The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1196 Thanks to Nintendo

Li Zedao nodded, it seems that the same sentence is still the same, that is, the Count of Monte Cristo is too low in rank because of his previous betrayal, but he is still capable, so he is only in charge of operating the help to swallow the huge body behind the master. The same is true of Keller Bobile, so what they know is only approximate.

"Tom told you that we are going to steal the snake's head?" Li Zedao asked with a frown.

"Yes, after Mr. Tom came back from the island country, he gave the snake head to Kyle Bobile, and said that you and the members of the Shenlong organization will definitely come to Las Vegas soon, and then gave it back to me A picture of you and Kyle Bobile after you put on the mask."

Li Zedao took out his phone and glanced at the call log on it.

In fact, when he was "aggressed" by engineers because of the strong nausea of ​​the ninja, he suddenly found that the TV screen in front of him was suddenly covered with snowflakes. At the same time, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. He took out the phone and saw that it was Tom's call. He immediately kicked the engineer away and answered the phone.

Tom said with a smile: "My dear Li, that door has actually been opened."

Then, he hung up the phone very simply.

It was precisely because of Tom's call that Li Zedao was able to pull open the iron door and appear there, turning the situation around in an instant.

Li Zedao could understand why Tom was afraid that something would happen to him, because he still had to rely on himself to sneak into Deacon Manor to help him steal the safety buckle from Mos Luciano, so why did he sell himself? Isn't it superfluous to take off your pants and fart?

The only reasonable explanation... He wanted to use his own hands to kill the Count of Monte Cristo and Keller Bobile? It's just that the Count of Monte Cristo and Caleb Bobile should be no different from two ants in his eyes, right?

Or are there other more important reasons?

"Dear Count of Monte Cristo, is it painful?" Li Zedao asked coldly as he looked at the Count of Monte Cristo, whose face was contorted and gasping for breath, with cold sweat constantly breaking out on his forehead.

The Count of Monte Cristo nodded with great difficulty and said, "You said you would not kill me." He thought that Li Zedao was trying to relieve him of this pain, and the only way to relieve the pain was to break his neck.

Compared with death, the Count of Monte Cristo felt that this kind of pain was like enjoying it. After all, he was too reluctant to part with this colorful world, even though he would live in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

"I didn't intend to kill you.

"Li Zedao said, "I just want to make sure that you are not in pain. Now that I am sure, I am very happy. "


"It's just that there is a saying in Huaxia that dogs can't stop eating shit, so I believe that if there is a chance in the future, you will definitely bite me a few times, right?" Li Zedao said.

The Count of Monte Cristo was silent, and did not express his position in a hurry to refute. We are all smart people, so the so-called refutation is undoubtedly a very stupid behavior.

"Just, you have to remember, if there is another time, I will not only crush your third leg, but I will also crush your two arms, and then smash the bones in other parts of your body one by one." Don't doubt what I said." Li Zedao said coldly.

The Count of Monte Cristo glanced at him, nodded, and continued to remain silent.

"I think, you must very much hope that Caleb Bobile will have the same experience as you, and even end up worse than you, right?" Li Zedao said with a smile. He actually doesn't need the Count of Monte Cristo to answer this question, and he knows that The Count of Monte Cristo would not answer, but... he must have thought so.

Li Zedao felt that he was a kind person. He had tormented the Count of Monte Cristo so terribly, and he also helped him solve some doubts, so he should repay him and satisfy some small wishes in his heart.

So, he said: "Give me some reward...such as money, and I will help you realize this wish, how about it?"

The Count of Monte Cristo understood what Li Zedao meant, and said, "I have 100 million dollars in my Swiss bank account, give me an account, and I'll transfer it to you."

Li Zedao is very grateful to Nintendo now because she opened a Swiss bank account for herself.


On the huge and soft leather sofa in the master bedroom, a passionate live-action movie is being staged.

Of course, it is European and American style.

Keller Bobile, who was lying on his body, fell slightly on his back, and the plump blond and blue-eyed ocean horse was riding on his body and galloping wildly.

The big yangma's body shook violently up and down, and even the leather sofa let out a hoarse cry. She yelled all kinds of obscene words composed of English letters, not only did not destroy the atmosphere of this battle, but it made Keller Bobile even more excited.

Keller Bobile likes this way of women going up and men going down. One is because he can save his energy when he is old. Plus, he loves watching the faces of women when they go crazy and do something like this... oh, it's way more fun than a Hollywood movie.

