The beast-like panting sound in the study room and the extremely exaggerated cry of the big ocean horse finally disappeared.

Another ten minutes passed, and the iron door of the study was pulled open from the inside. The engineer panted heavily, and slowly walked out with extremely heavy steps.

His hair, which was carefully groomed by the servants in the small manor of Shabert Beckham, was extremely messy at the moment, like a chicken coop, and the clothes on his body could be called It was cloth strips, which barely covered his body with many bloodstains from his fingers.

The face also lost its original luster, it was a little pale, as if it had lost too much blood, there were still a lot of scarlet lip marks on it, and there were even a few scratches on the neck where the blood had dried up.

His eye sockets were deeply sunken, and there were dark circles around them, and his body looked so exhausted, as if he hadn't slept for three consecutive days and had to run 10,000 meters every day, so his body was seriously overloaded.

Of course, the reason why his body looks hollowed out now is more of the sequelae of the aphrodisiac.

When the engineer found that Li Zedao was sitting there staring at him, he slowly lowered his head, and even had the urge to turn around and leave to lock himself in this study... He was afraid that Li Zedao would chop him up.

In fact, although the aphrodisiac was extremely domineering, the engineer completely lost himself, and completely turned into a beast that desperately wanted to do the most primitive piston movement, but now the medicinal properties disappeared, and he lost himself. The various actions at the time were so clear, he clearly knew how domineering he was torturing that big wild horse, using those postures, and even the obscenity that big wild horse shouted out because it was so cool. -The obscene words are still lingering clearly in my ears.

So...he naturally remembered what he did to Li Zedao at the beginning. He touched Li Zedao's body, he desperately rubbed on Li Zedao's buttocks, he desperately tore Li Zedao's clothes, he desperately asked for kisses on Li Zedao's face and neck...he...stomach twitched suddenly, and there was a An urge to vomit.

Li Zedao stood up and asked, "Are you all right?"

The engineer gave him a disgusted look and shook his head.

"That's good... Also, mother, you feel disgusting, and I am even more disgusting, so I washed my face more than a dozen times in the bath just now, and my skin is almost worn out." Li Zedao saw the disgusted expression of the engineer, and he also began to feel disgusted, "Your sister, I really want to chop off your claws, smash your mouth, and give your tongue to me." Pull it out."

The engineer smiled bitterly: "I also want to cut off my own claws.


Li Zedao threw a dagger over.

"...I was just joking." The engineer smiled apologetically.

"Go and wash it." Li Zedao pointed to the master bedroom and said, "The clothes have been found for you... Oh, there are two old men with broken legs lying there chatting, just ignore their existence. There is also a big naked horse curled up there, if you are not satisfied, you can continue... I don't think she will mind."

Li Zedao is very kind. He was afraid that the Count of Monte Cristo and Caleb Bobile would be lonely and boring, so he brought the Count of Monte Cristo into this room and let him lie side by side with Caleb Bobile. As for the two old men Li Zedao didn't bother to care about what to talk about now.

The engineer was taken aback, and said weakly: "Don't mention the big horses to me, I've had enough of me..."

Then, he covered his face, and said in a sad and weak voice: " first kiss... I gave it to you like this, and I gave my virginity to that one. I don't know how many times I was fucked. How can my life be so hard for a big yangma without AIDS...Why don't you throw both of them in? Why? Why is that..."

Li Zedao couldn't stand listening anymore, so he simply kicked him away.

"Take the snake head and get the hell out of China immediately. From now on, don't let me see you, and don't let other people know about it, otherwise I'll kill you." Li Zedao said murderously.

The snake's head was indeed smeared with some kind of strong aphrodisiac, which can penetrate the skin and enter the body to poison you, not to mention that the sapper was still hugging and chewing on it.

So Li Zedao asked the engineer to wash the snake's head well when he took a bath, so as not to be poisoned again.

During this period, Li Zedao massaged some acupuncture points on Alice's body a few times, and soon she also woke up.

She glanced sharply at the ceiling for a few times, then sat up abruptly.

"It's all right."

Li Zedao's gentle voice came from beside his ear.

Alice looked back and saw Li Zedao looking at her with a smile, she relaxed all of a sudden, then stood up and threw herself into his arms.

