The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1193 I cooperate with you

"In this case, how about we continue to play the game that was interrupted by the hand of God last time?" The Count of Monte Cristo stared at Li Zedao's face displayed on the laptop screen on the desktop with a smile, as if It's like admiring a precious jade article.

"Oh, dear Mr. Earl, what kind of game is that?" asked pantingly the big ocean horse who was so paralyzed by his shriveled old hand.

The Count of Monte Cristo whispered something in her ear with a smile.

The big ocean horse smiled charmingly, looked at the screen with hot eyes, then lowered his head and laughed in Monte Cristo's ear: "Dear count, I think it must be very interesting."

The Count of Monte Cristo smiled evilly: "Haha, it must be very interesting."

"I'm afraid he will refuse." Dayang Ma licked his lips charmingly and continued, "It's not a good cooperation."

"You can rest assured that I will definitely refuse." Li Zedao said coldly. Last time, the Count of Monte Cristo wanted to pull him to play 3-P with a big horse, and he even missed his forbidden area. From Li Zedao's point of view, this time is no exception.

Still the same sentence, if the Count of Monte Cristo didn't participate, and it was just him and the big horse, then Li Zedao might agree after thinking about it... A man who knows current affairs is a hero, isn't he?

"You won't refuse." Monte Cristo said with certainty while looking at Li Zedao's face on the screen with a smile.

"No, I refuse." Li Zedao looked at Monte Cristo like an idiot and said, how could he not refuse?

"Well, let me put it another way." The Count of Monte Cristo shrugged his shoulders and said, "You should not refuse."

Li Zedao sneered: "Why?"

"Because..." The Count of Monte Cristo shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "If you refuse, I have to let your... oh, that woman named Alice 'cooperate' with me. Under the action of that kind of strong aphrodisiac, that woman will definitely cooperate very well."

Li Zedao's face changed wildly, and Alice had indeed fallen into their hands.

Then Li Zedao's face became even more ugly, because he clearly saw the man who was behind the Count of Monte Cristo in the banquet hall before appearing on the screen, and his hands were holding a The woman is Alice, Alice whose mask has been taken off.

In the next second, the man seemed to be throwing garbage,

Throwing Alice's body directly on the sofa.

"Oh, damn Chris, you should be gentle, how can you be so rude to a beautiful lady?" The Count of Monte Cristo scolded with displeasure.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Earl, this woman's skin is too smooth, I accidentally slipped her from my hand." Chris said apologetically, looking at Monte Cristo and shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, really?" The Count of Monte Cristo stared lewdly at Alice's slender thighs, "I think I should feel the smoothness."

Li Zedao clenched his fists violently, staring blood red at the old face of the Count of Monte Cristo on the screen that made him want to punch him, and said word by word: "Count of Monte Cristo... If you dare to touch her One finger, I promise you will die a miserable death."

The Count of Monte Cristo froze for a moment, then laughed arrogantly and said: "Oh, dear Mr. Li, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet, and you are already a prisoner... When you enter that room, The door is automatically locked, and unless we open the door from the outside, even the hand of God will not be able to come out of that room, let alone you. In a few days without food or drink, you will starve to death."

Li Zedao's eyes were wide open, and he clenched his fists tightly, but he had to admit that what the Count of Monte Cristo said was right. He is now a turtle in a urn, a fish in a net, and a bird in a cage. , under the premise that the other party doesn't let me go, I can't escape at all, and I'm afraid I'm really going to starve to death.

"So, you have only two ways to go now." The Count of Monte Cristo said with an evil smile, "Either you play a game with me, or the beauty lying over there plays a game with me...Of course, I don't mind you being a spectator when your woman plays games with me, you make your choice."

"I will cooperate with you." Li Zedao said with cold eyes.

"I knew you would cooperate with you." The Count of Monte Cristo said confidently.

"Open the door, I will cooperate with you." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, you don't need to come out." The Count of Monte Cristo sneered, thinking that you thought I was an idiot, if I really let you out, wouldn't we all have to be beaten to death by you?

Li Zedao regretted that the enemy was not as stupid as he imagined.

"Just cooperate with your brother in it." The Count of Monte Cristo smiled evilly and strangely, and his eyes were full of heat.

Li Zedao was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood. This evil old man wanted him... to be fucked by engineers? Are you kidding me? The engineer was fucked by me... Li Zedao instantly got goosebumps all over his body, and he was so sick.

