The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1207 Heavenly King Gedihu

"Then let's start this gambling battle after the injury on your hand is healed." Tony glanced at Stevenson's hand and said with concern, "Now that your hand is injured, it will definitely be affected .”

Stevenson raised his bandaged right hand to look at it, then glanced at De Sap with a look of disdain and said, "Oh, thank you Mr. Tony for your concern, in fact, my injury is not a problem... Although this The bandaging seems a bit exaggerated, and it won't affect my level of performance...Of course, even if the injury is more serious, it won't affect it."

God of Gamblers is qualified to say such words that are so full of conceit!

"In that case, then...tomorrow?" Tony shrugged and asked Stevenson what he meant.

"Okay, let's do it at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Stevenson nodded and said, "The location is in my manor, and I want to finish this boring thing in my opinion quickly, because I still have I have to prepare for my engagement banquet... when the chairman of the association, Mr. Gurney, and a few other directors come to preside over the gamble?"

"Oh, of course, after leaving your place, I will visit Mr. Gurney and tell him about this matter. I think Mr. Gurney will be very willing to be the witness to preside over the game." Tony He nodded and said.

Stevenson nodded and smiled, "Oh, that would be great...Oh, yes, thank you, Mr. Tony, thank you for this gift!"

Personally destroy the most popular genius in recent years who owns the K of Hearts, and get 500 million US dollars. This is indeed a very good congratulatory gift for Stevenson who is going to hold an engagement banquet the day after tomorrow.

Tony didn't seem to be able to hear the provocation and sarcasm in the other party's words, and said with a smile: "Then it's settled, at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon... Oh, by the way, what does Stevenson want to bet on?" ? Dice? Poker or something else?"

"Then roll the know, I'm engaged the day after tomorrow, and I'm very busy, and the dice can shorten the time of the game a lot." Stevenson said with a smile, "Of course, you can also play other games , I will accompany you."

Tony looked back at his son Desap, nodded and said with a smile, "Then dice... Desap is best at dice."

"Oh, is that right? Coincidentally, me too." A puff of smoke came out of Stevenson's mouth, and under the cloud of smoke, Stevenson sneered.


Li Zedao's hand in his pocket vibrated, he took it out to have a look, and then whispered in Alice's ear, "I'm going to answer the phone."

Then rose and went to the dark and silent corner of the courtyard,

Picked up the phone.


Yanhuang's relieved voice came over: "The snake's head was sent back safely, those experts immediately inspected it, and now the result is out, it's true."

"If the instrument you gave me is fine, and if the engineer and the polar bear are fine, then the snake head shouldn't be fake." Li Zedao laughed.

Yanhuang smiled wryly, he could feel a lot of anger in Li Zedao's body, and also, no one would be in a good mood if his wife and children fell into the hands of the enemy or even his life and death were unknown.

"Do you want to say that the chief is very happy, and then want to reward me?" Li Zedao asked.

"Although there are many twists and turns, but the snake head was lost and recovered, the chief is indeed very happy and wants to reward you." Yanhuang said.

"Same as last time, let's convert it into cash." Li Zedao said, "Damn it, I remembered, it seems that the last reward has not been cashed yet, right?"

Yanhuang's throat seemed to be stuck by a fishbone, he was silent for a long time, and after a long time, he said, "I won't depend on you..."

"That's fine." Li Zedao said, "I have one more question."

"you say."

"How much can the reward be discounted this time?" Li Zedao asked.

"..." Yanhuang's breathing was a little short, can you, kid, talk about money? You kid still don't have a sense of honor as a soldier? Do you still have the spirit of dedication to the country and the people? vulgar!

"Be careful." Yanhuang said, and hung up the phone. If he didn't hang up the phone, he would curse at others.

Of course, if Yanhuang didn't take the initiative to hang up the phone, Li Zedao also wanted to hang up, because another call came in, this time it was from the shadow.

Li Zedao picked it up and said with a smile, "What? Missed me?"

"Big fool, why are you so narcissistic?" Shadow's disdainful voice came over, "Yeah, this genius girl misses you... wants to beat you to death with a whip."

"Go back and let you smoke." Li Zedao said dotingly. There is one sentence he didn't say, that is, if I can still go back.

In fact, even if there is a great chance to successfully infiltrate Deacon Manor, Li Zedao is not at all sure that he can get the security buckle from Mos Luciano, and he may even hang up directly.

So, this time, if they are lucky enough to return to Huaxia alive, Li Zedao is really willing to cooperate with Shadow to do some embarrassing things that only belong to the two of them... Oh, it is also negotiable for other women to join.