He prefers women swearing and swearing when they do this kind of thing, because it can unleash the violent factor in his bones, and every time a war is over, he has a hearty feeling.

The battle didn't last long and it was over. The big Yangma had a charming spring look on his face: "Oh, dear Mr. Bobile, you are awesome."

"Honey, you are the sexiest." Keller Bobile laughed, and groped Dayan Ma's chest with his big hands unscrupulously, planning to score twice.

At this moment, the door that was not locked at all was pushed open, and then an untimely voice sounded: "Excuse me, may I come in?"

When Keller Bobile saw the person standing at the door, he was stunned for a moment, and then jumped up from the sofa suddenly, but because the previous "battle" overdrawn a lot of his physical strength, So it rolled to the ground all at once.

When he wanted to get up, he found that his head was being stepped on and crushed by a powerful foot.

"Ah..." the big ocean horse exclaimed.

"Shut up!" Li Zedao shouted. The latter was really startled by Li Zedao's cold eyes as if looking at a dead person, and now he curled up pitifully and did not dare to shout.

"Mr. Bobile, my most loyal servant, you betrayed my master God's hand so much, and even dug such a big hole to play me to death, what do you think I should do to you?" Li Zedao was a little worried Said.

Keller Bobile was so frightened that his mind went blank, and he almost lost his ability to think. He didn't know why Li Zedao left the carefully remodeled study room, but he knew very clearly that the Count of Monte Cristo and Chris outside were probably in trouble, and he knew that his own head might be a mess if he was not careful. To be trampled flat.

Before Caleb Bobile could say anything, Li Zedao continued: "Mr. The Count of Monte Cristo is outside now. I have trampled his legs. It is impossible to heal him. In this life, he can only I can spend it in a wheelchair... Your bodyguard's arm was cut off by me, I'm afraid the blood is about to flow dry now, right? What do you want to end up with? Don't worry, think slowly, There's still time anyway."

All kinds of gasps and screams came out from that study room from time to time. It is conceivable that the engineers are now desperately destroying the big horse. It may take a while to completely eliminate the poison, so Li Zedao still has time. , don't worry.

Keller Bobile was so frightened that his head became extremely dizzy. He felt his entire heart was about to jump out of his throat. He said with great difficulty, "Master... I was forced..."

Li Zedao seemed not to have heard his words, and said to himself: "Oh, just now I asked the Count of Monte Cristo if I hope you will have the same fate as him, or even a worse fate than him, please give me some words of hope." For the reward, I will help him fulfill that wish, and then the Count of Monte Cristo will give me 100 million U.S. dollars..."

"..." Keller Bobile greeted the eighteen generations of the Count of Monte Cristo's ancestors in his heart.

"Oh, master, I have 200 million U.S. dollars in my Swiss bank, and I will transfer it to the master..." How could Keller Bobbil not understand what this robber meant?

Li Zedao was very embarrassed and said: "Okay, then you can turn around... It's just that I have failed the Count of Monte Cristo's 'trust'." Then he lifted the foot that was on his head. up.

Keller Bobiler never imagined that the shy and shy kid he saw for the first time would become so shameless now, he was simply a replica of the hand of God.

Immediately, he quickly got up from the ground, looked at Li Zedao with a smiling face, then picked up the bathrobe on the side and put it on himself, and then hurried to the laptop on the table to transfer the money for Li Zedao.

Li Zedao thanked Nintendo again, and then gave him his account number.

In less than two minutes, Li Zedao received a message on his mobile phone that 200 million U.S. dollars had been credited, so his account suddenly increased by 300 million U.S. dollars. How much is it converted into Huaxia currency?

"Master..." Caleb Bobile looked at Li Zedao tremblingly. Compared with the Count of Monte Cristo, this pampered old man was less domineering and murderous after all.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Li Zedao comforted.

Kyle Bobile breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Count of Monte Cristo asked me to crush all three of your legs, but now I can crush two of your legs." Li Zedao said immediately, "I will save the middle leg for you."

Keller Bobile's complexion changed drastically: "...Master..."

Li Zedao simply kicked over and swept his two thighs.

"Crack!" The sound of broken bones sounded.


Outside, the Count of Monte Cristo, who couldn't move, had an inexplicable and cruel smile on his face when he heard the screams.

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