Li Zedao said with a look of embarrassment: "After winning, can the 500 million U.S. dollars that Desap needs to pay be mine?"


"Oh, Mr. God of Gamblers, if you don't speak, can I think that you agree with my proposal?" Li Zedao looked at Stevenson who was staring at him dumbfounded and said, "If that's the case, then trouble You should give Mr. Tony a call right away, saying that your injury is too serious to be able to attend the gambling battle in the afternoon, so ask your student John to gamble with De Sapp instead of you, of course, the chips will not change."

If Tony disagrees, then his proposal will naturally come to naught, and naturally he will not need to use dead brain cells to learn how to roll dice, listen to dice, and the rules of the casino.

Li Zedao was still very confident in his learning ability, so he uttered such absurd and unimaginable words to Stevenson.

"Oh, no..." Stevenson shook his almost mushy head, looked at Li Zedao with great difficulty and said, "Mr. John, are you serious?"

"Does Mr. Stevenson think I'm trying to make you happy?" Li Zedao asked, "Or, after I win the bet, Mr. Stevenson thinks I'm asking too much for the 500 million dollars?"

Stevenson quickly shook his head and denied it. If Li Zedao could win the bet, then what's the point of giving him 500 million? Even if he really wins Desap, Stevenson feels that he can give him an additional 200 million US dollars, but the point is... Stevenson really thinks he is just kidding himself.

"My learning ability is so strong that even I feel afraid." Li Zedao boasted, "So I think I will be able to master the skills very quickly."

"..." Stevenson looked at Li Zedao like he was looking at an idiot... Although he knew it was rude, he couldn't help it.

Li Zedao looked at the watch on his hand and said, "Believe it or not, you have a minute to think about it."


Stevenson looked at Li Zedao's face, and his expression changed a few times. Finally, he took a heavy breath, then nodded slightly and said, "Mr. John, please bet on this afternoon, please be sure to win!"

Although Stevenson felt that this was too absurd, he finally agreed. On the one hand, it was because of the words "Hand of God". On the other hand, Stevenson suddenly thought that even if Li Zedao lost in the afternoon, But my face will look better after all, after all, I didn't make the move myself, so it's only natural that I lose.

"Will do.

"Li Zedao said with a smile, his tone contained extremely strong self-confidence, he was extremely confident in his extremely perverted ability.

There are still six or seven hours before two o'clock in the afternoon, and he can completely master and master the gambling skills related to dice in these six or seven hours.


When the cell phone rang, Tony was enjoying a beautiful breakfast in his manor. A young, sexy and beautiful woman was kneeling under his crotch and was busy working while raising her head and staring at him with affectionate eyes. The room is extremely lewd-slutty.

Of course, like many rich men, this young woman was his new love, not his old love.

It was one of Tony's favorite tunes, and one at breakfast would brighten his day.

His son Desap didn't come out to have breakfast with him, or rather, Tony had long forgotten when was the last time their father and son sat together for breakfast.

From childhood to adulthood, De Sapp has always lived in his own world. He often shuts himself in his room, studies various gambling skills, and does not communicate with anyone. Even at the gaming table, he basically It was silent.

As for all his gambling-related affairs, Tony, his father, naturally helped him take care of them.

That night, while Tony was enjoying the touch of his new love in bed, DeSapp broke in, scaring Tony so much that he nearly became impotent.

Just when Tony was about to yell, Desap stared straight at Tony, the father, and said something coldly: "I can beat Stevenson..."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Tony froze for a moment, with a surprised expression on his face. Although his eccentric son looked so different, he never said big things. He said he could beat Stevenson, so now he really Possess the strength to defeat Stevenson!

This is the scene where Tony brought Desap to the door for an appointment!

But now, Stevenson's unlucky ghost has both hands injured, and even lost half of his ear, and his strength has been greatly reduced, so Tony's mood is even happier. The whole morning, the smile on his face It never disappeared.

The phone on the table rang.

Tony glanced at the phone, then looked down at the woman who was staring at him affectionately, smiled and panted and said, "Oh, honey, you can go deeper... oh, bitch... you Great, that's it..."

