Caroline's expression was moved, but she still couldn't believe it. After all, Stevenson was the God of Gamblers holding the Xiao Wang playing card. How could De Sapp holding the Heart K playing card shake his position?

"He lost the little trump card, lost his halo honors, to be honest, I am very happy! But..."

Philip's eyes were scarlet, and he gritted his teeth word by word: "My 500 million dollars!"

Caroline's eyes widened suddenly. Yes, if Stevenson lost the bet, he would have to pay 500 million U.S. dollars in addition to losing all his aura and honor as the God of Gamblers.

Caroline only felt that her heart was bleeding, which was unbearable.

"Maybe he can win and help us win 500 million dollars..." Caroline was laughing, but the smile was tight and extremely guilty. She suddenly realized how much she didn't believe what she was saying now.

"Lady Luck is already far away from him, and he will lose tomorrow's game." Philip shook his head with an ugly face and said. Damn Stevenson, why did he waste his money like that? That's $500 million, not $50,000...not even $50,000! It seemed to Philip that all this belonged to him, not to Stevenson.

"Then... what should we do now? Stop this gamble?" Caroline asked a little at a loss. The money belonged to her and Philip, how could it be possible to watch Stevenson "give" it to Desap?

"Stop... oh yes, we should stop this game," said Philip with a sullen face.

Caroline pondered for a moment: "Should I... persuade him? Persuade him to cancel this bet?"

"Oh, dear Caroline, what you're doing is undoubtedly very stupid. If you try to persuade him, he will lose his temper and maybe beat you." Philip shook his head.

"Oh, Philip, what should we do then?" Caroline said anxiously.

"As long as he sees God, there will naturally be no way for this huge situation to continue." Philip's eyes flashed with a strange look, and he smiled cruelly.

Caroline's eyes widened suddenly.


After Stevenson finished talking with Shabert Beckham about the preparations for the wedding the day after tomorrow, he personally sent Shabert Beckham back to the room, said good night, and returned to his study to prepare for practice. Some gambling techniques, this is a habit he has developed for many years,

Before going to bed, you must touch the poker cards and the dice, otherwise, he will not be able to sleep.

However, when he opened the door of the study and walked in, he was shocked to find a black figure sitting on the crocodile leather chair in front of the desk that belonged to him.

"Good evening, Mr. Stevenson." Heiying looked at him with a smile and said.


Stevenson stared at the pure platinum sheet on the table that was inlaid with gemstones and printed with the pattern of "Little Wang". He stretched out his uninjured left hand and stroked it lightly, but his brows were tightly wrinkled. Together, I don't know what to think.

"Bang bang..." There was a knock on the study door.

Stevenson took a deep breath and called, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and the loyal butler Keira came in, came to him, nodded and said, "Mr. Stevenson."

Stevenson looked up at Kayla and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Master Philip has something very important to discuss with you, but his foot is injured, so he can't come to your study, so he specially asked me to invite you over." Keira said.

Stevenson nodded, picked up the little king poker card on the table that symbolized the identity of the God of Gamblers, and carefully put it in the drawer, then stood up and walked towards the door.

With skill, the hand of the loyal housekeeper Keira slowly raised up in white gloves.

Stevenson's body stiffened suddenly, and he turned his head slowly. The originally rosy face had turned pale, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

As for Keira, she still had a very respectful expression on her face, as if nothing had happened.


The room of Li Zedao and Alice was knocked lightly.

Alice walked over and opened the door, and saw Keira, the housekeeper of the villa standing outside, nodding her head.

"Good evening, Miss Beyoncé." Kayla greeted respectfully.

"Good evening, Mr. Housekeeper, what's the matter?" Alice asked with a slight smile.

"Oh, it's like this. Mr. Stevenson has something very important to say to you, Miss Beyoncé, and Mr. John, so let me invite you two to his study." Keira said.

"Oh, that's right." Alice nodded, looked back at the bed and said with some embarrassment, "But John has already fallen asleep, he was really exhausted today, he fell asleep after lying down without taking a bath, Besides, his temper is not very good, if he wakes him up, he will lose his temper with me, so..."

"Oh, it's okay, then you don't have to disturb Mr. John's rest." Keller said, "You did the same in the past, just talk to Mr. John when you come back."

