The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1202 My driving skills are very good

The dinner was very sumptuous, but the sumptuous dinner could not completely shut the mouth of the God of Gamblers Stevenson... His flattery hit Shabert Beckham one after another.

Of course, it's not all flattery, but more heartfelt words.

Shabert Beckham's expression was slightly awkward and nervous, looking at Li Zedao from time to time.

Li Zedao smiled and said that the taste was good and he was satisfied, and he smiled happily like a three-year-old child who was praised by the teacher.

This scene naturally fell into Stevenson's eyes unreservedly, so he was even more curious about the identity of this strange young man.

After finishing the dinner carefully cooked by the chef Saubert Beckham, Stevenson lingered for a while, and made an agreement with Saubert Beckham that he would personally come over to invite him to his restaurant the next afternoon. The manor began to prepare all kinds of gourmet desserts that need to be prepared for the engagement banquet.

Chabert Beckham said no problem and said he would take his nephew John and Beyoncé with him.

Stevenson looked at this young man who seemed very mysterious to him, and said with a smile that of course there was no problem.

Nothing to say all night.

In the afternoon of the second day, a black Mercedes parked outside Chabert Beckham's estate, followed by another Mercedes, the third was a stretched Rolls-Royce, and the fourth The first is still a stretched Rolls-Royce, and the fifth and sixth are still Mercedes-Benz.

The God of Gamblers Stevenson came to pick up Saubert Beckham to his manor, but the formation was a bit bigger. Of course, it can be seen from this that he has great respect for the God of Cooking, Saubert Beckham. The emphasis on...or, in other words, the emphasis on safety.

Except for the two Rolls-Royces that did not move, the doors of the other four Mercedes slammed open. Then one by one tall men in black scattered around, looking around with vigilance. In addition, two men in black stood on either side of the front Rolls-Royce door, offering to help open the rear door.

God of Gamblers Stevenson got out of the car. Unlike yesterday, the palm of his left hand was wrapped in a bandage, and it looked like he was injured.

Glancing at the vigilant black-clothed bodyguards scattered around, he said, "Oh, damn it, relax a bit, no one dares to act wild around Mr. Chef's manor."

So, the group of black-clothed bodyguards who had been domineering and murderous just now relaxed for a while, but they still didn't dare to relax too much and remained vigilant, as if a bullet would fly over at any time.

The iron gate of the manor courtyard was opened, and Shabert Beckham came out.

Li Zedao and Alice followed behind. The three of them were originally drinking tea in the garden, and when they saw the motorcade approaching, they came out to greet them.

"Oh, Stevenson, my friend, you are..." Sabert Beckham was really surprised when he saw the opponent's formation.

As Stevenson, it was normal to bring bodyguards with him when he went out. What was abnormal was that the number of bodyguards was more than double than usual, and they all looked like they were facing an enemy.

"Oh, my God, your hand..." Shabert Beckham discovered that Stevenson's left hand was wrapped in a bandage. For professional gamblers, hands are undoubtedly their eating tools, so it is conceivable that Stevenson usually pays attention to protecting his hands, but now he has injured his hands.

"Oh, there's nothing serious about it, it's just that the bullets scratched the skin." Stevenson said with a smile. Although his tone was relaxed, everyone could feel the murderous look in his tone.

Shabert Beckham frowned slightly: "Oh, my God, you mean... bullets?"

"Oh, yes, my friend, Philip and I were ambushed on the way back from you yesterday. I'm okay, but I was scratched by a bullet. Philip was shot in the calf in order to save me. Luckily It's nothing serious." Stevenson said grimly.

"Oh, this is really terrible." Shabert Beckham waved his hands with an ugly face and said, "It's too dangerous, so you shouldn't come to pick me up, just call me and explain the situation, I will Just go by yourself."

Stevenson said with a smile: "How can that be? You are a chef. It is not easy to invite you. Naturally, I have to come and invite you in person, but..."

Speaking of Stevenson's expression became a little gloomy, he pointed to the bodyguards and said, "The people who ambushed me last night have no clue yet, who knows if they will attack again? So Shabert, In order not to affect you, I think we have to drive away, I will leave first, and they will send you to my manor safely."

Shabert Beckham nodded, and glanced back at Li Zedao.

Whether his own bad luck will be affected or not, he actually cares more about Mr. John being affected and injured, and he will be guilty at that time, so he thinks that Stevenson's arrangement is actually good.

