The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1204 stupid decision

In the car, the black driver was already dripping with sweat, and his face showed panic. He was sure that the other party would definitely dodge first, but now... the other party really wanted to die together!

The two gunmen on the pick-up truck were even more terrified while yelling loudly over there while holding onto the car: "**... Downs... Get out of the way..."

"Madman... madman..."

This is tantamount to putting their lives in the hands of others, so the fear they show is naturally worse than that of black drivers.

Hearing the rushing and frightening roar of the two companions, and feeling the death-like oppression brought by the Rolls-Royce directly in front, the black driver was about to vomit, and he couldn't bear the pressure brought by death anymore. Feeling the pressure, he frantically turned the steering wheel to the left with both hands.


The front of the pickup truck turned sharply to the right quickly, but it was still a step slower, and the front of the Rolls-Royce driven by Li Zedao hit the pickup truck hard.

Then, the pickup suddenly jumped on the spot, and the whole body rolled in mid-air, and finally fell heavily to the ground. The two gunmen in the car were ruthlessly thrown up, and fell heavily on the ground. On the ground, I don't know if he is dead or not, but it is considered light if he falls.

At the same time, the Rolls-Royce driven by Li Zedao completed a 180-degree turn on the spot, and then stopped steadily.

"Stupid!" Li Zedao glanced at the overturned pickup truck, and cursed with a cold smile.

"Mr. God of Gamblers, you can call your people to come over." Li Zedao looked back at Stevenson who was almost out of fright and said.

In fact, before departure, except for the Rolls-Royce driven by Li Zedao, there were four people in the other five cars, and there was actually only one driver in the remaining five cars. In the Beckham estate.

This is also what Li Zedao requested!

When Li Zedao made such a request before getting in the car, Stevenson naturally rejected it. He felt that the mysterious and strange young teacher, God of Cooking, was simply making fun of his safety. .

However, as Li Zedao's number one brainless fan, Chabert Beckham basically got what Li Zedao said, so under the pressure of Chabert Beckham, Stevenson had to agree with Li Zedao's decision.

And now, it turns out,

Li Zedao was right, if those bodyguards were still in the car, they would all be dead by now, not just five drivers.

Before Stevenson could react, Li Zedao opened the door and got out of the car. Then, with his hands in his pockets, he wobbled towards the overturned pickup.

At the same time, the door of the pickup truck was pushed open, and the black driver climbed out with great difficulty.

He stood still, reached out his hand to wipe away the blood that blocked his vision from the corner of his eyes, then stared fixedly at Li Zedao who was coming, and roared in a low voice, like a wounded hungry wolf: "Oh , damn, damn, ****... why don't you hide?"

"Because you have already avoided it." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said it as a matter of course. It is nothing more than a competition to see who is more courageous and who is more afraid of death, the result is clear at a glance.

"You knew I would hide?" the black driver stared at Li Zedao violently and asked. Because he knows that people are afraid of death. Even if this guy is not afraid of death himself, the target gambling god Stevenson is also in the car with a high probability. Is it possible that Stevenson is not afraid of death? Stevenson didn't stop him? Or, did Stevenson trust him so much that he was willing to gamble his own life with this crazy lunatic?

Well, the black driver seemed to regard Li Zedao as one of Stevenson's bodyguards.

This is also the reason and basis he dared to gamble with the other party, but he never expected that the ending would be so cruel.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders, saying that this is not nonsense? Then said: "Well, you can tell me who sent you to try to kill Mr. Stevenson."

"I won't tell you anything...even, I won't let you escape again." The black driver said viciously, and he had already pulled out his pistol, pointing it at Li Zedao's head.

"You made a very stupid decision just now, it seems that you are going to make an even more stupid decision now." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

The black driver didn't understand, how could it be a stupider decision for him to put the gun on the other person's forehead?

"Bang!" The gun rang.

While the black driver's eyes widened instantly, his body trembled, and the pistol in his hand slipped and fell heavily to the ground.

There was already a bloody gunshot hole on his right arm, and the blood was constantly spraying out.

Looking up with a painful expression, I saw a sexy and hot woman standing in front of the Rolls-Royce a few meters away. Yan, said in a cold voice: "Oh, I really don't like it when you point your gun at the man I love... Oh, don't move, if you move, the bullet will go into your head next time."

