The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1214 The Surprising Truth Part 1

Li Zedao took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down before continuing to look down.

"So, you can compare this safety buckle to all kinds of cosmetics for women. After putting on makeup, it looks like a flower... oh, it's still like a flower, but at least her face can be seen a little bit, but after paying The painful price is that those chemical ingredients will corrode your skin bit by bit and poison you. To put it bluntly, you have not become younger and better-looking. This is a false appearance in front of others! When one day you remove your makeup After reading it, you will find that you are the advanced version of Ruhua..."

Li Zedao's nose became even more sore. He couldn't imagine that a master who looked so awesome, as if there was nothing he couldn't do, would be so desperate.

Yes, despair! From the lines, what Li Zedao felt was that kind of extremely strong despair and helplessness.

"Every safety buckle is actually a double-edged sword. Although it can bring you heaven-defying skills, the other side will bring you fatal injuries. For example, the yellow safety buckle can make you 100 The poison does not invade, but it will make you completely lose your fertility. For example, the blue safety button will make you have a super sixth sense, but the side effect it brings is... oh, this has not been studied yet come out."

"..." Li Zedao's heart continued to be trampled by the grass mud horse.

"The sixth story is called "The Story of Leftovers". As I have already said, Yanhuang divided the multicolored stones into five parts according to their colors, and polished them into five identical safety buttons. Naturally, something will be produced during the polishing process. , That's leftovers! Don't underestimate these humble leftovers, because the anti-sky skills possessed by Pingankou also have leftovers! It's just that these leftovers are probably scattered all over the world now, mixed with those inconspicuous stone garbage. Together, it looks so inconspicuous."

"Remember when I asked you to stick out your tongue and let me see that scene in Amsterdam? Back then when you said you weren't poisoned, I knew you probably accidentally ate it in the desert A mouthful of sand, so just right, there is a scrap of the yellow part of the multicolored stone in the sand, and then the scrap is integrated into your tongue! So, I let the shadow tell you that you have completely lost your fertility in this life."

"..." Li Zedao's heart was trampled by the mud horse again, and he really wanted to cry without tears. It's good to be able to eat rat poison as a meal, but wouldn't that kind of sequelae be too deceitful?

Li Zedao remembered that in the desert that day, the island devil and Alice threatened the life of Lin Susu's father, Lin Zisen, and after forcing him to take a medicine, he was directly poisoned. He felt as if his body was burned by fire. As if roasted, his face was red and his ears were red, his body suddenly rose, and he felt abnormally uncomfortable.

After that, he was even more dizzy, his lips were suddenly dry and cracked, and the moisture in his body seemed to be drained suddenly.

Then "Plop!", and the whole person was already lying upright on the cold sandy ground.

At that time, his face was on the ground, his mouth was wide open, so he took a big mouthful of yellow sand, presumably at that time there happened to be scraps of the yellow part of the multicolored stone in the yellow sand, right?

So after that, he was miraculously not poisoned and came back alive.

How could Li Zedao have guessed that, in fact, when he bought the treasure map of the sand thief king Abdullah on the 22nd floor of the Cairo Hotel, the piece that the seller gave was said to be his grandfather's grandfather's grandfather... In short, several Grandpa... When he went to Huaxia, he was bitten by a poisonous snake while passing a certain high mountain, and then he was rescued by a Chinese god, and he gave him a stone, saying that the stone could be invulnerable to all poisons, and then he died for a generation. Passed down from generation to generation and finally passed on to him...

That old fairy is actually Chen Tuan! That unremarkable yellow stone is a scrap left over from polishing the yellow safety buckle!

"The seventh story is called "The Story of the Most Handsome Guy in the World and Master Huang"..."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, without even thinking about it, he knew that the so-called number one handsome guy in the world must be his master, and only he could be so cheeky thinking that he was the number one handsome guy in the world, Li Zedao didn't dare to think that he was the number one guy in the world A handsome guy, at most he is the most handsome guy in China.

But who is this Huang Ye? Is it related to the series of encounters that happened to me?

"It is said that there used to be an old man who looked benevolent on the surface but was extremely cruel and vicious in his heart. He was called Lord Huang. The greatest wish of this Lord Huang was to live forever! He accidentally learned that taking the liver of a three-year-old child as raw material The Immortality Pill that was formed can make him immortal..."

Li Zedao's eyes widened all of a sudden, Immortal pill? Some time ago, there was a lot of rumors in a certain circle in Yanjing, saying that the master took the immortality pill made from the liver of a three-year-old child, so that he was able to stay young forever?

