"Isn't that the famous Las Vegas fashionista De Sapp and his father, Mr. Tony?" a friend of Caroline sighed softly.

"Oh, it's Mr. Tony, he is also the vice-chairman of the World Gambling Association." A man sighed softly, "The status in the association is second only to the chairman Mr. Gurney, and it is said that he is expected to be Mr. Gurney's successor." people."

"Oh, Desap, he looks so stylish and stylish." Another girl's eyes began to burn.

"It's really fashionable. Every time he dresses up, he can lead a trend for many people to imitate..."

"Oh, yes, I heard that he is still the king of gamblers, and he holds a poker card of hearts K..."

"He is also considered the most promising gambling master to take over the big and small trump cards from the God of Gamblers..."

Philip looked at Tony and De Sapp and his son who came over, his brows were darkly frowned, and there was already a bad feeling in his heart, those who came were not kind, and those who were kind did not come, although this Desap had a weird personality and even Some people think that he is an unscrupulous psychopath, but it is undeniable that he is also a genius, and his father is afraid that he will suffer.

Li Zedao listened to those people discussing in low voices over there, basically they were flattery or worship, and some even expressed their love nakedly. His heart was really trampled by hundreds of grass mud horses. This kind of dress is actually a fashionista leading the trend? Li Zedao really couldn't complain about the two hundred and five's attire, let alone complain about the eyes of these people.

However, in Li Zedao's view, the other identity of the two hundred and five, who was making noise rather than personality, shocked Li Zedao a little. He didn't expect that he actually held a card of hearts k in his hand, that is to say , except for the two gods of gamblers who have big and small aces, his strength ranks second, second only to the spade k.

Even if his father Tony is the vice chairman of the World Gambling Association, it is impossible to hand over such a big card to his son so blatantly, right? So this two hundred and five still has the strength to match the heart k.

Then Li Zedao suddenly felt that it was normal for these women to have such vision and taste, because there was a glittering golden label on the forehead of this two hundred and five...money!

My father is the vice-chairman of the World Gambling Association, and he himself holds the Heart K poker card, and gambling itself is an extremely profitable industry, so the last thing his family lacks is money!

The servant walked over slowly with Tony and Desap who was still twisting his body and humming something.

When Tony saw Shabert Beckham sitting over there,

So he quickened his pace and walked over, stretched out his hand, looked at Sabert Beckham with a smile and said, "Oh, Mr. Chef God, good evening."

"Good evening, Mr. Tony." Saubert Beckham stood up, stretched out his hand, shook hands with him and said with a smile.

Although Philip didn't have any affection for this family, especially the bastard Desap, he stood up and greeted respectfully: "Good evening, Uncle Tony."

"Oh, Philip, I heard you were injured, is it all right?" Tony asked with concern.

"God bless, nothing serious." Philip responded politely.

Tony nodded, looked at Caroline again and smiled, "Good evening, Miss Caroline."

"Hello, Mr. Tony." Caroline responded with a slight smile.

At that moment, Tony nodded politely to the others at the table, and then continued to walk into the villa under the leadership of the servant.

From beginning to end, De Sapp, who was following him, was twisting his body as if he had ADHD, humming something in his mouth, completely immersed in his own world, and didn't even look at these people .

And Tony was obviously used to his son's behavior for a long time, and there was no discomfort on his face.

After the father and son left, those women who had strange tastes but took it for granted continued to express their fascination with De Sapp's fashion, and Li Zedao whispered in Alice's ear: "How do you feel that he is Where is the madman?"

Alice giggled and said, "Oh, my dear, as far as I know, the guy holding the heart k poker card is indeed a lunatic. He was locked up by his father to learn various gambling skills since he was a child. So he's very withdrawn, he's always been in his own world and doing his own thing, he doesn't communicate with people, and he's got ADHD... as you just saw."

"The only thing that can calm him down is one thing..."

"Gambling?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, yes, dear, I heard that when he sat at the gaming table, he seemed to be a different person all of a sudden, with a very gloomy calm, not like what I see now. Such an exaggeration," Alice said.

"So." Li Zedao nodded.


According to Stevenson's request, the servant took Tony and De Sapp to Stevenson's study, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Stevenson's voice came from inside.