"...Damn it, big fool, why are you being so nice to me? It makes people feel so moved." Shadow was very moved, and then he said as if remembering something, "Damn it, it's not now When I am moved, I will be moved when I tell you that thing..."

Li Zedao's heart tightened slightly: "What's wrong with you? Or your other sister?"

"This genius girl is very good." Shadow said, "other than her elder sister, she really wants your body to be hungry and wants to use cucumbers, but she feels that cucumbers are not as good as you, so she is very entangled in everything else. Great……"

"..." Li Zedao was choked to death by Ying Ying's words, and then felt how important he was to them, well, he had to go back alive!

"It's Old Wang." Shadow said.

Li Zedao's heart twitched suddenly: "Master..."

"Just now, when the talented and beautiful girl was appreciating Mr. Hatano's new film with an artistic eye, she suddenly remembered that Lao Wang asked me to tell you that if one day you go to Las Vegas, you can go to Find a guy named Stevenson... Damn, aren’t you in Las Vegas right now? So I’ll call you immediately.”

Li Zedao's mind froze for a few seconds, and then he said with some difficulty: "Is the Stevenson you are talking about the God of Gamblers Stevenson who owns Xiaowang playing cards?"

"Damn, big fool, you know him too? It seems that you are not so ignorant." Shadow snorted, "Old Wang said, he has something in Stevenson's place, you can find it he wants."

"What?" Li Zedao took a deep breath and asked, his whole body was not calm.

Could it be that the master is really awesome to such an extent, he can still tell divination? Will speculate on the future? He calculated that he would come to Las Vegas one day, and that he would meet God of Gamblers Stevenson, so he made some arrangements in advance?

"Guess." Shadow said.


"Damn it, that's how Lao Wang answered this talented girl." Shadow hummed dissatisfied. At that time, she asked Lao Wang curiously what it was, and what popped out of Lao Wang's mouth was These two words.

"...Okay." Li Zedao said with difficulty.

"Oh, Lao Wang also said that when you find Stevenson, you can tell him the code... Heavenly King Gai Dihu, I am two hundred and five... Damn it, you are two hundred and five, big fool, your whole family It's two hundred and five, bah bah... It's not a beautiful girl who is a genius, anyway, remember to say it in Chinese, and then that guy will understand what it means." Shadow explained.

Li Zedao's expression was slightly messed up, you two hundred and five! I just remembered this now, if I hadn't intervened, Mr. God of Gamblers would have turned into meat by now, okay?


With the departure of Tony and Desup, the gambler Desup, who is holding a heart k poker card, has the strangest personality, the most fashionable clothes, and feels the loneliest and even crazy. He is going to the manor of the God of Gamblers. The news of challenging the authority of the God of Gamblers Stevenson was spread immediately, and then spread all over the world within a short period of time.

Yes, it's all over the world, not just Las Vegas. It can be said that the entire gambling world is boiling.

This is the game between the king of gamblers who is second in flower cards but whose gambling skills are not inferior to the king of spades in flower cards, and the god of gamblers who has an ace of cards. It can be said to be a major event in the gambling world! Even if the two parties in the gambling war do not request it, those bigwigs from the Gambling Federation will still feel itchy and ask to watch, not to mention that Tony, the vice chairman of the Gambling Federation, went to Chairman Gurney's home to invite him to host the gambling battle!

However, even though the entire gambling world has completely boiled over, they all showed extremely high interest in tomorrow's gambling battle. Did the King of Gamblers get promoted to the God of Gamblers with the Xiaowang playing cards in the hands of the God of Gamblers, or did the God of Gamblers easily let him go? The God of Gamblers has fallen? Stevenson, one of the parties involved, was neither excited nor nervous. Even in his opinion, this was a very boring gambling battle with no suspense in the outcome.

After seeing off Tony and his son, he returned to the dining table, first expressed his apologies to Li Zedao and Shabert Beckham, and continued to drink and chat happily with them.

Li Zedao looked at Stevenson with a strange look in his eyes. He was really curious how the master guessed that he would come to Las Vegas one day, and he was even more curious about what the master gave to Stevenson. Yes, and set up such a weird secret code...

Li Zedao asked about the attack this time. After all, three people were captured alive, so he must ask something, right?

Regarding this matter, Stevenson didn't want to hide anything from this mysterious young man who saved his life and the lives of a dozen bodyguards by himself, so he said with a hint of anger on his face: "My bodyguard called me Yes, I dug a little thing out of their mouths, but it is of no value... They are members of a certain mercenary group, and they use other people's money to do things for others. Fifteen million dollars for my life."

Stevenson said grimly: "No matter who it is, I will make him pay a painful price."

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