The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1217 Ways to Win

In other words, Stevenson was actually not sure at all, so he bit the bullet.

After all, Desap's strength should not be underestimated. He was the second in flower cards, but he also defeated the first in flower cards. It's just that the poker cards are changed every three years, so he is still holding the king of hearts for the time being. In other words, his gambling skills are the best besides the gambling king, and he has even reached the level of the gambling king.

But Stevenson had to bite the bullet and confront him, otherwise he would definitely become a laughing stock in the future, and that damned rumor would make him unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life.

A voice came from behind.

"It seems that you are not sure of defeating the opponent."

Stevenson looked back at Li Zedao, nodded with a wry smile, and didn't want to hide anything from him. After all, not only did he save his life twice in a row, he was even an apprentice of the Hand of God, which made him have to Express your utmost respect.

"Yes, Mr. John, I really don't have the certainty of winning, but I can't back down. You know, the dignity of the God of Gamblers cannot be trampled on. The God of Gamblers can lose, but he cannot be insulted."

This is to suffer for face, and this face is too expensive, throwing away the value of the little trump card, there is another 500 million US dollars!

Li Zedao really felt sorry for the 500 million US dollars, and instead of giving the 250 million US dollars to De Sap, he might as well give it to himself.

"So, are you ready to pay Xiao Wang's poker cards and the 500 million dollars?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"..." Stevenson was helpless. Isn't this remark too embarrassing?

"Oh, no, Mr. John, I'm not necessarily going to lose, am I?" Stevenson said, holding back the anger in his heart.

First, he was hunted down and almost died, and then he found out that it was his woman and son who tried to kill him, and even, his woman and son were still together, and then that vicious bitch actually bit him A piece of meat, shot and knocked off one of his ears, and then Tony and De Sapp were still provoking his authority as the king of gambling...

In short, there was a monstrous anger in Steven's body, but he had no way to attack Li Zedao, so he had to endure it desperately, but anyone could see that his expression was already very unhappy.

Of course, after saying this, Stevenson felt guilty for no reason.


No, you will definitely lose. "Li Zedao was very shameless, and said in a very firm tone, "Even if both of your hands are not injured, you don't have much chance of winning, let alone your hands are injured. "

Stevenson continued to speak bluntly: "Mr. John, I really don't think I will lose..."

"Mr. God of Gamblers, you are already guilty, aren't you?" Li Zedao smiled, "Your heart has been telling you that the situation is not good this time, but your pride and honor tell you that De Sapp is A lunatic, even if his hands are injured, he can win him..."

"Mr. John, I'm very sorry. Excuse me. I think I have to go back to my room and change into clean clothes to rest for a while. My servant will treat you and Chabert well instead of me..." Stevenson was very polite said, but his face obviously darkened, he nodded towards Chabert Beckham, and turned around to leave.

Li Zedao looked at his back, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Mr. God of Gamblers, maybe I have a way to let you win the game in the afternoon."

Stevenson stopped suddenly, turned around and stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, and said in a low voice, "Oh, Mr. John, what did you say?"

"I said, I might have a way for you to win the bet with De Sapp this afternoon." Li Zedao said.

Stevenson was stunned for a moment, his expression suddenly surprised, and then he said apologetically: "Oh, I'm really sorry, Mr. John, I just had a bad attitude because I was in a bad mood, I hope you don't take it to heart, I I sincerely apologize to you... what do you think I should do?"

Stevenson couldn't help but not believe it, because John is an apprentice of God's Hand. Although John said before that God's Hand never taught any gambling skills, who knows if this is true?

"Mr. God of Gamblers, I won't take it to heart... But you really don't have the confidence to win that betting battle, otherwise why would you react so strongly to what I said?" Li Zedao laughed.

"..." Stevenson had the urge to turn around and leave, but reason restrained the urge.

Money is just a number to him now, as long as he has the title of God of Gamblers, he will not worry about running out of money, so compared to the 500 million betting money, he cares more about the little king poker card in his hand.

Stevenson felt that the so-called method Li Zedao said was to let him play instead of him, and if Mr. John had more than 80% of the hand of God's level, then it would be no problem to defeat De Sapp!

"Okay, Mr. Stevenson, what are you betting on this afternoon?" Li Zedao waved his hand and asked.

"Dice." Stevenson said quickly.

