Feeling that a murderous look in front of God of Cooking and this mysterious and powerful mysterious man is really not the way to treat guests, so Stevenson calmed down and said with a smile: "Oh, I think we should Let's talk about something fun..."

"The person you suspect?" Li Zedao asked.

"..." Stevenson was very helpless. If other people dared to slap him in the face like this, he would have lost his temper a long time ago, but he couldn't lose his temper when facing this young man... dare not !

Stevenson could never forget the scene that happened in the afternoon, how the young man turned into a car god and raced in the rain of bullets, and then even rammed into the opponent's car like a madman.

And his seemingly delicate, charming and sexy girlfriend, she doesn't even frown when she shoots. good.

In short, Stevenson became more and more curious about the identities of these two people, and he couldn't believe that this young man was just like what Shabert Beckham said, his father was a small chef who opened a restaurant or something.

He shook his head and said mockingly, "There are too many people who want me to see God, so I don't know which bastard did what happened last night and afternoon."

Seeing that Stevenson was not angry, but answered his question respectfully, the eyes of those people looking at Li Zedao became even hotter. The status of this young man in Stevenson's heart seems to be more than just a lifesaver. .

There are many saviors of Stevenson. For example, his bodyguards have saved his life many times, and some even lost their lives because of this. Stevenson just expressed his gratitude and sadness. After a while, he wouldn't be so polite at all, and even became respectful if he was too polite.

They even have a feeling that Mr. Chef God seems to be very respectful to this assistant chef!

Li Zedao nodded and ended the topic on his own initiative.

After Philip answered the phone, he looked at his father with wide eyes, and said in a tone of disbelief, "Oh, father, is that true?"

Everyone was a little curious when they saw Philip say such a sentence without thinking after answering the phone, and their eyes alternated back and forth between the two.

"Philip, what are you talking about?" Stevenson asked.

"The thing about your betting with Desap..." Philip said, "The whole gambling world is boiling now, it means that at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, you will gamble with that guy Desap in this manor,

Not only is the honor of both parties at stake, but there are also 500 million US dollars in chips..."

Everyone looked at Stevenson, and their eyes widened. They were all shocked by the 500 million US dollars, plus the inestimable honor of both parties... This can really be regarded as an achievement. What an epic gamble!

"Oh, it seems that Mr. Tony has already spread the news. That's what happened." Stevenson shrugged and said with a relaxed expression, "Just now Tony and his son Desap came over, and you Yes, I know, they actually came here to challenge me, and Desap wanted to challenge me, so I naturally accepted... just treat it as a congratulatory gift from them, wishing me and Caroline my upcoming engagement."

The two hundred and five just now came to challenge like the God of Gamblers? Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

Alice had explained to him some rules in the gambling world before. Every three years, except for the big and small aces, the other fifty-two poker cards would be reassigned to their owners.

And if you want to get the trump card to become the new God of Gamblers, you have to wait for the God of Gamblers to die or announce your withdrawal from the gambling world, or you challenge the God of Gamblers, the chip is the trump card in the opponent's hand.

It's just that the conditions are extremely harsh. If you win, you will naturally get the honor you deserve, but if you lose, the poker cards in your hand will be confiscated, or even directly entered into the blacklist, and you will be banned from gambling for life!

If that Erbaiwu is a lunatic who comes here to trouble the God of Gamblers as soon as his head gets hot, Li Zedao believes it, but Erbaiwu's father is not a lunatic, he is also the vice chairman of the World Gambling Association, and he is naturally familiar with these rules. My son messing around with me?

Therefore, the only reasonable explanation is that they are really sure of winning!

Li Zedao glanced at Stevenson, and found that he had a nonchalant expression on his face. He already knew that he didn't take this gambling battle to heart at all, and thought to himself that you should not capsize in the gutter, the title of God of Gamblers is gone. It's gone, but the 500 million dollars in chips... Li Zedao felt that he had seen a lot of money, but he couldn't help but tremble when he thought about it!

Philip's expression was a little worried: "Father, that guy Desap is certainly not your opponent. I'm just worried about your hand, will it affect your performance?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter, don't worry, Philip, no one can defeat me except the Hand of God who has the trump card." Stevenson said confidently.


