The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1200 The God of Gamblers Visits

"Who are these two Gods of Gamblers with big and small aces?" Li Zedao asked.

"The little king among the two trump cards is in the hands of the God of Gamblers Stevenson. He is also the owner of the New York Casino Hotel, which is the hotel we visited just now that condenses the entire New York City." Alice introduced .

"Whose hand is the king playing card?" Li Zedao asked curiously. A person who owns a king poker card is equivalent to standing at the highest point in the field of gambling. The person who is recognized as the most powerful in gambling is just like the chef Shabert Beckham, who is recognized as the best cook in the world... oh , It’s not as delicious as making it yourself.

What Li Zedao was curious about was that the person with the King's playing cards couldn't be the legendary God of Gamblers, Gao Jin, right?

Alice shrugged her shoulders and said, "Oh, my dear, I don't know about that, but I heard that they seem to be Chinese..."

"Uh...Huaxia people? They can't really be Gao Jin?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

After finding a hotel with Alice and having a delicious lunch, the two returned to the small restaurant on Huaxia Street, took the surname Li that was placed there, and then drove to the manor of Saubert Beckham .

Just like last time, Shabert Beckham was already waiting at the iron gate of the courtyard. After seeing Li Zedao and Alice get off the car, he respectfully nodded and called "Mr. John" and "Ms. Beyoncé." ", and asked the servant Bertrand to quickly take Li from the car and send him to the room where he had been cleaned.

After welcoming Li Zedao and Alice into the small villa, Sabert Beckham sat down to accompany him, and the servant quickly brought a cup of tea and a cup of coffee...Mr. John said before that he prefers to drink tea. Not coffee, Chabert Beckham firmly in mind.

Li Zedao asked about the scene of the charity dinner last night, saying that he had something to do so he left with Alice first.

"Oh, Mr. John, that kind of charity dinner is not much different from the usual charity dinner. If you attend more than three charity dinners, you will find that all the lines and procedures are the same. You just need to do Just one thing...filling the check." Shabert Beckham shrugged his shoulders, expressing his distaste for that kind of dinner party.

Indeed, if it wasn't for Li Zedao's request, he never planned to appear on that occasion at all.

Li Zedao smiled a little bit, but he also confirmed that although the initiator of this charity dinner, Keller Bobile, had his leg broken in the back, and even the Count of Monte Cristo went to see God directly, but there was no such thing as that charity dinner. With the slightest impact, even everyone didn't even know that such a big thing happened.

"It seems you don't like doing charity.

"Li Zedao said jokingly.

"Oh, no, Teacher John, I just don't like occasions that seem a bit hypocritical to me." Sabert Beckham quickly explained, "I always like to help others, and I listened to your teachings before. After that, I liked it even more, but... oh, it should be explained like this, I don't like the way of being coerced, I like reading books, but I don't like someone throwing a book over and saying that you have to read this book today Finish reading this book. I like listening to music, but I don't like people saying that you can only listen to music from a certain artist. I like cooking, but I don't like people saying that you can only cook that one dish..."

"Oh, Shabert, you don't have to be nervous, I was just joking." Li Zedao said with a smile, "But your thoughts are the same as mine. I know the hardships of the poor, because I was once poor, so I am very happy. I am willing to donate part of my money to those in need, but this should be my private matter... I don't like being photographed when I donate, I don't like shaking hands with those who are donated, I believe in each other I don't like it even more... I think in this world, there is nothing more embarrassing than accepting donations from others..."

Li Zedao recalled the scene when he knelt on the overpass, how he longed for someone to throw money into the sea bowl, but when a sexy and fashionable beauty threw a dollar coin, he was grateful but also had an extremely embarrassing feeling. It is the so-called self-esteem at work.

People with low self-esteem are often accompanied by extremely strong self-esteem, and Li Zedao at that time was no exception.

Shabert Beckham was both moved and proud. He was moved because the teacher's words expressed his whole heart, and he was proud because he had the same thoughts as Teacher John.

Alice stared at this little man who made her obsessed with death with eyes that were both adoring and ambiguous. This man had no hypocrisy, no pretense, no pretending to be noble or kind, he was just a real man. A person, not a handsome and strong body. Then he licked his lips, as if savoring the most delicious dish in the world.

Li Zedao looked at Sabert Beckham and said, "You can help us prepare the order tonight. I want to see how your food tastes different after these few days of understanding of life."