"Oh, my dear..." She hugged Li Zedao's waist tightly, her sexy red lips were even more gone, and she squeezed Li Zedao's lips fiercely for a while before parting, and then said with some fear: "Darling Yes, I thought things were going to get worse, and I would never see you again."

"How come?" Li Zedao comforted with a smile, and then briefly explained the matter.

All in all, with the snake's head in hand, the two legs of the Count of Monte Cristo and Caleb Bobile were crushed by Li Zedao, and they are lying there now unable to get up. Of course, they will never even think about it in this life Woke up.

As for that Chris, his entire arm was removed, and Li Zedao hit his back hard. Although he did not die on the spot, he has gone to see God and his old man now, and the imitation mask that Alice originally wore on her face, Also found in him.

And those two big ocean horses, one was so happy that he passed out after being mercilessly tortured by the sappers, and the other was screamed because of Li Zedao when he crushed the Count of Monte Cristo's leg , it was too noisy, so Li Zedao knocked her out.

Of course, Li Zedao wouldn't say anything about the engineer soldiers groping and gnawing on him in heat.

After helping Alice put on the mask again, the engineer soldier who had cleaned up also came out of the suite. After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, he looked refreshed, although his steps were still frivolous and weak, as if stepping on Like balls of cotton.

This is the sequelae of that kind of aphrodisiac, and it takes two days of rest to recover.

Li Zedao walked into the room, looked down at the two old men whose old faces were twisted into a ball because of pain and hatred, and said with a smile: "I should go, congratulations, you can be relieved... ..."

Keller Bobile and the Count of Monte Cristo had calmed down a long time ago, they all stared at Li Zedao coldly, and no one said a word.

Li Zedao threw the mobile phone he took out of Kyle Bobile's pocket beside him and said, "Call the ambulance yourself."

Turning around and thinking for a while, he turned around and added, "I thought about it, and I feel like I have suffered a big loss. You want to trample my personality and dignity on the ground, and you want to play with me. Kill my brother, my woman, and even, in the end, you still want to starve me to death? As a result, what you have suffered now is just two broken legs and a little money loss..."

Caleb Bobile and the Count of Monte Cristo almost fainted from anger. What do you mean by just breaking two legs? What do you mean by losing a little money?

"What else do you want? You said you wouldn't kill me." The Count of Monte Cristo asked in a hoarse and weak voice, with a hint of malice in his voice. He felt that if he was receiving treatment in a hurry, he might have to see God, and he would go to the old man.

"I need one of your arms, anyway, one arm is enough to call for help... Oh, to be precise, one arm is enough for one person, so one of you has to break two arms, and give you two Discuss in a few seconds and see who wants to break two arms?" Li Zedao said with a nervous smile.

"..." The bodies of both of them began to tremble in detail, their expressions were ferociously distorted, their foreheads were dripping with sweat, and their faces turned into an ugly black and purple. They looked like a terminally ill patient who was about to die at any time.

"Forget it, you don't have to give in to each other, it's just you." Li Zedao looked at the Count of Monte Cristo and said, "You look more annoying."

Keller Bobile almost cried with a sore nose.

"Li Zedao..."

"Crack!" The familiar sound of bone breaking sounded again, and Monte Cristo fainted again before he could finish his sentence.

Li Zedao kicked his elbow in the most direct and brutal way, causing the Count of Monte Cristo's right arm to hang down feebly.

There was another "click!", and his left arm also suffered the same fate as his right arm.

And this time, the Count of Monte Cristo was injured so badly that he was even so angry that he woke up without pain.

Li Zedao looked at Keller Bobile and smiled. The latter looked at Li Zedao with horror in his eyes, his body trembling violently, as if he was looking at a devil.

"Forget it, I won't trample on your arm." Li Zedao said to himself, "I will trample the third leg of Mr. Earl too. Remember to thank Mr. Earl, he is suffering for you. guilt."

So Li Zedao stepped down again, stepping heavily on the crotch of the Count of Monte Cristo. This time, the Count of Monte Cristo's eyes widened suddenly, and then his body shook violently a few times, and then his head drooped weakly. Go down, eyes wide open, die with regret.

Both of them are not good people, but Caleb Bobile has a heart of fear, while the Count of Monte Cristo is extremely conceited, thinking that everyone in the world is inferior to him with one finger, such a person is easy to go to extremes .

Therefore, in order to prevent him from going to extremes, Li Zedao decided to use the most extreme solution to him...Go to God.

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