So, Shabert Beckham looked at Li Zedao with a hint of apology and embarrassment in his dark eyes. Seeing that Li Zedao had a faint smile on his face, and he didn't look angry at all, he was a little relieved, and then hurriedly pulled Stevenson said: "Oh, my friend, please sit... Philip, you sit too."

"Oh, yes, Uncle Chabert." Philip nodded.

Since Stevenson is the God of Gamblers, his eyesight is naturally much stronger than that of ordinary people. He already found that when he asked the young man to call himself "Uncle", there was something obviously wrong with Shabert's eyes, and he even slightly He looked nervously at the young man.

Chabert Beckham afraid of this young man? In other words, the identity of this young man is not just as simple as his nephew?

Although I don't understand what's going on, but I also know that the topic of "uncle" is really inappropriate to continue. I glanced at Li Zedao with a vague look, and then sat down and laughed following what Shabert Beckham said. Said: "Sabert, I miss your coffee very much."

"Oh, I've asked the servant to prepare it, and it will be delivered soon." Chabert Beckham laughed.

"Haha, tell him to hurry up, I can't wait." Stevenson laughed.

The servant Bertrand quickly brought in two cups of fragrant coffee.

Stevenson took a sip, with a look of enjoyment, full of praise for the coffee baked by Chabert Beckham himself: "Oh, Chabert, since I drank this coffee at your place, I I just can’t drink any other coffee, this is really the most delicious coffee in the world.”

In the past, Sabert Beckham usually smiled at similar compliments, neither humble nor proud, and treated them with a normal heart... It's natural to get used to it.

In his opinion, it is normal for these people to have such a reaction. After all, this coffee is carefully roasted by him. Compared with the coffee outside, there is nothing comparable at all.

But now Mr. John is here, which makes him feel a little embarrassed. After all, his coffee is not the most delicious in the world. This coffee only conquers people's taste buds, but does not conquer people's souls, and it is not delicious. Makes people cry.

In order to prevent Stevenson from continuing to flatter him, Chabert Beckham took the initiative to change the topic and chatted about Stevenson's engagement banquet.

Listening quietly to the two "gods" chatting there for a while, Li Zedao knew that two days later, this old man, who seemed to be in his sixties or seventies, planned to hold an engagement ceremony with a model in his manor.

At that time, Shabert Beckham will be the chef at the engagement banquet, responsible for making a huge cake and various desserts, and preparing various juices for the guests who come to the engagement banquet to enjoy.

Alice, a sexy woman with a lot of research in fashion, whispered in Li Zedao's ear that the model was Caroline, in her twenties, a supermodel, with a sexy and hot body that was very eye-catching.

"True love." Li Zedao sighed in his heart, "If it wasn't true love, how could it be possible to be together resolutely when the age difference is almost 50 years old? We even have to enter the wedding hall."

Li Zedao was very moved by the sincere relationship between this Mr. God of Gamblers and the model named Caroline.

Then they chatted about some trivia and interesting things at the charity dinner yesterday.

For example, I heard that the initiator of the charity dinner, Keller Bobile, accidentally sprained his foot last night, so he couldn't appear at the banquet afterwards.

For example, a Hollywood female star took off her underpants for auction on the spot, and the rich man finally bought it for 200,000 US dollars, and then heard that the rich man went back and was raped by his angry wife ...

In the end, Shabert Beckham looked at Li Zedao and said, "John...I think it's time for me to prepare dinner..."

"Oh, you go, I'll chat with Mr. God of Gamblers." Li Zedao laughed.

Chabert Beckham smiled: "That couldn't be better."

"Dear Mr. Cooking God, I can't wait to taste the delicious food you made." Stevenson said with a smile.

"Haha, that's my honor, please wait for about an hour." Chabert Beckham shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

After Shabert Beckham left, the atmosphere naturally became somewhat cold. After all, the two sides were not familiar with each other at all. More importantly, Stevenson suspected that the identity of this young man was not just Shabert Beckham. His cousin is as simple as that, because he can feel it, the eyes of Shabert Beckham looking at him are full of... respect!

Yes, respect!

Where can a person who can be respected by God of Cooking be so simple? But this face is so strange, at least Stevenson has never seen it before.