Well, Li Zedao won’t admit that he actually doesn’t want to eat fried shredded pork with green peppers and scrambled eggs with tomatoes. It’s delicious, but it’s always tiresome to eat. Besides, if you don’t eat so many delicious things, you have to eat stir-fried green peppers. Copying eggs with shredded pork and tomatoes seems to be a very stupid behavior.

"Oh, yes, Mr. John." In Shabert Beckham's view, Mr. John wanted to inspect his culinary skills, just like a teacher in school wanted to check a student's homework. Nervous, "I'll get ready in a while."

"I will stand next to you and have a look." Li Zedao said. He also wants to see how this chef cooks that delicious steak, so that he can secretly learn a few tricks and cook it for his women in the future.

But Shabert Beckham thought that Li Zedao wanted to point out his shortcomings on the spot, so he was so excited that his big beard was trembling slightly.

At this moment, the servant Bertrand walked in, came to Chabert Beckham, nodded and said: "Mr. Beckham, the God of Gamblers Stevenson and his son Philip are here to visit you .”

"God of Gamblers Stevenson?" Li Zedao and Alice exchanged glances, and their eyes lightened slightly. Of course, Alice has heard of the name of the God of Gamblers Stevenson who owns Xiaowang playing cards, but she has never seen it. As for Li Zedao, he just learned from Alice that there really is a so-called God of Gamblers, even God of Gamblers. There are two more, holding big and small aces in their hands, so he naturally wondered what this Stevenson looked like, whether he was eating chocolate with his back combed like Gao Jin.

Only then did Shabert Beckham remember that he met God of Gamblers Stevenson at the charity dinner last night. Stevenson said that he would visit the manor the next night to thank him for agreeing to be at his engagement banquet. chef.

It's just that he received a call from Li Zedao in the morning, so Chabert Beckham simply forgot about Stevenson.

"Oh, Bertrand, go and express my sincerest apologies to Mr. God of Gamblers, and just say that I am now accompanying two extremely important guests and cannot be separated..."

"Oh, Chabert, it's okay, you don't need to accompany us." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Besides, I'm also very interested in this legendary God of Gamblers who owns Xiaowang playing cards, and I want to pay a visit to his style."

"Okay, Mr. John." Shabert Beckham nodded and looked at Bertrand and waved his hand, "Go and invite them in."

"Okay, Mr. Beckham." Bertrand nodded and turned to leave.

Li Zedao looked at Sabert Beckham and confessed: "When you introduce the two of us later, you just say that we are your nephews or something, and it's fine if we plan to learn cooking skills from you here, don't say I am Your teacher."

"Oh, yes, Teacher John." Shabert Beckham nodded. He knows Teacher John's low-key.

Soon, the servant Bertrand came in with Gambler Stevenson and his son Philip.

Shabert Beckham stood up and greeted him: "Oh, Stevenson, my friend, you are welcome."

"Hello, Chabert." Stevenson laughed loudly.

"Good afternoon, Uncle Chabert." Philip nodded.

Li Zedao and Alice, who also stood up, were looking at the God of Gamblers who had Xiaowang playing cards in their hands.

Unlike his son Philip, Stevenson is not so handsome and not so tall. He is wearing a well-fitting suit, a white shirt with a bow at the neckline, and a black top hat. Aristocratic gentlemen in general.

Li Zedao thinks, either his handsome son's mother is very beautiful and the son has completely inherited his mother's genes, or this one doesn't look like the God of Gamblers at all. The top hat on the head of the God of Gamblers is green instead of black of.

Ever since a shiny green hat appeared on his head, Li Zedao has been very sensitive to hats, always thinking that they are green...

"This is my... cousin John, this is John's girlfriend Beyoncé, they are now living with me and learning how to cook with me... This is Steven, the very famous gambling god. Sen, his son Philip." Chabert Beckham helped introduce him.

"Oh, young people, hello, nice to meet you." Stevenson stretched out his hand with a smile, without any airs. Of course, in front of Chabert Beckham and his nephew, he can't put on airs either.

It's true that he is a God of Gamblers, but that doesn't mean he can easily offend Sabert Beckham, because Sabert Beckham is also a god... God of Cooking!

"Oh, hello, Mr. God of Gamblers." Li Zedao stretched out his hand, shook hands with him and said with a smile.

"Oh, just call me Uncle Stevenson, you and Uncle Chabert are good friends." Stevenson said with a smile.

Shabert Beckham frowned slightly, how could Stevenson let his teacher call him uncle? This is disrespect to my teacher!

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