The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1210: A Chinese Sentence

"Scared you? Oh, it seems that this performance was very successful." Stevenson shrugged and smiled.

"It was indeed a success." Alice smiled and agreed.

"..." Everyone was trampled on in their hearts, especially the three masterminds, who were trampled millions of times.

Everyone calmed down, and then whoever took the lead started applauding, and then more people started applauding, expressing that this was a very successful magic trick.

Philip, Caroline, and Keira turned pale. They realized that things were going to get worse. Although Stevenson was smiling, when he looked at them, his eyes were so cold, as if Like sharp knives, they are cutting their flesh!

However, they had to raise their hands, and then clapped their hands weakly a few times.

After flattering Stevenson a few more times, the crowd dispersed. Those who should sleep should sleep, and those who should continue to protect the safety of this manor should continue to protect the safety of this manor.

Even Alice, the magician who cooperated with the performance, left.

Of course, Philip, Caroline and Keira were left in the study.

Like prisoners waiting for trial, they all looked at Judge Stevenson with tense faces and trembling bodies.

Philip is actually fine, because he still has luck in his heart, he can completely put all the blame on Keira, the housekeeper, even if he can't, as long as he is pitiful, he can't bear to kill himself after all, right? Who let himself be his son?

Caroline is very bad, whether she is having an affair with Philip or planning to murder him, either one is enough to push her down the abyss.

Keira's head was blank, he knew he was dead this time, because when he stabbed Stevenson's back with the dagger in his hand, Stevenson turned around and stared at him. He sees, so Kayla can't rely on it if she wants to. You can't say that Mr. Stevenson and I are just joking with you, can you? I'm doing magic...

What Kaila couldn't understand was that the knife was stabbed in, and the blood jumped out. His body fell down and twitched a few times before he died. Why is there nothing wrong now?

The smile on Stevenson's face had long since disappeared. With an extremely gloomy expression on his face, he didn't look at the three people, and walked over to close the door of the study, then looked at the bathroom and said, "Really?" Thank you, Mrs. John, for saving me once more."

Li Zedao walked out of the bathroom slowly,

Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "Mr. God of Gamblers, you are too polite."

Philip, Caroline, and Keira looked at Li Zedao who came out of the bathroom, and their expressions changed even more. This guy of unknown origin stayed in the bathroom from beginning to end?

In fact, after suspecting that it was Philip and Caroline who attacked Stevenson, Li Zedao secretly watched their every move, and then he received a call from Shadow, who said that Master had something left in Sri Lanka. At Stevenson's place, there is still a code sign "Heavenly King Gedihu, I am two hundred and five", as long as you say this sentence to Stevenson in Chinese, then Stevenson will know that the person who fetches the things is coming .

Under such circumstances, Stevenson cannot be allowed to die.

So at the dinner party, Li Zedao simply placed an invisible bug on Philip's body. In this way, he listened to all the conversation between Philip and Caroline. After that, he immediately came to Si Stevenson's study, and play their conversation to Stevenson.

Stevenson nearly had a heart attack after listening to the brutal conversation between his fiancée and his son.

At the moment, according to Li Zedao's suggestion, he did everything he could and acted out such a play!

"Mr. Stevenson, you can take care of your housework now." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I want to talk to you after you finish taking care of it."

"Oh, yes, Mr. John, please wait a moment." Stevenson nodded and said.

Li Zedao smiled, and sat down on the sofa, acting as if I was an outsider or a transparent person and didn't care about my existence.

Stevenson swept his eyes over the three standing there like knives, took a deep breath, and said, "Oh, you three... very good, really good...Philip, you It is my son, you are my only son, I gave you life, countless money, wealth and social status, in the future, everything about me will also be yours, I never thought..."

Stevenson was very distressed, and even felt that he had failed.

His son slept with his woman and gave him a green hat, and his son wanted to kill him. If this is not failure, what is it?

Education failed! Failure to be a human being!

"Father..." Philip said.

"Philip, you don't need to say anything. I probably know why you hate me so much. It's because of your mother?" Stevenson said with a painful expression, "Oh, God, although your mother died because of me, but ...For your mother's sake, I won't make it difficult for you, but I won't admit that you are my son anymore. You go, leave my manor immediately, and I will take back what I gave you Everything, from now on, I am no longer your father, and you are not my son!"