The servant gently opened the door, and gestured for Tony and De Sapp to come in.

"Oh, damn it, Desap, you can shut up now." Tony said, looking back at his son.

Desap didn't even look at his father, and continued to twist his body, but he also shut up and stopped humming.

The servant waited for the two to enter, and then gently closed the door.

"Good evening, Mr. Tony." Stevenson stood up and greeted him, and said with a smile, "Oh, I'm really sorry, my hand is hurt, so I can't shake hands with you."

"Oh, it's okay, Mr. Stevenson, we are old friends, we don't need to be so polite." Tony said with a smile.

"Please sit down." Stevenson smiled.

After the two sat down, De Sapp was still standing there, his body writhing with the music filling his ears, without even looking at Stevenson, still living in his own world... As for his What kind of world the world is, I am afraid that only he himself can know it, or maybe even he himself does not know it?

Of course, Stevenson also simply ignored this lunatic who seemed to him to be very out of the ordinary but extremely skilled in gambling and known as a gambling genius... Just like he usually ignores him.

"Mr. Tony, I don't want to come to visit me so late to say my best wishes?" Stevenson asked, then took out a cigar from the cigar box on the table, and used a pair of delicate scissors Cut it thinly.

Tony smiled and said, "Oh, this is the first thing, Mr. Stevenson, congratulations on your marriage and having a beautiful wife."

"Mr. Tony, thank you for your blessing, so... what about the second thing?" Stevenson smiled slowly, exhaling a puff of smoke.

He and this Mr. Tony have never dealt with each other that well, so he didn't believe that he came here specially to bless him.

"The second thing..." Tony looked back at his son Desap who was twisting his body over there, then turned his head and looked at Stevenson with a smile in his eyes and said, "Desap and As I said, he now has the strength of the little trump card."

Stevenson was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "Oh, Mr. Tony, we have known each other for decades, and I just now know that you are such a joking person..."

He admitted that this lunatic whose behavior and actions are completely different from ordinary people is a gambling genius. Three years ago, he was born like a comet, and then he got the K of Hearts poker card in one fell swoop. The hand of God many years ago, no one is more flamboyant and more eye-catching than this madman.

But if he can surpass himself in gambling skills... Stevenson thinks this is a joke, a big joke! Except for the hand of God that makes people feel powerless and even suicidal, Stevenson doesn't think anyone can defeat him!

"Oh, no, Mr. Stevenson, I'm serious." Tony interrupted Stevenson, looked at Stevenson with a serious and sincere expression, and said, "Desap really told me , I believe my son..."

Stevenson glanced at the psychopath who was still twisting his body tirelessly, and said with a sneer, "Mr. Tony means..."

"De Sapp wants to challenge you." Tony said the main purpose of his visit, "The bet is the trump card in your hand."

The other party is so straightforward, as if there is no pressure to beat you, Stevenson's expression is also a little displeased, after all, he is the God of Gamblers, and the God of Gamblers who owns the only Xiao Wang poker card is a The only god in the world, his status can be provoked, but he cannot be profaned!

He said coldly at the moment: "Oh, Mr. Tony, I think he should know the rules of the game better than me. If Desap loses..."

"The K of Hearts in his hand will be taken back, his professional gambler status will be revoked, and he will be banned from entering any casino for life." Tony said with a slight smile.

"Oh, of course, Mr. Stevenson, you can refuse." Tony shrugged and said, and then he also picked up the cigar on the table and trimmed it, "If you don't have the confidence to win."

"..." Knowing that the other party was aggressive, he said this on purpose, but Stevenson was still so angry that his lungs were about to explode. How could he refuse? In other words, how could he refuse?

If he really refuses, the fact that the God of Gamblers dare not accept the challenge of the gambling king De Sapp who owns the king of hearts will definitely spread throughout the gambling world, and he will lose face.

As for his lack of confidence in winning... what kind of international joke are you making?

He sneered at the moment and said: "Let's gamble, the bet is that the ace in my hand and the king of hearts in Desap's hand will be withdrawn and removed... Oh, Mr. Tony, one more gamble, I want Add some chips."

"Mr. Stevenson, tell me." Tony nodded.

"Five hundred million dollars." Stevenson held out a palm.

"Oh, no problem." Tony said with a smile.

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