Having said that, Shabert Beckham is a chef. He used to just want to cook quietly, but now he just wants to learn how to cook quietly under the guidance of Mr. John, so he wanders in the upper class , but didn't want to join any force, and didn't want to be involved in the hatred of any force.

"Just go there together, there is no need to go separately." Li Zedao said.

Shabert Beckham was a little worried: "Here, John..."

"Uncle Shabert, it's okay." Li Zedao said with a smile, "I believe that even if something happens, the bodyguards of Mr. God of Gamblers will protect us. Besides, something may happen, right?"

"Oh, young man, I think it's better to go separately, because I really can't guarantee that those damned guys will ambush me again, let alone ensure the absolute safety of you and Mr. Chef God after being ambushed." Stevenson looked at this mysterious young man whom Shabert Beckham valued and respected very much and said with a wry smile.

Given the importance that Shabert Beckham attached to him, Stevenson didn't dare to let him make any mistakes because of himself, but he just became more and more curious about this young man in his heart.

"Oh, it's okay, even if we are really ambushed, we can protect ourselves, don't worry." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"This..." Stevenson looked away from Li Zedao and landed on Shabert Beckham.

Seeing that there was no way to change Mr. John's mind, Saubert Beckham didn't dare to dissuade him any more. He nodded immediately and said, "Stevenson, let's go together."

"Oh, God, please bless Teacher John." He could only pray silently in his heart.

"But...can I drive?" Li Zedao pointed to one of the Rolls-Royces with an extremely embarrassed look, "I've never driven such a nice car before."


"Don't worry, my driving skills are very good." Li Zedao added seeing that Shabert Beckham and Stevenson were staring at him with wide-eyed eyes.


In the end, Shabert Beckham gave Stevenson a look, and Stevenson quickly looked at Li Zedao and said, "Oh, of course it's all right... I'm sorry to trouble you."

Shabert Beckham went back to the room, intending to get his frequently used knives. Stevenson was really itchy as if there was a cat's paw scratching there. He followed him in and asked in a low voice: "Sand Bert, my friend, who is that young man? I don't believe he's your nephew."

Shabert Beckham smiled wryly, and then said in a low voice: "I know I can't hide it from you, but I told you, don't tell it. Teacher John likes to keep a low profile, and I don't want to make him angry."

Stevenson's eyes widened suddenly: "Teacher? Oh, Chabert, you call him... Teacher?"

"Oh, yes, Mr. John's cooking skills are much better than mine, and I'm learning how to cook from him now." Chabert Beckham said very much.

"..." Stevenson's eyeballs suddenly rounded.

A few minutes later, Li Zedao got into one of the Rolls Royce and acted as the driver, while Alice chose to sit in the co-pilot's seat.

As for Shabert Beckham and Stevenson, they were sitting in the back row...

Both of them were extremely restless. Chabert Beckham was worried that those guys who planned to kill Stevenson would hurt Mr. John.

But Stevenson was still in a turbulent heart, and he felt that his outlook on life had been seriously distorted.

This young man who looked younger than his son Philip turned out to be the teacher of God of Cooking? The dishes he made were even more delicious than those made by God of Cooking? The stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers he made was so delicious that God of Cooking cried after eating it?

Stevenson knew that Chabert Beckham didn't need to degrade himself to elevate others, so it's true! Then, he really wanted to taste the stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers that moved the God of Cooking to tears, to see what kind of taste it was.

At the moment, the two Mercedes-Benz in the front cleared the way, the two Rolls-Royces in the middle followed closely, and the two Mercedes-Benz rear guards in the rear. The luxury convoy of six cars rushed towards the suburban manor of God of Gamblers Stevenson.

The city of Las Vegas is a basin surrounded by dry and arid mountains, surrounded by deserts, so the climate is extremely dry, but drought does not mean that it does not rain.

Since the morning, the sky has been gray, and now it is dark, and it is about to rain.

And when the car was approaching the suburbs, there was a roar of the engine from far to near, and soon, a heavy earthmoving truck appeared in sight, occupying half of the lane, but the speed was normal, so the car at the beginning There was nothing wrong with it, and the convoy continued to drive forward.

But at this moment, another heavy-duty earth-moving truck came out from behind the rear of the previous earth-moving truck, and then the cars lined up side by side and accelerated together, all of a sudden, the convoy of six vehicles was blocked. Not to mention being blocked, it slammed into these six cars fiercely!

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