The worse thing was yet to come. Two heavy-duty earth-moving trucks flew out from the side of the road, directly blocking the back road of the convoy, and crashing into the buttocks of the two front Mercedes-Benz at a high speed.

This is to crush these six luxury cars into iron sheets, and crush the people in the cars into flesh.

"Oh, damn it..." Even though God of Gamblers Stevenson has seen many storms and waves, and has been on the verge of life and death several times, but now seeing such a situation, he even smelled death, That face was already pale.

Shabert Beckham, who has been sought after by people all his life and has not formed any hatred with anyone, is respected and fawned on by God of Cooking no matter where he appears. The performance is even worse, with an expression of extreme panic and helplessness. , I was so scared that bean-sized cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

He really regretted it in his heart, why didn't he bite the bullet and persuade Mr. John?

Then, he looked at Mr. John, only to see Mr. John smiling, with a very bright smile on his face.

Oh my God, he was laughing, he could still laugh?

For the first time, Shabert Beckham had the idea of ​​disrespecting his teacher. He thought that Teacher John was crazy!

Then, Shabert Beckham saw Teacher John turn around.

"Sit still." Li Zedao said, then slammed on the brakes and turned the steering wheel violently.

Alice was still sitting firmly in the co-pilot's seat, and was not affected by Li Zedao's sudden brake and change of direction.

But the two "weak men", Shabert Beckham and Stevenson, were in a terrible situation. One couldn't be caught off guard, and the two of them fell on the back seat of the Rolls-Royce one after another. Vincent was below, and Chabert Beckham was on top of him, and the two looked at each other even more.

Then, Stevenson became extremely nauseous in an instant, because there were some rumors about Saubert Beckham outside, and the rumors said that Mr. Chef God is a gay... Oh, my God, I am being suppressed by a gay now ...

And at the moment when he was disgusted, the Rolls-Royce turned 90 degrees handsomely on the spot, and then, like an angry cheetah, it slammed into the guardrail on the side of the road, and then headed towards the pothole. The place flew past.

And the moment the Rolls-Royce flew out, a series of extremely dissonant and piercing impact sounds sounded, and the leading Mercedes-Benz couldn't dodge at all, and collided with each other all at once.

This Mercedes-Benz, which has been modified and equipped with high-strength armor and bulletproof,

In front of heavy earthmoving vehicles running at high speed, it becomes extremely fragile.

After the head-on collision, the Mercedes-Benz flew upside down and slammed into the Mercedes-Benz that was following him.

Then, the Rolls-Royce and two Mercedes-Benz, which were following closely behind, also collided one after another.

However, even though the situation was so dire, the four earth-moving trucks still pinched back and forth and continued to crush forward. Seeing that the five trucks were completely deformed, one of them even caught fire, billowing thick smoke, and at any time There may be an explosion, and even if the people in the car are still alive, they may not be far from death.

On the other hand, although Li Zedao was extremely calm and had excellent driving skills, after encountering such an ambush that was clearly planned in advance, he drove through the guardrail by the side of the road in a thrilling manner, and then rushed into the pothole , gallop forward, but this does not mean that it is out of danger.

Because, another pickup truck appeared from behind, frantically chasing the Rolls Royce that was running forward in front, and there were even two people sitting on the pickup truck, each holding a gun in their hands, frantically chasing the Rolls Royce in front of it. strafing.

That is to say, the other party made a two-handed arrangement. The four fast-moving earth-moving trucks were the first step, but the other party was obviously worried that any car would get away with it, and the one that escaped might be Stevenson. Just sit in it... Who said that Stevenson must sit in a Rolls-Royce, and he can't sit in a Mercedes-Benz?

Therefore, the other party will not let go of any car, they must ensure that all the people in the six cars are dead!

"Dear God of Gamblers, who have you offended, who actually put on such a big fight to kill you?" Li Zedao turned his head and swept God of Gamblers Steven who had already sat up while he was running away in the car. Sen asked with a glance.

Because this Rolls-Royce is bulletproof, even though the gunshots are extremely dense and the bullets are flying over desperately, Li Zedao is not worried at all that the bullets will pierce the car body and fly in. The only thing that should be worried is which bullet does not have eyes It's a bit of a tragedy when the tire breaks.

However, the performance of the cars of both parties is there after all, and Li Zedao's driving skills are superb, so he pulled the pickup truck away bit by bit, but the other party was obviously unwilling to give up and chased after him.

