The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1215 The Surprising Truth II

Li Zedao doesn't know what Jiangzhou's "Iron Triangle" is, but he can imagine how powerful Huang Ye was back then, and he can even guess how many crazy things he controlled these three people, otherwise the master would not read between the lines. It's full of murderous intent!

"In addition, Master Huang still has a way to drive a nail into the Shenlong organization. He even caused the Shangguan family, one of Yanjing's top wealthy families, to collapse instantly with a wave of his hand; he also had some rather outrageous relations with Miao Xue, the owner of the Miaomiao village. Collusion... In short, he has done too many outrageous but amazing things, and if he hadn't possessed extremely powerful abilities, he would never have done it..."

Drive a nail into the Shenlong organization? Now five traitors have appeared in the Shenlong organization, including Antarctica, and this organization, which is above any department, is even more fragmented, without any prestige at all, and facing the point of disintegration... Could it be that even though Master Huang is dead, he still has influence? power is still there?

As for the Shangguan family... the Shangguan family of Ji Yuemo's mother, Shangguan Mingyue? I heard from Ji Yuemo that the Shangguan family was the top family more than 20 years ago, but it suffered a big change later, so it declined, and even if it wasn't for Wang Zi, it might be divided up. As for what kind of great change has happened, Li Zedao has no way of knowing.

Didn't expect it to be broken by Master Huang?

"But who is Shangguanwen? He is the president of Yenching University. In the past, he was engaged in teaching and research. Although he has deep attainments in archaeology and economics, even so, among those who come from the top In the eyes of wealthy people, the principal of a university like Shangguanwen is really nothing, let alone in the eyes of Master Huang..."

"At that time, my heart was pierced, and I felt that I couldn't breathe smoothly. I stared at him tightly, and said word by word... You are Huang Ye! You are the one who created the Golden Lake King You are the Huang Ye who caused the bloody massacre in the restaurant; you are the Huang Ye who created the series of turmoil in Jiangzhou that killed hundreds of people, caused the Shangguan family to collapse overnight, and made Shangguan Aoki lie on the bed like a useless person. ..."

"In the end, he laughed, and the more he laughed, the happier he was, he was almost out of breath. In the end, his laughter became more arrogant and hoarse, as if a handful of sand was stuck there. Then, he asked me Tea or not, I said yes, and we sat down and made tea."

"Sit down and make tea?" The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently, and his heart was trampled by the grass mud horse again. According to the development of the plot, in the end, the decent hero meets the villain's boss, and it shouldn't be a dark day. The battle of flying sand and rocks lasted for three days and three nights. At the beginning, the decent heroes were defeated first, and at the last critical moment, an astonishing aura broke out and reversed in one fell swoop... How could it be to sit down and make tea?

Fight tea? Whoever loses will take a knife and stab himself to death?

"After drinking a cup of fragrant tea, he readily admitted that he was right, I am Lord Huang! He also said, you can do whatever you want,

He won't resist... oh, he won't resist..."

"In the end, I said, you should commit suicide... He nodded happily, and then injected himself with a sickness spell! He had a heart attack in the first place, and when the sickness spell hit, it directly killed him!"

"He asked me to make a choice before he died, whether to reveal his identity after his death and say that he is Huang Ye, or let him accept the memory of everyone as an official document... I chose the latter! I don't know Is this right or wrong, after all he has done so many outrageous things, he should accept the heaviest punishment, but... everyone is dead, what enmity can't be resolved? Or, I'm tired too..."

"It's just that when you appeared, I began to suspect... He was pretending to be dead in all likelihood back then, and he wasn't dead at all!"

"..." Li Zedao jumped up from the sofa again, and even the phone in his hand trembling almost fell to the ground.

Master Huang...or his great-grandfather Shangguanwen...isn't dead?

"So I spread the news very cryptically. I said that to enter Duanmuweizhuang's tomb, you must use five safety buttons. Those are the keys, and the safety buttons are in my hand..."

"Sure enough, several major forces are starting to move around. I also confirmed one thing. He really is not dead, because only he knows the so-called Duanmu Weizhuang, and only he knows what is in the tomb of Duanmuweizhuang!"

"Your father is a puppet, and all his stupid actions are led away by him, and you, kid, are also his puppet, but you are not as stupid as your father because you are heavily influenced by me It's so easy to control... He must have a headache now, right? Haha..."