"So, he sent one of his subordinates who are good at using Gu poison to start killing three-year-old children! It's just that not just any three-year-old child's liver can make immortal pills, and the conditions are extremely strict. That child It is necessary to live in the breath of dragon energy from birth to the third birthday, and the child must also be born with Yang veins... Living in the breath of dragon energy is easy to understand, Yanjing is the capital of emperors , naturally there is the existence of dragon energy, as for the innate yang vein...don't ask me, I don't know either."

"..." Li Zedao's heart began to be trampled by grass mud horses again, why does Master always do this?

"So at that time, there were several accidents where three-year-old children died in Yanjing... These children either accidentally fell to their deaths, or died in the fire, and all of them were treated as accidents without exception! Afterwards, the most handsome guy in the world... oh, that is, your master, I was born out of nowhere, and he discovered something was wrong. Later, he dissected the corpses of those three-year-old children and found one thing in common, that is, their A small piece of the liver was removed, thus shattering Huang Ye's vicious methods!"

Li Zedao's expression changed, and he felt that his breathing was about to stagnate. It turned out that it was not the master who tried to take such a vicious elixir of life, but this Huang Ye...

But what Dongfang Bubai said is that it was the master who refined the elixir of life in this way, and even the master succeeded, so now he can stay young forever.

It was even Grandpa Shangguanwen who knew the secret, that's why Grandpa Shangguanwen was secretly murdered by Master with some kind of Gu poison!

Only then did my father decide to take revenge and the series of encounters that happened to me!

What exactly is going on?

From an emotional point of view, Li Zedao naturally believes that what the master said is true, so the father and son Dongfang Buqun and Dongfang Bubai are naturally lying, so the so-called grandfather's letter is probably forged, right?

But my father believed it, so Master said he was a self-righteous idiot?

And who is this Master Huang?

His thoughts were like turbulent waves, and Li Zedao couldn't wait to continue reading.

"After Master Huang's plan to refine immortality pills was destroyed by the most handsome guy in the world, he was naturally very angry. At this time, he learned from his subordinate who is good at tricking that there is another way to live forever. Then It is to find the tomb of Muwei Zhuang at the end of the millennium, and find the elixir he refined from the tomb that can make your internal strength break through the realm of returning to the original, and become the existence of a demigod, so as to achieve the goal of immortality... In Huang Ye's opinion, if someone can find the specific location of the tomb with such a map that has been passed down for thousands of years, then this person must be the most handsome guy in the world! So, he found the most handsome guy in the world and lied that it was one of his A friend who is engaged in cultural relics research asked me to help solve it. It is said that through this map, an ancient tomb can be found..."

Li Zedao frowned when he saw it, and felt confused. Master said before that Master Huang's vicious plan of using the liver of a three-year-old child to refine immortality was destroyed by Master, but why did Master? Didn't kill him? Even Master Huang went to him with a map? What's the matter?

"At that time, the most handsome guy in the world didn't know that the amiable and highly respected old man in front of him was Lord Huang, so he readily agreed..."

Li Ze said: "..."

"Because of this map, the most handsome guy in the world knows that he is Huang Ye. It turns out that Shang Guanwen, the president of Yenching University whom he has always called his grandfather, is actually Huang Ye..."

"..." Li Zedao jumped up on the sofa as if there was a hot spark on his buttocks. His eyes were wide open, his mouth could almost hold a tank of goldfish, and he even forgot to breathe!

After the whole person crashed for more than a minute, he gasped for breath!

Shangguanwen is Huang Ye? His great-grandfather, Shangguanwen, is Lord Huang? Is that Huang Ye who brutally murdered a three-year-old child to take his liver and planned to refine the so-called elixir? how so? This is too hard to believe.

Li Zedao had a splitting headache, he found that he seemed to be in a vortex, and if he was not careful, he would be swallowed up by the vortex and leave!

"That day in his office, I asked him, Grandpa, why are you Huang Ye... Even though I was 100% sure that he was the Huang Ye who did all kinds of evil and made trouble, I still couldn't believe it, because Huang Ye kept up with Shangguan's text. Here are two people who are inseparable from cattle and horses!"

"Who is Master Huang? He is the villain who slaughtered three-year-old children and used their livers to refine the elixir of life. He is the master behind Jiangzhou's 'Iron Triangle'. One of these three people is the underground world of Jiangzhou, and the other is The helm of one of the best large-scale comprehensive groups in the country, and the second in command of Jiangzhou... very powerful!"

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