Philip's face changed drastically, and he left his father and this manor, which meant that the social status he had now would be far away from him.

"Oh, Father, you can't do this, I'm your son..."

"Get out!" Stevenson roared hoarsely, but his tone was very firm.

Philip stared at Stevenson with vicious eyes, and shouted: "Oh, fuck, Stevenson, you are shit, shit..."

"Prandt, knock him out and lock him up, lock him up!" Stevenson yelled.

Several men in black came in, knocked out Philip, who seemed to be in a mad state, and dragged him away.

Stevenson took a deep breath, and looked at Caroline, an incomparably obscene woman. He never thought that this woman who kept saying that she loved her would be so shameless that she would be so shameless with her son Philip. Get together, and want to kill yourself...

Caroline's trembling thighs could no longer support her body, and she fell to the ground. She looked at Stevenson in horror, her mouth was wide open, but she couldn't utter a word.

"You, go back to your room." Stevenson's voice was still hoarse, but the difference was that this time it contained extremely strong murderous intent.

"Otherwise, I'll kill you now!" he added.

Caroline was so frightened that tears came out, and she ran away from the study that made her feel extremely frightened.

Stevenson's eyes fell on Keira. The latter lowered his head, trembling and waiting for the fate to pronounce the verdict. Life or death depended on Stevenson's words.

"Kayla, I know why you betrayed me, because you owe a lot of money to the casino, and you need a lot of money urgently...I can save your life and help you pay back the money, but...the engagement ceremony does not need to continue Go down." Stevenson said grimly.

Keira took a deep breath, raised her head, looked at Stevenson with scarlet eyes and said, "Thank you, Mr. Stevenson, I know what to do." Then he turned and strode out of the study, and Close the door.

Li Zedao knew that the supermodel Caroline was doomed, but this was Stevenson's housework after all, and that woman was not a good bird, so he didn't want to worry about it.

Following Keira's departure, Stevenson looked extremely tired, and sat down on the sofa opposite Li Tedao who was sitting there with nothing to do with himself. His half-old face There is a lot of tiredness and pain.

"Mr. John, thank you again for saving my life." After calming down, Stevenson looked at Li Zedao who had been silently looking down at his fingers, and said sincerely.

Of course, just saying thanks in words is definitely not enough, so Stevenson felt that he should prepare a check with a large amount in a while to express his gratitude.

"Mr. God of Gamblers, you are too polite." Li Zedao raised his head and looked at Stevenson and said, "It's just that in your current won't affect the bet with De Sapp who has the king of hearts tomorrow afternoon. Bar?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter." Stevenson said, "Although such a sad thing happened, when I sit in front of the gaming table, these distracting thoughts will be eliminated by me in an instant."

Li Zedao nodded: "This is great, but... there is one sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Oh, Mr. John, tell me." Stevenson said very politely.

"I think Tony and De Sapp came prepared, so we don't know who will win the gamble tomorrow. You may be too optimistic about the outcome of the gamble," Li Zedao said.

"..." Stevenson frowned slightly. If it wasn't for the savior who saved his life twice before and after, Stevenson would have sneered back and even asked someone to come over Drag him out and beat him up.

Immediately nodded and said: "Oh, thank you, Mr. John, thank you for your reminder, I will concentrate on fighting tomorrow, and I will never underestimate my opponent."

Li Zedao smiled, who was he trying to deceive, don't think that I don't know what you said and didn't take it seriously at all, forget it, anyway, it's you who lose, not me... It's just the 500 million dollars... Well, even if he If you don't lose the 500 million dollars, you won't get it in your own pocket.

Thinking about it this way, Li Zedao didn't bother to care about his winning or losing. He smiled and said, "I will help you."

"Oh, thank you, Mr. John," said Stevenson.

Li Zedao pondered for a while and said, "Besides, I have another thing I want to tell you..."

Stevenson pretended to be listening carefully.

"I want to say this sentence in Chinese."

"...Chinese language...Oh, no problem, I have learned Chinese language before, so I should be able to understand it a little bit." Stevenson nodded and said.

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