"One day, you will definitely meet him. When the time comes, pass me a message and tell him... I bought a watch last year!"


The content of the document ends here, there is no more content!

Li Zedao sat there blankly, he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment.

anger? sad? Wronged? It's not anger, it's not sadness, it's not grievance... Maybe there are all kinds of emotions, so it's hard for you to describe his eyes now in words.

After a while, Li Zedao came back to his senses, pulled out the USB flash drive from the phone, and with a slight force of his hand, instantly crushed the USB flash drive that Master left him. File restored.

Walking into the bathroom, threw the debris into the toilet to flush away, then turned on the faucet, rinsed his face, looked at himself in the mirror, Li Zedao grinned.

Undoubtedly, the smile was ugly, but also undeniably handsome.

After leaving the study and returning to her own room, Alice greeted him and put her arms around his waist.

"Honey, I've put away your bathwater," she said.

"Help me take a bath and massage." He said, leaning his head on her shoulder, and said in a cheating manner, with a little tiredness between his brows.

Alice smiled charmingly: "Oh, of course."


As the God of Gamblers who once owned the big ace and then held the little ace, Stevenson naturally has enviable wealth and social status. A successful man with such amazing wealth and social status naturally has countless confidante .

His first wife, Karina, was Philip's mother. The two met when they were in college, and then entered the palace of marriage.

It's just that after getting married, Stevenson didn't hold back. It's common to fool around outside. Karina may or may not know, but the two are very affectionate from the outside world, and they often participate in some social activities together. You appear on various occasions.

And when Philip was seven years old, Stevenson, who was not a gambler at that time but also held the Q of Hearts poker card, clashed with others and was attacked. At the critical moment, Karina helped Stevenson He blocked a shot and died in the end.

Although Stevenson lived a rough life, he still loved his wife very much. After his wife died, he was also sad and decadent for a while, and more than ten years later, he did not marry again.

Until half a year ago at a certain banquet, he met the supermodel Caroline, and the relationship between the two was like dry wood and fire, which was ignited at once, and even reached the point of talking about marriage.

It's just that this Caroline is getting together with his only son, Philip, and put a green hat on his head. This is already unacceptable, and what makes Stevenson even more chilling is that No, Philip and Caroline even wanted to kill him, so that they could sit on the wealth he now possessed!

So Stevenson would never forgive Philip no matter what he said, no matter how much he spoiled him before. Even his own son would never forgive him, let alone Caroline.

A tiger's poison does not eat its son, so he naturally couldn't bear to kill his son, but for this bitch, Caroline, Stevenson really didn't intend to spare her life.

So he told Keira, who also betrayed him, that I can save your life, but there is no need for the engagement ceremony to continue.

Keira naturally understood what Stevenson meant. Stevenson wanted him to kill Caroline, and then he would give him a large sum of money to let him leave.

However, because tomorrow afternoon I have to have a gamble with De Sapp on the scene, which has already become an uproar and even called the gamble of the century, so Caroline will naturally have to live well now, and everything will wait until the end of the gamble Besides.

"Come here!" Stevenson, who was a little drunk after finishing a large bottle of whiskey, patted the sofa beside him and said. Just because I can't kill you doesn't mean I can't torture you! If he didn't give this bitch a good lesson, Stevenson felt that he would lose sleep tonight, and even more that God would never forgive him!

Kneeling hard on the ground, Caroline didn't dare to resist, she quickly crawled over, then stood up hard, and sat down at the position he designated.

Stevenson stretched his hand through her neckline, kneading her extremely proud chest with all his strength, looking at her expression that was clearly in pain but had to show comfort, said grimly : "I used to think that I would spend the rest of my life happily with you, but why did you betray me? Oh... Of course, it is not impossible to betray, but why Philip? Because he is young and I have All the future is his? Oh, you are an unscrupulous bitch..."

Caroline was in so much pain that she couldn't speak, and she even burst into tears. She looked at Stevenson with pleading eyes, hoping that Stevenson would forgive herself.

Stevenson understood her eyes, but they were full of sarcasm and coldness.

"Oh bitch, do you want me to spare you?" he asked.

Caroline nodded hurriedly, and pleaded softly with tears, "Oh, please, please forgive me..."

"Oh, no, I won't forgive you, and God won't forgive you, you just wait to go to hell." Stevenson said grimly.

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