? Just now, when the engineer saw the snake's head, he was as excited as a pervert seeing a big beauty who didn't resist, hugging and kissing, and then smeared the poison on the snake's head?

At this moment, the screen of the LCD TV hanging on the wall suddenly lit up, and a few unexpected but reasonable people appeared on the TV screen.

Li Zedao stared fixedly at the screen, his face was extremely ugly, sure enough, his terrible guess was true, he and the engineer really fell into someone else's trap foolishly!

"Dear young master, I'm Keller Bobile, I think you must still remember me?" On the TV screen, Keller Bobbile had a playful smile on his face, his voice came from the speaker next to the TV screen. passed out.

At this time, Keller Bobile was sitting comfortably on the soft leather sofa in the hall, with a cigar in his hand, and a sexy blonde woman stood behind him and gently rubbed it for him. Shoulder.

On the sofa next to him, the Count of Monte Cristo had a sinister smile on his face.

Another woman was pouring a bottle of red wine into the empty glass in front of Caleb Bobile and the Count of Monte Cristo.

The woman's face looked pure and lovely, but she had a mature figure that didn't match her face at all.

The chest is high, the waist is soft, and the buttocks are round. She was wearing a red skirt, the top of the skirt was short, and the bottom was even shorter, so her big breasts and buttocks were naked in front of everyone.

After pouring the wine, the woman swayed her hips and walked to the Count of Monte Cristo to sit down. As soon as the Count of Monte Cristo stretched out his hand, he hugged the big ocean horse that was a head taller than him, and stretched out his withered hand very skillfully. in clothes...

In front of them is a laptop.

This laptop is linked to the TV screen and several cameras on the wall inside, so they can clearly see the situation inside through the laptop screen. Similarly, Li Zedao can also see the outside through the TV screen. Case.

"Oh, I caught a delicious prey." The Count of Monte Cristo said with a smile.

His hands were making waves on the big ocean horse, and his eyes were staring at the camera, so Li Zedao in the study saw the Count of Monte Cristo on the screen staring at him, which made Li Zedao very strange He knew that this old man who killed men and women was not joking, he was really thinking about his chrysanthemum... The sudden appearance of the master last time prevented him from succeeding, and the series of coercions that followed must have made him Does he hold a grudge?

Li Zedao has reason to believe that if he falls into the other party's hands this time, this perverted old man will definitely torture him even more.

"How did you recognize me?" Li Zedao said coldly after regaining his composure. But his mind was surging, thinking of various ways to escape.

This study room has no windows, so don't think about jumping out of the window to escape. Besides, this is the nineteenth floor, so you won't be a pile of meat if you jump down? Not to mention that he had to bring the engineer, who was poisoned without knowing it, it was impossible for Li Zedao to leave him here and escape alone.

Break through that heavy door?

Li Zedao quickly denied this idea. Since the other party set up this trap to catch the prey, how could he kindly help the prey prepare an escape exit? Maybe, the moment the thick door closed automatically after he and the engineer came in, it was already locked automatically, and now it can't be opened at all.

In other words, this place has become an urn, and he and the engineer soldier are two pitiful turtles, and even the engineer soldier's turtle is equivalent to having broken limbs.

"Oh, what do you think?" Kyle Bobile asked with a smile.

"The one pretending to be my master's hand of God, Tom?" Li Zedao asked with narrowed eyes, all he could think of was Tom.

Keller Bobile took a puff of the cigar, then slowly exhaled the smoke and smiled, "Oh, yes, it's Mr. Tom. He sent me the photos of you wearing the fake mask a long time ago."

Li Zedao's thoughts were surging, and it was right. After all, Tom knew that they were going to Las Vegas to steal the snake's head. Tom even knew what they looked like after wearing the masks, because there was a big undercover penguin.

In addition, when the masked engineers sneaked in here and called the cleaning staff in half, they were already recognized, right?

But things seemed wrong, because during the phone call, Tom made it clear that he didn't know anything about Snakehead, and he wouldn't make trouble from it, not to mention that Tom still hoped that he could sneak into Deakin Manor , snatched the safety buckle from Mos Luciano's hand, how could he wish to die here?

It was based on this consideration that Li Zedao decided to wear the first set of masks, and put away the second set of masks sent by the polar bear, and found another time to wear them.

"Oh, damn it, the mask is so realistic, if it wasn't for Mr. Tom's reminder, you would have succeeded in getting the snake head long ago." Keller Bobbile continued with a sneer, "And you definitely don't know it, do you?" ?The charity banquet tonight is actually prepared for you. Without this charity banquet, how could you have fallen into this trap so easily? You think my heart is in the disaster area? Oh, damn it, those people’s What does life and death have to do with me?"

"What do you want?" Li Zedao said in a cold voice.

Keller Bobile smiled without saying a word, and looked towards Monte Cristo. The Count of Monte Cristo is very interested in this prey, and it should be handled by him.

"Dear Mr. Earl, I won't disturb your pleasure of playing prey." Keller Bobile said with a smile. He knew that this old man was a pervert, a pervert who killed both men and women. If Keller Bobile approached him or he smiled at him so sinisterly, he would get goose bumps all over his body for no reason, so he had no interest in staying To see how this pervert tortures Li Zedao, it is better to enter the room and "torture" that sexy beauty.

"Oh, yes, Monsieur Bobile." The Count of Monte Cristo nodded with a smile.

Watching Keller Bobile walk into the master bedroom with his arms around the waist of the big horse and close the door, the Count of Monte Cristo's eyes fell on the screen, and he said with a smile that made Li Zedao goosebumps : "Mr. Maori... Oh, I'm sorry, I should call you Mr. Li. I think you will impress me, right? No one who has met me will forget me."

"Yes, Mr. Earl." Li Zedao said with a sneer, how could he not be impressed by the person who planned to explode his ass, and how could he not be impressed by this person who looks so distinctive and who is so narcissistic about Holmes who calls himself the Black Eagles? Profound?

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