"I think the effect of the medicine is about to start to take effect... oh, it has already taken effect." The Count of Monte Cristo smiled lewdly - lasciviously.

"Efficacy?" Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a strange sound behind him.

Li Zedao looked back, and saw that the engineer soldier who had been limp and weak now had flushed face and blurred eyes, his tongue was sticking out and he kept licking his dry lips, and his hands were desperately trying to tear off his clothes ...

"Hot... so hot..." His face was red hot, as if it was a boiled shrimp.

Li Zedao's eyes widened all of a sudden, did in love with some kind of aphrodisiac? In other words, the sappers are actually not poison, but some kind of aphrodisiac?

"It's hot..." the engineer murmured unconsciously, then jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Li Zedao.

Without even thinking about it, Li Zedao simply kicked over.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the engineer flew upside down and slammed his body heavily on one of the shelves, smashing the cultural relics on it, whether it was a treasure or a fake.

"Oh, Mr. Li, you are too violent. What you have to do now is to take off your clothes, then kneel down and let your brother treat you well..." The Count of Monte Cristo was very dissatisfied Said, "Since you don't cooperate, I have no choice but to let your woman cooperate with me..."

"The Count of Monte Cristo..." Li Zedao yelled with a frosty face, and then without looking at him, he turned his head and kicked over, kicking away the engineer soldiers who rushed over like hungry wolves again.

"I cooperate with you...I cooperate with you..." He said word by word, looking at the face of the Count of Monte Cristo on the display screen, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Then he tore off his coat.

At the same time, the engineer who had completely lost himself rushed over again... Li Zedao couldn't kill him after all, so although the engineer was kicked twice and destroyed many cultural relics, he was not seriously injured , but the effect of the medicine became more and more violent, completely making the elite of the Shenlong organization no different from a male dog in heat.

This time, Li Zedao didn't kick him away, but let him pounce on him, let his paws grope about him, and his fiery breath sprayed on his face...

The Count of Monte Cristo and the big horse in his arms stared at the screen with hot eyes.

"Oh, this is wonderful... his tongue is licking his face like a dog's tongue..."

Then the two of them also began to breathe rough.

"Hiss..." The Count of Monte Cristo ripped off the clothes on the big horse's body, and the two big meat balls jumped out in an instant, and they were so white that they almost blinded people's eyes.

Then, the picture also became corrupted. Of course, it would be fine if there was no corrupted room in the study room. Who told them that they were two big men...

"Pa..." The picture on the laptop screen disappeared and turned into a snowflake.

"Oh, damn it, what's going on?" The Count of Monte Cristo frowned and said extremely displeased, "Why is the signal cut off?"

Chris, who was standing over there, hurried over, intending to check what went wrong.

At this moment, the specially made heavy iron door of the study room was suddenly pulled open, and then a man with torn clothes, disheveled hair, and transparent liquid on his face walked out expressionlessly.

The man's eyes were terribly scarlet, and he stared at them coldly, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Good evening," he said.

The iron door was suddenly pushed open and Li Zedao appeared, making the living room, which was still rotten just now, suddenly quiet, and a needle could be heard.

Why did Li Zedao come out?

Li Zedao really came out?

The Count of Monte Cristo stared at Li Zedao with disbelief on his face and said, "Oh, this is impossible. How did you get out? That door is specially made. If we don't open it from the outside, it can't be opened. opened……"

"Dear Mr. Count, are you surprised? What happens next will surprise you even more!" Li Zedao stared at the Count of Monte Cristo with cold eyes, as if looking at a dead person, and then walked towards him step by step .

A figure appeared in front of Li Zedao, blocking his way.

Chris, the personal bodyguard of Keller Bobile, has already thrown his body towards Li Zedao.

He stomped his feet on the ground, and his burly body jumped up high, holding the dagger in his hand, and the sharp blade pierced Li Zedao's head straight into the sky.

At the same time, the Count of Monte Cristo's actions are not considered serious... After all, he has always relied on his brains for food, not his skills.

But his movements were very rough. He simply pulled the hair of the big yangma whose body was a little limp because of fear, and pulled her up suddenly, then put his short legs on her stomach, and directly Kicked her to the ground, then rushed towards Alice who was fainting on the sofa.

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