After the dinner, Stevenson invited Shabert Beckham to his study to finally confirm the delicacies to be prepared for the engagement banquet the day after tomorrow. In fact, there is no need for Stevenson to worry about these things, let the housekeeper take care of them These things are fine, but Shabert Beckham is a chef, so he can't be invited casually. Isn't it too disrespectful for you to ask a housekeeper to chat with him?

As for Li Zedao and Alice, they returned to rest in the noble and gorgeous room that Stevenson had prepared for them.

Alice seemed very interested in having De Sapp betting against Stevenson. She looked at Li Zedao and said, "Honey, who do you think will win?"

"Two hundred and five..."

"Two hundred and five?"

"Oh, I gave that Desap a nickname." Li Zedao explained with a smile, "The simple explanation is people with brain problems."

Alice giggled and said, "Oh, that Desap is indeed... two hundred and five... Do you think he will win?"

"Having a brain problem doesn't mean he's brain-dead, and his father, who is the vice chairman of the Gambling Association, is even more so. Do you think they would do such an irrational thing?" Li Zedao nodded and said, "So they must Had a hand to beat Stevenson."

"Oh, my dear, what do you mean, they will use despicable means?" Alice frowned, "This attack was done by their father and son? After all, if Stevenson is dead, his trump card It's free, and then De Sapp's chance to get the little ace will come."

Li Zedao shook his head with a smile and said, "I don't think it's their father and son. If they really did it, they don't need to visit Stevenson tonight tonight, and they can continue to plan the next attack."

"In addition, I don't think they will use despicable means. After all, Mr. Gurney, the chairman of the Gambling United Association, and several council members will supervise the battle on the spot. From their point of view, if De Sapp and his son still use despicable means, That would be really brain-dead... Also, they were too public and high-profile. Once they left, they let this gambling battle spread throughout the world. This shows that they have the confidence to win, that is to say, Germany Sapp's gambling skills have surpassed Stevenson's, at least they think so."

Alice's expression was slightly moved. The gambling skills of the king of gamblers holding the king of hearts are better than those of the god of gamblers holding the ace of hearts, which is really unbelievable.

Li Zedao smiled and continued: "However, Stevenson doesn't think about this, because he thinks he is a god, and a god will only lose to a god who is better than him. How can he lose to a mortal?"

"Oh, do you want to remind him friendly?" Alice asked.

Li Zedao shook his head: "It's useless, even if the matter is right in front of his eyes, he won't believe it's true."

Alice smiled charmingly, stretched out her hand and put her arms around Li Zedao's neck: "Oh, then leave him alone..."

"It's up to you." Li Zedao smiled wryly, "It's fine for him to lose this betting battle, but he can't die."

Li Zedao didn't even have time to take back what his master gave him.

At this moment, a conversation between a man and a woman came from the invisible earphones plugged into Li Zedao's ears, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised in a very strange way.

The US version of Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian are going to start plotting to murder Wu Dalang!

At the same time, in another luxurious room, Philip was sitting on the sofa, and the supermodel Caroline, who was about to become his stepmother, was sitting on his lap.

"Oh, dear Philip, I'm so worried. Do you think that old bastard will find out that we did it?" Caroline's big eyes were full of worry.

Philip's big hand lightly stroked Calori's exaggeratedly big buttocks, which had no sense of disobedience, and said with a cold smile: "You can rest assured that those people are still very professional. Well, even if they don't, they don't know the customer's information, but..."

Philip's tone became gloomy: "Those guys are really trash, they let the damn Stevenson escape... And what is the origin of that John? He really saved Stevenson? Stephen Why does Vincent attach so much importance to him? It's simply respectful."

Caroline frowned and shook her head, indicating that she didn't know either.

Although she is Stevenson's bedside person, she hasn't had time to sleep together yet, so naturally there is no way to get more information about that John from Stevenson.

"As for tomorrow's gambling battle..." Philip's face became even more ugly, and he squeezed Caroline's buttocks vigorously with his big hands, "I'm afraid that old Stevenson will lose."

Caroline's face changed, and she exclaimed, "Oh, how is this possible?"

Philip sneered, with wisdom in his eyes: "What's impossible? He's just a god of gamblers, not a real god! His extreme conceit and the madness of Tony and De Sapp have already decided the only one in this game. It's over!"

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