The black driver didn't dare to move casually anymore, he originally wanted to run.

In the car, Stevenson and Sabert Beckham stared at this scene with great difficulty.

"Oh, Chabert...he is really a top chef..." Stevenson asked in a low voice with difficulty. Saying that he is a car god, no one would object, right? And this woman... Oh, my God, she doesn't even frown when she shoots. How can such a person be an ordinary person?

Shabert Beckham shook his head very hard. He didn't know the specific origins of Teacher John and Mrs. Alice. He just heard from Teacher John that he was of mixed race and his father ran a small Chinese restaurant. , He grew up in the kitchen since he was a child... Chabert Beckham felt that if he believed this kind of rhetoric, he would really be a big fool!

How could the son of an unknown little chef have the ability to make such a delicious dish? How could it be possible to drive so well? In the face of danger, he is so calm and calm, and even dares to play bumper cars with others? They don't regard this danger as a danger at all!

A phone call from Stevenson came out, and the bodyguard who had saved his life from staying at the Chabert Beckham Manor rushed over quickly. At this time, the four heavy-duty earth-moving vehicles had no idea where they were going. All that was left was the pile of burning scrap iron in the middle of the road, and the five drivers inside didn't even need to look at them, they were all dead.

Those bodyguards were lucky to have saved their lives there. If they had been in the car when the incident happened, they would have ended up like those drivers now, so they looked at Li Zedao standing over there with eyes full of tears. Full of gratitude.

Afterwards, someone will take care of cleaning up the scene. Naturally, someone will "take care" of the black driver and the other two gunmen who were left behind, and then dig out some useful things from their mouths.

Therefore, Li Zedao and the others continued to go to Stevenson's manor, but this time Li Zedao did not drive, because he knew that there would be no second attack.

And Stevenson and Shabert Beckham got into another car, giving Li Zedao and Alice a space to be alone...Of course, these two old men who were frightened couldn't understand each other. I want to have a good talk with each other.

In less than 20 hours, he was contacted and attacked twice. The first time his son Philip was shot, this time it was even more dangerous. If it wasn't for the mysterious teacher of Shabert Beckham It's so awesome that Leng turned the whole situation around by himself. I'm afraid he has already gone to see God by now.

Therefore, the God of Gamblers was naturally extremely angry, and he was bound to dig out that bastard who wanted his life.

Finally, the car drove into a big iron gate that looked like a work of art. Behind the big iron gate was a huge garden, which was as big as half a football field. There were many kinds of Li Zedao planted in the garden. The unnamed flowers and trees, even because of a few symbolic raindrops just now, these flowers and plants are still covered with water droplets, looking full of vitality.

In the middle of the garden is a straight road paved with marble, and at the end of the road stands a luxurious villa with a white dome covering a very large area.

As soon as the car stopped, two young men in black suits stepped forward and opened the doors of the two cars, one in front and the other in the back.

Li Tedao, Alice, Stevenson and Chabert Beckham got out of the car one by one, and then Stevenson walked up to Li Tedao and said respectfully: "Mr. John, Miss Beyoncé, please come inside."

Now Li Zedao's identity is not just as simple as the teacher of Mr. Chef God, but also his savior. The ability he displayed is even more palpitating, so Stevenson showed his greatest respect.

"Sabert, sir, please." Stevenson made another gesture of invitation to Chabert Beckham, and then led the way. A group of people walked into the room that was younger than Chabert Beckham I don't know how many times more luxurious the villa is in the big villa. From this, it can be seen that Mr. Chef God is actually very low-key at ordinary times.

After entering the villa, what appeared in front of him was a huge hall.

In the center of the hall is a spiral staircase, the entire staircase is made of stone, whether it is carved or painted, it is very exquisite.

"Several, please go this way." Stevenson led Li Zedao and the others into the living room next to them.

At the same time, there were several young men and women sitting in the living room, and one of the sexy, hot and beautiful young women jumped on Stevenson immediately after seeing him.

"Oh, my dear, you are finally back. I heard that you were attacked again on the way back. I was so worried."

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