The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1195 fc organization

"So, Mr. Earl, you are giving me a reason not to kill you." Li Zedao raised his foot and stepped on the calf of the Earl of Monte Cristo.

"I can give you everything I have now." The Count of Monte Cristo said loudly. He was really afraid that Li Zedao would crush his bones with such force. He didn't want to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. But, of course, maybe even spending time in a wheelchair is already a luxury.

"Dear Mr. Earl, you are not that are the most, and you are worth a penny." Li Zedao said, and then made a sudden force.


There was a crisp sound, and then the Count of Monte Cristo cried out in pain.

Veins popped up on his forehead, and his shot leg was severely injured again. Li Zedao had already disabled the lower leg, and the bones inside had been broken.

However, Li Zedao did not take back his foot because the Count of Monte Cristo's bones were broken by himself, but continued to press on it, and then continued to crush down.

Li Zedao really hates this perverted old man. He doesn't blame the Count of Monte Cristo for digging such a hole for them to jump in. After all, the two sides are enemies. Either you will kill me or I will kill you. It is your own ability to be tricked. Insufficient or careless, there is nothing to say.

But this perverted old man shouldn't be so inhumane and insulting. He actually did that kind of thing to the engineer, turning the engineer into a beast. What's more, he wanted to be raped by the beast, and then he stood aside Watch...there's nothing human about being so perverted and disgusting.

On the other hand, Li Zedao also knew that even if he obediently obeyed his arrangement and was ruined by the engineers, the Count of Monte Cristo would not keep his promise not to attack Alice, and he would definitely torture Alice right in front of him.

Therefore, now Li Zedao's heart is full of violence, he must vent it!

Kacha, Kacha... The scalp-numbing sound of bones breaking kept ringing out. The broken bone in Count Monte Cristo's calf was suffering the second injury. Under Li Zedao's deliberate crushing, the hard bone was crushed. Crushed into puddles of powder, even if you receive top-notch treatment afterwards, you won't be able to recover.

"Li Zedao..." The Earl of Monte Cristo's facial features were already seriously twisted together, and he roared Li Zedao's name, but he couldn't say the following words after all, and then passed out directly.

Li Zedao looked at the Count of Monte Cristo who had fainted, and muttered to himself: "To be a pervert, you must have the consciousness to be a pervert. You can trample on our dignity unscrupulously.

Personality and life, but when your life is also threatened, do you want to negotiate terms with each other? This is very bad, it is really unfair to us good people with a pure heart. "

Li Zedao moved his foot to the other good leg of the Count of Monte Cristo. After crushing his calf and leg bones to the same extent as before, he was slightly relieved and said: "My heart is still as good as a child. Now, because I tortured you like this, I can't fucking bear it!"

The other leg suffered another serious injury. This time the Count of Monte Cristo simply woke up from the pain. How does it feel to wake up from the pain again?

The Count of Monte Cristo gave the answer, which was the feeling that life is better than death.

His face had long since lost the arrogance and insidiousness of the past, it was tightly twisted into a ball like a bun, and his forehead was dripping with sweat. His face turned into an ugly dark purple, he looked like an old man who was terminally ill and not far from death.

"You are a are a devil..." Until this time, he had a chance to continue the sentence he had just left before he fell into a coma.

The severe pain in his legs hit his brain and mind again and again, letting him know that he had become a real useless person.

Li Zedao's expression was ashamed: "Dear Mr. Earl, compared with your methods, my approach is simply not on the stage!"

Then, Li Zedao stretched out his foot again, this time stepping on the Count of Monte Cristo's crotch, this time without much effort, he could crush his stuff into meatloaf.

"Oh, can't do this..." The count of Monte Cristo broke down emotionally and began to beg for mercy, "I beg you...I am willing to do anything you ask me, don't hurt me...oh , God...please..."

Li Zedao thought for a while, retracted his feet, and then sat down on the comfortable sofa. Anyway, if he wanted to leave, he had to wait until the engineer was "detoxified" before he could leave. According to his level of "beast", no one I guess it won't work in an hour, right? So time is not so tight.