If it was just an ordinary nephew of Shabert Beckham, Stevenson could have a chat with him as an elder, but the situation is abnormal now, so he can't.

Li Zedao took the initiative to provoke a topic. He looked at Stevenson and smiled slightly and asked, "Mr. God of Gamblers, may I ask you a question?"

"Oh, please tell me." Stevenson nodded and smiled. People who can be respected by God of Cooking naturally have a lot of background, so Stevenson will not foolishly say that you can call me "uncle" Here comes the nonsense.

Philip on the side looked at his father curiously, because his father was rarely so polite to others. Could it be because the other party was Uncle Shabert's nephew?

"You are the God of Gamblers with the Little King poker card in your hand. What I want to know is, who is the other God of Gamblers with the Big King poker card in your hand?" Li Zedao expressed his doubts.

Stevenson looked at Li Zedao with strange eyes.

"Oh, Mr. God of Gamblers, is it convenient to say?"

"Oh, of course not." Stevenson shook his head and said, "Actually, the King of Poker cards are now in the hands of the World Gambling Association."

"Oh, then who was its previous owner?" Alice asked curiously. The king poker card in the hands of the World Gambling Association means that the previous owner of the trump card has passed away, or the trump card is returned to the world gambling circle and then announced to withdraw from the gambling circle

"I think you all have heard the name of the God of Gamblers who owned the big trump card before." Stevenson looked at Li Zedao and Alice, and then his breathing became short of breath, as if it took a lot of muster to say the name. like courage.

"The hand of God." He finally spoke, word by word.

"..." Li Zedao and Alice looked at each other, and both of them could see the slightly twitching face of the other party. Even if they were killed, they would never have expected that Master would be the God of Gamblers with the King of Kings!

Li Zedao really didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this time. It seemed that there was no field that Master could not conquer, right?

When he was a student, he got a perfect score in the college entrance examination that was unprecedented!

When he was a martial arts master, he was recognized as the number one master in the world!

When he was a man, a large group of beauties chased after him!

When he was a handsome guy, other men would feel ashamed when they saw his face for no reason.

When he was a businessman, he created a huge business empire!

When he was an explorer, he casually found out the treasure of Abdullah, the king of sand robbers thousands of years ago, and casually climbed Mount Everest for a vacation!

When he was the Hand of God, the mysterious FC organization joined forces with the Rothschild family, the Luciano family, and the Ito family of the island country to suppress him.

When he was a chef, a random white steamed bun moved God of Cooking to tears.

When he was a gambler, he held the king of trump cards in his hand...


It's true that there are legends about him everywhere!

"God took the initiative to return the trump card after that?" Li Zedao asked after he realized it.

"Oh, yes, about half a year ago, God's Hand found Mr. Gurney, the chairman of the United Gambling Association, and he didn't say why he wanted to quit the gambling industry. He just looked at Mr. Gurney and smiled, and then threw the ace Left after Mr. Gurney's desk," Stevenson said.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, thinking that Master is really capricious.

"Later, Mr. Gurney and the others held a meeting, and everyone unanimously passed a decision, that is, to keep the king's trump card away and not distribute it to others, because, except for the hand of God, no one is qualified to own the king's trump card!"

"...Is his gambling skills really that strong?" Li Zedao said with difficulty. I thought to myself that the master didn't make such a decision because he frightened them by beating them up?

"Oh, yes, God's hand's gambling skills have reached the point where gods and ghosts are crying." As if remembering something terrible, Stevenson's tone was trembling, and his expression was very bitter, " When I face other poker players, I have never been defeated. Even if I face Pete who holds a king of spades, no matter what I bet, I can win, but when facing the hand of God, he is crushed. The form of pressing defeated me..."

Stevenson smiled bitterly: "Actually, at the beginning, the trump card of the king was actually in my hand, and then the hand of God appeared, and he challenged me as a novice with no reputation in the gambling world, and then I was instantly killed, no matter which one I played, whether it was blackjack, stud, dice, etc., I was completely defeated, without any power to fight back."

"..." Li Zedao and Alice were dumbfounded. They knew that Master was amazing, but they didn't expect him to be so awesome!

Stevenson, who is also a gambler, was crushed into a scum by him!

No wonder, when he talked about Master, he had such an expression and such tone, he was afraid of being beaten!

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