"Compared to points?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, yes, it's bigger than the number of points." Stevenson said, "In fact, some games in the afternoon are divided into two games, but the two games are compared with dice. The first game is about the size of the number of points. Five hundred million U.S. dollars; as for the second time, the bet is to listen to dice, with six dice in each hand to listen to dice, the one with the closest number wins, and the bet is the honor of both parties..."

Stevenson felt that he was really unlucky, because the game in the afternoon was divided into two, so even though his left and right hands were injured, he lost to De Sapp in points, but he thought he was in the second place. Gambling on his ability to win De Sapp, this is equivalent to spending 500 million to destroy De Sap. It is a bit expensive, but worth it!

But unexpectedly, his left ear was knocked out by Caroline's damned *, which seriously affected his hearing, so what a fart it is.

"Listen to dice?"

"Wait, you said... listening to dice? What is that?" Li Zedao was a little dazed

Stevenson's face changed, and his heart turned cold. Oh god, doesn't he know what a dice is?

That is to say, the method he mentioned wasn't that he took part in the gambling battle in the afternoon instead of himself, so what was it?

Cheating? Oh, God, when the time comes, Mr. Gurney and other extremely directors will come to watch the betting battle live. How can it be possible or how can it be possible to stand in front of them? The eyes of those guys are all very vicious. Once they are discovered, it will not be as simple as losing the game and losing the little trump card and 500 million US dollars!

"Mr. John, don't you know?" Stevenson asked with difficulty.

Li Zedao shook his head: "I've never gambled before."

"..." Stevenson had the urge to turn around and leave again. He felt that he no longer needed to pay attention to what Mr. John was about to say.

Alice behind him helped Li Zedao explain: "Honey, the so-called listening dice means that the other party guesses the number after the other party has rolled the dice. Mr. God of Gamblers said that each hand has six dice. It means that each hand has six dice. Roll six dice, and then the opponent guesses the sum of the points of the dice you rolled, and the one with the closest point wins."

Li Zedao was a little dumbfounded, listen? That's okay too?

Li Zedao knows that when some people roll the dice, they rely on their own feel to roll the dice, but when they listen to the dice, they let others shake the dice and listen passively and carefully. to confirm their own guesses.

This kind of difficulty is too great, right?

"Mr. John, I'm really sorry. I feel very tired. I'm afraid I have to take a rest. Excuse me." Stevenson said.

"Mr. God of Gamblers, please wait a moment..." Li Zedao said, "I haven't revealed my solution yet."

"Oh, Mr. John, cheating is the most taboo thing at the gambling table, so I can't promise you." Stevenson shook his head.

"Cheating?" Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "Mr. God of Gamblers, you misunderstood, I didn't want you to cheat, I just wanted to ask you, is it okay to let someone else take your place in the game in the afternoon? "

"Oh, it should be okay to talk to that old guy Tony. For example, my students can play instead of me, but when they face De Sapp, they have no chance of winning at all." Stevenson was a little helpless Said.

He really wanted to say that only God's Hand can defeat De Sapp now, but how could God's Hand play instead of him? Even if the Hand of God is willing... Tony and Desap certainly don't want to!

"That's fine. From now until the end of the game, I will be your student... I will fight on your behalf." Li Zedao nodded slightly, and said with some embarrassment.


Both Shabert Beckham and Stevenson stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, with expressions like you were joking with me.

Stevenson was shocked because he knew that Li Zedao had no gambling experience at all, and he was not even a rookie in the gambling world, even better than a rookie. Under such circumstances, how could he have the nerve to say such a thing?

Shabert Beckham was astonished because John was his teacher, but now he became Stevenson's student, so wouldn't he become Stevenson's...disciple?

Alice looked at Li Zedao with an ambiguous expression. She knew that if Li Zedao was willing, it would not be difficult to get the ace of poker and become the God of Gamblers.

After realizing it, Stevenson shrugged his shoulders and said in a tone that did not offend the other party: "Oh, Mr. John, I think... well, you are really funny..."

"Mr. Stevenson, I'm serious." Li Zedao said, "Now you teach me how to roll the dice and listen to the dice, and then explain the rules to me clearly. In the afternoon, I will fight for you."

"..." Stevenson was dumbfounded again, oh, God, is he planning to learn now? It's too random, it's too crazy, it's too...playing him for a fool!

"But I have one condition..."

Stevenson's eyeballs widened, God, he still has conditions?

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