"Oh, that would be great, I'll go with you right now." Alice smiled.

After following Keira to the door of the room, Keira knocked on the door, then gently pushed the door open, and then made a gesture of invitation to Alice.

Alice smiled and nodded, walked in immediately, and then Keira closed the door gently again, as if she was afraid of overhearing their conversation.

And when Alice walked in, her eyes fell on the floor, her brows were already tightly wrinkled, but she saw Stevenson lying in a pool of blood, and his back was deeply inserted into it. A dagger, right up to the hilt, with eyes wide open, as if he was dying.

At the same time, the door of the room was pushed open, and Kayla walked in.

Alice looked back at him, but she frowned even more. She suddenly realized that she had fallen into a certain situation.

And Keira looked at Alice with an ugly expression, but asked respectfully as she walked forward: "Miss Beyoncé, what's wrong with you..."

Then he saw the corpse on the ground, and his eyeballs widened suddenly, with a look of horror on his face.

"Oh, my God, how did this happen? Mr. killed Mr. Stevenson..." He yelled in horror, while pressing the alarm on the wall, and the whole manor was instantly blared .

"You actually killed Mr. Stevenson!" Keira roared as if she wanted to fight Alice desperately, "Oh, God, you vicious woman, why did you kill Mr. Stevenson?"

An extremely cold wart appeared on the corner of Alice's mouth and said, "You killed it, right?"

"Oh, you vicious woman, I don't know what you're talking about..."

At the same time, there were loud footsteps, and Philip, who was limping on one leg, and Caroline, who was panting, broke into the room accompanied by a large group of bodyguards.

After seeing Stevenson's tragic death, Philip had a cryptic sneer at the corner of his mouth, but at the same time he said as if he wanted to fight Beyoncé desperately: "Oh, God, you vicious woman , you actually killed my father..."

Caroline burst into tears directly: "Oh, could this happen? How could this happen?"

Immediately, he even rushed to him and hugged him regardless of blood or not, crying bitterly.

Seeing this man and woman calling her a murderer as soon as they came in, and such a clumsy performance, the corners of Alice's mouth twitched slightly, but there was no hint of panic in her eyes, but full of playfulness.

The siren rang loudly in the manor, which naturally woke up Philip and Caroline's friends, and they rushed to Stevenson's study one after another. When they saw the man with the knife stuck in his back on the ground After Stevenson's body, there were extremely shocked expressions on their faces. They never expected that Stevenson would be killed in their own manor, which was simply unbelievable.

"Catch this murderer." Although Philip was overjoyed in his heart, there was just the right amount of grief and anger on his face!

"Oh, I'm not a murderer, I didn't kill Mr. Stevenson." Alice shook her head and said.

Philip sneered in his heart, of course I know you didn't kill it, but someone has to be the murderer, right? Aren't you the best candidate now?

Immediately roaring: "Catch it first and slowly investigate whether it was you who killed it. If it wasn't you, naturally I wouldn't embarrass you. If you killed it, then you will pay a heavy price for it! And your boyfriend John, he can't escape the guilt!"

Alice shrugged her shoulders and said helplessly, "Oh, I really didn't kill anyone. If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Stevenson..."

"..." Everyone was amused by this shameless woman, thinking that Mr. Stevenson has already been killed by you, how can we ask him?

"Ah..." Caroline yelled in surprise, she had already let go of Stevenson's body, and she jumped up, her body trembling violently, and the expression on her face was no different from seeing a ghost.

Then, except for Alice, the expressions of the other people at the scene were not much better than Caroline's, because...they really went to hell!

Especially Philip and Keira, their bodies trembled like chaff, they couldn't believe it was real.

I saw that Stevenson, who was supposed to be dead and couldn't die anymore, got up from the ground by himself. Not only that, but he also stretched his hand behind his back, grabbed the knife, and then In front of everyone, they pulled it up little by little.

The scene of blood spraying out like a fountain did not appear, and Stevenson, who was holding a knife in his hand, did not show any pain in his expression, and he even smiled.

"Oh, everyone, this is a trick I performed with Miss Beyoncé, just for fun." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"..." Everyone's expressions were no different from seeing pigs flying in the sky.

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