The buttocks twisted slightly, and then Tony picked up the phone called Zhenghuan, looked at the calling number, and then frowned.

It was Stevenson who called, and he figured it out after a while? He cancel the afternoon's gambling fight? Oh, and if that's the case, it's really not happy news.

"Good morning, Mr. God of Gamblers." After answering the phone, Tony greeted with a half-smile.

"Good morning, Mr. Tony..." Stevenson went straight to the point, "I think what you said on the phone before was right, my hand was hurt, and my ear was hurt, in this case You should have a good rest..."

"..." Tony's expression darkened, this damn guy has changed his sex? He is not such a rational person!

"Mr. God of Gamblers, are you break the appointment?" Tony asked with a sneer, "I called you twice immediately after I got the news early in the morning, but your attitude is so firm, that even if you Both of your hands are injured, and your ears are gone, and it will not affect your performance. It is very easy to defeat De Sapp, why didn't you arrive in half an hour, just like that..."

"Oh, Mr. Tony, you misunderstood, I did not intend to cancel the afternoon's game."

"Then what do you mean?"

"My injury was more serious than I imagined, so I hope my student John can replace me in the afternoon's betting battle with De Sapp." Stevenson said, "I think Mr. Tony should have no objection." Bar?"

Tony was taken aback: "Your...student? John?"

In his mind, he filtered all the people who were active in the gambling world, and he even filtered out the gambler with poker cards, but he didn't get any information about John.

"Oh, yes, his name is John. He has been receiving my secret special training since five years ago. Of course, although he has been working hard to train various gambling skills these years, he has not participated in any competitions, let alone Possesses any one of the special cards, so I guess Mr. Tony is new to him... but I can vouch for my personality that he has a very high level of gambling skills, which is enough to fight Desap."

"..." Tony frowned slightly.

A student of Stevenson's secret training? To be honest, Tony expressed doubts about what Stevenson said. He preferred to believe that Stevenson knew that he was invincible, so he invited a gambling master to pretend to be his so-called student to help him in the afternoon's gambling battle.

But think about it the other way around, what level is his son Desap? He is a super genius who can defeat Stevenson who owns the small ace, but who can defeat him except casually return the big ace to the hand of God of the Gambling Association?

Is this so-called student who received his secret training the Hand of God? Oh my God, this joke is off the charts.

Therefore, Tony decided that Stevenson went to the doctor in a hurry! In other words, he is now struggling the most to protect his face.

Now he smiled and said: "Mr. God of Gamblers, after all, you were seriously injured. It's understandable to let your student play instead of you, but the chips..."

At that time, if you refuse to hand over Xiao Wang's trump card because it was your student who lost instead of you, then I will not agree.

"Oh, everything else remains the same." Stevenson said, "If my student loses, I will hand over the little ace representing the identity of the God of Gamblers and pay De Sapp $500 million."

"Oh, Mr. God of Gamblers, I will tell Mr. Gurney about this, I think they will understand your decision, Mr. God of Gamblers." Tony said with a smile, "In addition, I am looking forward to the acceptance The performance of the students you secretly trained."

"You and Mr. Gurney will definitely not be disappointed." Stevenson glanced at Li Zedao and said. Undoubtedly, Li Zedao's calmness and strong self-confidence in his words, plus he is the apprentice of the Hand of God, all these infected Stevenson, and made him inexplicably start to look forward to it.

Maybe he is really the kind of top-notch genius, and he can quickly learn the gambling skills that others can only master after a long period of training.

After hanging up the phone, Stevenson looked at Li Zedao and said, "Mr. John, please come with me to the study, and I will explain to you the various ways of playing dice and the techniques involved."

Li Zedao smiled and followed.

"Miss Beyoncé, Mr. John, is he... serious?" Chabert Beckham looked at the back of the two leaving, and asked Alice very hard.

Alice shrugged her shoulders and smiled: "Oh, of course, I think if he wants, then he can easily become the God of Gamblers, just like if he wants, he can become the God of Riders, the God of Songs, and the God of Songs. Becoming a God of Cooking... Oh, he is still a god, in any field, he can become a god."

"..." Shabert Beckham was stunned.

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