Stevenson stared at Li Zedao with wide-eyed eyes, his face was pale and he was panting heavily, and he hadn't been able to fully react from the shock and fear. He knew that if it wasn't for this mysterious young man who was in danger The stability of the car is so good, the only fate of this car now is that it will be knocked into the air, crushed, or even catch fire and explode just like the other five cars...

"I...I don't know..." He opened his mouth, but his voice was trembling. Whether it was the bloody attack, the pickup truck that was following closely and the bullets that were constantly shooting over, and Li Zedao's current calm expression, they all seriously stimulated his nerves.

"Mr. John..." God of Cooking desperately followed his saliva, trying to calm himself down. He never thought that Mr. John, who is so skilled in cooking, has such a powerful side. No wonder he wants to drive... It's not because he really wants to drive, but because if he doesn't drive, he might not be attacked if he is attacked chance of escape.

"Oh, you don't have to worry, they will be dealt with soon." Alice turned her head and said with a smile, taking such a dangerous and tragic scene to heart at all, and then looked at Li Zedao with tender and ambiguous eyes, "Is it? Honey?"

"Oh, yes." Li Zedao smiled.

Stevenson and Saubert Beckham's faces were flushed and hot, and he was ashamed of their current reaction.

Even though they were not afraid of such a sexy and beautiful girl, they were almost frightened.

"Two, sit still, I'm going to drive a bumper car." Li Zedao's mouth curled up in a very strange way.

Hearing what he said, Shabert Beckham and Stevenson were startled again, and they quickly grabbed the armrest tightly... Especially Stevenson, he didn't want to be caught by Shabert Beckham. Beckham has pressed once, even if it is pressed on him, it is an unacceptable thing!

Then, the Rolls-Royce, which was rushing forward, came to a sudden stop, and then the huge and heavy car body turned more than 180 times on the spot, and then hit the rushing pickup truck against the bullets. past.

Li Zedao stared at the pickup truck rushing forward, his eyes were red, and his eyes were as cold as ice skates.

The other party wants to kill the God of Gamblers Stevenson, Li Zedao actually has no control over it, and he doesn't want to. Who knows if this Stevenson did something crazy, such as betting with someone and betting on someone else? Daughter or wife or even old mother...

But he was in the car with Alice and Salbert Beckham, and the other party was indiscriminate and wanted to kill the three of them... Well, Li Zedao forgot, it was he who insisted on getting in the car of.

But no matter what, the hostility in Li Zedao's heart has been aroused, making his body blood boil!

Speed ​​up, speed up, speed up!

He gave full play to the speed potential of the car, facing the bullet without fear and rammed into the speeding pickup truck! If it was a heavy-duty earth-moving truck on the opposite side, Li Zedao wouldn't foolishly bump into it, but it was just a pickup truck, and Li Zedao didn't believe that his Rolls-Royce wearing body armor couldn't beat the opponent!

"Oh, Teacher John..." Shabert Beckham exclaimed. In fact, when Li Zedao asked them to sit still again, he didn't really understand what Teacher John wanted to do, but now Teacher John was rushing towards each other crazily! If it really hits, there is only one ending...the car crashes and people die.

During the high-speed running of more than two hundred and ten yards, the body of the car has already produced an unstable center of gravity. Not to mention hitting a car running at the same high speed, even hitting a tree will have extremely terrifying consequences.

They can't survive!

"Oh my god... what the hell are you going to do... my god..." Stevenson's voice was almost screaming, as if the ass had burst.

Alice's eyes twinkling like stars were full of excitement, and she shouted: "Oh, dear, you are so handsome, I love you to death..."

"..." The two "gods" sitting in the back row, who were almost fainted from fright, lost their minds after hearing this... Why is she so excited without being scared at all?

Li Zedao had a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were staring at him coldly.

At the same time, the two gunmen on the rushing pickup truck also stopped shooting. After all, the bullets could not hit that car at all. Besides, the two cars might collide with each other, and they were also afraid Ah, so they held on tightly, staring nervously at the roaring luxury car.

And the black driver who drove the pickup truck saw that the other party was so arrogant, and the viciousness of his body was suddenly aroused!

"Oh, I don't believe you dare to bump into it!" He had an extremely cruel smile on his face.

Three hundred meters... two hundred meters...

The black's eyeballs stared at the opposite side, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead without knowing it. The lunatic who was driving a Rolls Royce still had no intention of turning the steering wheel to escape! He really wants to die together?

One hundred meters, the distance is infinitely close...

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