"I don't want to trample on your dirty thing, and I can even save your life, but I have a few questions, I hope you can answer me truthfully." Li Zedao stared at this place for a few minutes. Looking at the formerly arrogant guy, he said coldly, "Of course, you don't have to answer, because there is another person who can answer these questions of mine."

The person Li Zedao mentioned naturally refers to Keller Bobile, because the sound insulation effect is really good, and this old man is receiving the service of the big ocean horse in the bathtub in the master bedroom, and a soothing music is playing in the room. Music, so he didn't know that things had changed.

The Count of Monte Cristo's two legs are useless, but his brain is not useless, so he naturally understood what Li Zedao meant, and said with great difficulty at the moment: "I think I know what you want to know..."

"Then let's talk." Li Ze said that there was no warmth in his voice.

The Count of Monte Cristo took a deep breath and said: "I... know, you must have known that the current hand of God is fake, and it was pretended by Mr. Tom... Yes, I can tell you very clearly, your master God The hand is indeed dead..."

Even though he knew the outcome and had prepared himself for it long ago, Li Zedao still felt suffocated when he heard what the Count of Monte Cristo said.

Then that thing was verified again, that is, Antarctica is a super undercover who hides around him, so he already knew that the master was dead, and even knew that the false hand of God was pretended by Tom. knew.


Li Zedao narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is Tom one of the three diamond bodyguards of the Black Hawk?"

"Yes." The Count of Monte Cristo didn't know why Li Zedao didn't continue to learn about his master, but instead cared about Tom. He felt a little strange but said truthfully, "He is the most powerful of the three diamond bodyguards." , although I was the executive president of the Black Hawk before, I can't control him."

The only thing he hopes for now is to hold his own life and spend his old age peacefully, but this requires Li Zedao's charity, so now Li Zedao asks him, he answers truthfully, and he doesn't want to hide anything.

"Has he left the Black Hawk?"

The Count of Monte Cristo froze for a moment, shook his head and said, "Get away? Oh, I don't understand what you mean. How could Mr. Tom get away from Black Hawk?"

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes. It seemed that he was fooled by that guy. Last time Tom told himself that he had already left Black Hawk. Immediately said: "Which forces are involved in killing my master?"

"The Rothschild family, the Ito family of the island country, the Luciano family... There is also a mysterious organization called FC." said the Count of Monte Cristo.

"A mysterious organization called FC?" Li Zedao frowned.

Fc... Revenge? An organization like Master's Revenge?

"Yes, this organization called FC is very mysterious. I haven't even heard of it before." The Count of Monte Cristo said, "As far as I know, it is this organization that lobbied the Rothschild family and the Ito family of the island country. , the Luciano family, the four forces formed an alliance, and together they sent masters to ambush the Hand of God, and in the end, they succeeded, and then, everyone divided up the huge business empire of the Hand of God together."

"safety button……"

"safety button?"

"Oh, nothing." Li Zedao said, it seems that the rank of the Count of Monte Cristo is too low, much lower than that of Tom, so he doesn't know the most important things.

Li Zedao knew that for these forces, the allure brought by the Ping An button was far greater than the huge business empire behind Master.

"So you need a fake God's hand to stabilize that huge business empire, and you and Keller Bobile are responsible for helping the three families carve up that huge business empire bit by bit... But Is that so?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, this is one reason, and there is another reason, that is, the fc organization wants to completely discredit the Hand of God. They don't want to see the Chinese officials treat the Hand of God as a god. They hope that the Hand of God can do that. the most disgraceful things like a fake hand of God is needed to do those things."

Got it, so the snake head was stolen, and the clues pointed to the hand of God, and then, a more powerful trick came, the hand of God actually gave the snake head to Emperor Hirohito of the island country as a birthday gift, and even became a Duke Wang Zi Kojiro, the prince's teacher, blatantly slapped Hua Xia in the face.

As a result, Wang Zi, who could walk sideways in Huaxia, has now turned into a stinky mouse.

"How much do you know about the details of my master's killing?" Li Zedao continued to ask after taking a deep breath.

The Count of Monte Cristo shook his head and said: "I don't know much about this. I was told by Keller Bobile and Tom that the Hand of God and his women and several of his subordinates were all solved. He gave the two of us a choice, to join and help their alliance, or to die."

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